15 research outputs found

    Cellular gene delivery via polymeric biguanides

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    Controlled and efficient cell and tissue delivery of exogenous nucleic acids for the purposes of gene delivery remains an enormous technical challenge. Multiple cellular and pre-cellular barriers must be overcome for this to take effect and research into identification of potential candidates is ongoing. This project has explored the ability of widely used antiseptic poly(hexamethylene biguanide) (PHMB) to transport DNA into model mammalian cell lines HepG2, HEK293T and HeLa in vitro, under serum conditions. PHMB was shown to bind, neutralise and condense DNA at ratios above 3 (w/w), similar to the well established polymer polyethyleneimine (PEI), and form submicron particles with positive zeta potentials (> +26 mV). Particle internalisation was successful in all three cell lines in higher extent than for the PEI control. Despite this, gene expression following pEGFP-N1 and pLuciferase transfection was only significant in HEK293T, and only if the polyplex was assembled under basic conditions (pH 12). Two oligomeric biguanides - P(HMB-EEG) and P(HMB-EDSB) - were also synthesised, with the aim to improve the transfection of PHMB. Even though they also formed submicron, positively charged (+25 mV) polyplex particles above ratios 3 (w/w), their uptake properties were not as good as for PHMB. However, higher molecular weight analogues remain to be synthesised for proper comparison and assess the contribution of the biguanide moiety. The branched widely used polymers PAMAM and bPEI were also functionalised with terminal biguanide moieties. They also interacted with and neutralised DNA at ratios above 9 and 1 (w/w) respectively. PAMAM-biguanide hydroiodide presented solubility issues and due to time constraints it was not pursued, and its efficiency assessment is pending ion exchange. bPEI-biguanide promoted higher fluorescent oligodeoxynucleotide uptake compared to its nonfunctionalised (amine-terminated) counterpart, but it did not induce GFP or luciferase expression in any of the three cell lines. The current study showed that the presence of the biguanide functional group in a vector promotes uptakes of molecular cargoes it interacts with electrostatically and condenses into submicron particles

    Targeting the Bacterial Protective Armour:Challenges and Novel Strategies in the Treatment of Microbial Biofilm

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    Infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria continues to be the primary challenge to humanity. Antimicrobial resistance and microbial biofilm formation in part, lead to treatment failures. The formation of biofilms by nosocomial pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) on medical devices and on the surfaces of infected sites bring additional hurdles to existing therapies. In this review, we discuss the challenges encountered by conventional treatment strategies in the clinic. We also provide updates on current on-going research related to the development of novel anti-biofilm technologies. We intend for this review to provide understanding to readers on the current problem in health-care settings and propose new ideas for new intervention strategies to reduce the burden related to microbial infections

    Antimicrobial polymers:The potential replacement of existing antibiotics?

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    Antimicrobial resistance is now considered a major global challenge; compromising medical advancements and our ability to treat infectious disease. Increased antimicrobial resistance has resulted in increased morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases worldwide. The lack of discovery of novel compounds from natural products or new classes of antimicrobials, encouraged us to recycle discontinued antimicrobials that were previously removed from routine use due to their toxicity, e.g., colistin. Since the discovery of new classes of compounds is extremely expensive and has very little success, one strategy to overcome this issue could be the application of synthetic compounds that possess antimicrobial activities. Polymers with innate antimicrobial properties or that have the ability to be conjugated with other antimicrobial compounds create the possibility for replacement of antimicrobials either for the direct application as medicine or implanted on medical devices to control infection. Here, we provide the latest update on research related to antimicrobial polymers in the context of ESKAPE (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp.) pathogens. We summarise polymer subgroups: compounds containing natural peptides, halogens, phosphor and sulfo derivatives and phenol and benzoic derivatives, organometalic polymers, metal nanoparticles incorporated into polymeric carriers, dendrimers and polymer-based guanidine. We intend to enhance understanding in the field and promote further work on the development of polymer based antimicrobial compounds

    Crosslinker-free collagen gelation for corneal regeneration

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    Development of an artificial cornea can potentially fulfil the demand of donor corneas for transplantation as the number of donors is far less than needed to treat corneal blindness. Collagen-based artificial corneas stand out as a regenerative option, having promising clinical outcomes. Collagen crosslinked with chemical crosslinkers which modify the parent functional groups of collagen. However, crosslinkers are usually cytotoxic, so crosslinkers need to be removed from implants completely before application in humans. In addition, crosslinked products are mechanically weak and susceptible to enzymatic degradation. We developed a crosslinker free supramolecular gelation strategy using pyrene conjugated dipeptide amphiphile (PyKC) consisting of lysine and cysteine; in which collagen molecules are intertwined inside the PyKC network without any functional group modification of the collagen. The newly developed collagen implants (Coll-PyKC) are optically transparent and can effectively block UV light, are mechanically and enzymatically stable, and can be sutured. The Coll-PyKC implants support the growth and function of all corneal cells, trigger anti-inflammatory differentiation while suppressing the pro-inflammatory differentiation of human monocytes. Coll-PyKC implants can restrict human adenovirus propagation. Therefore, this crosslinker-free strategy can be used for the repair, healing, and regeneration of the cornea, and potentially other damaged organs of the body

