213 research outputs found

    The Role of Sharia Judges in Indonesia: Between the Common Law and the Civil Law Systems

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    This article seeks to analyse the role of Religious Courts' (Pengadilan Agama or PA) Judges in the formation of Islamic law in Indonesia. As part of the civil legal system, PA Judges are bound by legal provisions in handling legal disputes in court. They must apply the applicable legal provisions to decide upon a case. This condition can also be understood from the aspect of appointment of judges in Indonesia, including PA Judges, which is conducted not through professional career path as in the common law system. Thus, they are appointed from a new graduate of law/sharia faculty and then trained, inter alia, to apply and/or interpret applicable laws (legislation); and not to make the law itself. However, on the basis of secondary data analysis, studies on the ijtihad of PA Judges reveal that they are no longer only fixated on the provisions of statutes in deciding cases. They also make laws, cases in point are the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law (KHES), do ijtihad on the books of fiqh which became the basis for the drafting of Islamic legislation in Indonesia. Some of them even do direct ijtihad from Sharia sources, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. This condition is arguably more in accordance with the character of judges (qadis) in Islamic history which on a certain level similar to the role of judges in common law system

    Komunikasi Dokter - Pasien

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    Mistakes in understanding the meaning of medical symbols result in negative impact for the patients. Futhermore, it can cause malpractice. Therefore, communication between a doctor and a patient is very essential to observe. It is because some malpractices occur due to miscommunication. Disease diagnosis through patient-doctor communication is influenced by the some understanding toward the messages. It creates an effective communication. Gap in communication between a docter and a patient can cause misunderstanding as well as misinformation for the patient on his disease. The hesitation of a doctor to inform the patient on the disease well in order to prevent emotional action of the patient and his family

    Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Sebagai Tafsiran Resmi Hukum Islam Di Indonesia

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    Unlike other Muslim countries, Indonesia does not make any reference to sharia as a source of legislation in its Constitution. Despite the fact, some aspects of sharia have been incorporated into Indonesian legal system. These “Islamic” state laws have been challenged by Muslims in Indonesia since their very first enactment in 1970s and now they find a new avenue to be settled with the institution of the Constitutional Court in 2003. This paper is to analyze what happen when a country such as Indonesia suddenly has to adjudicate disputes on which interpretation of Islamic law valid in Indonesia? In particular, it will assess methods employed by the Constitutional Court Judges in Indonesia in arbitrating contentions between conservative Muslims' and the government's claims regarding the extent to which Islamic law should be recognized, applied, and enforced by the state? Is the Court's approach in settling down the cases still within the boundary of Islamic legal theory?This paper argues that the Court does declare itself as the legal authority in Indonesia and, thus, it reserves for itself the power to interpret and restrict Islamic law as it sees fit with the state's agenda. However,the Court does that by considering and utilizing the concepts and vocabularies in Islamic law to justify its decisions. Hence, the Court's decisions fall within the scope of siyasa shar`iyya, and its interpretation of which Islamic legal norms effective in Indonesia can be justified accordingly


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    Metode pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam  (PAI) konservatif tidak mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajarannya karena hanya menghasilkan siswa yang paham secara materi saja padahal ada aspek materi PAI yang perlu dipraktikan pada kegiatan sehari-hari. Teori belajar humanistik dianggap mampu untuk mengatasi kekurangan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji teori humanistik dan penerapannya dalam pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan dan analisis dokumen terkait teori humanistik dan pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan metode analisis isi untuk mengukur tingkat ketepatan pesan dan menarik kesimpulan. Langkah-langkah yang diterapkan adalah deskriptif, analisis isi dan korelatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teori humanistik dapat diaplikasikan dalam pembelajaran PAI dengan mengutamakan aspek-aspek personalisasi, pemberdayaan, dan pengalaman. Pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah harus mampu memahami perubahan masyarakat dan teknologi, serta memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran. Penerapan teori humanistik dalam pembelajaran PAI dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa, serta membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan potensi diri secara maksimal, baik dari aspek psikologis, fisik, emosional dan spiritual. Selain itu, penerapan teori belajar humanistik dalam pembelajaran PAI dapat membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan sosial seperti rasa empati, toleransi, dan moderat atau sikap terbuka terhadap perbedaan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya upaya untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan penerapan teori belajar humanistik dalam pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah, sehingga dapat membantu menciptakan generasi yang lebih berdaya saing dan berkarakter

    Hearsay Evidence Admissibility: Due Process and Evidentiary Rules in Muslim Marriage Legalization (Isbat Nikah)

