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    ABSTRACTObjective: To evaluate the personal, fracture, treatment and complication characteristics among patients with pediatric femoral shaft fractures attended at the pediatric orthopedic service of the Joana de Gusmão Children's Hospital. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study on a population consisting of patients with femoral shaft fractures, aged between birth and 14 years and 11 months, who were divided into four age groups. Information was obtained from medical records and was transferred to a survey questionnaire to present personal, fracture, treatment and complication variables. Results: The study population consisted of 96 patients. Their mean age was 6.8 years. The cases were predominantly among males, comprising closed fractures on the right side, in the middle third with a single line. Regarding fracture etiology, traffic accidents predominated overall in the sample. Most of the patients (74 to 77.1%) presented femoral fractures as their only injury. Conservative treatment predominated in the group younger than six years of age, and surgical treatment in the group aged 6 to 14 years and 11 months. The complications observed until bone union were: discrepancy, infection and movement limitation. The mean time taken for consolidation was 9.6 ± 2.4 weeks, varying with age. Conclusion: The features of these fractures were similar to those described in the literature and the treatment used showed good results. The Joana de Gusmão Children's Hospital has used the treatment proposed in the literature for pediatric femoral shaft fractures

    Conjuntos soldados submetidos a carregamento excêntrico quase estático e de impacto estrutural “fora do plano”

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    Conexões estruturais soldadas são utilizadas para a construção de pontes, edifícios, instalações de extração de petróleo e gás, na indústria naval, agrícola, automobilística e aeroespacial. Esta tese mostra resultados de uma investigação sobre o comportamento de conjuntos produzidos com juntas soldadas de filete, submetidos a carregamentos excêntricos, quase estáticos e de impacto estrutural “fora do plano”. Sendo assim, os conjuntos soldados foram fabricados, com um dos elementos em “balanço”, utilizando-se aços estruturais ASTM A-36 e ASTM A-572 grau 50, unidos pelo processo de soldagem a arco com proteção gasosa (MAG). Para fins de comparação, todas as soldagens foram realizadas na temperatura ambiente e mesmo pré-aquecimento, com os parâmetros mantidos constantes e eletrodos classes AWS ER70S-6 e AWS ER120S-G. Dentre os principais resultados foi observado que nos ensaios com carregamento quase estático, para ambos os metais base, os cordões paralelos soldados com ER120S-G pré-aquecidos a 150 °C suportaram maiores carregamentos por tempos menores, e os cordões transversais suportaram menores carregamentos por tempos maiores. Nos ensaios de impacto estrutural dos conjuntos soldados com metal base ASTM A572 grau 50, cordões paralelos soldados com eletrodo ER70S-6, pré-aquecidos a 150 °C resistiram cerca de 50% da carga projetada. Superfícies de fratura produzidas pelo carregamento por impacto estrutural dos cordões soldados com eletrodo ER120S-G foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Cordões de solda paralelos produziram fraturas com características dúcteis e cordões perpendiculares fraturas dúcteis com planos de clivagem.Welded structural connections are used for the construction of bridges, buildings, oil and gas extraction facilities, in the marine, agricultural, automobile and aerospace industries. This paper shows results of an investigation on the behavior of assemblies produced with welded fillet joints subjected to eccentric, quasi-static and “out-of-plane” structural impact loads. Therefore, weldments were manufactured, with one of the elements in “balance”, using ASTM A-36 and ASTM A-572 grade 50 structural steels, joined by the process of gas metal arc welding (GMAW or MAG). For the purpose of comparison, all weldings were made at room temperature and same preheating, with parameters kept constant and classes AWS ER70S-6 and AWS ER120S-G electrodes. Among the main results, it was observed that in tests with quasi-static loading, for both base metals, the parallel weld beads welded with ER120S-G preheated to 150 °C withstood greater loads for shorter times, and the transverse weld beads withstand smaller loads for longer periods of time. Related to structural impact tests of ASTM A572 grade 50 base metal weldments, the parallel weld beads welded with electrode ER70S-6, preheated to 150 °C, withstood near to 50% of the designed load. Fractured surfaces produced by structural impact loading of the weld beads with the ER120SG electrode were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. Parallel weld beads produced fractures witch ductile characteristics, and perpendicular weld beads produced ductile fractures with cleavage planes.

