106 research outputs found

    Sensitivity to halothane and its relationship to the development of PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative) meat in female lineage broilers

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    This work aimed to evaluate female lineage broilers for halothane sensitivity and for their susceptibility to the subsequent development of PSE meat. The halothane test was carried out in an anesthetic chamber with 3.0% halothane. The unconscious birds were examined for leg muscle rigidity. If one or both legs became extended and rigid, the birds were classified as halothane sensitive (HAL+), while unresponsive birds were classified as halothane negative (HAL-). The results showed that of 298 birds aged 42 days old, 95.6% were HAL- and 4.4% were HAL+. A sample of pectoralis major muscle was collected from HAL- (n=105) and HAL+ (n=13) birds. The pH and breast fillet color were determined at 4ºC, 24 hours post-mortem. Interestingly, only 2.5% of HAL+ birds displayed PSE meat characteristics compared to 12.7% of HAL- individuals. The halothane test demonstrated that female lineage broilers displayed very little sensitivity towards halothane, indicating that the development of PSE meat is related to other environmental factors.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade de aves de uma linhagem fêmea ao halotano e sua relação com o desenvolvimento de carnes PSE. O teste do halotano foi conduzido com o auxílio de uma câmara anestésica com 3,0% de halotano volatilizado. As aves inconscientes foram examinadas pelo enrijecimento dos seus membros inferiores. Quando ambos ou um dos membros permaneceram rígidos, os frangos foram classificados como sensíveis ao halotano (HAL+) e os frangos sem enrijecimento dos membros foram classificados como não-sensíveis (HAL-). Os resultados mostraram que de 298 frangos com 42 dias de idade, 95,6% foram HAL-, e apenas 4,4% HAL+. O peito foi coletado das aves HAL- (n=105) e HAL+ (n=13) em que o pH e Cor (L*,a*,b*) foram determinados a 4ºC, 24h postmortem. Interessantemente, apenas 2,5% das aves HAL+ demonstraram carnes PSE, enquanto que as aves HAL- apresentaram 12,7% de carnes PSE, em relação ao total de aves abatidas. O teste do halotano demonstrou que frangos da linhagem fêmea mostraram pouquíssima sensibilidade ao halotano, indicando que a ocorrência de carnes PSE está mais associada a fatores ambientais.Fundação AraucáriaFINEPCNPqProne

    Humoral Immunity in chicken lines developed by Embrapa Suínos e Aves: Natural and specific antibodies

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    The antibodies produced in the first days of vertebrate life and are called natural antibodies (NAb). Other antibodies, produced in response to restricted contact with the antigen, are called specific antibodies (SpAb). To evaluate the production of NAb studies have used rabbit red blood cells (RRBC). On the other hand, evaluation of the production of specific antibodies can be performed with the use of sheep red blood cells (SRBC), a cell type that results in high production of SpAb. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of NAb and SpAb in chicken lines developed by EMBRAPA Suínos e Aves. Animals of laying and poultry lines were inoculated intramuscularly with 5% of SRBC. The titers of NAb and SpAb were higher in laying hens than in broiler lines. The same results were obtained with anti-RRBC, the exception was males of the LLc lines, with lower antibody production compared to the other lines and females of the same line. These data show that the production of natural and specific antibodies is higher in laying hens compared to broilers, and that there is an effect of sex on antibody production

    Efeitos da adição de diferentes fontes de enxofre na dieta de gatos adultos em parâmetros urinários e equilíbrio ácido-básico

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    A urolitíase é uma desordem comum na clínica veterinária, considerada como uma das maiores causas de morbidade. Esta desordem está intimamente associada ao pH urinário sendo que a nutrição desempenha papel fundamental no controle dessa doença, pois através da manipulação dietética é possível modificar o pH urinário. O enxofre é considerado um macroelemento com forte influência no equilíbrio ácido-básico e pode ser crucial para controlar o pH urinário em gatos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da adição de diferentes fontes de enxofre (S) na dieta de gatos nos parâmetros urinários e no equilíbrio ácido-básico destes animais. 42 gatos adultos saudáveis foram divididos em 3 grupos e cada grupo de 14 gatos recebeu 7 dietas em um delineamento de blocos ao acaso. O sulfato de cálcio (CaSO4), a DL-metionina (DLM) e a metionina hidróxi-análoga (MHA) foram adicionados a uma dieta controle em dois níveis (1,28g S/kg e 2,56g S/kg) para formular outras 6 dietas experimentais. O equilíbrio ácido-básico foi avaliado por hemogasometria em amostras de sangue venoso. O DLM no teor mais alto e MHA diferiram da dieta controle em relação ao pH urinário (P<0,05). O sulfato de cálcio, embora não tenha diferido da dieta controle, demonstrou alterar o pH urinário apesar do seu equilíbrio eletrolítico nulo. Aparentemente, o efeito alcalinizante do cálcio não foi suficiente para anular a acidificação da urina pelo sulfato. Os tratamentos não apresentaram alteração do equilíbrio ácido-básico dos animais e não afetaram o consumo das dietas experimentais

    Management of inflammatory bowel disease patients in the COVID-19 pandemic era: a Brazilian tertiary referral center guidance

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    The world is fighting the COVID-19 outbreak and health workers, including inflammatory bowel diseases specialists, have been challenged to address the specific clinical issues of their patients. We hereby summarize the current literature in the management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients during the COVID-19 pandemic era that support the rearrangement of our IBD unit and the clinical advice provided to our patient


