975 research outputs found

    State-Uncertainty preferences and the Risk Premium in the Exchange rate market

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    This paper introduces state-uncertainty preferences into the Lucas (1982) economy, showing that this type of preferences helps to explain the exchange rate risk premium. Under these preferences we can distinguish between two factors driving the exchange rate risk premium: “macroeconomic risk” and “the risk associated with variation in the private agents’ perception on the level of uncertainty”. State-uncertainty preferences amount to assuming that a given level of consumption will yield a higher level of utility the lower is the level of uncertainty perceived by consumers. Furthermore, empirical evidence from three main European economies in the transition period to the euro provides empirical support for the modelForecasting, subspace methods, combining forecasts.

    Assessing strength and power in resistance training

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    Maximal Dynamic Strength is usually assessed either by the one repetition maximum test (1-RM) or by a repetition maximum test with submaximal loads, which requires the application of a formula to estimate the value of 1-RM. This value is needed to establish the objective of resistance training: such as maximum strength, endurance strength, and/or explosive strength. However, both 1-RM and submaximal tests are unable to highlight the changes produced on power and velocity. This manuscript summarizes and reviews several common strength testing protocols and proposes a novel approach that may offer greater insight to hierarchical muscle functionalit

    Injuries and pathologies in beach volleyball players: A systematic review

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    The aim of this paper is to review the available literature published on injuries and pathology in beach volleyball. The databases consulted were the Web of Sciende and Pubmed. After establishing the criteria for selection and filtering, a total of 32 articles were selected. All items found can be classified into four research lines. First are the studies focused on specific injuries such as shoulder, shoveling, knee and foot. The second line of research focuses on the study of the incidence, prevalence and frequency of injuries of beach volleyball players, whereas the third line deals on infections reported in the literature produced by nematodes or fungi. Finally, the last line of research includes articles addressing different objectives related to health such as the effects of training programs related to injuries, influence of weather conditions on the players, as well as publications for validation of assessment instruments or develop of guidelines and protocols for the evaluation and diagnosis of injuries

    Actividad de los bloqueadores durante el Campeonato de Europa Universitario de vóley playa

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    In this paper, we present a study of blocker’s activity in university beach volleyball players. A total of n=1166 blocking actions were analyzed from 24 European men's teams at the Ninth European Beach Volleyball Championship EUSA GAMES. The analysis of the videos was carried out using the free software program LongoMatch v.0.27. Statistical significance of the comparison of systems was calculated using the Z test to compare proportions. Results showed that blockaders do not have a leading role in the Direct Intervention (DI) of the ball (37%, p<0.001). The most blocking actions were Line Blocking (LB) (46.9%), Net Exits (NE) (21.1%) and Diagonal Blocking (DB) (18.1%). When comparing periods of points (F1: 1 to 7, F2: 8 to 14, F3: 15 to 21), statistical differences (p<0.001) where observed between periods F1 and F3 for the most used blocking actions: LB, NE and DB. Finally, similar efficiency values were observed for the most common blocking actions (29.3% for LB and 23.2% for DB). Higher efficiencies can be found in less common defensive actions, such as V Blocking (VB) (31.4%) and Fighting (F) (34.6%).En este artículo se presenta un estudio de la actividad del bloqueador en jugadores universitarios de voley playa. Fueron analizados un total de 1166 acciones de bloqueo de 24 equipos europeos masculinos durante el Noveno Campeonato Europeo de Voleibol de Playa EUSA GAMES. El análisis de los videos se llevó a cabo utilizando el programa de software libre LongoMatch v.0.27. La prueba estadística aplicada para la comparación de las proporciones fue la prueba Z. Los resultados mostraron que los bloqueadores no realizan una intervención directa (DI) de la pelota (37%, p <0,001) como acción principal defensiva. Las acciones de bloqueo más utilizadas fueron Bloqueo en Línea (LB) (46,9%), Salidas de Red (NE) (21,1%) y Bloqueo Diagonal (DB) (18,1%). Cuando se comparan periodos de puntos (F1: 1 a 7, F2: 8 a 14, F3: 15 a 21), se observan diferencias estadísticas (p <0,001) entre los períodos F1 y F3 para las acciones de bloqueo más utilizadas: LB, NE y DB. Finalmente, se observaron valores de eficiencia similares para las acciones de bloqueo más comunes (29,3% para LB y 23,2% para DB). Se pueden encontrar mayores eficacias en acciones defensivas menos comunes, como V Bloqueo (VB) (31,4%) y Lucha (F) (34,6%)

