460 research outputs found

    The emergence of choice: Decision-making and strategic thinking through analogies

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    Consider the chess game: When faced with a complex scenario, how does understanding arise in one’s mind? How does one integrate disparate cues into a global, meaningful whole? how do humans avoid the combinatorial explosion? How are abstract ideas represented? The purpose of this paper is to propose a new computational model of human chess intuition and intelligence. We suggest that analogies and abstract roles are crucial to solving these landmark problems. We present a proof-of-concept model, in the form of a computational architecture, which may be able to account for many crucial aspects of human intuition, such as (i) concentration of attention to relevant aspects, (ii) \ud how humans may avoid the combinatorial explosion, (iii) perception of similarity at a strategic level, and (iv) a state of meaningful anticipation over how a global scenario \ud may evolve

    Decision-making and strategic thinking through analogies

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    When faced with a complex scenario, how does understanding arise in one’s mind? How does one integrate disparate cues into a global, meaningful whole? Consider the chess game: how do humans avoid the combinatorial explosion? How are abstract ideas represented? The purpose of this paper is to propose a new computational model of human chess intuition and intelligence. We suggest that analogies and abstract roles are crucial to solving these landmark problems. We present a proof-of-concept model, in the form of a computational architecture, which may be able to account for many crucial aspects of human intuition, such as (i) concentration of attention to relevant aspects, (ii) \ud how humans may avoid the combinatorial explosion, (iii) perception of similarity at a strategic level, and (iv) a state of meaningful anticipation over how a global scenario \ud may evolve

    The emergence of choice: Decision-making and strategic thinking through analogies

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    Consider the chess game: When faced with a complex scenario, how does understanding arise in one’s mind? How does one integrate disparate cues into a global, meaningful whole? how do humans avoid the combinatorial explosion? How are abstract ideas represented? The purpose of this paper is to propose a new computational model of human chess intuition and intelligence. We suggest that analogies and abstract roles are crucial to solving these landmark problems. We present a proof-of-concept model, in the form of a computational architecture, which may be able to account for many crucial aspects of human intuition, such as (i) concentration of attention to relevant aspects, (ii) \ud how humans may avoid the combinatorial explosion, (iii) perception of similarity at a strategic level, and (iv) a state of meaningful anticipation over how a global scenario \ud may evolve

    Evidência de infecção ativa por herpesvírus 6 (variante- A) em pacientes com linfadenopatia em Belém, Pará, Brasil

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    A total of 323 patients with lymphadenopathy were selected in Belém, Brazil, between January 1996 and December 2001, and screened for the presence of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) IgM- and- IgG antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When seroprevalence is analyzed by gender, similar rates are found for female (60.6%) and male (55.7%) individuals. Seventy-seven (23.8%) patients were HHV-6-IgM-and- IgG-positive (IgM+ subgroup), with positivity rates of 29.7% and 17.7% (p = 0.0007) for female- and male individuals, respectively. Sera from a subgroup (n = 120) of these subjects, with high HHV-6 antibody levels (either IgM+ or IgG+ reactivities), were subsequently processed for the presence of HHV-6 DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/nested PCR. Active infections (IgM+ and/or IgG+ high levels specific antibodies plus detection of viral DNA) were diagnosed in 20/77 (20.0%) and 8/43 (18.6%); subgroup of the 120 individuals suspected of having HHV-6 suggestive recent infection. All (n = 28) cases of active infection were found to be associated with HHV-6 variant-A (HHV-6A), as detectable by PCR/nested PCR, using variant-specific primer that amplify regions of 195 base pairs (bp) (HHV-6A) and 423 bp (HHV-6B). Rates of HHV-6 DNA detection between female and male patients were similar (p >; 0.05) in the IgM+ and IgG+ groups: 20.4% versus 35.7% and 25.0% versus 13.0%, respectively. HHV-6 DNA was detected across ; 50 age-groups at rates that ranged from 15.4% (male, ; 0,05) em pacientes dos sexos feminino e masculino, no grupo IgM+ e IgG+ com: 20,4% versus 35,7% e 25,0% versus 13,0%, respectivamente. A detecção do DNA viral do HHV-6 ocorreu no grupo etário ; 50 anos, com taxas que variaram de 15,4% (homens, < 5 anos) a 100,0% (mulheres, 11-20 anos). O aumento dos linfonodos cervicais foi registrado como mais freqüente, ocorrendo em número de 9 (32,0%) casos, tanto entre indivíduos do sexo masculino como naqueles do feminino. Entre os pacientes (n = 28) com infecção ativa pela variante A do HHV-6, a duração dos sintomas em 35,7% deles foi de 1-5 dias, enquanto em 64,3% durou de 6-20 dias. Nossos dados sugerem ser importante investigar a infecção pelo HHV-6 entre os pacientes (crianças e adultos) portadores de linfadenopatia como manifestação clínica proeminente no curso das doenças agudas febris

