151 research outputs found

    On the Momentum Distribution and Condensate Fraction in the Bose Liquid

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    The model recently proposed by A.A. Shanenko [Phys. Lett. A 227 (1997) 367] is used to derive linear integro-differential equations whose solutions provide reasonable estimates for the momentum distribution and condensate fraction in interacting many-boson system at zero temperature. An advantage of these equations is that they can be employed in the weak coupling regime and beyond. As an example, analytical treatment of the weak coupling case is given.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, no figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Lattice dynamics effects on small polaron properties

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    This study details the conditions under which strong-coupling perturbation theory can be applied to the molecular crystal model, a fundamental theoretical tool for analysis of the polaron properties. I show that lattice dimensionality and intermolecular forces play a key role in imposing constraints on the applicability of the perturbative approach. The polaron effective mass has been computed in different regimes ranging from the fully antiadiabatic to the fully adiabatic. The polaron masses become essentially dimension independent for sufficiently strong intermolecular coupling strengths and converge to much lower values than those tradition-ally obtained in small-polaron theory. I find evidence for a self-trapping transition in a moderately adiabatic regime at an electron-phonon coupling value of .3. Our results point to a substantial independence of the self-trapping event on dimensionality.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Transfer of Simple Task Learning is Different in Approach and Withdrawal Contexts

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    AbstractAcademic achievement, subjective well-being, and effectiveness of training are known to be dependent on motivation. Correspondingly, the utilization of prior knowledge for learning is shown to differ in approach/withdrawal contexts for complex tasks and educational settings. How can this be explained on the level of psychological structures? We assume that approach and withdrawal behaviors are supported by distinct asymmetric domains of individual experience. Hence, we proposed that the transfer-motivation relationship is also valid for simple task learning. Two word discrimination tasks were performed by 58 schoolchildren either to get “reward” or to avoid “punishment” with points. We show that the difference of transfer effect between approach and withdrawal motivational contexts is evident for simple tasks. The implications of these results for an instructional context and normative evaluation are discussed

    Bose-Einstein condensation of nonzero-center-of-mass-momentum Cooper pairs

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    Cooper pair (CP) binding with both zero and nonzero center-of-mass momenta (CMM) is studied with a set of renormalized equations assuming a short-ranged (attractive) pairwise interfermion interaction. Expanding the associated dispersion relation in 2D in powers of the CMM, in weak-to-moderate coupling a term {\it linear} in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy, while the quadratic behavior usually assumed in Bose-Einstein (BE)-condensation studies prevails for any coupling {\it only} in the limit of zero Fermi velocity when the Fermi sea disappears, i.e., in vacuum. In 3D this same behavior is observed numerically. The linear term, moreover, exhibits CP breakup beyond a threshold CMM value which vanishes with coupling. This makes all the excited (nonzero-CMM) BE levels with preformed CPs collapse into a single ground level so that a BCS condensate (where only zero CMM CPs are usually allowed) appears in zero coupling to be a special case in either 2D or 3D of the BE condensate of linear-dispersion-relation CPs.Comment: Four pages including four figures. To be published in Physica

    Closed String Tachyon Condensation at c=1

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    The c=1 matrix model, with or without a type 0 hat, has an exact quantum solution corresponding to closed string tachyon condensation along a null surface. The condensation occurs, and spacetime dissolves, at a finite retarded time on I^+. The outgoing quantum state of tachyon fluctuations in this time-dependent background is computed using both the collective field and exact fermion pictures. Perturbative particle production induced by the moving tachyon wall is shown to be similar to that induced by a soft moving mirror. Hence, despite the fact that I^+ for the tachyon is geodesicaly incomplete, quantum correlations in the incoming state are unitarily transmitted to the outgoing state in perturbation theory. It is also shown that, non-perturbatively, information can leak across the tachyon wall, and tachyon scattering is not unitary. Exact unitarity remains intact only in the free fermion picture.Comment: Minor corrections; References added; 24 pages, 2 figures, harvma

