257 research outputs found

    Breeding birds survey in agrarian landscapes of Brandenburg – between species richness and poverty

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    For the assessment of biodiversity in agrarian landscapes (here in case of breeding birds) an effective, random sampling based monitoring approach was developed. It was practically tested in the federal state of Brandenburg in the years 2005 and 2006. The number of species at 1 km2 observation sites ranged between 5 and 41 (mean 22.2) and the number of reveres ranged between 21 and 217 (mean 80.3) in the whole Brandenburg above both the years. The enormous variation shows a high potential of species diversity and population abundance on the one hand and extreme poverty on the other hand. The species inventory demonstrates a narrow relation to landscape structure. Methodical experience of this special bird monitoring approach can be also used for creating new survey approaches considering other ecological variables in order to verify the effect of agri-environmental measures as well as to develop new agri-environment programmes at field and landscape level. The approach has proved its usefulness concerning ecological results as well as technical and organizional flexibility.Für die Ermittlung der Biodiversität in Agrarlandschaften (hier am Beispiel der Brutvögel) wurde ein auf stichprobentheoretischer Grundlage basierendes, geschichtetes, großräumiges Monitoring entwickelt und in den Jahren 2005 und 2006 flächendeckend in Brandenburg erprobt. Die Artenzahlen auf den 1 km2 Beobachtungsflächen schwankten zwischen 5 und 41 (Mittelwert 22,2) und die Zahl der ermittelten Brutvogelreviere/ km2 lag zwischen 21 und 217 (Mittelwert 80,3) im gesamten Bundesland Brandenburg über beide Jahre. Diese enorme Streubreite verweist einerseits auf ein hohes Artendiversitäts- bzw. ein hohes Abundanzpotenzial in den Agrarlandschaften und andererseits auf eine große Armut bestimmter Flächen. Die Artenausstattung zeigt eine hohe Bindung an die Landschaftsstrukturen. Die methodischen Erkenntnisse aus dem Brutvogelmonitoring weisen neue Wege zur langfristigen Erfolgskontrolle von Agrar-Umwelt- Maßnahmen und zur Ableitung von effizienten, zielorientierten Agrar-Umwelt-Maßnahmen auf den Produktionsflächen und im Landschaftsmaßstab. Der Monitoring-Ansatz hat sich sowohl hinsichtlich der ökologischen Ergebnisse als auch hinsichtlich der technisch-organisatorischen Durchführbarkeit bewährt

    Remote sensing and GIS based ecological modelling of potential red deer habitats in the test site region DEMMIN (TERENO)

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    Introduction: The destruction of habitats has not only reduced biological diversity but also affected essential ecosystem services of the Central European cultural landscape. Therefore, in the further development of the cultural landscape and in the management of natural resources, special importance must be attached to the habitat demands of species and the preservation of ecosystem services. The study of ecosystem services has extended its influence into spatial planning and landscape ecology, the integration of which can offer an opportunity to enhance the saliency, credibility, and legitimacy of landscape ecology in spatial planning issues. Objective: This paper proposes a methodology to detect red deer habitats for e.g. huntable game. The model is established on remote sensing based value-added information products, the derived landscape structure information and the use of spatially and temporally imprecise in-situ data (e.g. available hunting statistics). In order to realize this, four statistical model approaches were developed and their predictive performance assessed. Methods: Altogether, our results indicate that based on the data mentioned above, modeling of habitats is possible using a coherent statistical model approach. All four models showed an overall classification of > 60% and in the best case 71,4%. The models based on logistic regression using preference data derived from 5-year hunting statistics, which has been interpreted as habitat suitability. The landscape metrics (LSM) will be calculated on the basis of the Global Forest Change dataset (HANSEN et al. 2013b ). The interpolation of landcover data into landscape-level was made with the software FRAGSTAT and the moving window approach. Correlation analysis is used to identify relevant LSM serving as inputs; logistic regression was used to derive a final binary classifier for habitat suitability values. Three model variations with different sets of LSM are tested using the unstandardized regression coefficient. Results lead to an insight of the effect of each LSM but not on the strength of the effect. Furthermore, the predicted outcome is rather difficult to interpret as different units and scales for each LSM are used. Hence, we calculated the fourth model using the standardized regression coefficient. It harmonized the measurement units of the LSM and thus allowed a better comparison, interpretation, and evaluation.Conclusion: Our research reveals that applying a statistical model using coarse data is effective to identify potential red deer habitats in a significant qualitative manner. The presented approach can be analogously applied to other mammals if the relevant structural requirements and empirical habitat suitability data (e.g. home range, biotopes, and food resources) are known. The habitat preferences of red deer are best described by LSM concerning area-relation and wildlifeedge relations. Most important are edges between meadows, pastures or agricultural field and forest, as well as short paths between those elements for food resources. A large proportion of forest is important for species survival and positively influences the occurrence of red deer. Outcomes help to understand species habitat relation and on which scale wildlife perceives the landscape. In addition, they support the practical habitat management and thus the overall species diversity

