911 research outputs found

    Pass By Reference Substitution During Code Migration

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    This disclosure describes code conversion techniques for replacement of function calls that utilize pass by reference in program code in a source language with equivalent constructs in a target language that does not support pass by reference. When a pass by reference is encountered in the source program code, a wrapper object is created by wrapping a native object with a pre-defined key. In the translated code, the value of the object for the specified key is updated instead of being accessed as a normal variable. Upon return of program control from the called function, the value assigned to the object for the key is assigned back to the original variable. The variable now stores an updated value, just as it would in a pass by reference scenario

    Improving Malware Detection By Parsing Broken Code

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    Spreadsheets, word processors, and other document editing applications enable users to write scripts or macros that automate a sequence of actions, e.g., keystrokes, mouse-clicks, etc. through code. Although macros can improve user efficiency by automating repetitive actions, executable code within a document can also potentially include malware. Macro-based malware is known to intentionally use broken syntax to bypass detection. This disclosure describes a parser that is resilient to syntax errors in code, and which can, by applying local corrections, continue to parse the rest of the code after encountering a parse error. Once corrected, the code can be subject to malware detection prior to or after translation into the target language

    Objective assessment of low contrast detectability in computed tomography with Channelized Hotelling Observer

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    AbstractPurposeIterative algorithms introduce new challenges in the field of image quality assessment. The purpose of this study is to use a mathematical model to evaluate objectively the low contrast detectability in CT.Materials and methodsA QRM 401 phantom containing 5 and 8 mm diameter spheres with a contrast level of 10 and 20 HU was used. The images were acquired at 120 kV with CTDIvol equal to 5, 10, 15, 20 mGy and reconstructed using the filtered back-projection (FBP), adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction 50% (ASIR 50%) and model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) algorithms. The model observer used is the Channelized Hotelling Observer (CHO). The channels are dense difference of Gaussian channels (D-DOG). The CHO performances were compared to the outcomes of six human observers having performed four alternative forced choice (4-AFC) tests.ResultsFor the same CTDIvol level and according to CHO model, the MBIR algorithm gives the higher detectability index. The outcomes of human observers and results of CHO are highly correlated whatever the dose levels, the signals considered and the algorithms used when some noise is added to the CHO model. The Pearson coefficient between the human observers and the CHO is 0.93 for FBP and 0.98 for MBIR.ConclusionThe human observers' performances can be predicted by the CHO model. This opens the way for proposing, in parallel to the standard dose report, the level of low contrast detectability expected. The introduction of iterative reconstruction requires such an approach to ensure that dose reduction does not impair diagnostics


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    The goal of the present work was to report and investigate the performances of a new iterative reconstruction algorithm, using a model observer. For that, a dedicated low-contrast phantom containing different targets was scanned at four volume computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol) levels on a Siemens SOMATOM Force computed tomography (CT). The acquired images were reconstructed using the ADMIRE algorithm and were then assessed by three human observers who performed alternative forced choice experiments. Next, a channelised hotelling observer model was applied on the same set of images. The comparison between the two was performed using the percentage correct as a figure of merit. The results indicated a strong agreement between human and model observer as well as an improvement in the low-contrast detection when switching from an ADMIRE strength of 1-3. Good results were also observed even in situations where the target was hard to detect, suggesting that patient dose could be further reduced and optimised

