4 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous Electronic Health System - Rancang Bangun Smart Mouse dan Smart Watch Pengukur Denyut Jantung dan Suhu Tubuh

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    The purpose of this research is to design a Ubiquitous Electronic Health System to monitor health during activities. The Ubiquitous Electronic Health System is a health monitoring system and facilitator of human health support devices that are applied to devices commonly used in everyday life such as mirrors, chairs, computer mice, watches, mobile phones, and others by utilizing the Photoplethysmograph method. The equipment developed in this study consisted of a computer mouse and a watch that was added with a photodiode, infrared, and a DS18b20 sensor with functionality as a heart rate detector and body temperature measurement. into the body but the measurement or screening action is carried out with the help of sensors attached to the skin, measurements are carried out in real-time when the equipment is used daily, the measurement results can be seen on the mobile phone screen and desktop applications, the data obtained from the measurement results can then be sent to the server to be stored as a user's medical record which can be used by the user to carry out further examinations to the doctor. The parameters that are the points in this study are the number of heart beats per minute and the measurement of body temperature, these two parameters are tested by comparing the results of tests carried out by tools designed with oximeters and thermometers. The test results from the Ubiquitous Electronic Health System tool provide an accuracy of up to 98% for measuring heart rate and 85% for measuring body temperature. Design and schematic have been shown in this study


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    The Baby Body Length Measurement System with Machine Learning methods and Open CV library is a system designed to make it easier for Posyandu officers to take measurements of the baby's body length, where this system will measure the baby's body length using a camera, and assisted with library image processing, namely, Open CV, and to measure the length of the baby's body using Machine Learning, namely the Linear Regression method, and the measurement data will be sent to a Web application so that the baby's mother can monitor the growth and development of her baby, The system that was built has an average error of -1,42 in the condition of the lamp with a power of 40Watt and in the light of a lamp with a power of 11Watt the average error is found with a value of -15,37 and at a distance of 64 cm the system can detect objects and measure the length of the object with an average measurement error of -10,6


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    Pengabdian dalam bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat dilakukan di Desa Purwodadi dengan skema kegiatan KKN-PPM yang dilaksanakan oleh kelompok 138. Pada pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini, salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia adalah kesehatan sehingga salah satu program kerja utama adalah Penanaman Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA). Tanaman obat keluarga adalah jenis tanaman yang dapat ditanam di lahan pekarangan rumah yang dipergunakan untuk memenuhi keperluan obat-obatan keluarga yang dapat dibuat sendiri tanpa campuran kimia. Tanaman obat keluarga bertujuan agar masyarakat sehat dengan memanfaatkan TOGA sebagai sumber penyediaan obat-obatan tradisional dan masyarakat mendapatkan pertolongan pertama dengan memanfaatkan tanaman yang ada di sekitarnya. Hal ini karena pada dasarnya setiap tanaman memiliki manfaatnya masing-masing. Metode yang dilakukan dari kegiatan penanaman tanaman obat keluarga ini dimulai dari sosialisasi, diskusi dan tanya jawab, gotong royong, monitoring, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan penanaman tanaman obat keluarga tersebut didapat indikator capaian yaitu pemahaman masyarakat tentang jenis-jenis tanaman obat keluarga yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, pengetahuan terkait cara penanaman tanaman obat keluarga yang baik dan benar, serta kemampuan dalam mengolah tanaman obat keluarga dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Kuliah Kerja Nyata, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Tanaman Obat Keluarg

    Efektifitas Antibiotik Azelaic Acid Terhadap Propioni-Baktterium Acne Dengan Metode Difusi Pada Pasien Acne Vulgaris

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    ABSTRACT Acne vulgaris is a form of chronic inflammation of the hair follicles of the sebaceous glands in the form of multifactorial and clinical manifestations of acne, papules, pustules, lymph nodes, and cysts. Propionibacterium acnes is a bacterium involved in acne inflammation and Azelaic acid is one of the acne vulgaris treatments that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Know the degree of effectiveness of Azelaic Acid antibiotic against propionibacterium acne by in vitro diffusion method and compare it with several antibiotics (clindamycin, erythromycin, benzoyl peroxide, tetracycline) and Lactobacillus acidophilus. The study tested the effectiveness of Azelaic acid antibiotics against propionibacterium acne by in vitro diffusion method and analyzed the data using Shapiro-Wilk for data normality. After being declared to be normally distributed (p>0.05), an unpaired T-test was performed. If the data were not normally distributed, the Mann-Whitney test was performed to test the comparison of 1 and 2. Results: The average effectiveness of the antibiotics Azelaic acid is 33,589 mm and Vaseline 0 mm against Propionibacterium acnes in vitro. Based on the unpaired T-Test, Sig. (2-Tailed) = 0.000, which means that there is a significant difference in each variable. Conclusion: There is a difference in the effectiveness of Azelaic acid with Vaseline on the growth of Propionibacterium acnes by diffusion method in vitro and ranks third highest, including a very strong inhibition zone Keywords: Acne Vulgaris, Azelaic Acid, Propionibacterium Acnes ABSTRAK Acne vulgaris adalah suatu bentuk peradangan kronis pada folikel rambut kelenjar sebaceous berupa multifaktor dan manifestasi klinis berupa jerawat, papula, pustula, kelenjar getah bening dan kista. Propionibacterium acnes merupakan bakteri yang terlibat dalam peradangan jerawat dan Azelaic acid salah satu pengobatan akne vulgaris yang memiliki efek antimikroba dan anti-inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui derajat keefektivitasan antibiotik Azelaic Acid terhadap propionibacterium acne dengan metode difusi secara in vitro dan membandingkan dengan beberapa antibiotik (klindamisin, eritromisin, benzoil peroksida, tetrasiklin) serta Lactobacillus achidopilus. Penelitian uji efektifitas antibiotik Azelaic acid terhadap propinibacterium acnes dengan metode difusi secara in vitro dan menganalisis data menggunakan Shapiro-wilk untuk normalitas data. Setelah dinyatakan berdistribusi normal (p>0,05) maka dilakukan uji T-Tidak berpasangan jika data tidak berdistribusi normal maka dilakukan uji MannWhitney untuk menguji perbandingan 1 dan 2. Didapatkan rata-rata efektifias antibiotik Azelaic acid 33,589 mm dan Vaseline 0 mm terhadap Propionibacterium acnes secara in vitro. Berdasarkan uji T-Test tidak berpasangan di peroleh Sig.(2-Tailed) = 0,000 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada setiap variabel. Terdapat perbedaan efektivitas antibiotik Azelaic acid dengan vaseline terhadap pertumbuhan Propionibacterium acnes dengan metode difusi secara in vitro dan menempati urutan ke ketiga tertinggi, termasuk zona hambat sangat kuat. Kata Kunci: Acne Vulgaris, Azelaic Acid, Propionibacterium Acne