45 research outputs found

    Lysosomal positioning regulates Rab10 phosphorylation at LRRK2+ lysosomes

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    Genetic variation at the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) locus contributes to an enhanced risk of familial and sporadic Parkinson’s disease. Previous data have demonstrated that recruitment to various membranes of the endolysosomal system results in LRRK2 activation. However, the mechanism(s) underlying LRRK2 activation at endolysosomal membranes and the cellular consequences of these events are still poorly understood. Here, we directed LRRK2 to lysosomes and early endosomes, triggering both LRRK2 autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the direct LRRK2 substrates Rab10 and Rab12. However, when directed to the lysosomal membrane, pRab10 was restricted to perinuclear lysosomes, whereas pRab12 was visualized on both peripheral and perinuclear LRRK2+ lysosomes, suggesting that lysosomal positioning provides additional regulation of LRRK2-dependent Rab phosphorylation. Anterograde transport of lysosomes to the cell periphery by increasing the expression of ARL8B and SKIP or by knockdown of JIP4 blocked the recruitment and phosphorylation of Rab10 by LRRK2. The absence of pRab10 from the lysosomal membrane prevented the formation of a lysosomal tubulation and sorting process we previously named LYTL. Conversely, overexpression of RILP resulted in lysosomal clustering within the perinuclear area and increased LRRK2-dependent Rab10 recruitment and phosphorylation. The regulation of Rab10 phosphorylation in the perinuclear area depends on counteracting phosphatases, as the knockdown of phosphatase PPM1H significantly increased pRab10 signal and lysosomal tubulation in the perinuclear region. Our findings suggest that LRRK2 can be activated at multiple cellular membranes, including lysosomes, and that lysosomal positioning further provides the regulation of some Rab substrates likely via differential phosphatase activity or effector protein presence in nearby cellular compartments

    The Parkinson's Disease Associated LRRK2 Exhibits Weaker In Vitro Phosphorylation of 4E-BP Compared to Autophosphorylation

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    Mutations in the gene encoding Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common cause of inherited Parkinson's disease (PD). LRRK2 is a multi-domain protein kinase containing a central catalytic core and a number of protein-protein interaction domains. An important step forward in the understanding of both the biology and the pathology of LRRK2 would be achieved by identification of its authentic physiological substrates. In the present study we examined phosphorylation of 4E-BP (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)-binding protein), a recently proposed substrate for LRRKs. We found that LRRK2 is capable of phosphorylating 4E-BP in vitro. The PD related LRRK2-G2019S mutant was ∼2 fold more active than wild type protein. However, LRRK2 autophosphorylation was stronger than 4E-BP phosphorylation under conditions of molar excess of 4E-BP to LRRK2. We also tested three other kinases (STK3, MAPK14/p38α and DAPK2) and found that MAPK14/p38α could efficiently phosphorylate 4E-BP at the same site as LRRK2 in vitro. Finally, we did not see changes in 4E-BP phosphorylation levels using inducible expression of LRRK2 in HEK cell lines. We also found that MAPK14/p38α phosphorylates 4E-BP in transient overexpression experiments whereas LRRK2 did not. We suggest that increased 4E-BP phosphorylation reported in some systems may be related to p38-mediated cell stress rather than direct LRRK2 activity. Overall, our results suggest that 4E-BP is a relatively poor direct substrate for LRRK2

    A revised 1.6 Å structure of the GTPase domain of the Parkinson’s disease-associated protein LRRK2 provides insights into mechanisms