    Preliminary Results on HAT-P-4, TrES-3, XO-2, and GJ 436 from the NASA EPOXI Mission

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    EPOXI (EPOCh + DIXI) is a NASA Discovery Program Mission of Opportunity using the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft. The EPOCh (Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization) Science Investigation will gather photometric time series of known transiting exoplanet systems from January through August 2008. Here we describe the steps in the photometric extraction of the time series and present preliminary results of the first four EPOCh targets.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 253rd IAU Symposium: "Transiting Planets", May 2008, Cambridge, M

    Development of a Protocol for Obtaining Biological Samples for Genetic Testing from Remote Individuals

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    Pharmacogenomic sequencing allows individuals to learn more about how they will respond to certain medications but requires shipping of a biological sample. One complication of sending biological samples to remote laboratories is stability. Blood generally yields sufficient quantities of high-quality DNA but requires a clinic visit. Saliva and buccal swabs are routinely used for DNA extractions, but the DNA quality is notoriously low due to the presence of bacteria in the mouth. Additionally, elderly individuals have difficulty producing enough saliva for testing, and the tubes contain several milliliters of liquid and shipping requires special considerations. Dried blood spot cards, which serve as an alternative to saliva and buccal swabs, yield high-quality DNA and ship easily, but may produce a lower yield. This project aims to determine which biological sample methods can reasonably be obtained from remote individuals

    Reliability of physical examination of the upper extremity among keyboard operators

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    Background Physical examination is a traditional outcome measure in epidemiological research. Its value as a reliable measure depends, in part, on the prevalence of positive findings. The purpose of this paper is to determine the empirical reliability of physical examination and anthropometry in a field study of upper extremity disorders among keyboard operators. Methods Two experienced examiners independently performed common provocative tests and procedures in physical examinations of the neck and upper extremity among 160 keyboard operators. Two additional examiners conducted anthropometric surveys among 137 workers. Inter-examiner reliability was assessed with observed agreement, kappa statistics, and intra-class correlations (ICC). Results Observed agreement was between 96% and 100% for neck and upper extremity signs, muscle stretch reflexes, and muscle strength, however, with the exception of provocative tests, reliability statistics were unstable. Among the provocative tests, Phalen and Tinel tests had modest agreement after adjusting for chance (Κ range: 0.20–0.43). The carpal compression test had the best reliability (Κ=0.60 and Κ=0.67, left and right side, respectively). The ICCs for anthropometry ranged from 0.36–0.91. Conclusions Results from the study showed that statistically, except for the carpal compression test, physical examination contributed minimal reliable information. This was attributed mainly to the low prevalence of positive findings, and generally mild nature of upper extremity disorders in this population. The results are the best estimate of what would be found in a field study with experienced examiners. While it may reduce bias, separating physical examination from medical history may contribute to the poor reliability of findings. With a shift toward reliable measures, resources can be allocated to more effective tools, like questionnaires, in epidemiological research of upper extremity disorders among keyboard operators. Am. J. Ind. Med. 37:423–430, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34820/1/12_ftp.pd