8 research outputs found

    Έμφυλες ταυτότητες στα έργα "Μαργαρίτα Στέφα", "Έρως Εσταυρωμένος" και "Ο Αντάρτης" του Γρηγορίου Ξενόπουλου

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    Στα έργα του Γρηγορίου Ξενόπουλου, "Μαργαρίτα Στέφα", "Έρως Εσταυρωμένος" και "Ο Αντάρτης", αποτυπώνονται το καθεστώς της ανδρικής κυριαρχίας και οι παραδοσιακές μορφές των έμφυλων προκαταλήψεων και πρακτικών στο επτανησιακό κοινωνικό περιβάλλον. Ωστόσο, οι σχέσεις ανάμεσα στα δύο φύλα και οι συμπεριφορές των εμπλεκόμενων επηρεάζονται και από την κοινωνική θέση των δρώντων υποκειμένων. Ενώ οι κοινωνικοταξικοί συσχετισμοί μετασχηματίζουν, σε έναν βαθμό και σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, τους αναμενόμενους έμφυλους ρόλους στο πλαίσιο της ερωτικής σχέσης, οι ήρωες του Ξενόπουλου προσπαθούν να σπάσουν τα δεσμά της καταπίεσης και των κοινωνικών καταναγκασμών. Με την άρνηση των περιορισμών που επιβάλλει η κοινωνική τους θέση καθώς και με την αντίδραση στην πατριαρχική οικογένεια, ορθώνουν το ανάστημά τους απέναντι σε μία ιεραρχικά συγκροτημένη κοινωνική δομή. Άλλοι καταφέρνουν να βγουν νικητές, ενώ άλλοι λυγίζουν από τις αντιξοότητες και τα αδιέξοδα μίας άνισης σύγκρουσης.Τhe novels of Gregorios Xenopoulos, “Margarita Stefa”, “Eros Estavromenos” and “O Antartis”, capture the regime of male dominance and the traditional forms of gender prejudices and practices in the Heptanisian society. However, the gender relations and the characters behavior are also affected by the caste to which the latter belong. While class differences transform, to a degree and in some cases, the expected gender roles in the context of romantic relationship, Xenopoulos' characters try to break away from the bonds of imposed oppression and social coercion. They stand up against a hierarchical social structure by rejecting the limitations imposed by their social position as well as by reacting to the opinions and practices of patriarchal family. Some of these characters succeed in imposing their will, while others fail due to the difficulties and impasses of an unequal conflict

    Can Exercise Affect the Pain Characteristics in Patients with Fibromyalgia? A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Exercise is often recommended for fibromyalgia. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible influence and change in the pain characteristics of fibromyalgia patients when breathing exercises were added to their exercise program. A total of 106 patients were included and randomly divided into two groups. Τhe first group of patients followed a program of active exercises up to the limits of pain, lasting 30 min with a repetition of two times a week. Patients of the second group followed the same program with the addition of diaphragmatic breaths when they reached the pain limit. The patients completed three questionnaires: the Fibromyalgia Rapid Screening Tool (FiRST), the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and the Pain Quality Assessment Scale (PQAS)—once at the beginning, once again after three weeks of exercise, and again 3 months since the beginning of the program. Independent t-tests for the mean total change scores in pain scales demonstrated that for the second group there was a greater improvement in all pain scales, except for the PQAS Deep Pain subscale (p = 0.38). In conclusion, both groups showed significant improvement in all characteristics of the pain scales; however, the improvement of the second group was significantly higher

    Assessment of donkey milk chemical, microbiological and sensory attributes in Greece and Cyprus

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    This study aimed to assess the nutritional, hygienic and sensory characteristics of donkey milk produced in Greece and Cyprus. The average values for pH, fat, protein and lactose were 7.14, 0.52 g/100 mL, 1.22 g/100 mL and 7.01 g/100 mL, respectively, whereas aflatoxin M1 and beta-lactam residues were not detected in any sample. The microbiological analysis revealed very low somatic cell counts and total microbial counts, while Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp and Listeria monocytogenes were not detected in any sample. The sensory evaluation classified the milk as white, thin, with a slightly sweet pleasant taste, pleasant milky aroma, sweet flavour and no persistent aftertaste

    Risk characterisation of ciguatera poisoning in Europe

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    The EuroCigua project main objective is to characterize the risk of Ciguatera Poisoning (CP) in Europe including several specific objectives: to determine the incidence of ciguatera in Europe and the epidemiological characteristics of cases; to assess the presence of ciguatoxin in food and the environment in Europe and to develop and validate methods for the detection, quantification and confirmation of the presence of ciguatoxin contaminated specimens. This report compiles the activities carried out during the EuroCigua project from the signing in April 2016 until December 2020. The present document corresponds to Deliverable No. 6: “Final Scientific Report” on Risk characterization of ciguatera food poisoning in Europe of the Specific Agreement no. 1 “MANAGEMENT AND SCIENTIFIC COORDINATION” within the Framework Partnership Agreement GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2015/03 “Risk characterization of ciguatera food poisoning in Europe”

    Abstracts of the 9th International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health Conference

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the 9th International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health Conference, Organized by the International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health and Greek Scientific Section “Physiotherapy in Mental Health” of PanHellenic Physiotherapists’ Association, held on 4–6 May 2022. It is the biannual conference of the International Organization of Physical Therapy in Mental Health (IOPTMH), and we answered with success the question: Physiotherapy in mental health; what’s next? The highly qualified scientific program, the reputable presenters, and the venue altogether form a powerful motivation for both physiotherapists and other mental health professionals to attend this conference. Conference Title: 9th International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health ConferenceConference Theme: Physiotherapy in mental health; what’s next?Conference Date: 4–6 May 2022Conference Location: Crowne Plaza Athens - City Centre Hotel, 50, Michalakopoulou Str. GR 11528 AthensConference Organizer: International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health and Greek Scientific Section “Physiotherapy in Mental Health” of PanHellenic Physiotherapists’ AssociationConference Secretariat - Public Relations: Alpha Public Relations and Integrated Marketing S.A., 55, Pytheou Str. GR 11743 Athen

    [The effect of low-dose hydrocortisone on requirement of norepinephrine and lactate clearance in patients with refractory septic shock].

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