196 research outputs found

    Urban public space between fragmentation, control and conflict

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    The article is focused on the different tendencies affecting urban public space in contemporary cities. It is based on a reflexion on some emerging themes in the recent debate in urban studies, paying particular attention to the approaches that emphasize the fragmentation of public space and the presence of control strategies, highlighting the function of tecnologies and material elements of built environment. The main thesis of the article is that public space, far from having become marginal in a context where virtual relations have a growing importance, is a field in which various types of dialectical tensions operate. In particular, at the one hand, in different contexts it is possible to recognize the presence of a complex strategy of domestication and control of urban places, linked to a process of commodification and privatisation. On the other hand many types of opposing practices and movements are also present, that propose an alternative project of use. In this framework, public space is both a place of confrontation between opposing tendencies and a stake, on which future city models depend significantly

    El Salvador verso la pianificazione di città e territori: un’esperienza partecipativa pilota a Santa Marta

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    Gli Autori descrivono un'esperienza di cooperazione allo sviluppo avviata nel 2008 da Psicologi nel mondo in un villaggio salvadoregno. Un progetto di ricerca-azione sui temi del benessere psicologico, il cui scopo è dar luogo a un'esperienza di pianificazione partecipativa realizzata in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Torino. Le riflessioni teoriche sul rapporto interdisciplinare tra psicologia e pianificazione si ancorano a uno studio di caso locale, la piccola comunità di Santa Marta, in un Paese, El Salvador, che spinge città e territori verso la pianificazione.The Authors describe a case of development cooperation that began in 2008 as an intervention of Psicologi nel mondo in a village of El Salvador. An action-research on psychological well-being, which generates an experience of participatory planning in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino. The theoretical reflections on the interdiscipli-nary relationship between psychology and planning are anchored in a local case study, the small community of Santa Marta, while El Salvador favors local programs of urban and spatial planning.Los Autores describen la experiencia de cooperación para el desarrollo que se inició en el año 2008 como una intervención de Psicologi nel mondo en una aldea de El Salvador. Un proyecto de investigación-acción sobre temas del bienestar sicológico que genera una experiencia de planificación participativa. El mismo fue realizado en colaboración con el Politécnico de Turín. Las reflexiones teóricas sobre la relación entre psicología y planificación se centran en el estudio de un caso, el de la pequeña comunidad de Santa Marta, en un País, El Salvador, que impulsa la planificación de la ciudades y los territorios

    Food, city and territory: some reflections from a socio-spatial point of view

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    Abstract The purpose of this article is to highlight the relationship among food, city and space by adopting a social sciences viewpoint. Since the 1990s, not only in sociology but in the social sciences in general, the level of attention given to the role played by space in the production of social phenomena has increased. To describe this trend, certain authors have coined the expression "spatial turn", which is analogous to the "linguistic turn" that influenced poststructuralist sociology (Warf and Arias 2009; Löw and Steets 2014). The definition of urban food policies, like production of a food product and distribution, the fact that it is more or less accessible and generates surpluses, and its transformation through an industrial process or its use for a domestic recipe, are processes that provide a good example of the interaction among biophysical, economic and socio-cultural aspects, in which all the geographical and climatic characteristics of the places where these processes take place play a role, as do cultural influences, the skills of the actors, and their power relations. In this article, the associations among food, city, and space are shown through the presentation of examples, highlighting certain of the principal topics, and clarifying how the numerous issues relating to food can lead to problems of a micro, mesa or macro nature. In our conclusions, we will stress the value added of the specialist perspective in the study of issues relating to food