    Prevalência de anticorpos para o herpesvírus humano tipo 8 na população de Belém, Pará, Brasil

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    Serum samples from 497 children and adults inhabiting two neighbourhoods (Guamá and Terra Firme) in Belém, Pará, North Brazil were screened for the presence of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) antibody using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. An overall 16.3% prevalence was found for these urban communities. Taken both genders together, prevalence rates of HHV-8 antibody increase gradually, across age-groups, ranging from 12.0% to 33.3%. When seroprevalence is analysed by gender, similar rates are found for female (18.4%) and male (14.0%) individuals. In the former gender group, seroprevalence rates increased from 10.3%, in children ;&pound;; 10 years of age, to 30.0% in adults 41-50 years of age. Conversely, among male subjects, the prevalence of HHV-8 antibodies decreased from 13.3% in children/young adults aged ;&pound;; 10 to 20 years of age to 6.1% in adults aged 21-30 years. From the 31-40 year-old group male onwards, seropositivity rates increased gradually, ranging from 8.3% to 66.7%. A significant difference in seropositivity rates was noted when comparing 21-30 age groups for female and male subjects: 23.3% and 6.1%, respectively (P = 0.03). Geometric mean optical densities were found to increase slightly from the lower to the higher age-groups. Our data suggest that transmission of HHV-8 occurs frequently in the general urban population of Belém, and that prevalence of antibody seems to increase with age.Amostras de soro de 497 crianças e adultos residentes em 2 bairros (Terra Firme e Guamá) de Belém, Pará, norte do Brasil foram examinadas com o propósito de detectar-se anticorpos para o herpesvírus 8, utilizando-se a técnica imunoenzimática. A soroprevalência total nessas comunidades urbanas foi de 16,3%. As taxas de prevalência de anticorpos para o HHV-8, considerando ambos os sexos, aumentou progressivamente através dos grupos de idade, variando de 12,0% a 33,3%. Quando a soroprevalência é analisada por sexo, taxas similares são encontradas para os indivíduos do sexo feminino (18,4%) e masculino (14,0%). A taxa de prevalência no sexo feminino aumentou de 10,3%, em crianças ;&pound;; 10 anos, para 30,0% nos adultos de 41-50 anos. Já nos indivíduos do sexo masculino, a prevalência de anticorpos para o HHV-8 decresceu de 13,3%, nas crianças/adultos de ;&pound;; 10 a 20 anos de idade, para 6,1% em adultos com 21-30 anos. Do grupo etário de 31-40 anos para frente, as taxas de soropositividade relativas ao sexo masculino aumentaram gradualmente de 8,3% a 66,7%. Diferença significativa foi observada nas taxas de soropositividade relacionadas ao grupo etário de 21-30 anos, se comparados indivíduos dos sexos feminino e masculino: 23,3% e 6,1%, respectivamente (P = 0,03). A média geométrica das densidades óticas aumentaram progressivamente do menor para o maior grupo de idade. Nossos dados sugerem que a transmissão do HHV-8 ocorre com frequência na população de Belém e que a prevalência de anticorpos observada aumentou com a idade

    Creation methodology for book ilustration : a study on the constitution of the narrative image

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    In this article we will discuss the process of creating the narrative image for editorial purposes, structured in the research methodology that has been developed in the PhD in Drawing at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisboa (FBAUL). Thus, we will present the procedure related to the generation of the book of images "The Girl, the River and the Prince". This research project is determined by the following principle: the change of the current paradigm that establishes the previous reading of the text and, in sequence, the realization of the images. This amendment seeks to extend - from experiments based on the analysis of works of art and illustrations - the radius of visual comprehension in the production of a story without wordsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo sobre a concepção de um livro de imagem : A menina, o Riacho e o Príncipe

