862 research outputs found

    An empirical look at citizen co-production in Australia

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    Co-production – the contribution of time and effort to the delivery of public services by service-users and  citizens, prompted by or in concert with public sector organisations – is attracting increasing attention from governments and communities. The literature identifies numerous initiatives in the United States, Britain, Germany, Indonesia, Sweden and Latin America, with co-production reported in disaster management, social protection, economic affairs and education – among others.  Yet despite this interest in more than a few services, its ‘big society’ appeal, and the substantial scholarly endeavours devoted to it, there is still much to uncover about co-production. Large groups of co-producing clients have not yet been asked about what they actually do. This paper is a contribution to developing some answers. Drawing from a large-sample (1,000) survey of co-production in Australia, it looks at what co-producers do (in what kinds of services, and how often) and what motivates them to co-produce. It is part of a co-published Occasional Paper series from ANZSOG and the Victorian Public Sector Commission. &nbsp

    Quantum Field Theory of Nonabelian Strings and Vortices

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    We develop an operator formalism for investigating the properties of nonabelian cosmic strings (and vortices) in quantum field theory. Operators are constructed that introduce classical string sources and that create dynamical string loops. The operator construction in lattice gauge theory is explicitly described, and correlation functions are computed in the strong--coupling and weak--coupling limits. These correlation functions are used to study the long--range interactions of nonabelian strings, taking account of charge--screening effects due to virtual particles. Among the phenomena investigated are the Aharonov--Bohm interactions of strings with charged particles, holonomy interactions between string loops, string entanglement, the transfer of ``Cheshire charge'' to a string loop, and domain wall decay via spontaneous string nucleation. We also analyze the Aharonov--Bohm interactions of magnetic monopoles with electric flux tubes in a confining gauge theory. We propose that the Aharonov--Bohm effect can be invoked to distinguish among various phases of a nonabelian gauge theory coupled to matter.Comment: (82 pp

    Translation of Bernstein Coefficients Under an Affine Mapping of the Unit Interval

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    We derive an expression connecting the coefficients of a polynomial expanded in the Bernstein basis to the coefficients of an equivalent expansion of the polynomial under an affine mapping of the domain. The expression may be useful in the calculation of bounds for multi-variate polynomials

    Internal Frame Dragging and a Global Analog of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    It is shown that the breakdown of a {\it global} symmetry group to a discrete subgroup can lead to analogues of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. At sufficiently low momentum, the cross-section for scattering of a particle with nontrivial Z2\Z_2 charge off a global vortex is almost equal to (but definitely different from) maximal Aharonov-Bohm scattering; the effect goes away at large momentum. The scattering of a spin-1/2 particle off a magnetic vortex provides an amusing experimentally realizable example.Comment: (14 pp

    Planck-Scale Physics and the Peccei-Quinn Mechanism

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    Global-symmetry violating higher-dimension operators, expected to be induced by Planck-scale physics, in general drastically alter the properties of the axion field associated with the Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong-CP problem, and render this solution unnatural. The particle physics and cosmology associated with other global symmetries can also be significantly changed.Comment: 10p