57,192 research outputs found

    Learning Lessons from the Economic Crisis in Self-employment.

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    The main objective of this article is to test the hypothesis that the economic crisis has resulted in significant changes in the socioeconomic and labor profile of the new self-employed in Spain between 2008 and 2013. Additionally, it is intended to determine if there are homogeneous pro- files of new self-employed workers that allow to set clusters, and, if so, to check how these clusters have changed in the studied period. To verify the above-mentioned hypotheses, it has been carried out a descriptive analysis followed by a Cluster Analysis, using the Continuous Sample of Working Lives data. The research concludes that the economic recession has been accompanied by a fall in the number of new self-employed between 2008 and 2013, along with a significant change in their socio-demographic and occupational profile. There is also evidence of the existence of several clusters of self-employed, with heterogeneous sociodemographic and labor characteristics. The composition and features of these clusters evolved in parallel to the economic situation, showing an intense increase in the educational level and a reduction in the job stability between 2008 and 2013.post-print662 K

    Generating Knowledge in Popular Education: From Participatory Research to the Systematization of Experiences

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    "The article presents a revision of how popular education has integrated into its practices and reflections on participatory research. After a presentation of popular education as an educational movement and pedagogical current, the article develops a historical reconstruction of the relationship between these two, while offering a critique of the legacy and challenges of this kind of double education: research with an emancipatory perspective. The article ends focusing on the systematization of experience as an emergent research mode in the field of popular education. Although there are different approaches to systematization, all of them try to recover and interpret the meanings that manifest themselves in social practices, with the purpose of strengthening them." (author's abstract

    Assessing Energy Performance and Management Processes in Solar Photovoltaic Farms

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    La finalidad de la tesis es analizar cualitativamente los procesos de mantenimiento y gestión de las diferentes plantas fotovoltaicas, así como cuantitativamente los resultados de producción de energía solar y determinar las principales causas del funcionamiento actual. Los objetivos son realizar un análisis detallado de todas las características de cada instalación e identificar sus procedimientos de gestión y mantenimiento, recoger los datos de generación de energía y compararlos con un software y comparar los diferentes sistemas fotovoltaicos y aportar recomendaciones de mejora. Se utiliza una metodología para todas las instalaciones fotovoltaicas que incluye un análisis DAFO y una evaluación del rendimiento energético. Los resultados muestran varios puntos en común respecto a los principales problemas de las plantas fotovoltaicas, siguen el mismo patrón respecto a los ratios de generación de energía. Por último, se mencionan las posibles medidas de mejora a tener en cuenta para cada instalación.The purpose of the dissertation is to analyse qualitatively the maintenance and management processes of the different photovoltaic plants, as well as quantitatively the results of solar energy production and determine the main causes for the current operation. The objectives are to perform a detailed analysis of all the characteristics of every installation and identify their management and maintenance procedures, to collect data from energy generation and compare it with a software and compare different PV systems and provide recommendations of improvement. There is a methodology used for all PV sites including a SWOT analysis and a energy performance evaluation. The results show various commonalities regarding the main problems of the photovoltaic plants, they follow the same pattern regarding energy generation ratios. Finally, the possible improvement measures to take into consideration for each installation are mentioned.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Organización Industria

    "One sows the seed, but it has its own dynamics": an interview with Orlando Fals Borda

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    Nuevo centro Las Cruces: renovación urbana, capacitación y emprendimiento en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Trabajo de gradoEl proyecto nuevo Centro Las Cruces es una propuesta urbana y arquitectónica que presenta un cambio en la imagen de un sector tradicional del centro de Bogotá. Teniendo de base conceptos como el hábitat y la sostenibilidad el modelo de ciudad incorpora nuevos elementos arquitectónicos que delimitan un borde pretendiendo de esta manera cambiar la percepción de inseguridad, inequidad y pobreza no sólo de sus habitantes sino también del resto de la ciudad.PregradoArquitect

    Capture and updated information from farm ipad device connection with or without

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    El presente estudio busca aplicar técnicas para compartir información geográfica en la web y que esta pueda ser editada por un usuario que esta por fuera de la organización desde un IPAD para que luego pueda ser cargada a una base de datos corporativa mediante una conexión a internet. El proyecto se enmarca desde un proceso de identificación predial donde se hace necesario levantar información espacial de los linderos prediales, capturar y/o actualizar información alfanumérica asociada al predio como: Nombre, folio de matrícula inmobiliaria, cedula catastral, vereda, propietario, poseedor etc. Dentro del proceso de levantar información desde un dispositivo móvil por fuera de la organización hay que tener presente que hay zonas del país que no cuenta con conexión a internet en especial las áreas rurales por lo cual se plantea una metodología en la que se utilizan servicio para capturar información geográfica con conexión a internet o sin ella y que esta pueda ser actualizada a la base de datos corporativa después de un tiempo cuando se logre una conexión a internet. El estudio busca mostrar servicios que permiten agilizar los procesos, optimizar recursos y tiempos en proyectos que requieren captura de información en campo.This study seeks to apply techniques for sharing geographic information on the web and that it can be edited by a user that is outside of the organization from an iPad to then can be loaded to a corporate database via an internet connection. The project falls from a farm identification process where it becomes necessary to raise property taxes spatial information boundaries, capture and / or update information associated with the property alphanumeric as: Name, Folio property registration, cadastral cedula, path, owner, holder etc. . In the process of lifting information from a mobile device outside the organization must be remembered that there are areas of the country that does not have internet in particular rural areas for which a methodology is proposed in which service is used to capture geographic information with internet or wrongly and that it can be updated to the corporate database after a time when an internet connection is achieved. The study seeks to show services that allow streamline processes, optimize resources and time in projects requiring data capture in the field

