2,108 research outputs found

    Características definidoras validadas por especialistas e as manifestadas por pacientes: estudo dos diagnósticos disfunção sexual e padrões de sexualidade ineficazes

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    Con los objetivos de realizar la validación de los diagnósticos de enfermería Disfunción Sexual y Estándares de Sexualidad Ineficaces y relacionar la pertinencia de las características definidoras validadas por peritos en la incidencia de las mismas en pacientes, se realizó este estudio de observación y descriptivo. Para la validación por especialistas, se contó con 32 peritos y, para la verificación de las evidencias clínicas con 20 pacientes. Para el Diagnóstico Disfunción Sexual, los peritos atribuyeron puntajes mayores que 0,80 para 7 características definidoras y, para Estándares de Sexualidad Ineficaces, 4 de las características recibieron puntajes entre 0,50 y 0,80. La ocurrencia clínica de esas características para el diagnóstico Disfunción Sexual fue de 55 el 90% de la muestra y para Estándares de Sexualidad Ineficaces fue de 30 el 85% de la muestra. El estudio contribuyó para el perfeccionamiento de esos diagnósticos y reflexionar sobre las características definidoras de los mismos en la opinión de los especialistas y observadas en una clientela dada.Com os objetivos de realizar a validação dos diagnósticos de enfermagem Disfunção Sexual e Padrões de Sexualidade Ineficazes e relacionar a pertinência das características definidoras validadas por peritos à incidência das mesmas em pacientes, realizou-se este estudo observacional, descritivo. Para a validação por especialistas, contou-se com 32 peritos e, para a verificação das evidências clínicas, 20 pacientes. Para o Diagnóstico Disfunção Sexual, os peritos atribuíram escores maiores que 0,80 para 7 características definidoras e, para Padrões de Sexualidade Ineficazes, 4 das características receberam escores entre 0,50 e 0,80. A ocorrência clínica dessas características para o diagnóstico Disfunção Sexual foi de 55 a 90% da amostra e para Padrões de Sexualidade Ineficazes foi de 30 a 85% da amostra. O estudo contribuiu para o aprimoramento desses diagnósticos e reflexão sobre as características definidoras dos mesmos na opinião dos especialistas e observadas em uma dada clientela.This observational and descriptive study was carried out to validate the nursing diagnoses Sexual Dysfunction and Ineffective Sexuality Pattern and relate the relevance of the defining characteristics validated by experts with their incidence in patients. Validation by experts involved 32 specialists and 20 patients to verify clinical evidence. For the diagnosis Sexual Dysfunction, the experts attributed scores higher than 0.80 to seven defining characteristics; for Ineffective Sexuality Pattern, four characteristics received scores between 0.50 and 0.80. The clinical occurrence of these characteristics for the Sexual Dysfunction diagnosis ranged between 55% and 90% of the sample and, for Ineffective Sexuality Pattern, between 30% and 85% of the sample. The study contributed to the improvement of these diagnoses and to careful consideration on their defining characteristics according to experts and as observed in a given clientele