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    This thesis deals with the process of visual creation for editorial purposes where it is conception to design the picture book The Girl, the Small River and the Prince, based on a free adaptation of the literary work The Girl of Little Nose, written and edited by Monteiro Lobato in 1920. The proposal is guided by principles of composition and narrative of sequential character, anchored by a line of thought about form. According to these fundamentals, the work is structured from a paradigm shift. As a rule, the elaboration of drawings for picture books is preceded by the reading of a certain text. However, in methodological terms, the proposition that marks the course of this research project alters this logic. Such a change aims to widen the radius of visual comprehension in the production of a story without words. Thus, when accessing the literary matrix of Lobato we are not restricted only to the sphere of influence of the original story. Circumscribed in this logic, the research is developed in three stages in which each segment is directly related to the image. In the first phase, these are formal questions that involve artistic discourse and the analysis of the work of art, favoring the absorption of knowledge that functions as a propelling agent of work. At this stage, in particular, the theoretical thought of Johannes Itten (1888-1967) stands out. Then, based on the results achieved and based on compositional procedures of cinematographic character, under the influence of Uri Shulevitz (1935-), among other artists and theorists, we developed three booklets called Abstract Narrative Composition Nº. 1, 2 and 3. After this stage, according to the established premises and the respective interweaving to the analysis of the book The Girl of the Arrhythmed Nardy, we present the visual proposition of the narrative and the characterization of the illustrations that, consequently, constitute the artistic materialization of the present thesi

    Diarréia aguda associada a Cryptosporidium sp em Belém, Brasil (Nota prévia)

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    Cryptosporidium sp was detected in faeces from three children suffering from acute diarrhoea. In two cases no other concomitant agents were detected and in a 3rd. this agent was associated with Entamoeba histolytic, Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana, Chilomastix mesnili and Pentatricbomonas hominis.Amostras de Cryptosporidium sp foram detectadas das fezes de três crianças com diarréia aguda. Em dois casos nenhum outro agente foi registrado, concomitantemente, e no terceiro caso, esse coccidio estava associado com Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana, Chilomastix mesnili e Pentatrichomonas hominis

    Pesquisa de enterovírus em casos de meningite assética e síndrome de deficiência motora em Belém, Pará, Brasil

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    Eighty-one cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples mainly from cases of aseptic meningitis and motor deficiency syndrome were sent to the Virology Section of Evandro Chagas Institute, Belém Pará, in the period of January 1995 to January 1996 in order to isolate viruses. All samples were inoculated onto HEp-2 cell culture and newborn mice, with negative results. The probability of isolating viruses by these methods is reduced because of the low concentration of viral particles in these specimens. In order to obtain more information about the etiology of these cases, a group of 23 samples were selected to be tested by a more sensitive technique than the virus isolation - the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Specific primers directed to conserved regions in the enterovirus genome were used, considering that this group of viruses is frequently associated with these neurological disorder. The age of the patients ranged from 1 to 55 years and nearly all of them lived in Belém, State of Pará, North of Brazil. Of 15 samples analyzed by RT PCR nine (60%) were positive; of these, 6 (66.6%) had motor deficiency and 3 (33.3%) developed aseptic meningitis. These results show that it is important to investigate enterovirus as cause of these syndromes.Amostras de líquido céfalo raquidiano colhidas de 81casos (principalmente meningite asséptica e deficiência motora) foram recebidas na Seção de Virologia do Instituto Evandro Chagas em Belém, Pará no período de janeiro de 1995 a janeiro de 1996, para investigação etiológica. Todas as amostras foram inoculadas em células HEp-2 e em camundongos recém nascidos, com resultados negativos. A probabilidade de se isolar vírus por esse método é reduzida devido à baixa concentração de partículas virais nesses espécimes. Com o objetivo de se obter mais informações sobre a etiologia desses casos, um grupo de 15 amostras, foram testadas usando a reação em cadeia de polimerase com transcrição reversa uma técnica mais sensível que o isolamento. Foram usados "iniciadores" específicos direcionados à região de seqüências conservadas dos enterovírus, considerando que este grupo de vírus é mais freqüentemente relacionado a desordens neurológicas. A idade dos pacientes variou de 1 a 55 anos, e quase todos viviam em Belém, Pará, norte do Brasil. Das 15 amostras analisadas, nove (60%) foram positivas - 6 (66,6%) relacionadas a deficiência motora e 3 (33,3%) a meningite asséptica. Esses resultados, indicam a importância de investigar enterovírus como etiologia dessas síndromes