18 research outputs found

    Structural basis of SALM3 dimerization and synaptic adhesion complex formation with PTPσ

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    bioRxiv: doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.09.893701Synaptic adhesion molecules play an important role in the formation, maintenance and refinement of neuronal connectivity. Recently, several leucine rich repeat (LRR) domain containing neuronal adhesion molecules have been characterized including netrin G-ligands, SLITRKs and the synaptic adhesion-like molecules (SALMs). Dysregulation of these adhesion molecules have been genetically and functionally linked to various neurological disorders. Here we investigated the molecular structure and mechanism of ligand interactions for the postsynaptic SALM3 adhesion protein with its presynaptic ligand, receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTP sigma). We solved the crystal structure of the dimerized LRR domain of SALM3, revealing the conserved structural features and mechanism of dimerization. Furthermore, we determined the complex structure of SALM3 with PTP sigma using small angle X-ray scattering, revealing a 2:2 complex similar to that observed for SALM5. Solution studies unraveled additional flexibility for the complex structure, but validated the uniform mode of action for SALM3 and SALM5 to promote synapse formation. The relevance of the key interface residues was further confirmed by mutational analysis with cellular binding assays and artificial synapse formation assays. Collectively, our results suggest that SALM3 dimerization is a pre-requisite for the SALM3-PTP sigma complex to exert synaptogenic activity.Peer reviewe

    Transcriptome Analysis in Tardigrade Species Reveals Specific Molecular Pathways for Stress Adaptations

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    Tardigrades have unique stress-adaptations that allow them to survive extremes of cold, heat, radiation and vacuum. To study this, encoded protein clusters and pathways from an ongoing transcriptome study on the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum were analyzed using bioinformatics tools and compared to expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from Hypsibius dujardini, revealing major pathways involved in resistance against extreme environmental conditions. ESTs are available on the Tardigrade Workbench along with software and databank updates. Our analysis reveals that RNA stability motifs for M. tardigradum are different from typical motifs known from higher animals. M. tardigradum and H. dujardini protein clusters and conserved domains imply metabolic storage pathways for glycogen, glycolipids and specific secondary metabolism as well as stress response pathways (including heat shock proteins, bmh2, and specific repair pathways). Redox-, DNA-, stress- and protein protection pathways complement specific repair capabilities to achieve the strong robustness of M. tardigradum. These pathways are partly conserved in other animals and their manipulation could boost stress adaptation even in human cells. However, the unique combination of resistance and repair pathways make tardigrades and M. tardigradum in particular so highly stress resistant

    Multi‐scale ensemble properties of the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome

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    Abstract: In organisms from all domains of life, multi‐enzyme assemblies play central roles in defining transcript lifetimes and facilitating RNA‐mediated regulation of gene expression. An assembly dedicated to such roles, known as the RNA degradosome, is found amongst bacteria from highly diverse lineages. About a fifth of the assembly mass of the degradosome of Escherichia coli and related species is predicted to be intrinsically disordered – a property that has been sustained for over a billion years of bacterial molecular history and stands in marked contrast to the high degree of sequence variation of that same region. Here, we characterize the conformational dynamics of the degradosome using a hybrid structural biology approach that combines solution scattering with ad hoc ensemble modelling, cryo‐electron microscopy, and other biophysical methods. The E. coli degradosome can form punctate bodies in vivo that may facilitate its functional activities, and based on our results, we propose an electrostatic switch model to account for the propensity of the degradosome to undergo programmable puncta formation

    Analysis of the natively unstructured RNA/protein-recognition core in the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome and its interactions with regulatory RNA/Hfq complexes.

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    The RNA degradosome is a multi-enzyme assembly that plays a central role in the RNA metabolism of Escherichia coli and numerous other bacterial species including pathogens. At the core of the assembly is the endoribonuclease RNase E, one of the largest E. coli proteins and also one that bears the greatest region predicted to be natively unstructured. This extensive unstructured region, situated in the C-terminal half of RNase E, is punctuated with conserved short linear motifs that recruit partner proteins, direct RNA interactions, and enable association with the cytoplasmic membrane. We have structurally characterized a subassembly of the degradosome-comprising a 248-residue segment of the natively unstructured part of RNase E, the DEAD-box helicase RhlB and the glycolytic enzyme enolase, and provide evidence that it serves as a flexible recognition centre that can co-recruit small regulatory RNA and the RNA chaperone Hfq. Our results support a model in which the degradosome captures substrates and regulatory RNAs through the recognition centre, facilitates pairing to cognate transcripts and presents the target to the ribonuclease active sites of the greater assembly for cooperative degradation or processing

    Methoden zur Hybriden Modellierung von SAXS Daten (Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung) und deren Anwendung