    La sexualidad del paciente portador de enfermedades onco-hematológicas

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    We interviewed 20 patients staying at a hospital unit, by means of a data collection instrument that is based on the eclectic model, with a view to characterizing the biological, psychological and sociocultural aspects involving human sexuality which are affected in patients with onco-hematological diseases. The research complied with ethical requirements for studies involving human beings. The results revealed that these clients presented problems related to biological aspects, mainly with respect to the phase of sexual desire (60% of the sample), sexual excitation (75%) and orgasm (75%). The psychological aspects related to sexual self-image were affected in 60% of the sample; problems related to social aspects (85%) were mainly due to the fear of acquiring an infection as a result of the low immunity provoked by the disease and treatment. These clients demonstrated alterations in their sexual function and in the way they expressed their sexuality.Con el intento de caracterizar los aspectos biológicos, psicológicos y socioculturales que involucran la sexualidad humana afectados en las personas portadoras de patologías onco-hematológicas, entrevistamos a 20 pacientes internados en una unidad hospitalaria por medio de un instrumento de recopilación de datos basado en el modelo ecléctico. La investigación cumplió con las exigencias éticas para estudios con seres humanos. Los resultados evidenciaron que esta clientela presenta problemas relacionados a aspectos biológicos, respecto a la fase del deseo sexual (60% de la muestra), de la excitación sexual (75%) y del orgasmo (75%). Los aspectos psicológicos que se refieren al auto-imagen sexual se mostraron comprometidos en 60% de la muestra; la presencia de los problemas relacionados a los aspectos sociales (85%) principalmente ocurrió debido al miedo de adquirir una infección en consecuencia de la baja inmunidad provocada por la enfermedad y tratamiento. Esta clientela demostró alteraciones en la función sexual y en la manera de expresar su sexualidad.Com o propósito de caracterizar os aspectos biológicos, psicológicos e socioculturais que envolvem a sexualidade humana, afetados nas pessoas portadoras de patologias onco-hematológicas, foram entrevistados 20 pacientes, internados em uma unidade hospitalar, por meio de um instrumento de coleta de dados baseado no modelo eclético. A investigação atendeu às exigências éticas para estudos com seres humanos. Os resultados evidenciaram que essa clientela apresenta problemas relacionados a aspectos biológicos quanto à fase do desejo sexual (60% da amostra), da excitação sexual (75%) e do orgasmo (75%). Os aspectos psicológicos que se relacionam com a auto-imagem sexual apresentaram-se comprometidos em 60% da amostra; a presença dos problemas relacionados aos aspectos sociais (85%) deu-se, principalmente, pelo medo de adquirir infecção decorrente da baixa imunidade provocada pela doença e tratamento. Essa clientela apresentou alterações na função sexual e na maneira de expressar a sua sexualidade


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    Knowledge about the meaning attributed to the constructs of a profession enables reflections on how itinfluences such a profession. The goal was to identify the meaning of the Nursing Process for faculty members in nursingcourses. In a descriptive research, involving 18 nursing faculty members from Ribeirão Preto, Goiânia and Brasília, thecomponents of the meaning were identified in the symbol, referent and reference. The results evidenced that the subjectspredominantly use the terms (symbols) Nursing Process and Care Systemization similarly, although they identify theirphases as proposed in international literature on Nursing Process (referent); they value the teaching of this theme and arenot unaware of the issues that occur in teaching as well as to consolidate the use of this process in health care; they alsoconsider the result of the challenge of teaching this content as positive and essential for the profession (reference).O conhecimento do significado atribuído aos construtos de uma profissão possibilita refletir sobre sua influênciapara a mesma. Buscou-se identificar o significado de Processo de Enfermagem para docentes de cursos de Enfermagem.Em pesquisa descritiva, com 18 docentes de cursos de Enfermagem das cidades de Ribeirão Preto, Goiânia e Brasília, foramidentificados os componentes do significado no símbolo, no referente e no pensamento. Os resultados evidenciaram que,predominantemente, os sujeitos empregam similarmente os termos (símbolos) Processo de Enfermagem e Sistematizaçãoda Assistência, embora identifiquem suas fases tal qual proposto na literatura internacional para Processo de Enfermagem(referente); valorizam o seu ensino; não estão alheios aos embates que ocorrem tanto no ensino como na consolidação douso desse processo na assistência de saúde; consideram positivo o resultado do desafio de ensinar esse conteúdo que éindispensável para a profissão (pensamento).El conocimiento del significado atribuido a los constructos de una profesión posibilita reflejar sobre suinfluencia para la misma. La finalidad fue identificar el significado de Proceso de Enfermería para docentes de cursos deenfermería. En una investigación descriptiva, con 18 docentes de cursos de enfermería de las ciudades de Ribeirão Preto,Goiânia y Brasília, fueron identificados los componentes del significado en el símbolo, en el referente y en el pensamiento.Los resultados evidencian que los sujetos predominantemente usan los términos (símbolos) Proceso de Enfermería ySistematización de la Atención de manera semejante, aunque identifiquen sus etapas tal y como propuestas en la literaturainternacional para Proceso de Enfermería (referente); valorizan su enseñanza; no están ajenos a los embates que ocurrentanto en la enseñanza-aprendizaje cuanto para consolidar el uso de este proceso en la atención de salud; consideranpositivo el resultado del reto de enseñar ese contenido e indispensable para la profesión (pensamiento)