    Defensive systems during the Men’s European University Beach Volleyball Championship

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    The analysis of performance in beach volleyball should consider the development of the set or game systems in connection with successful completion. In this paper, we present a study of defensive system in university beach volleyball players in order to determine the evolution throughout the set and effectiveness in relation to the performance factors of the game. A total of n=937 blocking actions were analyzed by means of video recordings from 24 European men's teams from 16 different nationalities at the Ninth European Beach Volleyball Championship EUSA GAMES. The analysis of the videos was carried out using the free software program LongoMatch v.0.27 by an experienced observer. Reliability performed on the intra-observer analysis showed a margin of error lower than 5%. Both effectiveness of the game systems and frequency of winning and not winning points were annotated for each period of points. Statistical significance of the comparison of systems was calculated using the Z test to compare proportions. Results showed that the most widely used game system was 2:1 with 67.2% (n=630) with statistically significance (p<0.001). Regarding effectiveness, system 2:1 presented an efficiency of success of 30.8% (n=194), whereas system 1:2 presented a moderately low value of 25.7% (n=79). When comparing periods of points (F1:1 to 7, F2: 8 to 14, F3: 15 to 21), system 2:1 showed higher effectiveness than 1:2 for the last two periods F2 and F3. Finally, a decrease in unscored point actions was observed in both systems between periods F1 to F3 (59.63% for 1:2 and 45.35% for 2:1)


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    Desde los aportes realizados por J. Piaget sobre la evolución del pensamiento en los niños, resulta casi obvio que las probabilidades de que un hombre ó una mujer se dediquen a la investigación científica son mayores si desde su infancia fueron estimulados en su curiosidad y lograron seguridad sobre sus capacidades de hallar respuestas válidas a sus interrogantes sobre el mundo circundante. De ahí la importancia de estimular ese espíritu natural por la investigación que existe en los niños del cual depende en gran medida el desarrollo de aprendizajes complejos que le permitan adaptarse .con relativa facilidad en la complejidad de los ambientes en que les corresponde sobrevivir

    La investigación y el curriculo

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    En el informe que la UNESCO presentó en I998 bajo el título de "Educación, agenda para el siglo XXI" se afirma Que además de los factores internos, externos e institucionales que determinan el retraso comparativo en investigación científicay tecnológica de los países de América Latina en relación con otros países "se encuentra la débil pre-formación del espíritu científico en la educación básica y secundaria" lo cual plantea un reto a estas naciones para introducir reformas en los procesos curriculares de tal forma que permitan formar personas Que exploren, organicen, consulten, cuestionen y resuelvan problemas; en otras palabras, personas que investiguen. A cambio de paquetes de información los currículos deben ofrecer auténticas "metodologías de conocimiento" Que posibiliten a los estudiantes el aprender a buscar información, procesarla y aplicarla (aprender a aprender)

    Does whole body vibration have clinically significant neurophysiological and neurovascular implications?

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    Whole body vibration has received much attention as an innovative approach to exercise, leading to constantly increasing attention fro m the scientific community. Previous research considering occupational vibration has illustrated the risks associated with high levels of exposure to vibration; however during vibration exercise the exposure duration is much shorter and therefore the potential complications must be reconsidered. This review brings together research from various aspects of occupational vibration, clinical research and vibration exercise to address issues within the context of health and safety with a particular focus on neurophysiological and neurovascular responses. The results indicate that peripheral nerve and blood vessels are exposed to risks such as compression, shear stress and altered function as a response to vibration. However, correct planning and implementation of exercise protocols should effectively control these risks. By summarising the areas that have received attention an overview of potential complications will be achieved; with an understanding of which factors prevent participation and those that simply require an amended approach to vibration exercise