    Socio-professional profile of the foreign teacher in Brazilian public university

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    Este trabajo, fruto de una tesis de doctorado en educación, tuvo como objetivo comprender la figura del profesor extranjero, su perfil, dificultades, retos y contribución a la permanencia en la reconstrucción de las prácticas didáctico-pedagógicas y su actuación como profesional docente en las universidades públicas brasileñas. El estudio se justifica debido a su número creciente, particularmente durante en los últimos diez años y que, por lo tanto, no ha sido objeto de investigación sistemática. Nuestro universo de investigación ha sido la UNB, Universidad pública federal de Brasilia, que concentra el mayor número de estos profesores. Utilizamos los datos del INEP (microdatos del censo de la educación superior, 2011) como base para localizar a estos docentes. Se aplicaron cuestionarios a más de 37,3% de las nacionalidades presentes (19 de 51 nacionalidades) que corresponde al 7,6% de una población estimada de 250 docentes, como documentos de consulta (sitios web de la escuela, sitio web personal, servicios de fotocopia). El análisis cualitativo y el tratamiento estadístico de los datos nos permitió obtener los siguientes Resultados: los profesores extranjeros que se encuentran en UNB son originarios, en su mayoría, de los países de América Latina y de Europa, son blancos o de color, son doctores y están contratados a tiempo completo y dedicación exclusiva. También intervienen en tareas de investigación y extensión. Estos docentes encuentran grandes dificultades de adaptación a sus lugares de trabajo debido a la falta de mecanismos de socialización y de ayuda en sus prácticas pedagógicas. A la luz de la complejidad del paradigma de Edgar Morin, se puede afirmar que el profesor extranjero sobrevive en la Universidad Pública Brasileña en medio de dilemas y contradicciones tales como problemas culturales, de alteridad y de aceptación por parte de los estudiantes, su inserción en la propia universidad es la busca permanente de medios para poder conectar. Sin embargo, debemos destacar la gran contribución de estos profesores a la calidad de los programas de grado y la inserción internacional de las universidades.This paper fruit of a doctorate thesis in education aimed to understand the foreign teacher, its profile, difficulties, contributions permanence challenges and reconstruction of didactic-pedagogical practices and for its professional exercise in the brazilian public universities. The study was justified because of their increasing number particularly during the last decade and also the lack of systematic research of the thematic. Our universe was the UnB, federal public university of Brasilia where we found the bigger number of these teachers. Using the INEP data (micro data of census of higher education, 2011) we could localize those ones. Questionnaires were applied to more than 37,3% of the nationalities present (19 of 51 nationalities) corresponding to 7,6% of the population estimated to 250 teachers, documents consulting (school websites, personnel website, photocopy services). The qualitative analysis and the statistical data treatment allowed us to obtain the following results: the teachers met at UnB are from Latin America and Europe, are white or brunet, are doctors and are contracted full time. They also act in teaching, research and extension. These teachers met many adaptation difficulties in their workplace due to a lack of socialization and help mechanisms in their teaching practices. By means of the complexity paradigm of Edgar Morin, we could confirm that the foreign teacher survive in the Brazilian public university within dilemmas and contradictions like cultural problems, alterity and acceptation by the students, its insertion in the own university and is always in search for means to connect the parts. Although, we could note the big contributions of these teachers in the quality of the graduate programs and the international insertion of their universities.Esse trabalho, fruto de uma tese de doutorado em educação buscou apreender o professor estrangeiro, no seu perfil, suas dificuldades, suas contribuições e desafios para a permanência e reconstrução das práticas didático-pedagógicas e para a atuação como profissional docente nas universidades públicas brasileiras. O estudo se justificou pelo fato de termos um grande número desses sujeitos nas universidades públicas brasileiras principalmente nos últimos dez anos e que, portanto, nunca foi ainda objeto de um estudo sistemático. Nosso universo de pesquisa foi a UnB, instituição pública federal que concentra o maior número desses professores. Dados do INEP (microdados do censo do ensino superior do ano de 2011) nos serviram de base para localizar esses docentes. Foram aplicados questionários a mais de 37,3% das nacionalidades presentes (19 das 51 nacionalidades) correspondendo a 7,6% de uma população de 250 professores além de entrevistas semiestruturadas, consulta a documentos disponibilizados nas IES e em outros locais (sites web das faculdades, sites pessoais e copiadoras). A análise qualitativa e o tratamento estatístico dos dados nos permitiram chegar as seguintes conclusões: os professores estrangeiros que se encontram na UNB são originários na sua maioria dos países da América Latina e da Europa, se declaram brancos ou pardos, têm títulos de doutores, trabalham em regime de dedicação exclusiva e atuam no ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Esses docentes encontram grandes dificuldades de adaptação em seus locais de trabalho devido à falta de mecanismos de socialização e de auxílio em suas práticas pedagógicas. À luz do paradigma da complexidade de Edgar Morin, pôde se afirmar que o professor estrangeiro sobrevive na universidade pública brasileira em meio a dilemas e contradições que vão desde inquietações culturais, alteridade e aceitação pelos alunos até sua própria integração na universidade e a busca permanente da união dessas partes. No entanto, há de se notar a grande contribuição desses professores no que tange à inserção dos programas de pós-graduação onde atua em altos patamares de qualidade além da além da inserção internacional.peerReviewe