    La fotografía en el noreste de México

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    Este artículo expone el camino que permitió la llegada de la fotografía al noreste de México, de la cámara oscura al daguerrotipo; de la primer fotografía tomada en México en 1839 apenas desembarcó el daguerrotipo en el puerto de Veracruz, a Eduard Wilder primer fotógrafo que llegó a Monterrey en 1842; los fotógrafos que vinieron con la invasión norteamericana de 1846 a 1848, primero a Matamoros, después a Monterrey y Saltillo; otros retratistas errantes tocarían el noreste como Cayetano Yzquierdo que se pensó era el primer fotógrafo norteño, pero Ricardo Elizondo descubre que arribó de Cuba, quedando Sabás Treviño como el primer fotógrafo local con las reservas de descubrir después que su apellido tan común en la región tenga otro origen; Nicolás Mauro Rendón, Desiderio Lagrange y Jesús R. Sandoval serían los fotógrafos establecidos en Monterrey con más prestigio entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX

    Bayesian Data-Driven Models for Irrigation Water Management

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    A crucial decision in the real-time management of today’s irrigation systems involves the coordination of diversions and delivery of water to croplands. Since most irrigation systems experience significant lags between when water is diverted and when it should be delivered, an important technical innovation in the next few years will involve improvements in short-term irrigation demand forecasting. The main objective of the researches presented was the development of these critically important models: (1) potential evapotranspiration forecasting; (2) hydraulic model error correction; and (3) estimation of aggregate water demands. These tools are based on statistical machine learning or data-driven modeling. These, of wide application in several areas of engineering analysis, can be used in irrigation and system management to provide improved and timely information to water managers. The development of such models is based on a Bayesian data-driven algorithm called the Relevance Vector Machine (RVM), and an extension of it, the Multivariate Relevance Vector Machine (MVRVM). The use of these types of learning machines has the advantage of avoidance of model overfitting, high robustness in the presence of unseen data, and uncertainty estimation for the results (error bars). The models were applied in an irrigation system located in the Lower Sevier River Basin near Delta, Utah. For the first model, the proposed method allows for estimation of future crop water demand values up to four days in advance. The model uses only daily air temperatures and the MVRVM as mapping algorithm. The second model minimizes the lumped error occurring in hydraulic simulation models. The RVM is applied as an error modeler, providing estimations of the occurring errors during the simulation runs. The third model provides estimation of future water releases for an entire agricultural area based on local data and satellite imagery up to two days in advance. The results obtained indicate the excellent adequacy in terms of accuracy, robustness, and stability, especially in the presence of unseen data. The comparison provided against another data-driven algorithm, of wide use in engineering, the Multilayer Perceptron, further validates the adequacy of use of the RVM and MVRVM for these types of processes

    Moral challenges of going to Mars under the presence of non-intelligent life scenario

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    Much is discussed what would be the ideal position in terms of our ethical treatment with respect to other forms of life, particularly those that can be discovered in other worlds, in addition to our role in terms of the expansion of terrestrial life in the universe. This represents a great philosophical challenge, but what if we should make a moral decision in the face of the inevitable situation of being forced to colonize, for example, Mars? Is there a position in which we can feel safe to act legitimately? This paper tries to force us into a mental and conceptual exercise about what can really be worth beyond the concept or the positions we may have and analyse them in light of the practicality that decision making requires in this problem

    Disciplinary Challenges of Today Science

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    Actualmente estamos presenciando una serie de eventos que, más que problemas aislados o separados, están realmente interconectados, son complejos, con un contenido de variables que exceden el objeto de estudio de una sola disciplina científica o académica. Hablamos, por ejemplo, del problema ambiental, la salud pública e incluso la astrobiología (estudio de la vida en el universo). ¿Qué tienen en común estos y otros escenarios más que pueden llamar la atención sobre un nuevo enfoque para tratar problemas complejos? Antes que nada, debemos tener en cuenta que la ciencia es una herramienta; como tal, requiere que la filosofía sea capaz de comprenderse a sí misma. Por lo tanto, palabras como el paradigma o la falsificación de la ciencia, si bien es cierto que nos ayudan a comprender el proceso y la evolución del conocimiento científico, no son definiciones estrictas que surgen del método científicoWe are currently witnessing a series of events that, more than isolated or separate problems are actually interconnected, complex, with a content of variables that exceed the object of study of a single scientific or academic discipline. We talk about, for example, the environmental problem, the public health, and even astrobiology (study of life in the universe). What do these and other more scenarios have in common that can draw attention to a new approach of dealing with complex problems? First of all, we must bear in mind that science is a tool; as such it requires philosophy to be able to understand itself. Hence, words such as paradigm or falsification of science, although it is true they help us to understand the process and evolution of scientific knowledge, are not strictly definitions that come out of the scientific method, but rather it is philosophical terminology