60 research outputs found

    Mental Health of College Students and Its Relation to Life Satisfaction and Social Media Abuse

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    Adolescents are known for their critical development period due to problems they often face in their daily lives. The problem occurs as a result of adolescent developmental tasks that have not been appropriately fulfilled. One of the problems of adolescents is social media abuse. This study analyzes college students' mental health and their relation to life satisfaction and social media abuse. This research is a quantitative approach that involved 302 college students from the Vocational School of IPB University as respondents. The sampling technique used convenience sampling considering the data is taken online and distributed to as many population members as possible. With this technique, respondents are assumed to be willing to fill out the questionnaire because they feel more comfortable and safer. The results prove that male students in this study more often abuse social media than female students. College student life satisfaction in this study is not related and does not influence mental health and social media abuse. Mental health is proven to be related and influenced by abuse behavior, where an increase in mental health will decrease the tendency of social media abuse on college students

    Mental Health of College Students and Its Relation to Life Satisfaction and Social Media Abuse

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    Adolescents are known for their critical development period due to problems they often face in their daily lives. The problem occurs as a result of adolescent developmental tasks that have not been appropriately fulfilled. One of the problems of adolescents is social media abuse. This study analyzes college students' mental health and their relation to life satisfaction and social media abuse. This research is a quantitative approach that involved 302 college students from the Vocational School of IPB University as respondents. The sampling technique used convenience sampling considering the data is taken online and distributed to as many population members as possible. With this technique, respondents are assumed to be willing to fill out the questionnaire because they feel more comfortable and safer. The results prove that male students in this study more often abuse social media than female students. College student life satisfaction in this study is not related and does not influence mental health and social media abuse. Mental health is proven to be related and influenced by abuse behavior, where an increase in mental health will decrease the tendency of social media abuse on college students

    Analysis Of Children Values, Academic Socialization, and Motivation to Continue Junior High School Education

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the value of children, academic socialization, and motivation to continue junior high school education of the school-aged children in rural areas. This research used cross sectional design. The location of the research was determined purposively with the criteria of farming households with a big size of paddy land. The examples of this study were 100 children from complete families whose school-age children were selected by random proportional method. The participants of this research were 100 children from intact families who had children of elementary school selected and choosen by propotional random sampling. Result showed that the value of children was in moderate category for each dimension. There was a significantly positive correlation of dimension academic socialization in discussing between learning strategies and the value of psychological. Meanhile, parent’s academic socialization was in the low category. This means that parents are still lacking in transforming the importance of education to children. The result showed a significant and positive correlation between parent’s academic socialization and child’s motivation to continue education. Parent’s academic socialization also significantly influenced child’s intrinsic motivation to continue education

    Penerimaan Orang Tua Menentukan Lingkungan Pengasuhan Keluarga Dengan Anak Remaja Di Wilayah Suburban

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    : The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and parenting environment in families with adolescence in the suburban area. This study involved 50 families randomly selected. Data were collected by using questionnaire and structured interview. Parental acceptance-rejection was measured by Parental Acceptance Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) and parental environment was measured by Home Observation and Measurement of the Environment type Early Adolescent (HOME-EA). The result showed that there was a significant relationship between age of adolescence and parents' aggressive behavior. Meanwhile, longer mothers' education was significantly correlated with better parenting environment of the family. The results also revealed that there was a significant correlation between parental acceptance-rejection and parenting environment in families with adolescence in the suburban area


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    The importance of social capital in poor family empowerment to increase their level of life is realized by most stakeholders. Some researchers stated that social capital has significant role in increasing family welfare. The aim of this research was to analyze the correlation between social capital and poor family empowerment through “UEK-SP KUBE Gakin” Program was conducted at Kedung Jaya village, Tanah Sareal sub district of Bogor, West Java. This research used cross sectional study as a study design. Sampling frame of this research were poor families which were intervened by “UEK-SP KUBE Gakin” Program. There were 106 poor families getting loan in 1st period and 2nd period during fiscal year 2005 were drawn for this study. This research was conducted for 5 months (Juni until November 2006). Social capital was measured by 3 variables that are trust, networks, and norms. The improvement of family welfare of the “UEK-SP KUBE Gakin” was assessed by measuring of the changing of economic family condition after participated in that program. This research used Spearman Correlation Test to measure correlation between variables. The results showed that social capital had significant correlation with the increasing of poor family economic welfare of “UEK-SP KUBE Gakin” participants. Social capital variables that had significant correlation with the improvement of family welfare of participants were trust (α = 0.01), “UEK-SP KUBE Gakin” rules (α = 0.0), and networks (α = 0.05)


