304 research outputs found

    Regional age structure and young workers' wages

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    This paper estimates the effect that changes in the size of the youth population have on the wages of young workers. Assuming that differently aged workers are only imperfectly substitutable, economic theory predicts that individuals in larger age groups earn lower wages. We test this hypothesis for a sample of young, male, fulltime employees in Western Germany during the period 1999-2010. In contrast to other studies, functional rather than administrative spatial entities are used as they provide a more accurate measure of the youth population in an actual labour market. Based on instrumental variables estimation, we show that an increase in the youth share by one percentage point is predicted to decrease a young worker's wages by 3 %. Our results also suggest that a substantial part of this effect is due to members of larger age groups being more likely to be employed in lower-paying occupations.In diesem Papier werden die Auswirkungen untersucht, die VerĂ€nderungen in der GrĂ¶ĂŸe junger Altersgruppen auf die Löhne junger Arbeitnehmer haben. Unter der Annahme, dass Personen unterschiedlichen Alters nur unvollkommen substituierbar sind, besagt die ökomische Theorie, dass Personen in grĂ¶ĂŸeren Altersgruppen, ceteris paribus, niedrigere Löhne realisieren. Wir ĂŒberprĂŒfen diese Hypothese anhand eines Datensatzes, der junge, mĂ€nnliche VollzeitbeschĂ€ftigte aus Westdeutschland in den Jahren 1999-2010 enthĂ€lt. Im Gegensatz zu Ă€hnlichen Untersuchungen werden allerdings funktionale statt administrativen rĂ€umlichen Einheiten verwendet, da diese die Bevölkerungsstrukturen innerhalb eines Arbeitsmarktes besser abbilden können. Unter Verwendung eines Instrumentvariablenansatzes zeigt sich, dass ein Anstieg im Anteil jĂŒngerer Altersgruppen um 1 % zu einem RĂŒckgang der Löhne junger BeschĂ€ftigter um etwa 3 % fĂŒhrt. Weiterhin legen die Ergebnisse nahe, dass ein betrĂ€chtlicher Teil dieses Effekts darauf zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist, dass Personen in grĂ¶ĂŸeren Altersgruppen eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, in niedriger bezahlten Berufen zu arbeiten

    Vergleichende biozönotische Untersuchungen ĂŒber Insekten an Laub- und Nadelfeldgehölzen in der Magdeburger Börde

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    There\u27s A Million Girlies Lonesome To-night (And Still I\u27m All Alone)

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    My Dream of the U. S. A.: Quartette Chorus

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    My Dream of the USA

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    VERSE 1A soldier in camp lay dreaming,Dreaming of his native land,He saw her noble statesmanAnd blood-stained heroes, grand;He saw her soldiers and sailorsAnd the boys in Blue and Gray;At dawn unto his comrades,These words I heard him say: CHORUS“I saw Washington cross the Delaware,I saw Stark ‘mid Mountains Green;I saw Warren fight at Bunker Hill,Andrew Jackson at New Orleans;I saw Davy Crockett at the Alamo,Taylor fight at Monterey,And all fought for our liberty,In my dreams of the U. S. A. VERSE 2At Plymouth he saw the landingOf the gallant Pilgrim band,He heard a bell ring libertyAnd freedom thro’ the land;O’er battle fields he wandered,Where her heroes fought and fell;Then turning to his comrades,These words I heard him tell. CHORU

    Cardiac Safety of Modified Vaccinia Ankara for Vaccination against Smallpox in a Young, Healthy Study Population

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    Background Conventional smallpox vaccines based on replicating vaccinia virus (VV) strains (e.g. Lister Elstree, NYCBOH) are associated with a high incidence of myo-/pericarditis, a severe inflammatory cardiac complication. A new smallpox vaccine candidate based on a nonreplicating Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) poxvirus has been assessed for cardiac safety in a large placebo-controlled clinical trial. Methods Cardiac safety of one and two doses of MVA compared to placebo was assessed in 745 healthy subjects. Vaccinia-naive subjects received either one dose of MVA and one dose of placebo, two doses of MVA, or two doses of placebo by subcutaneous injection four weeks apart;vaccinia-experienced subjects received a single dose of MVA. Solicited and unsolicited adverse events (AE) and cardiac safety parameters (recorded as Adverse Events of Special Interest, AESI) were monitored after each injection. Results A total of 5 possibly related AESI (3 cases of palpitations, 2 of tachycardia) were reported during the study. No case of myo- or pericarditis occurred. One possibly related serious AE (SAE) was reported during the 6-month follow-up period (sarcoidosis). The most frequently observed AEs were injection site reactions. Conclusions Vaccination with MVA was safe and well tolerated and did not increase the risk for development of myo-/pericarditis

    Resolution of the type material of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758 (Proboscidea, Elephantidae)

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    The understanding of Earth’s biodiversity depends critically on the accurate identification and nomenclature of species. Many species were described centuries ago, and in a surprising number of cases their nomenclature or type material remain unclear or inconsistent. A prime example is provided by Elephas maximus, one of the most iconic and well-known mammalian species, described and named by Linnaeus (1758) and today designating the Asian elephant. We used morphological, ancient DNA (aDNA), and high-throughput ancient proteomic analyses to demonstrate that a widely discussed syntype specimen of E. maximus, a complete foetus preserved in ethanol, is actually an African elephant, genus Loxodonta. We further discovered that an additional E. maximus syntype, mentioned in a description by John Ray (1693) cited by Linnaeus, has been preserved as an almost complete skeleton at the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence. Having confirmed its identity as an Asian elephant through both morphological and ancient DNA analyses, we designate this specimen as the lectotype of E. maximus

    The Lantern Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1933

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    ‱ Remember: Translation of Rappelle-toi by Alfred de Musset ‱ Lighting the Lantern ‱ Footfalls ‱ To a Lovely Lady ‱ The Sons of Martha ‱ Strategy ‱ Lumine Lunae ‱ Poetry in Retrospect ‱ Nirvana ‱ A Domestic Episode ‱ At Night ‱ Haman and Hitler ‱ This is What He Said ‱ Bookocracy ‱ Four Loves ‱ Cities and Personalitieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Sarcocystis Species Lethal for Domestic Pigeons

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    A large number of Sarcocystis spp. infect birds as intermediate hosts, but pigeons are rarely affected. We identified a novel Sarcocystis sp. that causes lethal neurologic disease in domestic pigeons in Germany. Experimental infections indicated transmission by northern goshawks, and sequence analyses indicated transnational distribution. Worldwide spread is possible
