246 research outputs found


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    Galois LCD codes over mixed alphabets

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work we give a characterization of Galois Linear Complementary Dual codes and Galois-invariant codes over mixed alphabets of finite chain rings, which leads to the study of the Gray image of FpFp[θ]-linear codes, where p ∈ {2; 3} and θ = θ2 = 0 that provides LCD codes over Fp.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project PGC2018-096446-B-C21


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    A mordida cruzada anterior dentária, na fase da dentição mista, destaca-se nos exames de rotina de clínicos gerais, odontopediatras e fonoaudiólogos. Do ponto de vista da oclusão, cabe ao clínico geral a identificação, o diagnóstico e até mesmo a interceptação desta má oclusão, embora, sempre que possível, devam estar sob orientação de um ortodontista. Através de revisão de literatura e com o relato de um caso clinico, este trabalho visa verificar as características e a eficácia de um aparelho removível com mola digital, bem como o seu uso no tratamento de uma mordida cruzada anterior dentária, a qual se apresenta como resultado da má posição dos incisivos superiores. As molas digitais são amplamente utilizadas na ortodontia, e neste estudo observou-se sua efetividade no tratamento, com uma rápida e positiva resposta. Proporcionando uma melhora na função, na estética e auto-estima do paciente

    Subarachnoid Blockade For Cesarean Section In A Patient With Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. Case Report

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    SummaryBackground and objectivesPatients with ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) represent an additional concern when neuroaxis block is indicated, especially in obstetrics. Currently, a consensus on the anesthetic technique of choice in those cases does not exist in the literature. The objective of this report was to describe the case of a cesarean section under subarachnoid blockade in a patient with VPS.Case reportThis is a 28 years old pregnant patient at term, in her second pregnancy, one prior delivery, a cesarean section seven years ago, no history of miscarriages, and pre-natal care without intercurrences, in labor for five hours. The patient evolved with acute fetal distress and an emergency cesarean section was indicated. She had had a VPS for five years due to intracranial hypertension (sic) of unknown etiology. Neurological exam was normal. She underwent subarachnoid block with 15 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 80 μg of morphine. The newborn had an Apgar of 8 (in the first minute) and 10 (in the 5th minute). The patient was discharged two days later in excellent clinical condition.ConclusionsThe anesthetic approach of obstetric patients with VPS is complex, and the risk and benefits of anesthetic techniques, as well as the circumstances that led to this indication, should be considered at the time of the indication. Successful of neuroaxis block in patients with neurological diseases has been reported. As for VPS, formal contraindication for neuroaxis block does not exist in the literature. Cases should be individualized. In the present report, due to an obstetric emergency and the neurologic condition of the patient, a decision to use neuroaxis blockade was made. The technique provided adequate management of the airways, good maternal- fetal condition, and postoperative analgesia. The evolution was favorable and the patient did not show any neurologic changes secondary to the technique used