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    Every family wants to reach qualified children in conducting of child caring. Generally, this study aims to analyze: (i) quality of child development; (ii) quality of psychosocial environment of parenting practices; and (iii) quality of family life and community that identified become risk factors to child development. This article is a part of results of multiyears study that consists of data from first year study. The design of the first study is cross sectional study that involved 208 families in rural area who had preschool children. The sites of study are four villages in two sub districts (Ciawi and Ciampea) in Bogor. The sites chosen by purposive based on the ecological context. Meanwhile, the samples are chosen by random sampling the result of this study showed that in all of study sites, only 70% of the children that had high quality of developmental task. The other result showed that there were 71,6% families in Ciawi and 64,2% in Ciampea that had moderate quality of psychosocial environment of parenting practices. The level of stress and anxiety of mother gave significant negative effect to quality of parenting. There are some factors that identified will become risk factors of community to child development such as communication low level of education, low income, and low knowledge of parenting

    Interaksi dengan Cucu, Kualitas Perkembangan, dan Gejala Stres pada Kakek/Nenek

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    This research aimed to analyze intergenerational interaction between grandparents and grandchildren, quality of grandparent’s development, symptoms of grandparent’s stress, and also its correlation among those variables. This research located at one of village in Rembang District, Central Java Province and involved 30 grandfathers and 30 grandmothers with their grandchildren that choosen by snowball method. Data was collected by interview using structure questionnaire. Data was analyzed by descriptive analysis, independent t-test, and correlation analysis. Quality of development (cognitive and reflective dimension) of grandfathers were higher than grandmothers. Interaction type of formal, fun-seeking, and distant figure were statistically different between grandfathers and grandmothers. Grandparent’s education was correlated positively significant with type of formal and fun-seeking. Father and mother age of grandchildren was correlated positively significant with type of distant figure. Grandparent’s income per capita was correlated negatively significant with psychological symptoms of stress and general symptoms of stress. Interaction role of remote was correlated negatively with physical symptoms of stress and general symptoms of stress

    Emotional Socialization and Emotional Intelligence Prevent Aggressive Behavior among School-age Children in the Rural Family

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    Emotional socialization is important factor to shape emotional intelligence for children. Children who have high emotional intelligence will prevent to behave aggressively. Basic emotions in children such as anger, sadness, and fear is still regarded as inappropriate emotions expressed. The aimed of this research was to analyze the effect of emotional socialization of three basic emotions and emotional intelligence on aggressive behavior of school-age children in the rural family. This research was conducted at Ciasmara and Ciasihan Village, Pamijahan Sub District, Bogor Regency. Design of this research was cross sectional. The samples of this research were intact family who had school-aged children. Hundreds students were selected by proportional random sampling in the two selected school. Result showed that there were significant positive correlation between emotional socialization and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence was significant negatively correlated with aggressive behavior. Other result found that mother’s age, acceptance dimension of emotional socialization, awareness and self-regulation of emotional intelligence had significant influences on aggressive behavior among school-age children of rural famil

    Effects of Socialization Methods and Peer Attachment on Character Strength of School-Aged Children

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    This study aimed to analyze the influences of socialization methods and peer attachment on character strength of scholl-aged in rural families. This study employed cross sectional approach using survey and interview. A hundred of families with children at grades 4 and 5 in two public elementary schools at Pamijahan Sub District, Bogor Regency participated in this study. This found only age and peer attachment that had significant influence on character strengths of school-aged children in rural families

    An Integration of Family and School on Strengthening the Character of Teenager in Indonesia: It’s a Must

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    Juvenile delinquencies that have increased in the last few years among teenagers in Indonesia need some integrative efforts to overcome. This study analysed influence of parenting styles, methods of socialization, and school environment on character strengths among teenagers. This study also examined what family and school can do to improve their character strengths. This study involved 400 students conducted in 10 senior high schools in rural and urban area in Bogor, West Java Province, Indonesia. The result of this study revealed that some factors in the family (low level of permissive parenting style, high level of authoritative parenting style, higher variations of methods of socialization) and school environment (low of punishment and low violent behavior received in school, higher preference for learning process and condition at school) had significant and positive influence to increase quality of character. Hence, integration of partnership between family and school to strengthen teenagers’ character is discussed further in this study. Keywords: character strengths, methods of socialization, parenting style, school environment Kenakalan remaja yang telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhqir di kalangan remaja di Indonesia memerlukan upaya integratif. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh gaya pengasuhan, metode sosialisasi, dan lingkungan sekolah pada kekuatan karakter di kalangan remaja. Penelitian ini juga meneliti hal yang dapat dilakukan keluarga dan sekolah untuk meningkatkan kekuatan karakter remaja. Penelitian ini melibatkan 400 siswa yang dilakukan di 10 SMA di daerah pedesaan dan perkotaan di Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa faktor dalam keluarga (gaya pengasuhan permisif tingkat rendah, gaya pengasuhan otoritatif tingkat tinggi, metode sosialisasi dengan variasi yang tinggi) dan lingkungan sekolah (tingkat hukuman yang rendah dan perilaku kekerasan yang rendah diterima di sekolah, preferensi yang lebih tinggi untuk proses belajar dan kondisi di sekolah) memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas karakter. Oleh karena itu, integrasi kemitraan antara keluarga dan sekolah untuk memperkuat karakter remaja dibahas lebih lanjut dalam penelitian ini.Kata kunci: gaya pengasuhan, kekuatan karakter, lingkungan sekolah, metode sosialisasi
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