    Vozes Queer: Tecnologias, Vocalidades e a Falha Musical

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    The book Queer Voices: Technologies, Vocalities and the Musical Flaw, from the music teacher of Liverpool University Freya Jarman-Ivens, presents the idea that every voice has queer potential and discusses the third space that it opens between speaker and listener, which would be a queer space. The author addresses these issues through case studies of the voices of the singers Karen Carpenter, Maria Callas and Diamanda Galás. From these cases, she addresses the issues of queerness, vocal techniques, identification and strangeness, discussing how these artists’s voices create scaping spaces of the cisheteropatriarchal sistem on musical and vocal production context.El libro Queer Voices: Technologies, Vocalities and the Musical Flaw, escrito por la profesora de música de la Universidad de Liverpool Freya Jarman-Ivens, presenta la idea de que cada voz tiene un potencial queer y analiza el tercer espacio que está abierto entre elle hablante y elle oyente, que seria un espacio queer. El autor aborda estos temas a través del estudio de caso de las voces de las cantantes Karen Carpenter, Maria Callas y Diamanda Galás. A partir de estos casos aborda los temas de queerity, técnicas vocales, identificación y extrañamiento, discutiendo cómo las voces de estos artistas construyen espacios para escapar del sistema cisheteropatriarcal en el contexto de la producción musical y vocal.O livro Queer Voices: Technologies, Vocalities and the Musical Flaw, da professora de música da Universidade de Liverpool Freya Jarman-Ivens, apresenta a ideia de que toda voz tem potencialidade queer e trata do terceiro espaço que a voz abre entre emissor e ouvinte, que seria um espaço queer. A autora aborda essas questões através do estudo de caso das vozes das cantoras Karen Carpenter, Maria Callas e Diamanda Galás. A partir desses casos, ela aborda questões de queeridade, técnicas vocais, identificação e estranhamento, discutindo como as vozes destas artistas constroem espaços de fuga do sistema cisheteropatriarcal no contexto da produção musical e vocal.

    Relação criança e ambiente: uma experiência de educação ambiental usando um circuito sensitivo/ Child environmental relationship an environmental education experience using a sensitive circuit

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    As questões ambientais têm sido uma temática de destaque em nossa sociedade contemporânea. Cada vez mais pesquisas visam estudar metodologias e atividades pedagógicas a serem desenvolvidas desde a infância, com intuito de abordar desde a mais tenra idade assuntos e experiências sobre o cuidado com o meio ambiente e a sua importância para a nossa vida. O nosso objetivo foi avaliar sensações que permitiram aguçar os sentidos dos alunos em relação ao manuseio dos recursos naturais, usando um circuito sensitivo. O trabalho foi realizado com crianças de seis e sete anos, em duas turmas de 1º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da Zona Leste de Manaus. A atividade permitiu aguçar os sentidos das crianças e propiciar reflexões sobre a maneira muitas vezes “utilitarista” que manuseamos os recursos naturais. Através desse trabalho ressaltamos que, essas experiências são importantes, pois a Educação Ambiental deve ser trabalhada em todos os níveis de ensino de forma transversal, bem como promove a construção do conhecimento científico sobre temas que se correlacionam ao ensino de Ciências, para uma cultura de paz, respeito e gratidão a cada ser vivo e ao ambiente inteiro do Planeta Terr

    Installation and calibration of sensors for analysis of soil humidity and temperature in eastern Amazon areas

