36 research outputs found

    Platelet factor XIII-A regulates platelet function and promotes clot retraction and stability.

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    Factor XIII (FXIII) is an important proenzyme in the hemostatic system. The plasma-derived enzyme activated FXIII cross-links fibrin fibers within thrombi to increase their mechanical strength and cross-links fibrin to fibrinolytic inhibitors, specifically α2-antiplasmin, to increase resistance to fibrinolysis. We have previously shown that cellular FXIII (factor XIII-A [FXIII-A]), which is abundant in the platelet cytoplasm, is externalized onto the activated membrane and cross-links extracellular substrates. The contribution of cellular FXIII-A to platelet activation and platelet function has not been extensively studied. This study aims to identify the role of platelet FXIII-A in platelet function. We used normal healthy platelets with a cell permeable FXIII inhibitor and platelets from FXIII-deficient patients as a FXIII-free platelet model in a range of platelet function and clotting tests. Our data demonstrate that platelet FXIII-A enhances fibrinogen binding to the platelet surface upon agonist stimulation and improves the binding of platelets to fibrinogen and aggregation under flow in a whole-blood thrombus formation assay. In the absence of FXIII-A, platelets show reduced sensitivity to agonist stimulation, including decreased P-selectin exposure and fibrinogen binding. We show that FXIII-A is involved in platelet spreading where a lack of FXIII-A reduces the ability of platelets to fully spread on fibrinogen and collagen. Our data demonstrate that platelet FXIII-A is important for clot retraction where clots formed in its absence retracted to a lesser extent. Overall, this study shows that platelet FXIII-A functions during thrombus formation by aiding platelet activation and thrombus retraction in addition to its antifibrinolytic roles

    Transient calculation of a high pressure power plant conduit system

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZusammenfassung in englischer SpracheDiese Arbeit befasst sich mit der instationĂ€ren Berechnung des Triebwasserweges inklusive den vorhandenen Absperrorganen eines Hochdruck-Kraftwerks der Tiroler Wasserkraft AG. Ziel war es, ein numerisches 1-D Modell des Kraftwerks zu erstellen, mit dem es möglich ist, das Notschlussverhalten der Drosselklappe zu untersuchen. Der Umbau des Kraftwerks besteht aus einem neuen Druckstollen mit Wasserschloss, die fĂŒr einen zukĂŒnftigen Ausbau dimensioniert wurden. Bis ein neuer Druckstollen gebaut wird, ist der neue Kraftabstieg mit dem bestehenden Druckstollen verbunden. Bei dieser vorĂŒbergehenden Anordnung, Drosselklappe vor dem Wasserschloss, musste das Schließverhalten der Drosselklappe nĂ€her betrachtet werden.This diploma thesis deals with the transient calculation of a high pressure power plant conduit system. The aim was to create a 1-D numerical model of the power plant which is able to investigate the closing behavior of the safety valve under different condititions. The rebuild of the power plant includes a new pressure tunnel and surge tank which are designed for the future expansion of the power plant. Until this expansion is realised the new pressure tunnel and surge tanke are connected with the existing penstock. This transitional solution, surge tank behind safety valve, needed a closer inspection regarding the closing behavior of the safety valve.7

    Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging in Turbid Liquids: A Promising Tool in Nanomedicine

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    Tracking of biological and physiological processes on the nanoscale is a central part of the growing field of nanomedicine. Although atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of the most appropriate techniques in this area, investigations in non-transparent fluids such as human blood are not possible with conventional AFMs due to limitations caused by the optical readout. Here, we show a promising approach based on self-sensing cantilevers (SSC) as a replacement for optical readout in biological AFM imaging. Piezo-resistors, in the form of a Wheatstone bridge, are embedded into the cantilever, whereas two of them are placed at the bending edge. This enables the deflection of the cantilever to be precisely recorded by measuring the changes in resistance. Furthermore, the conventional acoustic or magnetic vibration excitation in intermittent contact mode can be replaced by a thermal excitation using a heating loop. We show further developments of existing approaches enabling stable measurements in turbid liquids. Different readout and excitation methods are compared under various environmental conditions, ranging from dry state to human blood. To demonstrate the applicability of our laser-free bio-AFM for nanomedical research, we have selected the hemostatic process of blood coagulation as well as ultra-flat red blood cells in different turbid fluids. Furthermore, the effects on noise and scanning speed of different media are compared. The technical realization is shown (1) on a conventional optical beam deflection (OBD)-based AFM, where we replaced the optical part by a new SSC nose cone, and (2) on an all-electric AFM, which we adapted for measurements in turbid liquids