    As relações líder-membro : caso UJES/Huambo

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos HumanosEntre as teorias da liderança ganhou-se especial atenção a teoria LMX (Teoria da relação Líder-Membro) que aborda a relação supervisores-subordinados, onde os primeiros manifestam uma tendência à segregação dos seus subordinados em in-group e out-group. Sendo essa tendência negativa para o desempenho organizacional, a investigação seguiu-se o objectivo de analisar as relações Líder-Membro e o seu impacto no desempenho individual e organizacional, centrando-se a investigação na Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos (UJES). Metodologicamente decidiu-se diagnosticar o estado da Teoria LMX na UJES e foram desenhados e aplicados três inquéritos, um deles respondidos por uma amostra de 40 supervisores da UJES e dois por uma amostra de 60 subordinados. Sendo o problema de estudo: Qual o impacto das questões relacionadas com a Teoria do Intercâmbio entre supervisor e subordinado, no ano de 2013 e 2014 na UJES? Foram definidas cinco sub-questões (SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, SQ4 e SQ5), que agruparam aos itens que respondem a cada sub-questão. Cada item do inquérito teve as opções de resposta: Discordo Totalmente (1); Discordo Muito (2); Discordo Parcialmente (3); Não Concordo Nem Discordo (4); Concordo Parcialmente (5); Concordo Muito (6); Concordo Totalmente (7). Partindo das características dos itens e das análises de frequência das respostas, foram calculadas as somas das respostas (1), (2) e (3)- consideradas como menos positivas, a soma das respostas (5), (6) e (7)1- consideradas como mais positivas. Ao predominar as respostas de mais positivas confirmaram-se as cinco sub-questões, destacando que tanto os supervisores como os subordinados observaram que existe segregação dos subordinados em preferidos e não preferidos; problema que afecta a confiança, ética, a motivação, o comportamento dos subordinados e portando o seu desempenho individual e o desempenho organizacional.Between theories of leadership gained special attention to LMX (Theory Leader Member relationship) theory that addresses the supervisors-subordinate relationship, where the first manifest a tendency to segregation of subordinates in in-group and out-group. This represent a negative trend to organizational performance, by that a research followed the aim to analyze the relations Leader Member and its impact on individual and organizational performance by focusing research at the University José Eduardo dos Santos (UJES). Methodologically decided to diagnose the state of the LMX Theory in UJES. Were designed and implemented three surveys, one answered by a sample of 40 supervisors and other for a sample of 60 subjects. Since the problem of study was: What is the impact of the issues related to the theory of exchange between supervisor and subordinate, in 2013 and 2014 in UJES? Were formulate five sub-questions (SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, SQ4 and SQ5), that grouped the items that respond to each sub-question. Each inquiry item had the response options: Strongly Disagree (1); Very Disagree (2); Partly Disagree (3); Not Agree and Not Disagree (4); Partially Agree (5); Very Agree (6); High Agree (7). Based on the characteristics of items and frequency analysis of the responses, we calculated the sums of responses (1), (2) and (3) - considered to be less positive, the sum of responses (5), (6) and (7 ) considered to be more positive. How dominate the responses of more positive, were confirmed five sub-issues, noting that many supervisors and subordinates observed that there is segregation of subordinates in preferred and non-preferred; problem affecting trust, ethics, motivation, and behavior of subordinates, carrying your individual performance and organizational performance