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    Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is a large 286 kDa multi-domain protein whose mutation is a common cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD). One of the common sites of familial PD-associated mutations occurs at residue Arg-1441 in the GTPase domain of LRRK2. Previously, we reported that the PD-associated mutation R1441H impairs the catalytic activity of the GTPase domain thereby traps it in a persistently "on" state. More recently, we reported that the GTPase domain of LRRK2 exists in a dynamic dimer-monomer equilibrium where GTP binding shifts it to the monomeric conformation while GDP binding shifts it back to the dimeric state. We also reported that all of the PD-associated mutations at Arg-1441, including R1441H, R1441C, and R1441G, impair the nucleotide-dependent dimer-monomer conformational dynamics of the GTPase domain. However, the mechanism of this nucleotide-dependent conformational dynamics and how it is impaired by the mutations at residue Arg-1441 remained unclear. Here, we report a 1.6 Å crystal structure of the GTPase domain of LRRK2. Our structure has revealed a dynamic switch region that can be differentially regulated by GTP and GDP binding. This nucleotide-dependent regulation is impaired when residue Arg-1441 is substituted with the PD-associated mutations due to the loss of its exquisite interactions consisting of two hydrogen bonds and a π-stacking interaction at the dimer interface

    Mitochondrial Alterations in PINK1 Deficient Cells Are Influenced by Calcineurin-Dependent Dephosphorylation of Dynamin-Related Protein 1

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    PTEN-induced novel kinase 1 (PINK1) mutations are associated with autosomal recessive parkinsonism. Previous studies have shown that PINK1 influences both mitochondrial function and morphology although it is not clearly established which of these are primary events and which are secondary. Here, we describe a novel mechanism linking mitochondrial dysfunction and alterations in mitochondrial morphology related to PINK1. Cell lines were generated by stably transducing human dopaminergic M17 cells with lentiviral constructs that increased or knocked down PINK1. As in previous studies, PINK1 deficient cells have lower mitochondrial membrane potential and are more sensitive to the toxic effects of mitochondrial complex I inhibitors. We also show that wild-type PINK1, but not recessive mutant or kinase dead versions, protects against rotenone-induced mitochondrial fragmentation whereas PINK1 deficient cells show lower mitochondrial connectivity. Expression of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) exaggerates PINK1 deficiency phenotypes and Drp1 RNAi rescues them. We also show that Drp1 is dephosphorylated in PINK1 deficient cells due to activation of the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin. Accordingly, the calcineurin inhibitor FK506 blocks both Drp1 dephosphorylation and loss of mitochondrial integrity in PINK1 deficient cells but does not fully rescue mitochondrial membrane potential. We propose that alterations in mitochondrial connectivity in this system are secondary to functional effects on mitochondrial membrane potential

    Benigne perivaginale Raumforderungen: Ätiologie, Diagnostik und therapeutisches Management

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    Einleitung: Benigne perivaginale Raumforderungen (PVRF) sind relativ selten. Treten sie auf, stellen sie in vielen Fällen eine diagnostische und therapeutische Herausforderung dar. Vielfältige, sich oftmals überlappende Symptome, sowie ein mangelndes Bewusstsein für diese seltenen Entitäten tragen maßgeblich dazu bei. Eine inkorrekte oder verspätete Diagnose kann mit Inkontinenz, Schmerzen, Rezidiven und weiteren Komplikationen einhergehen und den Leidensweg für die betroffenen Patientinnen unnötig verlängern. In seltenen Fällen kann es zu einer malignen Transformation kommen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, ein Bewusstsein für diese Entitäten zu schaffen sowie eine akkurate Diagnostik und Versorgung aufzuzeigen. Material und Methoden: Aus den OP-Büchern der Universitätsfrauenklinik Tübingen wurden über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren die Art und die Anzahl der durchgeführten urogynäkologischen Eingriffe im Allgemeinen, sowie die aufgrund einer benignen PVRF erfolgten Eingriffe im Speziellen erhoben. Aus den Krankenunterlagen wurden Diagnostik, Therapie, Histologie und postoperatives Management zusammengefasst und analysiert. Vaginale Endometriosemanifestationen fanden keine Berücksichtigung. Ergebnisse: Im Zeitraum 2011-2015 wurden an unserer Klinik insgesamt 4157 Frauen einer urogynäkologischen Operation unterzogen, 65 (1,6 %) davon aufgrund benigner PVRF. Die verschiedenen Entitäten variierten erheblich in ihrer Größe, Konfiguration und Komplexität. Die größte PVRF betrug 10 cm. PVRF traten einzeln oder multipel auf. Sie waren asymptomatisch (21,2 %) oder gingen mit einem breiten Spektrum an Symptomen einher (78,8 %). Anamnese, klinische Untersuchung, Becken-boden-Sonographie, Urethrozystoskopie und MRT waren für die Diagnostik entscheidend. In allen 65 Fällen wurde die PVRF exzidiert. In einem weiteren Fall bildete sich ein Urethradivertikel vollständig unter konservativer Therapie zurück. Fazit: Anamnese, klinische Untersuchung, Beckenboden-Sonographie, Urethrozystoskopie und MRT sind essentiell für die Diagnostik benigner PVRF. Im Falle einer Infektion sollte grundsätzlich zunächst eine konservative Therapie erfolgen. Eine komplette Exzision ist bei einem chirurgischen Vorgehen die Therapiemethode der Wahl. Das Bewusstsein für und die Vertrautheit mit den verschiedenen Entitäten ist von herausragender Bedeutung für eine korrekte Diagnose und Versorgung. Als Sekundärpathologie muss auf Divertikelsteine sowie auf eine maligne Entartung geachtet werden