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    Soil moisture and temperature are important components to improve watershed management and natural resource planning, especially in areas where water supplies are limited during dry seasons. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the installation and calibration of five sensors (Drill & Drop) as well as the consistency of the results obtained for moisture and soil temperature in areas of forest, pasture, forest-pasture transition and pasture-urban transition in the Itacaiúnas River Hydrographic Area (BHRI) in the Eastern Amazon. The results refer to the period from April to September 2019, showing different trends between forest and pasture areas. The data consistency analysis efficiently identified measurement errors, especially in the surface layer of the soil (10 cm). The Onça Puma and IFPA Rural stations had the highest percentages of error data 22.8% and 17.6%, respectively. On the other hand, these results may be associated with the environmental characteristics of the region, as well as the physical characteristics of the soil during each season. The soil temperature and humidity parameters were consistent with data from other meteorological variables (precipitation and mean air temperature) measured by sensors installed in the local hydrometeorological stations. Overall, the soil moisture and temperature measurements were obtained properly and are presented as quality data sources. Thus, it is expected that the results will contribute to enriching the availability of soil data in the IRB and encouraging the use of direct measurements given the quantity (and quality) of data obtained using this instrumentation.Soil moisture and temperature are important components to improve watershed management and natural resource planning. In that way, this article aimed to evaluate the installation and calibration of five sensors (Drill & Drop) as well as the consistency of the results obtained for moisture and soil temperature in areas of forest, pasture, forest-pasture transition, and pasture-urban transition in the Itacaiúnas River Hydrographic Area (IRB) in the Eastern Amazon. The results are from April to September 2019, showing different trends between forest and pasture areas. The data consistency analysis efficiently identified measurement errors, especially in the soil’s surface layer (10 cm). The highest percentage of error data occurred in the Onça Puma and IFPA rural stations, with 22.8% and 17.6%. On the other hand, these results may be associated with the environmental characteristics of the region, as well as the soil’s physical characteristics during each season. The soil temperature and humidity parameters were consistent with data from other meteorological variables (precipitation and mean air temperature) measured by sensors installed in the local hydrometeorological stations. Generally, the temperature and soil moisture measurements were obtained properly and are presented as quality data sources. Thus, it is expected that the results will contribute to enriching the availability of soil data in the IRB and encourage the use of direct measurements given the quantity (and quality) of data obtained using this instrumentation

    Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    A measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum for energies exceeding 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV is presented, which is based on the analysis of showers with zenith angles greater than 6060^{\circ} detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2013. The measured spectrum confirms a flux suppression at the highest energies. Above 5.3×10185.3{\times}10^{18} eV, the "ankle", the flux can be described by a power law EγE^{-\gamma} with index γ=2.70±0.02(stat)±0.1(sys)\gamma=2.70 \pm 0.02 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.1\,\text{(sys)} followed by a smooth suppression region. For the energy (EsE_\text{s}) at which the spectral flux has fallen to one-half of its extrapolated value in the absence of suppression, we find Es=(5.12±0.25(stat)1.2+1.0(sys))×1019E_\text{s}=(5.12\pm0.25\,\text{(stat)}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}\,\text{(sys)}){\times}10^{19} eV.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO

    Energy Estimation of Cosmic Rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is part of the Pierre Auger Observatory and is used to detect the radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers. These observations are compared to the data of the surface detector stations of the Observatory, which provide well-calibrated information on the cosmic-ray energies and arrival directions. The response of the radio stations in the 30 to 80 MHz regime has been thoroughly calibrated to enable the reconstruction of the incoming electric field. For the latter, the energy deposit per area is determined from the radio pulses at each observer position and is interpolated using a two-dimensional function that takes into account signal asymmetries due to interference between the geomagnetic and charge-excess emission components. The spatial integral over the signal distribution gives a direct measurement of the energy transferred from the primary cosmic ray into radio emission in the AERA frequency range. We measure 15.8 MeV of radiation energy for a 1 EeV air shower arriving perpendicularly to the geomagnetic field. This radiation energy -- corrected for geometrical effects -- is used as a cosmic-ray energy estimator. Performing an absolute energy calibration against the surface-detector information, we observe that this radio-energy estimator scales quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy as expected for coherent emission. We find an energy resolution of the radio reconstruction of 22% for the data set and 17% for a high-quality subset containing only events with at least five radio stations with signal.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO