2 research outputs found

    Uji Proteksi Kombinasi Antioksidan Asam Askorbat dan EDTA sebagai Pengkelat Pb Darah terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Tikus (Mus musculus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat proteksi antioksidan (kombinasi EDTA dan asam askorbat) terhadap kadar hemoglobin tikus putih yang dipapar timbal asetat. Jumlah perlakuan dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok. Setiap kelompok perlakuan dipapar Pb asetat 175 mg/kg BB kecuali kelompok kontrol. Kelompok kontrol, kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok I (Na2EDTA 150 mg/kg BB), kelompok II (Na2EDTA 250 mg/kg BB), kelompok III (Na2EDTA 150 mg/kg BB dan asam askorbat 300 mg/kg BB), dan kelompok IV (Na2EDTA 250 mg/kg BB dan asam askorbat 500 mg/kg BB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok kontrol memiliki kadar hemoglobin tertinggi yaitu 13,1 gr/100 ml, sedangkan kelompok kontrol negatif yaitu 6,3 gr/100 ml, kelompok I yaitu 7,2 gr/100 ml, kelompok II yaitu 7,7 gr/100 ml, kelompok III yaitu 9,3 gr/100 ml, dan kelompok IV yaitu 8,3 gr/100 ml. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh asam askorbat dan Na2EDTA dalam menormalkan kadar hemoglobin tikus putih. Kombinasi antioksidan paling efektif yaitu 300 mg/kg BB asam askorbat dengan 150 mg/kg BB Na2EDTA. Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa f hitung < f tabel , sehingga Ho diterima artinya ada pengaruh induksi timbal asetat secara oral pada tikus terhadap kadar hemoglobin. Semakin banyak tikus putih diinduksi timbal asetat, maka kadar hemoglobin semakin rendah

    Perilaku Alami dan Tidak Alami Burung Kakatua Jambul Kuning (Cacatua sp.) di Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia, Jawa Barat: Natural and Stereotype Behavior of Yellow-Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sp.) in Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia, West Java

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    Cockatoo (Cacatua sp.) is one of birds that is widely distributed in Indonesia and often kept as pet, thus threatening the Cacatua population in the wild. Environmental condition may affect the behavior of Cockatoo. Some unnatural behavior may arise due to living in the captive. Different cage conditions may result in different behavior performance in Cockatoo. Research on daily behavior at animal rescue sites at ASTI Bogor has never been conducted. This study aimed to analyze natural and stereotype behavior of Cacatua sp. at animal rescue center due to foreclosure, and analyze the relationship between cage condition and environmental factors. This study used focal instantaneous sampling, using eight individuals Cacatua sp. Cacatua sp. in ASTI performed natural behavior more than unnatural behavior, therefore ASTI can be a good place for animal rescue. The dominant natural behaviors were Resting (Re), Preening (Pr), Feeding (Fe), Locomotion (Lo), and Fighting (Fg), while unnatural behaviors were play, bite, abnormal vocalization, feather picking and aggressive. There are no difference in behavior between male and female, and also behavior in the morning and afternoon (p>0.05), but cage condition had a significant effect to daily behavior of Cacatua sp. (<0.05)