    BRST analysis of general mechanical systems

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    We study the groups of local BRST cohomology associated to the general systems of ordinary differential equations, not necessarily Lagrangian or Hamiltonian. Starting with the involutive normal form of the equations, we explicitly compute certain cohomology groups having clear physical meaning. These include the groups of global symmetries, conservation laws and Lagrange structures. It is shown that the space of integrable Lagrange structures is naturally isomorphic to the space of weak Poisson brackets. The last fact allows one to establish a direct link between the path-integral quantization of general not necessarily variational dynamics by means of Lagrange structures and the deformation quantization of weak Poisson brackets.Comment: 38 pages, misprints corrected, references and the Conclusion adde

    The Holstein Polaron

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    We describe a variational method to solve the Holstein model for an electron coupled to dynamical, quantum phonons on an infinite lattice. The variational space can be systematically expanded to achieve high accuracy with modest computational resources (12-digit accuracy for the 1d polaron energy at intermediate coupling). We compute ground and low-lying excited state properties of the model at continuous values of the wavevector kk in essentially all parameter regimes. Our results for the polaron energy band, effective mass and correlation functions compare favorably with those of other numerical techniques including DMRG, Global Local and exact diagonalization. We find a phase transition for the first excited state between a bound and unbound system of a polaron and an additional phonon excitation. The phase transition is also treated in strong coupling perturbation theory.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures submitted to PR

    Theory of the charged Bose gas: Bose-Einstein condensation in an ultrahigh magnetic field

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    This article was published in the journal, Physical Review B [© American Physical Society]. It is also available at: http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v54/p15363.The Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations and the Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gor'kov-type theory are formulated for the charged Bose gas (CBG). The theory of the Bose-Einstein condensation of the CBG in a magnetic field is extended to ultralow temperatures and ultrahigh magnetic fields. A low-temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T) is obtained both for the particle-impurity and particle-particle scattering. The normal-state collective plasmon mode in ultrahigh magnetic fields is studied

    Characteristic classes of gauge systems

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    We define and study invariants which can be uniformly constructed for any gauge system. By a gauge system we understand an (anti-)Poisson supermanifold provided with an odd Hamiltonian self-commuting vector field called a homological vector field. This definition encompasses all the cases usually included into the notion of a gauge theory in physics as well as some other similar (but different) structures like Lie or Courant algebroids. For Lagrangian gauge theories or Hamiltonian first class constrained systems, the homological vector field is identified with the classical BRST transformation operator. We define characteristic classes of a gauge system as universal cohomology classes of the homological vector field, which are uniformly constructed in terms of this vector field itself. Not striving to exhaustively classify all the characteristic classes in this work, we compute those invariants which are built up in terms of the first derivatives of the homological vector field. We also consider the cohomological operations in the space of all the characteristic classes. In particular, we show that the (anti-)Poisson bracket becomes trivial when applied to the space of all the characteristic classes, instead the latter space can be endowed with another Lie bracket operation. Making use of this Lie bracket one can generate new characteristic classes involving higher derivatives of the homological vector field. The simplest characteristic classes are illustrated by the examples relating them to anomalies in the traditional BV or BFV-BRST theory and to characteristic classes of (singular) foliations.Comment: 23 pages, references added, typos correcte

    Modeling of grain subdivision during severe plastic deformation by VPSC method combined with disclination analysis

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    Microstructure development during severe plastic deformation by simple shear is modeled using a combination of the visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) method and a disclination model. Strain incompatibilities between a homogeneous effective medium and a grain are calculated by VPSC. These are assumed to result in an accumulation of disclinations in the junctions of a grain that are relaxed by a growth of low-angle dislocation boundaries from the junctions. Predicted misorientation distributions between subgrains and their parent grains agree semi-quantitatively with experimental misorientation distributions for geometrically necessary boundaries. The texture after 100% simple shear was found to be insensitive to the presence of subgrains with misorientations less than 15º