    NOLB: Nonlinear Rigid Block Normal Mode Analysis Method

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    International audienceWe present a new conceptually simple and computationally efficient method for nonlinear normal mode analysis called NOLB. It relies on the rotations-translations of blocks (RTB) theoretical basis developed by Y.-H. Sanejouand and colleagues. We demonstrate how to physically interpret the eigenvalues computed in the RTB basis in terms of angular and linear velocities applied to the rigid blocks and how to construct a nonlinear extrapolation of motion out of these velocities. The key observation of our method is that the angular velocity of a rigid block can be interpreted as the result of an implicit force, such that the motion of the rigid block can be considered as a pure rotation about a certain center. We demonstrate the motions produced with the NOLB method on three different molecular systems and show that some of the lowest frequency normal modes correspond to the biologically relevant motions. For example, NOLB detects the spiral sliding motion of the TALE protein, which is capable of rapid diffusion along its target DNA. Overall, our method produces better structures compared to the standard approach, especially at large deformation amplitudes, as we demonstrate by visual inspection, energy and topology analyses, and also by the MolProbity service validation. Finally, our method is scalable and can be applied to very large molecular systems, such as ribosomes. Standalone executables of the NOLB normal mode analysis method are available at https://team.inria.fr/nano-d/software/nolb-normal-modes/. A graphical user interface created for the SAMSON software platform will be made available at https: //www.samson-connect.net


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    A crescente busca por fontes de energia renováveis, frente ao apelo pela substituição de combustíveis fósseis como fonte de energia, favorece a utilização de novas formas de obtenção de energia elétrica, destacando-se a conversão de energia fotovoltaica. A energia fotovoltaica é reconhecida não mais como fonte de energia alternativa, mas como uma fonte de energia primária, sendo excelente em lugares isolados. Considerando esses fatores, o presente estudo viabilizou a implementação e instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos a partir de células solares para alimentação de baterias que fornecem energia a antenas repetidoras de sinal de TV e internet, instaladas na Cidade de Ipira, SC. A região é muito procurada por turistas que utilizam os sinais de TV e internet para entretenimento e informação. O local em que as antenas estão instaladas é um ambiente isolado da rede de energia elétrica. As baterias que fornecem energia elétrica para o sistema de antenas eram carregadas com um gerador à gasolina; além de utilizar uma fonte de energia não renovável poluente, havia a necessidade e a dificuldade de uma pessoa para transportar e acionar o gerador. A instalação de um painel fotovoltaico tornou-se uma excelente solução para o sistema. Para aproveitamento da energia solar, existem diversos processos, dos quais se destacam o aproveitamento natural de iluminação e calor, o aproveitamento térmico para aquecimento de água e o aproveitamento para geração direta em energia elétrica. A conversão direta da energia solar em energia elétrica é possível em razão do efeito fotovoltaico, que consiste no aparecimento de uma diferença de potencial nas extremidades de um semicondutor, quando este absorve luz visível. Para a construção do painel, foi utilizado um kit de células solares do tipo policristalino, composto por 40 células. As células foram soldadas, dispostas e coladas sobre uma chapa de MDF. A partir de testes com o painel finalizado, foi obtida uma potência máxima de 240 W. Essa potência supre a energia necessária para manter o sistema funcionando. Além do sistema fotovoltaico, a região onde as antenas estão instaladas possui potencial para implantação de outras fontes alternativas de energia, como a eólica, favorecendo a instalação de um sistema híbrido, integrando painéis fotovoltaicos com geradores eólicos. A ampliação da pesquisa acerca de energia solar visa reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência de conversão do sistema fotovoltaico. Com apoio técnico, incentivos financeiros e os avanços naturais da tecnologia, a tendência é a difusão de sistemas fotovoltaicos. Como consequência, obtém-se uma redução de gastos com energia elétrica sem deixar de lado a preocupação com o meio ambiente.Palavras-chave: Painel fotovoltaico. Energia renovável. Antena

    A new inference strategy for general population mortality tables

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    We propose a new inference strategy for general population mortality tables based on annual population and death estimates, completed by monthly birth counts. We rely on a deterministic population dynamics model and establish formulas that links the death rates to be estimated with the observables at hand. The inference algorithm takes the form of a recursive and implicit scheme for computing death rate estimates. This paper demonstrates both theoretically and numerically the efficiency of using additional monthly birth counts for appropriately computing annual mortality tables. As a main result, the improved mortality estimators show better features, including the fact that previous anomalies in the form of isolated cohort effects disappear, which confirms from a mathematical perspective the previous contributions by Richards (2008), Cairns et al. (2016) and Boumezoued (2016)

