1,047 research outputs found

    Pattern of Karst Landscape of the Cracow Upland (South Poland)

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    Površje Poljske Jure se že od paleogena razvija v zelo spremenljivih klimatskih pogojih. Gre za ravnik (peneplen), posejan s številnimi monadnoki iz gorjnejurskega masivnega apnenca, ki jih obdaja manj odporni, tanko plastoviti apnenec iste starosti. Miocenski tektonski fazi je sledilo zakrasevanje, v planoto so se zarezale globoke doline, nastalo pa je tudi več jamskih nivojev. V pleistocenu je periglacialna klima pospešila kongelifrakcijo in sprostitev monadnokov. Združbe mehkužcev kažejo na antropogeno in klimatsko pogojeno spreminjanje površja in okolja v zadnjih deset tisočih letih. Izredna geološka in biološka pestrost področja sta zaščitena.The relief of the Polish Jura Chain developed since Paleogene under climatic conditions changing considerably. Their main components are a peneplain crowned by numerous monadnocks, generated as hard-rocks on Upper Jurassic massive limestones (bioherms, carbonate buildups) surrounded by less resistant platy and bedded limestones of the same age. After the Miocene tectonic phase and following karstification deep valleys dissected the top surface of the plateau and cave levels connected with rocky terraces had been formed. During the Pleistocene the periglacial climate accelerated the congelifraction and relaxation of monadnocks. The modification of landforms and the environment in last ten thousand years, indicated by assemblages of molluscs was controlled by both climatic and anthopogenic factors. The geo- and biodiversity closely related to one another are still under the nature protection

    Quantum State-Resolved Characterization of a Magnetically Focused Beam of ortho-H2O

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    Libertas contractus. Paolo Comitoli SJ on Freedom of Contract

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    The paper presents the results of research devoted to the concept of freedom of contract in the writings of an early modern Italian Jesuit, Paolo Comitoli. He claimed that freedom of contract was one of the attributes of contract and it was essential for the consent of parties entering into a contract. He distinguished between three types of this freedom. Freedom of will was a prerequisite in case of any and all human actions including contracts. Voluntariness was a requirement for the parties’ wills creating consent to be the result of a voluntary decision, not disturbed by any vices. Freedom of ownership enabled the parties to conduct a transfer of the object of contract in its broadly understood sense. Comitoli’s concept of contractual freedom was an expression of his belief that voluntary consent of the wills of the parties as the foundation of contractual consent was the basis and the main cause of a contract.Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań poświęconych koncepcji swobody umów w pismach wczesnonowożytnego włoskiego jezuity, Paolo Comitoliego. Uznał on, że swoboda umów była jedną z właściwości kontraktu i była niezbędna dla powstania zgody stron zawierających umowę. Wyróżnił trzy typy tej swobody. Wolna wola była wstępnym warunkiem dla każdego ludzkiego działania, w tym dla umów. Dobrowolność oznaczała wymóg by wola stron, która prowadziła do zgody na kontrakt, była wynikiem swobodnej decyzji niezakłóconej żadnymi wadami. Swoboda własności umożliwiała stronom bardzo szeroko rozumiane przeniesienie własności przedmiotu umowy. Koncepcja swobody umów Comitoliego była wyrazem jego przekonania o tym, że to dobrowolność w działaniu woli stron jako podstawa zgody umownej była fundamentem i główną przyczyną kontraktu

    Community Service Learning in Culturally Diverse Stettings as a Springboard for Student Constructed Case Studies

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    This article describes the process of incorporating case study development by students in a teacher education methods course. The students weekly and final reflections, in addition to the high quality of their case studies, suggested that case study development by teacher candidates is an effective approach to increase their understanding of and competence to work with second language and culturally diverse people

    Linewidths in bound state resonances for helium scattering from Si(111)-(1x1)H

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    Helium-3 spin-echo measurements of resonant scattering from the Si(111)–(1 × 1)H surface, in the energy range 4–14 meV, are presented. The measurements have high energy resolution yet they reveal bound state resonance features with uniformly broad linewidths. We show that exact quantum mechanical calculations of the elastic scattering, using the existing potential for the helium/Si(111)–(1 × 1)H interaction, cannot reproduce the linewidths seen in the experiment. Further calculations rule out inelastic and other mechanisms that might give rise to losses from the elastic scattering channels. We show that corrugation in the attractive part of the atom–surface potential is the most likely origin of the experimental lineshapes

    Temperature dependent stereodynamics in surface scattering measured through subtle changes in the molecular wave function

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    A magnetically manipulated molecular beam technique is used to change the rotational orientation of H2 molecules which collide with a stepped Cu(511) surface and explore how the polarisation dependence of molecules scattering into the specular channel changes as a function of surface temperature. At all temperatures, H2 molecules that are rotating like cartwheels are more likely to be scattered into the specular channel than those that are rotating like helicopters. Furthermore, the scattered molecules are more likely to be rotating like cartwheels, regardless of their state before the collision. Increasing the temperature of the Cu(511) surface causes the polarisation effects to become stronger, with the scattering becoming more selective for H2 with cartwheel like rotation. Therefore, scattering a molecular beam of H2 from a Cu(511) surface and taking the molecules scattered into the specular channel provides a method to create a rotationally polarised beam of H2, where the polarisation can be tuned by changing the surface temperature. In contrast, the rotational orientation dependence observed for specular scattering from a flat Cu(111) surface is independent of surface temperature within the same temperature range

    Measuring surface phonons using molecular spin-echo

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    A new method to measure surface phonons with a molecular beam is presented

    Distribution of Dangling Ends on the Incipient Percolation Cluster

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    We study numerically and by scaling arguments the probability P(M)dM that a given dangling end of the incipient percolation cluster has a mass between M and M + dM. We find by scaling arguments that P(M) decays with a power law, P(M)~M^(-(1+k)), with an exponent k=dBf/df, where df and dBf are the fractal dimensions of the cluster and its backbone, respectively. Our numerical results yield k=0.83 in d=2 and k=0.74 in d=3 in very good agreement with theory.Comment: proceedings of the conference "Percolation and Disordered Systems: *Theory and Applications*", Giessen (Germany) 1998, see http://ory.ph.biu.ac.il/PERCOLATION98/ , 4 pages, 3 figures, in press, will be published in Physica