307 research outputs found

    A Laplacian-based algorithm for non-isothermal atomistic-continuum hybrid simulation of micro and nano-flows

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    We propose a new hybrid algorithm for incompressible micro and nanoflows that applies to non-isothermal steady-state flows and does not require the calculation of the Irving–Kirkwood stress tensor or heat flux vector. The method is validated by simulating the flow in a channel under the effect of a gravity-like force with bounding walls at two different temperatures and velocities. The model shows very accurate results compared to benchmark full MD simulations. In the temperature results, in particular, the contribution of viscous dissipation is correctly evaluated

    Effect of freeze–thaw cycles on the void topologies and mechanical properties of asphalt

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    Frost and thawing damage asphalt in cold climates. Water that enters the pores of asphalt at low temperatures may accelerate its degradation. Water can expand into pores, altering the void content and shape, thus affecting the asphalt's internal structure and fracture properties. We can develop more durable asphalt types if we understand how void topology changes with freeze–thaw cycles. The purpose of this study is to establish a correlation between the mechanical properties of asphalts and the topological properties of voids. To determine their internal structure, various asphalt types representing dense asphalt and asphalt with voids were made and X-rayed before and after each freeze–thaw cycle. We also obtained the mechanical properties of asphalt and correlated them with the void properties. It was found that dense asphalt has the lowest degradation rate in wet conditions characterised by non-connected gaps, which was approximately constant with freeze–thaw cycles; however, dense asphalt was least durable under dry conditions compared with asphalts with more voids. Due to its high water retention rate, asphalt with a 10% void content degraded at an accelerated rate during the initial cycles. As a result of bigger voids, asphalt with a higher pore content plateaued in later cycles due to reduced water retention. This study demonstrates that the internal void topology affects the mechanical properties of asphalt during freeze–thaw cycles. These results can be used to understand changes in asphalt mechanical losses resulting from freeze-thaw cycles and to validate numerical models to perform parametric studies of the asphalt's freeze–thaw degradation

    Entropy and the driving force for the filling of carbon nanotubes with water

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    The spontaneous filling of hydrophobic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by water observed both experimentally and from simulations is counterintuitive because confinement is generally expected to decrease both entropy and bonding, and remains largely unexplained. Here we report the entropy, enthalpy, and free energy extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of water confined in CNTs from 0.8 to 2.7-nm diameters. We find for all sizes that water inside the CNTs is more stable than in the bulk, but the nature of the favorable confinement of water changes dramatically with CNT diameter. Thus we find (i) an entropy (both rotational and translational) stabilized, vapor-like phase of water for small CNTs (0.8–1.0 nm), (ii) an enthalpy stabilized, ice-like phase for medium-sized CNTs (1.1–1.2 nm), and (iii) a bulk-like liquid phase for tubes larger than 1.4 nm, stabilized by the increased translational entropy as the waters sample a larger configurational space. Simulations with structureless coarse-grained water models further reveal that the observed free energies and sequence of transitions arise from the tetrahedral structure of liquid water. These results offer a broad theoretical basis for understanding water transport through CNTs and other nanostructures important in nanofluidics, nanofiltrations, and desalination

    Modelling and simulation of the hydrodynamics and mixing profiles in the human proximal colon using Discrete Multiphysics

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    The proximal part of the colon offers opportunities to prolong the absorption window following oral administration of a drug. In this work, we used computer simulations to understand how the hydrodynamics in the proximal colon might affect the release from dosage forms designed to target the colon. For this purpose, we developed and compared three different models: a completely-filled colon, a partially-filled colon and a partially-filled colon with a gaseous phase present (gas-liquid model). The highest velocities of the liquid were found in the completely-filled model, which also shows the best mixing profile, defined by the distribution of tracking particles over time. No significant differences with regard to the mixing and velocity profiles were found between the partially-filled model and the gas-liquid model. The fastest transit time of an undissolved tablet was found in the completely-filled model. The velocities of the liquid in the gas-liquid model are slightly higher along the colon than in the partially-filled model. The filling level has an impact on the exsisting shear forces and shear rates, which are decisive factors in the development of new drugs and formulations

    Transformation of measurement uncertainties into low-dimensional feature vector space

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    Advances in technology allow the acquisition of data with high spatial and temporal resolution. These datasets are usually accompanied by estimates of the measurement uncertainty, which may be spatially or temporally varying and should be taken into consideration when making decisions based on the data. At the same time, various transformations are commonly implemented to reduce the dimensionality of the datasets for postprocessing or to extract significant features. However, the corresponding uncertainty is not usually represented in the low-dimensional or feature vector space. A method is proposed that maps the measurement uncertainty into the equivalent low-dimensional space with the aid of approximate Bayesian computation, resulting in a distribution that can be used to make statistical inferences. The method involves no assumptions about the probability distribution of the measurement error and is independent of the feature extraction process as demonstrated in three examples. In the first two examples, Chebyshev polynomials were used to analyse structural displacements and soil moisture measurements; while in the third, principal component analysis was used to decompose the global ocean temperature data. The uses of the method range from supporting decision-making in model validation or confirmation, model updating or calibration and tracking changes in condition, such as the characterization of the El Niño Southern Oscillation

    A framework for realistic 3D tele-immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite differ- ent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experi- ence of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innova- tive solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational expe- rience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic ex- periences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the expe- rience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    TLR3 expression induces apoptosis in human non‐small‐cell lung cancer

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    The prognostic value of Toll\u2010like receptor 3 (TLR3) is debated in cancer, differing between tumor types, methods, and cell types. We recently showed for the first time that TLR3 expression on early stage non\u2010small\u2010cell lung cancer (NSCLC) results associated with a good prognosis. Here, we provide experimental evidences explaining the molecular reason behind TLR3\u2019s favorable prognostic role. We demonstrated that TLR3 activation in vitro induces apoptosis in lung cancer cell lines and, accordingly, that TLR3 expression is associated with caspase\u20103 activation in adenocarcinoma NSCLC specimens, both evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Moreover, we showed that TLR3 expression on cancer cells contributes to activate the CD103+ lung dendritic cell subset, that is specifically associated with processing of antigens derived from apoptotic cells and their presentation to CD8+ T lymphocytes. These findings point to the relevant role of TLR3 expression on lung cancer cells and support the use of TLR3 agonists in NSCLC patients to re\u2010activate local innate immune response