739 research outputs found

    The nucleon to Delta electromagnetic transition form factors in lattice QCD

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    The electromagnetic nucleon to Delta transition form factors are evaluated using two degenerate flavors of dynamical Wilson fermions and using dynamical sea staggered fermions with domain wall valence quarks. The two subdominant quadrupole form factors are evaluated for the first time in full QCD to sufficient accuracy to exclude a zero value, which is taken as a signal for deformation in the nucleon-Delta system. For the Coulomb quadrupole form factor the unquenched results show deviations from the quenched results at low q^2 bringing dynamical lattice results closer to experiment, thereby confirming the importance of pion cloud contributions on this quantity.Comment: 15 pages, 8 Figure

    Axial Nucleon to Delta transition form factors on 2+1 flavor hybrid lattices

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    We correct the values of the dominant nucleon to Delta axial transition form factors CA_5 and CA_6 published in C. Alexandrou et.al., Phys. Rev. D 76,094511 (2007). The analysis error affects only the values obtained when using the hybrid action in the low Q^2 regime bringing them into agreement with those obtained with Wilson fermions.Comment: 1+2 pages, 2 figures, 1 Table, Erratum to C. Alexandrou et.al., Phys. Rev. D 76, 094511 (2007

    Heavy-light baryonic mass splittings from the lattice

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    We present lattice estimates of the mass of the heavy-light baryons Λb\Lambda_b and Ξb\Xi_b obtained using propagating heavy quarks. For Λb\Lambda_b our result is MΛb=5.728±0.144±0.018M_{\Lambda_b}=5.728 \pm 0.144 \pm 0.018 GeV, after extrapolation to the continuum limit and in the quenched approximation.Comment: 3 pages postscript, Contribution to Lattice'9

    Evaluation and Verification of Bottom Acoustic Reverberation Statistics Predicted by the Point Scattering Model

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    The point scatteringmodel offers a parameterization of the reverberation probability density function (pdf) in terms of the coefficient of excess (kurtosis) and a coherent component represented by a harmonic process with random phase. In this paper the potential utility of this parametrization is investigated in the context of seafloor characterization. The problem of separating out the effect of each parameter is discussed. Computer simulations are used to verify model predictions on the reverberation quadrature, envelope, and phase pdf. As part of the verification study, the scatterer density was determined from the kurtosis of the reverberation quadrature pdf. A statistical analysis of this procedure points to reduced estimate accuracy with decreasing kurtosis. Additional computer simulations show that the chosen pdf family, developed under the assumption of a Poissonscatterer distribution, is flexible enough to fit reverberation data generated by non‐Poisson scatterer distributions exhibiting a degree of clustering or regularity. A computer experiment demonstrates how this parametrization can be used in conjunction with a simple sonar geometry to generate acoustic signatures for seafloor classification. In addition, real reverberation data collected by a Sea Beam sonar system in two different seafloor areas are interpreted according to the chosen parametrization

    The electromagnetic form factors of the Omega in lattice QCD

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    We present results on the Omega baryon electromagnetic form factors using Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 domain-wall fermion configurations for three pion masses in the range of about 350 to 300 MeV. We compare results obtained using domain wall fermions with those of a mixed-action (hybrid) approach, which combine domain wall valence quarks on staggered sea quarks, for a pion mass of about 350 MeV. We pay particular attention in the evaluation of the subdominant electric quadrupole form factor to sufficient accuracy to exclude a zero value, by constructing a sequential source that isolates it from the dominant form factors. The Ω\Omega^- magnetic moment, μΩ\mu_{\Omega^{-}}, the electric charge and magnetic radius, rE0/M12\langle r^{2}_{E0/M1} \rangle, are extracted for these pion masses. The electric quadrupole moment is determined for the first time using dynamical quarks.Comment: 13 pages, 10 Figure

    Calculation of fermion loops for η\eta^\prime and nucleon scalar and electromagnetic form factors

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    The exact evaluation of the disconnected diagram contributions to the flavor-singlet pseudoscalar meson mass, the nucleon sigma term and the nucleon electromagnetic form factors, is carried out utilizing GPGPU technology with the NVIDIA CUDA platform. The disconnected loops are also computed using stochastic methods with several noise reduction techniques. Various dilution schemes as well as the truncated solver method are studied. We make a comparison of these stochastic techniques to the exact results and show that the number of noise vectors depends on the operator insertion in the fermionic loop.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Comp. Phys. Commun. References added. 13 pages, 12 figure

    Nucleon to Delta transition form factors with NF=2+1N_F=2+1 domain wall fermions

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    We calculate the electromagnetic, axial and pseudo-scalar form factors of the Nucleon to Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) transition using two dynamical light degenerate quarks and a dynamical strange quark simulated with the domain wall fermion action. Results are obtained at lattice spacings a=0.114a = 0.114 fm and a=0.084a=0.084 fm, with corresponding pion masses of 330330 MeV and 297297 MeV, respectively. High statistics measurements are achieved by utilizing the coherent sink technique. The dominant electromagnetic dipole form factor, the axial form factors and the pseudo-scalar coupling are extracted to a good accuracy. This allows the investigation of the non-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation. Particular emphasis is given on the extraction of the sub-dominant electromagnetic quadrupole form factors and their ratio to the dominant dipole form factor, REMR_{EM} and RSMR_{SM}, measured in experiment.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure