368 research outputs found

    How Wide Thy Healing Streams Are Spread : Constructing a Wesleyan Pentecostal Model of Healing for the Twenty-First Century

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    Eternal depth of love divine, In Jesus, God with us, displayed; How bright Thy beaming glories shine! How wide Thy healing streams are spread! With whom dost Thou delight to dwell? Sinners, a vile and thankless race: O God, what tongue aright can tell How vas They love, how great They grace! The dictates of Thy sovereign will With joy our grateful hearts receive: All Thy delight in us fulfil; Lo! All we are to Thee we give To They sure love, Thy tender care, Our flesh, soul, spirit, we resign: O fix They sacred presence there, And seal the abode for ever Thine! O King of Glory, They rich grace Our feeble thought surpasses far; Yea, even our sins, though numberless, Less numerous than Thy mercies are

    Conflicting Styles of Life in a Northern Canadian Town

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    Discusses observations made in Inuvik June-Oct 1966 as part of the Mackenzie Delta Research Project. The Delta natives find that the concentrated communities into which they are being relocated are transient-white oriented and dominated, lack connection with their former fishing-hunting-trapping economy. Indians, Eskimos, metis, northern-born whites and a few recently settled whites as a group have subordinate status to the transient whites who occupy the serviced area of Inuvik and maintain a separate socio-economic life style. The natives' difficulty of adjustment is attributed to their inherited culture with its values of indulgence and sharing, its derogation of conspicuous status-seeking, their habits of unscheduled work, independence, and general lack of job orientation resulting in absenteeism. The general frustration fosters heavy drinking at great social and economic cost, and the feeling of individual alienation. The economic and historical setting of the Delta region, population and age structure of its natives are dealt with, as are ethnic and life style factors in Inuvik. A town plan showing settlement patterns is included.Styles de vie en conflit dans une ville du nord du Canada. Avec la rapide expansion des services gouvernementaux dans l'Arctique canadien, les fonctionnaires blancs en sont venus à dominer la vie politique et sociale des villes nouvelles du nord. En réaction à cette pression, les indigènes commencent à se considérer comme faisant partie d'une nouvelle catégorie de "nordistes". Beaucoup des problèmes que ces nordistes éprouvent à s'ajuster à la vie urbaine peuvent être retracés jusque dans les valeurs et les schèmes de comportement propres à leur ancienne vie de trappeurs. La situation se complique encore par la stratification sociale à laquelle contribuent les patterns d'établissement. De tels groupements humains auront une importance cruciale pour l'avenir politique des Territoires du Nord-Ouest

    Linking Language to Latino Turnout

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    After Latino-Americans demonstrated their power in the 2012 presidential election, securing increased minority support at the polls has become a primary goal for both major U.S. political parties. A reliable bloc of Latino voters on one’s side could mean more wins, yet Latinos have a low voter turnout rate. This paper explores how to increase Latino turnout and argues that the use of the Spanish language in electoral advertising will have a positive effect and actually raise the rate of Latino participation. By comparing statewide Latino turnout data during both the 2002 midterm elections and the 2008 presidential election, I find states with a sizable amount of Spanish-language get-out-the-vote messages do see increased rates of Latino voter turnout even when controlling for other variables, suggesting Spanish-language advertising could possibly be a useful supplemental tool in future political campaigns

    Three Hundred Years of Holiness and Healing

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    Specific immunotherapy in Albanian patients with anaphylaxis to hymenoptera venoms

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    Background: Severe allergic reactions during rush-specific immunotherapy (Rush-SIT) may occur in the treatment of hymenoptera sting allergy. The objective of the present study was to examine the characteristics of allergic reactions during Rush-SIT in a cohort of patients with allergy towards hymenoptera venom in the mediterranean population of Albania. Methods: A retrospective study was performed using the clinical reports of 37 patients with venom of bee (apinae), wasp (vespidae, subfamily vespinae) or paperwasp (vespidae, subfamily polistinae) allergy treated with Rush-SIT between 1987 and 1996. After hymenoptera sting allergy diagnosis according to anamnesis and intracutaneous tests the patient were treated with Rush-SIT. The protocol lasted 3 - 4 d with an increase in the concentration from 0.01 microg/ml to 100 microg/ml. Anaphylactic reactions were classified according to the Mueller-classification. Results: The frequency of reactions during Rush-SIT for bee-venom was 4.7% and for wasp-venom was 1.5% (p < 0.01). The mean frequency of reactions of Mueller grade II for the bee-venom Rush-SIT patients during the first 4 d (= 26 injections) was 0.73 and for the wasp-venom Rush-SIT patients 0.15. No patient experienced a third-degree reaction. 94.6% of the patient supported an end dose of 100 microg. Conclusions: Rush-SIT is a reliable method for the treatment of anaphylactic reactions to hymenoptera venom even in less developed countries. Bee-venom Rush-SIT was found to cause higher numbers allergic reactions than wasp or paperwasp Rush-SIT

    Improving mass conservation in FE approximations of the Navier Stokes equations using continuous velocity fields: A connection between grad-div stabilization and Scott--Vogelius elements