    Cell population-specific expression analysis of human cerebellum

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    Abstract Background Interpreting gene expression profiles obtained from heterogeneous samples can be difficult because bulk gene expression measures are not resolved to individual cell populations. We have recently devised Population-Specific Expression Analysis (PSEA), a statistical method that identifies individual cell types expressing genes of interest and achieves quantitative estimates of cell type-specific expression levels. This procedure makes use of marker gene expression and circumvents the need for additional experimental information like tissue composition. Results To systematically assess the performance of statistical deconvolution, we applied PSEA to gene expression profiles from cerebellum tissue samples and compared with parallel, experimental separation methods. Owing to the particular histological organization of the cerebellum, we could obtain cellular expression data from in situ hybridization and laser-capture microdissection experiments and successfully validated computational predictions made with PSEA. Upon statistical deconvolution of whole tissue samples, we identified a set of transcripts showing age-related expression changes in the astrocyte population. Conclusions PSEA can predict cell-type specific expression levels from tissues homogenates on a genome-wide scale. It thus represents a computational alternative to experimental separation methods and allowed us to identify age-related expression changes in the astrocytes of the cerebellum. These molecular changes might underlie important physiological modifications previously observed in the aging brain.</p

    Elevated FMR1 mRNA in premutation carriers is due to increased transcription

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    Carriers of premutation alleles (55–200 CGG repeats) of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene have levels of FMR1 mRNA that are elevated by as much as 10-fold in peripheral blood leukocytes and CNS tissue. The excess expanded-repeat mRNA, per se, is now believed to result in forms of clinical involvement that are largely restricted to premutation carriers, including the neurodegenerative disorder, fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Although evidence to date suggests that the elevated mRNA is not due to increased stability, the basis for the increase is not known. In the current study, we have determined the relative transcriptional activities of premutation and normal FMR1 alleles using a highly sensitive nuclear run-on assay that involves immunocapture of digoxigenin-modified run-on transcripts followed by PCR amplification of the nascent transcripts. Using the nuclear run-on approach, we demonstrate that the rate of run-on synthesis of FMR1 transcripts is increased in premutation alleles. The current run-on assay should be broadly applicable to studies of other genes with promoters of weak to moderate strength. The fraction of capped FMR1 mRNA remains unaltered for premutation transcripts, indicating that elevated message levels are not due to premature escape from the cotranscriptional capping process. We also show that, in contrast to the situation with myotonic dystrophy, there is no net nuclear sequestration of premutation FMR1 mRNA. Finally, we have demonstrated that AGG interruptions within the CGG repeat element do not influence FMR1 mRNA levels