119 research outputs found


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    Grafting methods and use of fasteners in monoembryonic, polyembryonic, and multi-stemmed jaboticaba (Plinia jaboticaba (Vell) Berg) seedlings

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    Jaboticaba is a native fruit from Brazil, appreciated for its sweet taste and organoleptic characteristics. The propagation of this fruit species occurs exclusively through seeds, which present high germination rates, although with a long period of juvenility, a fact that favors advances in studies aiming at an early fruiting. This research aimed to study a more adequate and rapid grafting method for the jaboticaba cv. Sabará. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 12 treatments consisting of combinations using three types of seedlings (monoembryonic, polyembryonic, and multi-stemmed), two grafting methods (top cleft and splice grafting), and two fasteners (parafilm® tape and circular clip), with three replications consisting of 10 seedlings each. The analyzed characteristics were: monoembryony (%); polyembryony (%), multi-stemming (%), grafting success rate (%), survival (%), scion length (cm), scion diameter (mm), and rootstock diameter (mm). The percentage of monoembryony (46.4%) was higher than the success rates of polyembryony (36%), and multi-stemming (17.6%). The top cleft grafting method of monoembryonic seedlings fastened with parafilm® and circular clip, and polyembryonic seedlings fastened with circular clip were the more suitable for grafting in the jaboticaba cv. Sabará.Jaboticaba is a native fruit from Brazil, appreciated for its sweet taste and organoleptic characteristics. The propagation of this fruit species occurs exclusively through seeds, which present high germination rates, although with a long period of juvenility, a fact that favors advances in studies aiming at an early fruiting. This research aimed to study a more adequate and rapid grafting method for the jaboticaba cv. Sabará. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 12 treatments consisting of combinations using three types of seedlings (monoembryonic, polyembryonic, and multi-stemmed), two grafting methods (top cleft and splice grafting), and two fasteners (parafilm® tape and circular clip), with three replications consisting of 10 seedlings each. The analyzed characteristics were: monoembryony (%); polyembryony (%), multi-stemming (%), grafting success rate (%), survival (%), scion length (cm), scion diameter (mm), and rootstock diameter (mm). The percentage of monoembryony (46.4%) was higher than the success rates of polyembryony (36%), and multi-stemming (17.6%). The top cleft grafting method of monoembryonic seedlings fastened with parafilm® and circular clip, and polyembryonic seedlings fastened with circular clip were the more suitable for grafting in the jaboticaba cv. Sabará


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    Seeds of the species Inga edulis are recalcitrant and lose viability quickly, which restricts seedling production at only a certain time of the year. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the potential of mini-cutting and the influence of different indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentrations on the vegetative propagation of Inga edulis. The vegetative material was collected from juvenile plants from a clonal mini-garden. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with five replications and each experimental unit with eight cuttings. Treatments consisted of different IBA concentrations (0, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 mg kg−1). The percentage of live and rooted mini-cuttings, number of roots emitted from the base, longest root length, total number of roots, fine root length, total root length, root surface area, weighted average root diameter, root volume, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total dry matter, specific root length, specific root surface area, and root density were analyzed after 45 days in a greenhouse. All Inga edulis mini-cuttings survived, and rooting was over 85%. IBA concentrations had no significant effect on most of the analyzed variables. However, exogenous auxin concentration between 2000 and 4636.96 mg kg−1 provided mini-cuttings with a higher number of roots, surface area, and root volume. Rooting of juvenile Inga edulis mini-cuttings may occur without the use of IBA

    Physical and chemical characterization of sweet passion fruits genotypes in Sao Mateus, Espírito Santo State, Brazil