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    The hearsay evidence is still debated as valid witness evidence in Indonesian civil procedural law. Consequently, there is a disparity in judges’ decisions in handling religious civil cases when the evidence is from “hearsay witnesses.” A case in point is the decision on the application for marriage legalization issued by the Samarinda Religious Court, which received hearsay evidence, and the Samarinda Religious High Court, which rejected it. This paper intends to examine the judge’s considerations in accepting or rejecting hearsay evidence in marriage legalization applications to understand whether these considerations have used appropriate legal arguments per the principles of justice and legal certainty. As a normative-doctrinal legal study, this paper uses case law, statutory, and conceptual approaches in its discussion. It shows that the Samarinda Religious Court accepted hearsay evidence because they considered the exceptional circumstances of the marriage event that they wanted to prove. On the other hand, the Samarinda Religious Higher Court rejected the hearsay evidence because a “hearsay witness” could not be used in a contentious case. Even so, the two decisions have not provided clear legal arguments in accepting or rejecting the hearsay evidence. The development of procedural law jurisprudence in Indonesia opens up opportunities for its use in the evidentiary process to create justice and legal certainty for justice seekers


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    Potret membangun karakter yang terabaikan saat ini memperlihatkan kualitas hasil pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) belum signifikan, oleh karena itu penting untuk memperbaiki pendidikan karakter di lingkungan PAUD melalui kegiatan pembelajaran edukatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan proses sosialisasi pembentukan kemandirian dan kepercayaan diri peserta didik dan menganalisis hambatan yang terjadi selama proses sosialsiasi serta strategi untuk mengatasi hambatan di PAUD. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa preparatory sebagai tahap penentu peserta didik mengikuti play stage dengan menjadikan guru sebagai role model melalui aktivitas yang membentuk kesadaran diri. Secara keseluruhan hasil terlihat pada game stage dan generalized stage melalui interaksi dilingkungan sosial. Dari proses sosialisasi diperoleh hambatan berupa kemampuan anak yang kurang maksimal di preparatory, adanya keterbatasan fasilitas dan kompetensi guru PAUD. Sehingga strategi yang digunakan dengan mengoptimalkan kemampuan anak, pemenuhan fasilitas dan peningkatan kompetensi guru

    Sebuah Interpretasi: Perspektif Ilmu Pengetahuan Menurut Etika Kantian

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    Pada artikel ini, penulis berusahan mendalami pemaknaan ilmu pengetahuan, etika, dan moral manusia seperti yang dituliskan Kant pada beberapa karyanya yang fenomenal. Manusia sebagai aktor utama pada semesta memegang peranan paling dominan pada terbentuknya Ilmu pengetahuan. Ilmu Pengetahuan sesungguhnya memiliki abstrak yang memiliki etika dan moral. Pengetahuan akan bermanfaat bagi manusia bila memiliki etika dan moral yang mampu dikendalikan. Etika Kantian merupakan rangkaian perlakuan unik yang universal.  Pemikiran Etika Kantian merupakan salah satu penyumbang pemikiran dari sistem besar etika normatif saat ini. Semua manusia berbagi kapasitas ini secara setara, karena itu dasar dari persamaan moral dasar semua orang, membuat manusia berkewajiban menjaga moral. Prinsip dasar moralitas menurut Kant bersandar pada sifat rasional dari kehendak, dan persyaratan moral tertentu bersandar pada prinsip-prinsip yang kita buat secara independen dari diri kita sendiri melalui akal. Aspek pemikiran moralnya ini tercermin dalam gagasan kita menentukan isi moralitas

    Sue for Disputes Resolution of Land Conflict in South Sumatera

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    This paper aims to examine the roots, dynamics, and resolutions of land conflict between Rengas farmers and Limbang Jaya farmers with PTPN VII Cinta Manis in Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. Authors use qualitative method through deepening data from depth interviews, observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results showed that the roots of the conflict are different foundation claims, lack of transparency in the mechanism of compensation, land grabbing by companies. The key findings of the conflict dynamics study was that conflict between farmers of Rengas with PTPN VII Cinta Manis led to reclaiming action by farmers which was regarded as a victory for the resistance of farmers in conflict. This reclaiming action attracted more regions into the conflict contestation, including farmers of Limbang Jaya. Rengas conflict and Limbang Jaya conflict was different: Rengas conflict had history of resistance since the beginning, while the conflict of Limbang Jaya was an escalation of the Rengas conflict. Conflict resolution was taken through advocating by civil society element and mediation by stakeholders. Both resolutions approaches have not been able to provide a sustainable resolution, due to advocacy efforts tend to be a massive confrontation, while mediation was only a procedural matter not a substantive matter
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