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    Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a universal low-resolution method to study proteins in solution and to analyze structural changes in response to variations of conditions (pH, temperature, ionic strength etc). SAXS is hardly limited by the particle size, being applicable to the smallest proteins and to huge macromolecular machines like ribosomes and viruses. SAXS experiments are usually fast and require a moderate amount of purified material. Traditionally, SAXS is employed to study the size and shape of globular proteins, but recent developments have made it possible to quantitatively characterize the structure and structural transitions of metastable systems, e.g. partially or completely unfolded proteins. In the absence of complementary information, low-resolution macromolecular shapes can be reconstructed ab initio and overall characteristics of the systems can be extracted. If a high or low-resolution structure or a predicted model is available, it can be validated against the experimental SAXS data. If the measured sample is polydisperse, the oligomeric state and/or oligomeric composition in solution can be determined. One of the most important approaches for macromolecular complexes is a combined ab initio/rigid body modeling, when the structures (either complete or partial) of individual subunits are available and SAXS data is employed to build the entire complex. Moreover, this method can be effectively combined with information from other structural, computational and biochemical methods. All the above approaches are covered in a comprehensive program suite ATSAS for SAXS data analysis, which has been developed at the EMBL-Hamburg. In order to meet the growing demands of the structural biology community, methods for SAXS data analysis must be further developed. This thesis describes the development of two new modules, RANLOGS and EM2DAM, which became part of ATSAS suite. The former program can be employed for constructing libraries of linkers and loops de novo and became a part of a combined ab initio/rigid body modeling program CORAL. EM2DAM can be employed to convert electron microscopy maps to bead models, which can be used for modeling or structure validation. Moreover, the programs CRYSOL and CRYSON, for computing X-ray and neutron scattering patterns from atomic models, respectively, were refurbished to work faster and new options were added to them. Two programs, to be contributed to future releases of the ATSAS package, were also developed. The first program generates a large pool of possible models using rigid body modeling program SASREF, selects and refines models with lowest discrepancy to experimental SAXS data using a docking program HADDOCK. The second program refines binary protein-protein complexes using the SAXS data and the high-resolution models of unbound subunits. Some results and conclusions from this work are presented here. The developed approaches detailed in this thesis, together with existing ATSAS modules were additionally employed in a number of collaborative projects. New insights into the “structural memory” of natively unfolded tau protein were gained and supramodular structure of RhoA-specific guanidine nucleotide exchange factor was reconstructed. Moreover, high resolution structures of several hematopoietic cytokine-receptor complexes were validated and re-modeled using the SAXS data. Important information about the oligomeric state of yeast frataxin in solution was derived from the scattering patterns recorded under different conditions and its flexibility was quantitatively characterized using the Ensemble Optimization Method (EOM).Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung (small angle X-ray scattering, SAXS) ist eine fundamentale niedrigauflösende Methode zur Untersuchung von Proteinen in Lösung und Analyse von StrukturĂ€nderungen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (pH, Temperatur, IonenstĂ€rke, usw.). SAXS ist nicht durch die TeilchengrĂ¶ĂŸe begrenzt und die Anwendbarkeit reicht von kleinsten Proteinen bis hin zu großen makromolekularen Maschinen, wie Ribosomen und Viren. SAXS-Experimente sind normalerweise schnell durchzufĂŒhren und erfordern eine relativ geringe Menge gereinigten Materials. SAXS wird hauptsĂ€chlich eingesetzt, um GrĂ¶ĂŸe und Form der globulĂ€rer Proteine zu studieren. Die neuesten Entwicklungen ermöglichen jedoch auch die Untersuchung und quantitative Charakterisierung metastabiler Systeme, wie teilweise oder vollstĂ€ndig ungefaltete Proteine. FĂŒr die SAXS-Datenanalyse existiert das umfassende Programmpaket ATSAS, welches am EMBL-Hamburg entwickelt wurde. Es ermöglicht die de novo Modellierung der Proteinform mit niedriger Auflösung, wenn keine ergĂ€nzende Information ĂŒber die dreidimensionale Struktur vorhanden ist. Des weiteren können diverse Gesamteigenschaften des untersuchten Systems berechnet werden. Wenn ein hoch oder niedrig aufgelöstes strukturell bestimmtes oder vorgesagtes Modell vorhanden ist, kann es gegen experimentellen SAXS Daten validiert werden. Wenn die Probe polydispers ist, kann der oligomere Zustand und/oder der oligomere Zusammensetzung in Lösung bestimmt werden. Einer der wichtigsten AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr SAXS Untersuchungen an makromolekularen Komplexen ist die kombinierte ab initio/Starrkörper-Modellierung, wenn entweder komplette oder partielle Strukturen der einzelnen Untereinheiten zusammen mit SAXS Daten benutzt werden, um daraus den gesamten Komplex zu konstruieren. Außerdem kann diese Methode mit Informationen von anderen strukturellen, rechnerischen und biochemischen Methoden effektiv kombiniert werden. Um den Anwendungsbereich von SAXS in der Strukturbiologie zu erweitern, mĂŒssen Methoden fĂŒr die SAXS-Datenanalyse weiter entwickelt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei neue Module, RANLOGS und EM2DAM, entwickelt und zur ATSAS Programmsuite hinzugefĂŒgt. Ersteres kann eingesetzt werden, um eine Bibliothek verknĂŒpfender Polypeptidketten (linkers) und -schleifen (loops) de novo aufzubauen und ist bereits ein Teil des Programms CORAL zur kombinierten ab initio/Starrkörper-Modellierung. EM2DAM kann eingesetzt werden, um Elektronenmikroskopie-Dichtekarten in Kugelmodelle umzuwandeln, welche fĂŒr die Modellierung oder Struktur-Validierung benutzt werden können. Außerdem wurden die Programme CRYSOL und CRYSON zur Berechnung von Röntgenstrahl- beziehungsweise Neutronenstreumuster aus Atommodellen erweitert, um die Berechnung zu beschleunigen und neue Optionen einzubauen. Zwei weitere Programme, die noch nicht Teil des ATSAS Pakets sind, wurden entwickelt. Das erste ist ein Programm, das mögliche Proteinmodelle von Komplexen unter Verwendung des SAXS Starrkörper-Modellierung-Programms SASREF erstellt. Dann werden Modelle zu experimentellen SAXS-Daten angepasst, ausgewĂ€hlt und verfeinert unter Verwendung des Protein-Protein-Docking-Programms HADDOCK. Das zweite Programm verfeinert binĂ€re Protein-Protein-Komplexe unter Verwendung von SAXS-Daten sowie hochaufgelöster Modelle der ungebundenen Untereinheiten. Im Folgenden werden die einige Ergebnisse dargestellt und diskutiert. Die entwickelten Methoden wurden zusammen mit den vorhandenen ATSAS-Modulen im Rahmen von Kollaborationsprojekte eingesetzt. So war es möglich, neue Einblicke in das „strukturelle GedĂ€chtnis“ des natĂŒrlicherweise ungefalteten Protein tau zu bekommen und die supramodulare Struktur eines RhoA-spezifischen Guanidinnukleotid-Austauschfaktors zu rekonstruieren. Außerdem wurden hoch aufgelöste Strukturen einiger blutbildender Cytokin-EmpfĂ€nger-Komplexe unter Verwendung von SAXS Daten validiert und verfeinert. Wichtige Informationen ĂŒber den oligomeren Zustand von Hefe-Frataxin in Lösung wurden aus den unter verschiedenen experimentelle Bedingungen gemessenen Streumustern abgeleitet, und seine FlexibilitĂ€t wurde quantitativ unter Verwendung der Ensemble-Optimierungs-Methode (EOM) ermittelt


