12 research outputs found

    Mind the Scaling Factors: Resilience Analysis of Quantized Adversarially Robust CNNs

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    As more deep learning algorithms enter safety-critical application domains, the importance of analyzing their resilience against hardware faults cannot be overstated. Most existing works focus on bit-flips in memory, fewer focus on compute errors, and almost none study the effect of hardware faults on adversarially trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In this work, we show that adversarially trained CNNs are more susceptible to failure due to hardware errors when compared to vanilla-trained models. We identify large differences in the quantization scaling factors of the CNNs which are resilient to hardware faults and those which are not. As adversarially trained CNNs learn robustness against input attack perturbations, their internal weight and activation distributions open a backdoor for injecting large magnitude hardware faults. We propose a simple weight decay remedy for adversarially trained models to maintain adversarial robustness and hardware resilience in the same CNN. We improve the fault resilience of an adversarially trained ResNet56 by 25% for large-scale bit-flip benchmarks on activation data while gaining slightly improved accuracy and adversarial robustness

    HW-Flow-Fusion: Inter-Layer Scheduling for Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators with Dataflow Architectures

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    Energy and throughput efficient acceleration of convolutional neural networks (CNN) on devices with a strict power budget is achieved by leveraging different scheduling techniques to minimize data movement and maximize data reuse. Several dataflow mapping frameworks have been developed to explore the optimal scheduling of CNN layers on reconfigurable accelerators. However, previous works usually optimize each layer singularly, without leveraging the data reuse between the layers of CNNs. In this work, we present an analytical model to achieve efficient data reuse by searching for efficient scheduling of communication and computation across layers. We call this inter-layer scheduling framework HW-Flow-Fusion, as we explore the fused map-space of multiple layers sharing the available resources of the same accelerator, investigating the constraints and trade-offs of mapping the execution of multiple workloads with data dependencies. We propose a memory-efficient data reuse model, tiling, and resource partitioning strategies to fuse multiple layers without recomputation. Compared to standard single-layer scheduling, inter-layer scheduling can reduce the communication volume by 51% and 53% for selected VGG16-E and ResNet18 layers on a spatial array accelerator, and reduce the latency by 39% and 34% respectively, while also increasing the computation to communication ratio which improves the memory bandwidth efficiency

    Accelerating and pruning CNNs for semantic segmentation on FPGA

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    Semantic segmentation is one of the popular tasks in computer vision, providing pixel-wise annotations for scene understanding. However, segmentation-based convolutional neural networks require tremendous computational power. In this work, a fully-pipelined hardware accelerator with support for dilated convolution is introduced, which cuts down the redundant zero multiplications. Furthermore, we propose a genetic algorithm based automated channel pruning technique to jointly optimize computational complexity and model accuracy. Finally, hardware heuristics and an accurate model of the custom accelerator design enable a hardware-aware pruning framework. We achieve 2.44X lower latency with minimal degradation in semantic prediction quality (−1.98 pp lower mean intersection over union) compared to the baseline DeepLabV3+ model, evaluated on an Arria-10 FPGA. The binary files of the FPGA design, baseline and pruned models can be found in github.com/pierpaolomori/SemanticSegmentationFPGA

    HW-Flow: A Multi-Abstraction Level HW-CNN Codesign Pruning Methodology

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have produced unprecedented accuracy for many computer vision problems in the recent past. In power and compute-constrained embedded platforms, deploying modern CNNs can present many challenges. Most CNN architectures do not run in real-time due to the high number of computational operations involved during the inference phase. This emphasizes the role of CNN optimization techniques in early design space exploration. To estimate their efficacy in satisfying the target constraints, existing techniques are either hardware (HW) agnostic, pseudo-HW-aware by considering parameter and operation counts, or HW-aware through inflexible hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) setups. In this work, we introduce HW-Flow, a framework for optimizing and exploring CNN models based on three levels of hardware abstraction: Coarse, Mid and Fine. Through these levels, CNN design and optimization can be iteratively refined towards efficient execution on the target hardware platform. We present HW-Flow in the context of CNN pruning by augmenting a reinforcement learning agent with key metrics to understand the influence of its pruning actions on the inference hardware. With 2× reduction in energy and latency, we prune ResNet56, ResNet50, and DeepLabv3 with minimal accuracy degradation on the CIFAR-10, ImageNet, and CityScapes datasets, respectively

    HW-FlowQ: A Multi-Abstraction Level HW-CNN Co-design Quantization Methodology

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    Model compression through quantization is commonly applied to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) deployed on compute and memory-constrained embedded platforms. Different layers of the CNN can have varying degrees of numerical precision for both weights and activations, resulting in a large search space. Together with the hardware (HW) design space, the challenge of finding the globally optimal HW-CNN combination for a given application becomes daunting. To this end, we propose HW-FlowQ, a systematic approach that enables the co-design of the target hardware platform and the compressed CNN model through quantization. The search space is viewed at three levels of abstraction, allowing for an iterative approach for narrowing down the solution space before reaching a high-fidelity CNN hardware modeling tool, capable of capturing the effects of mixed-precision quantization strategies on different hardware architectures (processing unit counts, memory levels, cost models, dataflows) and two types of computation engines (bit-parallel vectorized, bit-serial). To combine both worlds, a multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is leveraged to establish a Pareto-optimal set of quantization strategies for the target HW-metrics at each abstraction level. HW-FlowQ detects optima in a discrete search space and maximizes the task-related accuracy of the underlying CNN while minimizing hardware-related costs. The Pareto-front approach keeps the design space open to a range of non-dominated solutions before refining the design to a more detailed level of abstraction. With equivalent prediction accuracy, we improve the energy and latency by 20% and 45% respectively for ResNet56 compared to existing mixed-precision search methods

    WinoTrain: Winograd-Aware Training for Accurate Full 8-bit Convolution Acceleration

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    Efficient inference is critical in realizing a lowpower, real-time implementation of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on compute and memory-constrained embedded platforms. Using quantization techniques and fast convolutional algorithms like Winograd, CNN inference can achieve benefits in latency and in energy consumption. Performing Winograd convolution involves (1) transforming the weights and activations to the Winograd domain, (2) performing element-wise multiplication on the transformed tensors, and (3) transforming the results back to the conventional spatial domain. Combining Winograd with quantization of all its steps results in severe accuracy degradation due to numerical instability. In this paper we propose a simple quantization-aware training technique, which quantizes all three steps of the Winograd convolution, while using a minimal number of scaling factors. Additionally, we propose an FPGA accelerator employing tiling and unrolling methods to highlight the performance benefits of using the full 8-bit quantized Winograd algorithm. We achieve 2× reduction in inference time compared to standard convolution on ResNet-18 for the ImageNet dataset, while improving the Top-1 accuracy by 55.7 p.p. compared to a standard post-training quantized Winograd variant of the network

    Accelerating and Pruning CNNs for Semantic Segmentation on FPGA

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    Semantic segmentation is one of the popular tasks in computer vision, providing pixel-wise annotations for scene understanding. However, segmentation-based convolutional neural networks require tremendous computational power. In this work, a fully-pipelined hardware accelerator with support for dilated convolution is introduced, which cuts down the redundant zero multiplications. Furthermore, we propose a genetic algorithm based automated channel pruning technique to jointly optimize computational complexity and model accuracy. Finally, hardware heuristics and an accurate model of the custom accelerator design enable a hardware-aware pruning framework. We achieve 2.44× lower latency with minimal degradation in semantic prediction quality (−1.98 pp lower mean intersection over union) compared to the baseline DeepLabV3+ model, evaluated on an Arria-10 FPGA