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    In Brazil 95% of the passion fruit marketed comes from the species Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa (yellow passion fruit), the remainder are Passiflora edulis f. edulis (purple passion fruit) and Passiflora alata (sweet passion fruit), considered market niches. Because of the wide genetic variability the genus Passiflora, it is of fundamental importance to identify superior genotypes to improve the quality of fruit for the fresh market. The objective is to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of 33 genotypes P. alata Curtis, evaluated in a randomized complete block design with two replicates of four plants, from native matrices, located at the experimental farm of the University Center of the North of Espírito Santo, Federal University of Espírito Santo, in the Northern Region of the state of Espírito Santo, São Mateus -ES. Thirty-two mature fruits were collected in each replicate, eight per plant and the following characteristics were analyzed: fruit weight (g); equatorial and polar diameter of fruit (cm); peel thickness (mm); mass of the pulp (g); pulp volume (mL); pulp yield (%); number of seeds per fruit, pH; soluble solids (SS); titratable acidity (TA) and ratio (SS/TA). There is a wide genetic variability among P. alata genotypes as to the traits assessed. Genotypes 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 18, 21, 25 and 26 stood out among the rest, and is therefore recommended for new plantings and future breeding programs.In Brazil 95% of the passion fruit marketed comes from the species Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa (yellow passion fruit), the remainder are Passiflora edulis f. edulis (purple passion fruit) and Passiflora alata (sweet passion fruit), considered market niches. Because of the wide genetic variability the genus Passiflora, it is of fundamental importance to identify superior genotypes to improve the quality of fruit for the fresh market. The objective is to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of 33 genotypes P. alata Curtis, evaluated in a randomized complete block design with two replicates of four plants, from native matrices, located at the experimental farm of the University Center of the North of Espírito Santo, Federal University of Espírito Santo, in the Northern Region of the state of Espírito Santo, São Mateus -ES. Thirty-two mature fruits were collected in each replicate, eight per plant and the following characteristics were analyzed: fruit weight (g); equatorial and polar diameter of fruit (cm); peel thickness (mm); mass of the pulp (g); pulp volume (mL); pulp yield (%); number of seeds per fruit, pH; soluble solids (SS); titratable acidity (TA) and ratio (SS/TA). There is a wide genetic variability among P. alata genotypes as to the traits assessed. Genotypes 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 18, 21, 25 and 26 stood out among the rest, and is therefore recommended for new plantings and future breeding programs

    Seed germination of yellow passion fruit genotypes

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a germinação de sementes de 22 progênies de meios-irmãos e duas cultivares de maracujazeiro (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener) e submeter 6 desses genótipos a diferentes tempos de embebição. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, sendo que no primeiro foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, considerando-se cada genótipo como um tratamento. No segundo experimento, utilizou-se o mesmo delineamento experimental, num fatorial 6x4 (genótipo x tempo de embebição), com quatro repetições. Cada grupo de 50 sementes foi considerado como uma unidade experimental. No primeiro experimento, aos 28 dias, avaliaram-se a porcentagem de germinação e velocidade de emergência e aos 45 dias, a porcentagem de sobrevivência, o comprimento total das plântulas, a altura das plântulas, o comprimento de raiz, o número de folhas e a massa total das plântulas. No segundo experimento, aos 28 dias, as mesmas variáveis do experimento anterior foram avaliadas, com exceção da porcentagem de sobrevivência e número de folhas. A porcentagem de germinação das sementes e o índice de velocidade de emergência não são influenciados pelos diferentes tempos de embebição, mas pelo genótipo das plantas, indicando que estas características podem ser utilizadas para seleção, no melhoramento genético.The objective of this work was to evaluate the germination of seeds of 22 half-sib progenies and two cultivars of Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener and submit 6 of these genotypes to different times of soak. Two experiments were carried out. The first experiment was set up on an entirely randomized design, with four repetitions, and each genotype was considered as a treatment. In the second experiment, the same experimental design was used, in a factorial 6x4 (genotype x time of soak), with four repetitions. In both experiments, each group of 50 seeds was considered as an experimental unit. In the first experiment, after 28 days, germination percentage and emergency speed were evaluated. After 45 days of survival the percentage, total plantlets and root length, plantlets height, number of leaves and total dry mass of plantlets were evaluated. In the second experiment, after 28 days, the same variables from the first experiment were evaluated, except survival percentage and number of leaves. The seed germination percentage and the emergency speed are not influenced by the different times of soak, but there is effect of plant genotype, indicating that these characteristics can be used for selection in genetic improvement

