478 research outputs found

    New risks and challenges within the context of OSCE

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    A Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa (OSCE) é um instrumento fundamental para a cooperação na região Euro- -Atlântica no combate às novas ameaças que surgiram com os atentados de 11 de Setembro. Uma das principais tarefas da OSCE é a de funcionar como um instrumento de alerta precoce no caso de novos desafios e ameaças à segurança internacional. A organização pode ser um fórum onde se estabelecem novas normas e princípios de segurança e processos de cooperação entre os Estados. A luta contra o terrorismo tornou-se uma das prioridades da OSCE, e devido à sua experiência nesse domí- nio pode vir a ter um papel preponderante no âmbito das instituições Euro-Atlânticas

    Estimation of the Russia’s trade policy options with the help of the Computable General Equilibrium Model

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    The computable general equilibrium model was used in assessing different Russia’s trade policy options. The base experiment lying in the core of our investigation is simulation of the EU eastward enlargement. According to our calculations Russia does not loose in the resulting equilibrium. This is not a zero-sum process from a point of view of Russia’s social welfare. The other experiments are: simulation of Russia’s WTO accession and creation of the Common European Economic Space. Change in the tariffs associated with the possible WTO accession is so small relative to the existing level of tariffs, that it does not give a significant change in the Russian economic environment. Significant changes are associated with the creation of the CEES as a free trade area between Russia and the enlarged Europe. If an FTA agreement will cover all goods and services, this will give a negative effect on the Russian economy.CGE models, enlargement of the European Union, Russia’s WTO accession, Free Trade Area

    SU(2) WZW D-branes and quantized worldvolume U(1) flux on S^2

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    We discuss possible D-brane configurations on SU(2) group manifolds in the sigma model approach. When we turn the boundary conditions of the spacetime fields into the boundary gluing conditions of chiral currents, we find that for all D-branes except the spherical D2-branes, the gluing matrices R^a_{b} depend on the fields, so the chiral Kac-Moody symmetry is broken, but conformal symmetry is maintained. Matching the spherical D2-branes derived from the sigma model with those from the boundary state approach we obtain a U(1) field strength that is consistent with flux quantization.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, several corrections (the previous version was not approved by the first two authors

    Chaos and rectification of electromagnetic wave in a lateral semiconductor superlattice

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    We find the conditions for a rectification of electromagnetic wave in a lateral semiconductor superlattice with a high mobility of electrons. The rectification is assisted by a transition to a dissipative chaos at a very high mobility. We show that mechanism responsible for the rectification is a creation of warm electrons in the superlattice miniband caused by an interplay of the effects of nonlinearity and finite band width.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (2 color figs). Sufficient revision in comparison with version1: More explanations on physics of the effect are added. Removed from version1 material will be published elsewher

    Imaging of Perovskite Photoactive Layer Cross-Section by Atomic Force Microscopy

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    The volume structure of photoactive layer has critical influence on perovskite solar cell performance and life time. In this study the perovskite photoactive layer cross-section was prepared by using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and imaged by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) methods (Fig. 16). Two different types of perovskite layers were investigated: FAPbBr3 and MAPbBr3

    Probes of Lorentz Violation in Neutrino Propagation

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    It has been suggested that the interactions of energetic particles with the foamy structure of space-time thought to be generated by quantum-gravitational (QG) effects might violate Lorentz invariance, so that they do not propagate at a universal speed of light. We consider the limits that may be set on a linear or quadratic violation of Lorentz invariance in the propagation of energetic neutrinos, v/c=[1 +- (E/M_\nuQG1)] or [1 +- (E/M_\nu QG2}^2], using data from supernova explosions and the OPERA long-baseline neutrino experiment. Using the SN1987a neutrino data from the Kamioka II, IMB and Baksan experiments, we set the limits M_\nuQG1 > 2.7(2.5)x10^10 GeV for subluminal (superluminal) propagation, respectively, and M_\nuQG2 >4.6(4.1)x10^4 GeV at the 95% confidence level. A future galactic supernova at a distance of 10 kpc would have sensitivity to M_\nuQG1 > 2(4)x10^11 GeV for subluminal (superluminal) propagation, respectively, and M_\nuQG2 > 2(4)x10^5 GeV. With the current CNGS extraction spill length of 10.5 micro seconds and with standard clock synchronization techniques, the sensitivity of the OPERA experiment would reach M_\nuQG1 ~ 7x10^5 GeV (M_\nuQG2 ~ 8x10^3 GeV) after 5 years of nominal running. If the time structure of the SPS RF bunches within the extracted CNGS spills could be exploited, these figures would be significantly improved to M_\nuQG1 ~ 5x10^7 GeV (M_\nuQG2 ~ 4x10^4 GeV). These results can be improved further if similar time resolution can be achieved with neutrino events occurring in the rock upstream of the OPERA detector: we find potential sensitivities to M_\nuQG1 ~ 4x10^8 GeV and M_\nuQG2 ~ 7x10^5 GeV.Comment: 33 pages, 22 figures, version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Electrochemical design of plasmonic nanoantennas for tip-enhanced optical spectroscopy and imaging performance

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    Optical nanoantennas play a crucial role in controlling near-fields on the nanoscale and being counterparts of commonly used conventional optical components such as lens, prisms, gratings, etc. for shaping the wavefront of light in the far-field. In this paper we highlight a dc-pulsed voltage electrochemical etching method with a self-tuneable duty cycle for highly reproducible design of plasmonic (metallic) nanoantennas. With the method, we introduce such concepts as design, optimization and figure-ofmerit for evaluating fabrication efficiency. The ability of the nanoantennas to enhance and localize the optical fields beyond the diffraction limit is statistically studied with Rayleigh scattering from the tip apex and tipenhanced Raman spectroscopy of a single walled carbon nanotubes bundle