    A novel fast Fourier transform accelerated off-grid exhaustive search method for cryo-electron microscopy fitting

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    International audienceThis paper presents a novel fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based exhaustive search method extended to off-grid translational and rotational degrees of freedom. The method combines the advantages of the FFT-based exhaustive search, which samples all the conformations of a system under study on a grid, with a local optimization technique that guarantees to find the nearest optimal off-grid conformation. The method is demonstrated on a fitting problem and can be readily applied to a docking problem. The algorithm first samples a scoring function on a six-dimensional grid of size N6 using the FFT. This operation has an asymptotic complexity of O(N6logN). Then, the method performs the off-grid search using a local quadratic approximation of the cost function and the trust-region optimization algorithm. The computation of the quadratic approximation is also accelerated by FFT at the same additional asymptotic cost of O(N6logN). The method is demonstrated by fitting atomic protein models into several simulated and experimental maps from cryo-electron microscopy. The method is available at https://team.inria.fr/nano-d/software/offgridfit

    Modal Logics with Counting

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    International audienceWe present a modal language that includes explicit operators to count the number of elements that a model might include in the extension of a formula, and we discuss how this logic has been previously investigated under different guises. We show that the language is related to graded modalities and to hybrid logics. We illustrate a possible application of the language to the treatment of plural objects and queries in natural language. We investigate the expressive power of this logic via bisimulations, discuss the complexity of its satisfiability problem, define a new reasoning task that retrieves the cardinality bound of the extension of a given input formula, and provide an algorithm to solve it


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    Atualmente, muitos dos passageiros que esperam pelo transporte público de uso coletivo, nos pontos de embarque e desembarque, utilizam os serviços de telefonia móvel. Em algumas situações, a impossibilidade de utilização dos serviços de telefonia móvel é causada pela falta de carga na bateria em aparelhos eletrônicos. Dentro deste contexto, o projeto propôs uma solução para os usuários de telefonia móvel e de transporte público de uso coletivo, os quais, por ventura, necessitam carregar seus aparelhos eletrônicos. Esses usuários podem utilizar da energia elétrica gerada por meio de painéis fotovoltaicos, instalados nas estruturas dos pontos de embarque e desembarque. O objetivo foi viabilizar a implementação de sistemas fotovoltaicos isolados da rede de energia elétrica, em locais de embarque e desembarque de passageiros nos Campus da Unoesc de Joaçaba.  Além da energia elétrica ser gerada por meio de uma fonte renovável e limpa, contribuindo com o desenvolvimento sustentável, irá proporcionar uma melhor comodidade (referente a disponibilidade de energia elétrica para carregar aparelhos eletrônicos) dos passageiros, que no caso podem ser acadêmicos da Unoesc ou cidadãos de forma geral. O projeto pode ser utilizado para futuras pesquisas sobre energias renováveis e servir como material didático para os cursos de Engenharia da Unoesc

    Methylation at the CpG island shore region upregulates Nr3c1 promoter activity after early-life stress

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    Early-life stress (ELS) induces long-lasting changes in gene expression conferring an increased risk for the development of stress-related mental disorders. Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) mediate the negative feedback actions of glucocorticoids (GC) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary and therefore play a key role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the endocrine response to stress. We here show that ELS programs the expression of the GR gene (Nr3c1) by site-specific hypermethylation at the CpG island (CGI) shore in hypothalamic neurons that produce corticotropin-releasing hormone (Crh), thus preventing Crh upregulation under conditions of chronic stress. CpGs mapping to the Nr3c1 CGI shore region are dynamically regulated by ELS and underpin methylation-sensitive control of this region's insulation-like function via Ying Yang 1 (YY1) binding. Our results provide new insight into how a genomic element integrates experience-dependent epigenetic programming of the composite proximal Nr3c1 promoter, and assigns an insulating role to the CGI shore.European Union Directorate General for Research & Innovation through the CRESCENDO Consortium (O.F.X.A. and D.S) and the NINA Initial Training Program (D.S. and O.F.X.A