116 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This article explores the a mathematical model of the a data transmission channel with errors grouping. We propose an estimating method for energy gain from coding and energy efficiency of binary codes in channels with grouped errors. The proposed method uses a simplified Bennet and Froelich’s model and allows leading the research of the energy gain from coding for a wide class of data channels without restricting the way of the length distributing the error bursts. The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by the information of the known results in the theory of error-correcting coding in the simplified variant

    Mathematical models of the key schedule of block symmetric ciphers

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    We investigate combinatorial properties of the block symmetric ciphers key schedule in the assumption that the cyclic (round) keys are generated randomly, with equal probability and independently of each other. The model of random homogeneous substitution is used for an abstract description of this formation. The simulation results confirm the accuracy and validity of these analytical expressions.Исследуются комбинаторные свойства ключевого расписания блочных симметричных шифров в предположении, что цикловые (раундовые) ключи формируются случайно, равновероятно и независимо друг от друга. Для абстрактного описания такого формирования используется модель случайной однородной подстановки. Результаты имитационного моделирования подтверждают достоверность и обоснованность полученных аналитических выражений

    Software Implementation of Genus-2 Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems Over Prime Fields

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    This paper describes the system parameters and software implementation of a HECDSA cryptosystem based on genus-2 hyperelliptic curves over prime fields. We show how to reduce the computational complexity for special cases and compare the given cryptosystem with the well-known ECDSA cryptosystem based on elliptic curves

    All-Dielectric Optical Nanoantennas

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    We propose a new type of highly efficient Yagi-Uda nanoantenna and introduced a novel concept of superdirective nanoantennas based on silicon nanoparticles. In addition to the electric response, this silicon nanoantennas exhibit very strong magnetic resonances at the nanoscale. Both types of nanoantennas are studied analytically, numerically and experimentally. For superdirective nanoantennas we also predict the effect of the beam steering at the nanoscale characterized by a subwavelength sensitivity of the beam radiation direction to the source position

    Epidemiology of Brucellosis and Genetic Diversity of Brucella abortus in Kazakhstan

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    Brucellosis is a major zoonotic infection in Kazakhstan. However, there is limited data on its incidence in humans and animals, and the genetic diversity of prevalent strains is virtually unstudied. Additionally, there is no detailed overview of Kazakhstan brucellosis control and eradication programs. Here, we analyzed brucellosis epidemiological data, and assessed the effectiveness of eradication strategies employed over the past 70 years to counteract this infection. We also conducted multiple loci variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) of Brucella abortus strains found in Kazakhstan. We analyzed official data on the incidence of animal brucellosis in Kazakhstan. The records span more than 70 years of antibrucellosis campaigns, and contain a brief description of the applied control strategies, their effectiveness, and their impact on the incidence in humans. The MLVA-16 method was used to type 94 strains of B. abortus and serial passages of B. abortus 82, a strain used in vaccines. MLVA-8 and MLVA-11 analyses clustered strains into a total of four and sevengenotypes, respectively; it is the first time that four of these genotypes have been described. MLVA-16 analysis divided strains into 28 distinct genotypes having genetic similarity coefficient that varies from 60 to100% and a Hunter & Gaston diversity index of 0.871. MST analysis reconstruction revealed clustering into "Kazakhstani-Chinese (Central Asian)", "European" and "American" lines. Detection of multiple genotypes in a single outbreak confirms that poorly controlled trade of livestock plays a crucial role in the spread of infection. Notably, the MLVA-16 profile of the B. abortus 82 strain was unique and did not change during 33 serial passages. MLVA genotyping may thus be useful for epidemiological monitoring of brucellosis, and for tracking the source(s) of infection. We suggest that countrywide application of MLVA genotyping would improve the control of brucellosis in Kazakhstan

    The Development of LED Grow Light for Greenhouse Cultivation

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    Introduction. Lighting is one of the key factors influencing the efficient greenhouse cultivation. In this context, LED grow lights are an innovative solution that allows users to precisely adjust the light parameters necessary for optimal photosynthetic processes. Aim of the Article. The aim of the work is developing and testing the LED grow light with optimal spectrum and light intensity to ensure efficient growth, development and photosynthesis of plants in greenhouses. Materials and Methods. The LED grow light was developed in accordance with the regulatory standards that define the basic requirements in light technology for plant growth: GOST R 57671-2017 and GOST R 58461-2019. There is presented the sequence of development stages, according to which this grow light was developed. Results. As the light source, there was chosen the Full Spectrum-1 LED (China) with two prominent emission peaks at 440 nm and 642 nm. For the grow light, a spotlight housing was selected to direct light precisely onto the plants, thereby ensuring maximum efficiency of photosynthesis and growth. The analysis of ray tracing results in TracePro showed that the LED grow light model has a light distribution close to the cosine type. The radiant flux of emission was 4.14 watts, and the photosynthetic photon flux was 16.6 μmol/s. Discussion and Conclusion. The developed LED grow light has a photosynthetic photon flux of 16.2 μmol/s at a power consumption of 8.8 watts. The photosynthetic efficiency of the grow light was 1.84 μmol/J. Thus, this grow light can be used for the efficient greenhouse cultivation, providing optimal lighting conditions and contributing to increased crop yield and the quality of agricultural crops