    Agricultural Recovery: Food Security and Beyond

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    Burundi is still experiencing a major food crisis. One important element that will help to avoid new episodes of violence is revised agricultural policies that support sustainable food security. Food crops and livestock supply 91 percent of agricultural GDP and the major livelihood for most households, thus it is essential to promote production and commercialization of subsistence crops and livestock. These subsectors currently perform poorly and foster a chronic food deficit, a condition that underlines the extreme vulnerability of the population to production-related risks. With food demand increasing at an annual rate of 3 to 6 percent, it is urgent to improve the contribution of the subsistence crops and livestock subsectors. The potential for improvement is great, and beyond the need for reforms that will benefit all sectors, improvements will require public investments to enhance productivity and better market access. Necessary changes in the short-run include fostering the use of high quality seed and fertilizer, and improving the management of small livestock. In the long run, research-extension links should be strengthened, producer organizations should be encouraged and supported, and sustainable land and water management practices should be promoted. Investments in infrastructure and market intelligence will need to meet demands generated by the development of urban centers and foster competitiveness of Burundian agricultural commodities relative to those from the region. This chapter explains the food security issue in Burundi and identifies priority actions that will help overcome the major obstacles that prevent growth and improvement of the subsistence crops and livestock subsectors.Burundi; agriculture; food security

    Hadron multiplicity in e+e- events induced by top quark pairs at the ILC energy

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    The average charged hadron multiplicity in the e+ee^+e^- events with the primary ttˉt\bar{t}-pair at the collision energy 500 GeV, as well as the average multiplicity of charged hadrons from the top quark are calculated in QCD to be 86.7±1.1186.7 \pm 1.11 and 41.0±0.5441.0 \pm 0.54, respectively.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, journal version, to be published in PMC Physics

    Peripheral vasoconstriction influences thenar oxygen saturation as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Purpose: Near-infrared spectroscopy has been used as a noninvasive monitoring tool for tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) in acutely ill patients. This study aimed to investigate whether local vasoconstriction induced by body surface cooling significantly influences thenar StO2 as measured by InSpectra model 650. Methods: Eight healthy individuals (age 26 ± 6 years) participated in the study. Using a cooling blanket, we aimed to cool the entire body surface to induce vasoconstriction in the skin without any changes in central temperature. Thenar StO2 was noninvasively measured during a 3-min vascular occlusion test using InSpectra model 650 with a 15-mm probe. Measurements were analyzed for resting StO2 values, rate of StO2 desaturation (RdecStO2, %/min), and rate of StO2 recovery (RincStO2, %/s) before, during, and after skin cooling. Measurements also included heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), capillary refill time (CRT), forearm-to-fingertip skintemperature gradient (Tskin-diff), perfusion index (PI), and tissue hemoglobin index (THI). Results: In all subjects MAP, CO, SV, and core temperature did not change during the procedure. Skin cooling resulted in a significant decrease in StO2 from 82% (80-87) to 72% (70-77) (P\0.05) and in RincStO2 from 3.0%/s (2.8-3.3) to 1.7%/s (1.1-2.0) (P\0.05). Similar changes in CRT, Tskin-diff, and PI were also observed: from 2.5 s (2.0-3.0) to 8.5 s (7.2-11.0) (P\0.05), from 1.0 (-1.6-1.8) to 3.1 (P\0.05), and from 10.0% (9.1-11.7) to 2.5