1,608 research outputs found

    Morphological regions and oblique incidence dot formation in a model of surface sputtering

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    We study solid surface morphology created by off-normal ion-beam sputtering with an atomistic, solid-on-solid model of sputter erosion. With respect to an earlier version of the model, we extend this model with the inclusion of lateral erosion. Using the 2-dimensional structure factor, we found an upper bound μ2\mu\simeq 2, in the lateral straggle μ\mu, for clear ripple formation. Above this upper bound, for longitudinal straggle σ1.7\sigma\gtrsim 1.7, we found the possibility of dot formation (without sample rotation). Moreover, a temporal crossover from a hole topography to ripple topography with the same value of collision cascade parameters was found. Finally, a scaling analysis of the roughness, using the consecutive gradient approach, yields the growth exponents β=0.33\beta=0.33 and 0.67 for two different topographic regimes.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure

    Analisa Migrasi Sistem Dari Microsoft Dynamics Axapta

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    PT. X is a distributor of motorcycle that also sells motorcycle parts located in Surabaya. The sales process conducted by PT. X until present is the user come to seller, then makess an order. PT. X doesn't have a website to sell online so PT. X only has customers around the Surabaya.PT. X has a website that contains about the profile companies and motor cycle products along specification. PT. X using applications ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system based on Microsoft is Microsoft Dynamics Axapta. PT. X initially used with Oracle-based ERP application and in 2014 switched to Microsoft Dynamics Axapta. These application selected by PT. X as in the company using the Microsoft platform that easily integrated with other Microsoft Office and modules contained in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta easy for custom so that it can adapt to needs of company and business processes PT. X

    Enhanced absorption in tandem solar cells by applying hydrogenated In2O3 as electrode

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    To realize the high efficiency potential of perovskite/chalcopyrite tandem solar cells in modules, hydrogenated In2O3 (IO:H) as electrode is investigated. IO:H with an electron mobility of 100 cm2 V−1 s−1 is demonstrated. Compared to the conventional Sn doped In2O3 (ITO), IO:H exhibits a decreased electron concentration and leads to almost no sub-bandgap absorption up to the wavelength of 1200 nm. Without a trade-off between transparency and lateral resistance in the IO:H electrode, the tandem cell keeps increasing in efficiency as the IO:H thickness increases and efficiencies above 22% are calculated. In contrast, the cells with ITO as electrode perform much worse due to the severe parasitic absorption in ITO. This indicates that IO:H has the potential to lead to high efficiencies, which is otherwise constrained by the parasitic absorption in conventional transparent conductive oxide electrode for tandem solar cells in modules

    Design Strategy for Nanostructured Arrays of Metallodielectric Cuboids to Systematically Tune the Optical Response and Eliminate Spurious Bulk Effects in Plasmonic Biosensors

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    Plasmonic biosensors are a powerful tool for studying molecule adsorption label-free and with high sensitivity. Here, we present a systematic study on the optical properties of strictly regular nanostructures composed of metallodielectric cuboids with the aim to deliberately tune their optical response and improve their biosensing performance. In addition, the patterns were tested for their potential to eliminate spurious effects from sensor response, caused by refractive index changes in the bulk solution. Shifts in the plasmonic spectrum are exclusively caused by the adsorbing molecules. For this purpose, nanopatterns of interconnected and separated cubes with dimensions ranging from 150 to 600 nm have been fabricated from poly(methyl methacrylate) using electron-beam lithography followed by metallization with gold. It is shown that a small lateral pattern size, a high aspect ratio, and short connection lengths are favorable to generate extinction spectra with well-separated and pronounced peaks. Furthermore, for selected nanostructures, we have been able to identify reflection angles for which the influence of the bulk refractive index on the position of the plasmonic peaks is negligible. It is shown that sensor operation under these angles enables monitoring of in situ biomolecule adsorption with high sensitivity providing a promising tool for high-throughput applications

    Percepción que tiene el usuario externo por el servicio de salud ofertado en una Unidad Médica de segundo nivel de atención ambulatoria del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social en el año 2019.

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    Los gerentes e investigadores deben conocer los detalles de los puntos débiles de las dimensiones de calidad de los servicios de salud y hasta qué punto las debilidades se extienden para esa institución. La escala SERVQUAL se usa comúnmente en la evaluación de la calidad del servicio de atención médica. El objetivo es evaluar la percepción que tiene el usuario externo por el servicio de salud ofertado en una unidad médica de segundo nivel de atención ambulatoria. Se ejecutó una encuesta a 218 pacientes en un Centro de Atención Ambulatoria, donde aplicó un instrumento validado mediante prueba piloto basado en la escala SERVQUAL con sus cinco dimensiones. Pese a que en la mayoría de los ítems puntuados dieron un grado de “satisfecho”, se identificó que existen varios que fueron puntuadas indiferentes como: el tiempo dedicado por el médico para la atención en la consulta; la paciencia al tomarle signos vitales o aplicar inyecciones o sueros, el interés para escucharle sobre de su enfermedad, información sobre los cuidados que debe tener en casa por parte del personal de enfermería; explicación de los requisitos y trámites que debe realizar por parte del personal que labora en el área de admisión; y, la atención en el área de Rayos X por parte del personal de ese servicio. La escala SERVQUAL modificada adaptada a otras realidades, se puede utilizar para identificar insatisfacción del usuario, detectar deficiencias y plantear mejoras en la calidad de los servicios de atención médica en el Centro de Especialidades del IESS Daule