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    Partial replacement of fish commercial diets by boiled soybean and corn prepared to feed tambatingas hybrids in a fish farm of Macapá City, State of Amapá, and promoted reduction of production costs. This practice is widely used by fish farmers; however, monitoring fish growth and health conditions is important. Therefore, this evaluation was the aim of the present study. Fish biometrical and physiological (hematologic and biochemistry) analysis were measured, as well as water quality parameters were performed in two period times. The first analysis were done two months after the start of feeding (named RSM and RC I), and the second analysis were done after four months after the start of feeding (named RSM and RC II). The diets replacement caused no changes in ponds water pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration; however, physiological changes occurred in fish. Tambatinga hybrid grew and presented weigh gain (P&lt;0.05) when fed with soybean and corn boiled prepared feed (RSM). In addition, hemoglobin concentration and plasma protein and urea concentration alterations occurred. The leucogram indicated reduction in peripheral white blood cells and could indicate the presence of an infectious process in fish. Thus, the fish farmer has achieved reduction in the quantity of commercial feed utilized for only 20% of the total, diminishing the tambatingas production costs. However, additional long-term studies to evaluate the animals' health are necessary.Keywords: nutrition; fish farm; hematology; biochemical analysis.A substituição parcial da ração comercial para peixes por um preparado de soja e milho cozidos na alimentação de híbridos tambatingas, realizado em uma piscicultura no Município de Macapá, Estado do Amapá, pode promover redução dos custos de produção para o piscicultor. Esta prática é muito utilizada pelos produtores no estado, entretanto, o crescimento e a condição de saúde desses peixes devem ser monitorados durante o cultivo, o qual foi o objetivo do presente estudo. Avaliações biométricas e fisiológicas (hematológica e bioquímica) foram realizadas nos peixes, além do monitoramento da qualidade da água sendo a primeira análise, dois meses após o início da alimentação (RC I e RSM I), e a segunda, após quatro meses (RCM II e RSM II). A substituição da ração comercial não causou alterações no pH, temperatura e concentração de oxigênio dissolvido da água dos viveiros da piscicultura; entretanto, alterações fisiológicas ocorreram nos peixes. Os híbridos tambatingas apresentaram crescimento e ganho de peso (P &lt; 0,05) quando alimentados com o preparado de soja e milho (RSM), além disso, ocorreram alterações nos níveis de hemoglobina nas células sanguíneas e nos níveis plasmáticos de proteína e ureia. O leucograma dos híbridos indicou redução no número de células brancas no sangue periférico, podendo indicar presença de processo infeccioso nos peixes. Conclui-se que o produtor obteve redução no uso de ração comercial para apenas 20% do total, diminuindo os custos de produção de tambatingas. Entretanto, estudos a longo prazo (no mínimo dez meses) são necessários, possibilitando monitoramento da saúde desses animais.Palavras-chave: nutrição, piscicultura, hematologia, análises bioquímicas

    Germline EPHB2 Receptor Variants in Familial Colorectal Cancer

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    Familial clustering of colorectal cancer occurs in 15–20% of cases, however recognized cancer syndromes explain only a small fraction of this disease. Thus, the genetic basis for the majority of hereditary colorectal cancer remains unknown. EPHB2 has recently been implicated as a candidate tumor suppressor gene in colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of EPHB2 to hereditary colorectal cancer. We screened for germline EPHB2 sequence variants in 116 population-based familial colorectal cancer cases by DNA sequencing. We then estimated the population frequencies and characterized the biological activities of the EPHB2 variants identified. Three novel nonsynonymous missense alterations were detected. Two of these variants (A438T and G787R) result in significant residue changes, while the third leads to a conservative substitution in the carboxy-terminal SAM domain (V945I). The former two variants were found once in the 116 cases, while the V945I variant was present in 2 cases. Genotyping of additional patients with colorectal cancer and control subjects revealed that A438T and G787R represent rare EPHB2 alleles. In vitro functional studies show that the G787R substitution, located in the kinase domain, causes impaired receptor kinase activity and is therefore pathogenic, whereas the A438T variant retains its receptor function and likely represents a neutral polymorphism. Tumor tissue from the G787R variant case manifested loss of heterozygosity, with loss of the wild-type allele, supporting a tumor suppressor role for EPHB2 in rare colorectal cancer cases. Rare germline EPHB2 variants may contribute to a small fraction of hereditary colorectal cancer

    Electrical Water Bath Stunning of Broilers: Effects on Breast Meat Quality

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of electrical water bath stunning treatments (pulsed direct current) on stress conditions of poultry meat. This was carried out by evaluating meat quality measured through the incidence of PSE (pale, soft, exudative) in broiler breast fillet meat. We applied the randomized factorial design 22 with three replications at the central point, with independent variables, including voltage (40, 80, 120 V) and electrical frequency (100, 400, 700 Hz). The response functions under study were pH, L*, a*, b*, WHC and incidence of PSE meat. Samples presenting with pH of ≤5.80 and L* of ≥53.0 were classified as PSE whereas those with 5.80&lt;pH&lt;6.00 and 44.0&lt;L*&lt;53.0 were considered normal. The fillets taken from birds without stunning presented 54.14% of PSE meat samples, which decreased to 25.0% with stunning. The response functions L* and incidence of PSE showed regression (P≤0.05) with good adjustment of experimental data to the proposed model. The lowest incidence of PSE meat was observed when voltage and frequency were at their highest levels. In poultry slaughter, the applied electric stunning voltage of 120 V with a frequency of 700 Hz was determined to be the most effective for inhibition of PSE development