    Physiological quality of ‘BRS’ passion fruit seeds grown at different altitudes and storage environments

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    The aim of this work was to study the physiological quality of ‘BRS’ passion fruit seeds grown at different altitudes stored in cold chamber and in natural environment for six months.  Hybrid passion fruit seeds (BRS Gigante Amarelo, BRS Sol do Cerrado and BRS Rubi do Cerrado) grown at three altitudes (104; 711; 1016 meters) in the southern region of the state of Espírito Santo were used. Germination was carried out in germitest paper rolls, placed in BOD-type germination chambers at temperature of 20-30 ºC. The following parameters were analyzed: germination, germination speed index, shoot and root length and dry mass of seedlings. The experimental design used was completely randomized in a factorial scheme with split plot in time 4x(3x3) (four bimonthly analyses x three hybrids x three altitudes), with two independent storage environments and three replicates of 100 seeds. Hybrid Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa seeds can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss.  Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss.The aim of this work was to study the physiological quality of ‘BRS’ passion fruit seeds grown at different altitudes stored in cold chamber and in natural environment for six months.  Hybrid passion fruit seeds (BRS Gigante Amarelo, BRS Sol do Cerrado and BRS Rubi do Cerrado) grown at three altitudes (104; 711; 1016 meters) in the southern region of the state of Espírito Santo were used. Germination was carried out in germitest paper rolls, placed in BOD-type germination chambers at temperature of 20-30 ºC. The following parameters were analyzed: germination, germination speed index, shoot and root length and dry mass of seedlings. The experimental design used was completely randomized in a factorial scheme with split plot in time 4x(3x3) (four bimonthly analyses x three hybrids x three altitudes), with two independent storage environments and three replicates of 100 seeds. Hybrid Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa seeds can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa can be stored in natural environment or cold chamber. Hybrid yellow passion fruit seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters show higher germination and vigor percentages. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss. Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss.  Hybrid ‘Gigante Amarelo’ seeds had lower averages for variables under study, regardless of altitude. Hybrid ‘Rubi do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitude of 1016 meters and hybrid ‘Sol do Cerrado’ seeds grown at altitudes of 104 and 711 meters have higher germination and vigor percentages and can be stored for 180 days in natural environment or cold chamber without viability loss


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    Moringa oleifera presents important medicinal properties, and its seeds are used to treat water for human consumption and wastewater. The aim of the present study was to analyze the initial growth of M. oleifera seedlings in enriched commercial substrate with differing doses of controlled release fertilizer. The experimental was designed in randomized blocks, with four repetitions of 16 seedlings each. The treatment used doses of controlled release fertilizer, with 0; 2; 4; 6; and 8 kg m-3 of commercial substrate. A hundred days after installing the experiment, the following characteristics were analyzed: height of the aerial part; diameter of the root collar; length; volume; and dry mass of the roots and aerial part. Additionally, the relation between the height of the aerial part and the diameter of the root collar and the Dickson quality index (DQI) were determined. The data was submitted to analysis of variance and to the Shapiro-Wilk test to verify the normality and regression. Controlled release fertilizer at a dose of 5.37 kg m-3 of substrate is recommended for M. oleifera seedling production.Moringa oleifera presents important medicinal properties and its seeds are used to treat water for human consumption and wastewater. The aim of the present study was to analyze the initial growth of M. oleifera seedlings in enriched commercial substrate with differing doses of controlled release fertilizer. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four repetitions of 16 seedlings each. The treatment used was doses of controlled release fertilizer, with 0; 2; 4; 6 and 8 kg m-3 of commercial substrate. 100 days after installing the experiment, height of the aerial part; diameter of the root collar; length; volume; and dry mass of the roots and aerial part were analyzed. Additionally, the relation between the height of the aerial part and the diameter of the root collar and the Dickson quality index (DQI) were determined. The data was submitted to analysis of variance and to the Shapiro-Wilk test for verification of normality and regression. Controlled release fertilizer at a dose of 5.37 kg m-3 of substrate is recommended for M. oleifera seedling production