    Targeting the Bacterial Protective Armour; Challenges and Novel Strategies in the Treatment of Microbial Biofilm

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    Infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria continues to be the primary challenge to humanity. Antimicrobial resistance and microbial biofilm formation in part, lead to treatment failures. The formation of biofilms by nosocomial pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) on medical devices and on the surfaces of infected sites bring additional hurdles to existing therapies. In this review, we discuss the challenges encountered by conventional treatment strategies in the clinic. We also provide updates on current on-going research related to the development of novel anti-biofilm technologies. We intend for this review to provide understanding to readers on the current problem in health-care settings and propose new ideas for new intervention strategies to reduce the burden related to microbial infections

    Facile, productive, and cost-effective synthesis of a novel tetrazine-based iron oxide nanoparticle for targeted image contrast agents and nanomedicines

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    We have developed an operationally simple, time, and cost-effective protocol to produce a novel tetrazine-based iron oxide nanoparticle using commercially available and inexpensive materials. Our protocol proceeds at room temperature and uses hexafluorophosphate azabenzotriazole tetramethyl uronium, a well-known, widely used reagent for the large-scale industrial production of important pharmaceuticals. The nanoparticles obtained have a diameter range between 16 and 21 nm and showed no toxicity against endothelial cell lines. The tetrazine moiety on the nanoparticle surface could potentially allow further attachment of specific targeting vectors by using so-called copper-free click chemistry. We therefore anticipate that our protocol can represent a significant breakthrough in the future development and commercialization of improved, tissue-specific contrast agents and drug delivery for clinical diagnosis, monitoring and therapy of diseases at an asymptomatic stage

    Optimization of Collagen Chemical Crosslinking to Restore Biocompatibility of Tissue-Engineered Scaffolds

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    Collagen scaffolds, one of the most used biomaterials in corneal tissue engineering, are frequently crosslinked to improve mechanical properties, enzyme tolerance, and thermal stability. Crosslinkers such as 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) are compatible with tissues but provide low crosslinking density and reduced mechanical properties. Conversely, crosslinkers such as glutaraldehyde (GTA) can generate mechanically more robust scaffolds; however, they can also induce greater toxicity. Herein, we evaluated the effectivity of double-crosslinking with both EDC and GTA together with the capability of sodium metabisulfite (SM) and sodium borohydride (SB) to neutralize the toxicity and restore biocompatibility after crosslinking. The EDC-crosslinked collagen scaffolds were treated with different concentrations of GTA. To neutralize the free unreacted aldehyde groups, scaffolds were treated with SM or SB. The chemistry involved in these reactions together with the mechanical and functional properties of the collagen scaffolds was evaluated. The viability of the cells grown on the scaffolds was studied using different corneal cell types. The effect of each type of scaffold treatment on human monocyte differentiation was evaluated. One-way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The addition of GTA as a double-crosslinking agent significantly improved the mechanical properties and enzymatic stability of the EDC crosslinked collagen scaffold. GTA decreased cell biocompatibility but this effect was reversed by treatment with SB or SM. These agents did not affect the mechanical properties, enzymatic stability, or transparency of the double-crosslinked scaffold. Contact of monocytes with the different scaffolds did not trigger their differentiation into activated macrophages. Our results demonstrate that GTA improves the mechanical properties of EDC crosslinked scaffolds in a dose-dependent manner, and that subsequent treatment with SB or SM partially restores biocompatibility. This novel manufacturing approach would facilitate the translation of collagen-based artificial corneas to the clinical setting.This research was funded by Boston Keratoprosthesis fund (Boston, MA, USA).Ye

    Feasibility of Coacervate-Like Nanostructure for Instant Drug Nanoformulation.

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    Despite the enormous advancements in nanomedicine research, a limited number of nanoformulations are available on the market, and few have been translated to clinics. An easily scalable, sustainable, and cost-effective manufacturing strategy and long-term stability for storage are crucial for successful translation. Here, we report a system and method to instantly formulate NF achieved with a nanoscale polyelectrolyte coacervate-like system, consisting of anionic pseudopeptide poly(l-lysine isophthalamide) derivatives, polyethylenimine, and doxorubicin (Dox) via simple "mix-and-go" addition of precursor solutions in seconds. The coacervate-like nanosystem shows enhanced intracellular delivery of Dox to patient-derived multidrug-resistant (MDR) cells in 3D tumor spheroids. The results demonstrate the feasibility of an instant drug formulation using a coacervate-like nanosystem. We envisage that this technique can be widely utilized in the nanomedicine field to bypass the special requirement of large-scale production and elongated shelf life of nanomaterials