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    Structural insight into Tn3 family transposition mechanism.

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    Transposons are diverse mobile genetic elements that play the critical role as genome architects in all domains of life. Tn3 is a widespread family and among the first identified bacterial transposons famed for their contribution to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Transposition within this family is mediated by a large TnpA transposase, which facilitates both transposition and target immunity. Howtever, a structural framework required for understanding the mechanism of TnpA transposition is lacking. Here, we describe the cryo-EM structures of TnpA from Tn4430 in the apo form and paired with transposon ends before and after DNA cleavage and strand transfer. We show that TnpA has an unusual architecture and exhibits a family specific regulatory mechanism involving metamorphic refolding of the RNase H-like catalytic domain. The TnpA structure, constrained by a double dimerization interface, creates a peculiar topology that suggests a specific role for the target DNA in transpososome assembly and activation

    AFM-based force spectroscopy unravels stepwise formation of the DNA transposition complex in the widespread Tn3 family mobile genetic elements.

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    Transposon Tn4430 belongs to a widespread family of bacterial transposons, the Tn3 family, which plays a prevalent role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance among pathogens. Despite recent data on the structural architecture of the transposition complex, the molecular mechanisms underlying the replicative transposition of these elements are still poorly understood. Here, we use force-distance curve-based atomic force microscopy to probe the binding of the TnpA transposase of Tn4430 to DNA molecules containing one or two transposon ends and to extract the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of transposition complex assembly. Comparing wild-type TnpA with previously isolated deregulated TnpA mutants supports a stepwise pathway for transposition complex formation and activation during which TnpA first binds as a dimer to a single transposon end and then undergoes a structural transition that enables it to bind the second end cooperatively and to become activated for transposition catalysis, the latter step occurring at a much faster rate for the TnpA mutants. Our study thus provides an unprecedented approach to probe the dynamic of a complex DNA processing machinery at the single-particle level