    Vermiculite and shading in the formation of 'Rangpur' lime rootstock

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    ‘Rangpur’ lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck cv. Cravo) is widely used as a rootstock for citrus seedlings, although factors such as luminosity and substrate composition are extremely important to obtain quality seedlings. The objective of this study was to analyze the formation of ‘Rangpur’ lime seedlings grown in different substrates and luminosities. A 3x4 factorial arrangement was used in an RBD with four replications of twelve plants. Three luminosities (full sun, 35%, and 70% shading) and four substrate: vermiculite proportions were tested (S1-1: 0, S2-2: 1, S3-1: 2, and S4-0: 1). The seeds were sown in 280 cm3 tubes and emergence was evaluated every two days for 30 days, and biometric assessments at 30, 60, 90, and 120 DAE by measuring the height, diameter, leaves, and mortality. Root length and shoot and root dry mass were measured at 30 and 120 days. Seeds in full sun showed high ESI values and a shorter time period, as well as high mortality at 120 DAE. Highly shaded environments cause etiolation and reduce biomass accumulation and the DQI. Seeds in S4 showed lower results for most variables. It is recommended to use 35% shading associated with the substrate proportions S1, S2, and S3.‘Rangpur’ lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck cv. Cravo) is widely used as a rootstock for citrus seedlings, although factors such as luminosity and substrate composition are extremely important to obtain quality seedlings. The objective of this study was to analyze the formation of ‘Rangpur’ lime seedlings grown in different substrates and luminosities. A 3x4 factorial arrangement was used in an RBD with four replications of twelve plants. Three luminosities (full sun, 35%, and 70% shading) and four substrate: vermiculite proportions were tested (S1-1: 0, S2-2: 1, S3-1: 2, and S4-0: 1). The seeds were sown in 280 cm3 tubes and emergence was evaluated every two days for 30 days, and biometric assessments at 30, 60, 90, and 120 DAE by measuring the height, diameter, leaves, and mortality. Root length and shoot and root dry mass were measured at 30 and 120 days. Seeds in full sun showed high ESI values and a shorter time period, as well as high mortality at 120 DAE. Highly shaded environments cause etiolation and reduce biomass accumulation and the DQI. Seeds in S4 showed lower results for most variables. It is recommended to use 35% shading associated with the substrate proportions S1, S2, and S3

    Modelos alométricos na determinação da área foliar de Bauhinia monandra Kurz

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the adjustment of mathematical models for determining Bauhinia monandra leaf area using the length and/or width of the leaves as independent variables. Leaves from plants with three years were used to the estimative of equations in linear, quadratic and potential models. The validation from the estimated leaf area as a function of the observed leaf area showed that the linear model based on the product of length and width of the largest leaf surface is the model that best fits. However, the leaf area determination can be represented by using only the length or width of the leaves with little loss of accuracy. A representation that better estimates Bauhinia monandra leaf area with easy application is the potential model in which xi represents the length of one of the symmetrical leaf lobes.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do ajuste de modelos matemáticos, para determinação da área foliar de Bauhinia monandra, utilizando o comprimento e/ou a largura das folhas como variáveis independentes. Foram analisadas folhas de plantas de três anos de idade para estimativa de equações nos modelos linear, quadrático e potencial. A validação a partir da área foliar estimada pelos modelos em função da área foliar observada mostrou que o melhor ajuste é para o modelo linear em função do produto entre comprimento e maior largura do limbo foliar; no entanto, a determinação da área foliar pode ser representada pelo uso apenas do comprimento ou da largura das folhas, com pouca perda de precisão. A representação que estima melhor a área foliar de Bauhinia monandra com maior simplicidade para aplicação é pelo modelo potencial em que xi representa o comprimento de um dos lóbulos foliares simétricos
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