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    Entrepreneurship has been an increasingly discussed topic among individuals and individuals in sectors, thus being a research gift with the influence of the profile of entrepreneurship, business performance and leverage factors that have the creation of wealth indispensable for economic growth (GDP) in Angola. The research was carried out based on qualitative and quantitative data based on a questionnaire, and was used as a basis for the data collection on the municipalities of Huambo, Bailundo and Chicala-Cholohanga and Cachiungo. to analyze the results was a descriptive statistical analysis and a linear regression model, in addition to other statistical tests, such as correlation analysis and t-test. Results of the level the potential entrepreneur, the Performance of Business and the factors leverage players of the market urea positive on growth of Product in Portuguese Gross and consequently in Economic Development. External factors for a good entrepreneurial and business environment have a positive impact on GDP growth and consequently on Economic Development in Angola. As Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MPME's), one of the highest growth rates of the business fabric. The Angolan Government is encouraged to continue to develop in a way that prioritizes entrepreneurs as well as effective public policies.O empreendedorismo tem sido um assunto cada vez mais discutido entre pessoas e profissionais de diversos sectores, sendo assim, a presente pesquisa procurou compreender a influenciam do perfil do potencial empreendedor, desempenho no negócio e factores alavancadores que têm na criação de riqueza indispensável para o crescimento económico (PIB) em Angola. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa com obtenção de dados primários, cujo método de recolha utilizado foi um levantamento de dados aleatório e não probabilístico por questionário, no qual foram pesquisadas 64 empresas dos Municípios do Huambo, Bailundo, Chicala-Cholohanga e Cachiungo, onde para demonstração dos resultados foi utilizada uma análise estatística descritiva e o modelo de regressão linear múltipla, além de outros testes estatísticos, como análise de correlação e teste t. Conforme os resultados obtidos, o perfil do potencial empreendedor, o Desempenho do Negócio e os factores alavancadores do negócio têm uma influência positiva no crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto e consequentemente no Desenvolvimento Económico. Os factores externos para um bom ambiente empreendedor e de negócio tem uma repercussão positiva no crescimento do PIB e consequentemente no Desenvolvimento Económico em Angola. As Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (MPME´s) representam um segmento de grande relevância dentro do tecido empresarial. Encoraja-se o Governo angolano a continuar a desenvolver de maneira prioritária os empreendedores bem como políticas públicas efectivas

    La configurazione sociale dei diversi ambiti spaziali della città di Torino e i processi di mobilità residenziale

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    - Indice #3- Introduzione: il contesto e gli obiettivi della ricerca #5- Analisi della distribuzione di fattori problematici nel territorio comunale piemontese #7- La distribuzione spaziale della popolazine straniera #23- Zone problematiche e interventi integrati del Comune di Torino #27- La mobilità residenziale a Torino negli ultimi cinque anni #29- Appendice metodologica #7

    Olympic territorialization

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    Les méga-événements tels que les jeux olympiques attirent de plus en plusl’attention dans le débat relatif aux transformations urbaines. Leurs dimensions sont multiples ; leurs plus importants impacts sont sans doute ceux de nature spatiale. Ils sont l’occasion d’entreprendre une transformation urbaine extraordinaire en termes de structure interne, d’image et de compétitivité externe. À partir de l’expérience des Jeux de 2006 organisés à Turin, cet article propose une approche théorique pour l’étude de la territorialisation de méga-événements et du défi problématique leur legs.Mega-events, as the Olympic Games, receive an increasing attention in the debate about urban transformations. They have multiple dimensions but surely one of the most important impacts are the spatial ones. They are an occasion of extraordinary urban transformation, in its inside structure, in its image and in its external competitiveness. Moving from Torino 2006, this paper present a theoretical approach to study the territorialization of mega-events and the problematic challenge of the legacy

    La territorialisation olympique

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    Les méga-événements tels que les jeux olympiques attirent de plus en plusl’attention dans le débat relatif aux transformations urbaines. Leurs dimensions sont multiples ; leurs plus importants impacts sont sans doute ceux de nature spatiale. Ils sont l’occasion d’entreprendre une transformation urbaine extraordinaire en termes de structure interne, d’image et de compétitivité externe. À partir de l’expérience des Jeux de 2006 organisés à Turin, cet article propose une approche théorique pour l’étude de la territorialisation de méga-événements et du défi problématique leur legs.Mega-events, as the Olympic Games, receive an increasing attention in the debate about urban transformations. They have multiple dimensions but surely one of the most important impacts are the spatial ones. They are an occasion of extraordinary urban transformation, in its inside structure, in its image and in its external competitiveness. Moving from Torino 2006, this paper present a theoretical approach to study the territorialization of mega-events and the problematic challenge of the legacy