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    This article studies two methods for obtaining excellent mass conservation in finite element computations of the Navier-Stokes equations using continuous velocity fields. Under mild restrictions, the Scott-Vogelius element pair has recently been shown to be inf-sup stable and have optimal approximation properties, while also providing pointwise mass conservation. We present herein the first numerical tests of this element pair for the time dependent Navier-Stokes equations. We also prove that, again under these mild restrictions, the limit of the grad-div stabilized Taylor-Hood solutions to the Navier-Stokes problem converges to the Scott-Vogelius solution as the stabilization parameter tends to infinity. That is, in this setting, we provide theoretical justification that choosing the parameter large does not destroy the solution. A limiting result is also proven for the general case. Numerical tests are provided which verify the theory, and show how both Scott-Vogelius and grad-div stabilized Taylor-Hood (with large stabilization parameter) elements can provide accurate results with excellent mass conservation for Navier-Stokes approximations


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    Beberapa Organisasi Kemasyarakatandi Indonesia menganut paham radikalisme yang berbahaya bagi ideologi Negara sehingga mampu merubah suatu Negara dengan ideologi lain yang mungkin akan bertentangan dengan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang selama ini melindungi keberagaman yang dimiliki oleh Negara Indonesia. Mengingat akhir-akhir ini terdapat Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yang melakukan tindakan permusuhan terhadap Agama dan Kepercayaan Orang lain, hingga tumbuh subur paham intoleransi yang luas, sebagai contoh di Indonesia terjadi pembubaran salah satu Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yang bernama Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). Dalam aktivitasnya sehari-hari harus diakui bahwa organisasi kemasyarakatan tidak luput dengan hal-hal negatif yang merugikan masyarakat dan merusak citra organisasi masyarakat itu sendiri. Misalnya muncul organisasi masyarakat dengan motivasi mencari keuntungan ekonomi dan politik atau yang menggunakan cara-cara kekerasan untuk mencapai tujuannya. Aksi-aksi kekerasan yang dilakukan Organisasi Kemasyarakatan sering terjadi dan dikhawatirkan akan memecah belah persatuan yang telah terjalin di Indonesia.Sehingga hal tersebut dibutuhkan peran Pemerintah dalam pengawasan terhadap aktivitas organisasi kemasyarakatan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan adalah bersifat deskriptif analitis untuk memperoleh gambaran yang utuh dan menyeluruh tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini. Kemudian di analisis melalui pendekatan yuridis normative dan dilakukan secara kualitatif menggunakan kaidah-kaidah, pengertian hukum, norma hukum, serta asas-asas hukum di dasarkan teori hukum yang relevan. Pengawasan Organisasi kemasyarakatan oleh pemerintah lebih di tingkatkan lagi dengan membentuk tim terpadu, tim terpadu tersebut terdiri dari unsur-unsur Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, Kejaksaan, Tentara Nasional Indonesiadan Badan Intelijen Negara, sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya pengawasan pemerintah dilakukan dengan koordinasi yang dilakukan oleh beberapa unsur tersebut. Hal tersebut dilakukan karena terdapat hambatanhambatan yang dialami oleh Pemerintah dalam hal mengawasi aktivitas Organisasi Kemasyarakatan karena banyak Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yang tidak tertib administrasi dengan melakukan pelaporan secara rutin. Kata Kunci :Pengawasan Pemerintah, Organisasi Kemasyarakatan, tim terpadu Pemerinta

    Stable computing with an enhanced physics based scheme for the 3D Navier--Stokes equations

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    We study extensions of an earlier developed energy and helicity preserving scheme for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations and apply them to a more general class of problems. The scheme is studied together with stabilizations of grad-div type in order to mitigate the effect of the Bernoulli pressure error on the velocity error. We prove stability, convergence, discuss conservation properties, and present numerical experiments that demonstrate the advantages of the scheme

    Influencia de la aplicación de la metodología Lean Six Sigma en el proceso de cosecha de arándano de las empresas agroindustriales - La Libertad, 2018

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    La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo la propuesta de un proyecto Seis Sigma; destacando con relevancia la importancia que posee la aplicación de esta Metodología en el proceso de cosecha de arándano en las empresas Agroindustriales porque su uso es fundamental para lograr mejorías de dicha actividad; permitiendo un incremento en el rendimiento en kg/h. De esta manera, según los estudios realizados y descriptos en el desarrollo de este trabajo, los resultados que se obtuvieron son de carácter positivo, ya que entre otras cualidades, la Metodología Lean Six Sigma buscó aprovechar al máximo los recursos (materiales-humanos); optimizar la productividad del proceso, los cuales de manera paralela tendrán el efecto de disminuir el uso de horas extra y el uso de jornales dominicales, logrando así optimizar los recursos en las empresas agroindustriales. Además, las características descriptas con anterioridad, generó que los costos en el área de Cosecha de Arándano sean menores a los que se presentan en la actualidad, gracias al adecuado uso del método. Con la propuesta del proyecto Six Sigma quedó demostrada una influencia positiva, que bajo un adecuado manejo de método e instrumento de cosecha, habrá una mejora en cuanto al aumento del rendimiento en kg/h de 16.07%, (Método 3 – Pote de 1.6 kg), cuando se superan los 1000 kg/ha, equivalente a 317648.08 dólares en jornales durante la temporada de campaña (SET-DIC). En la fase DEFINIR, se presentó los requerimientos necesarios para la puesta en marcha, responsables, problemática, objetivos, recursos, tiempo de desarrollo, costos, tal cual queda plasmado en el cuadro de proyecto – Proyect Charter.En la fase MEDIR se buscó las principales variables que afectan el rendimiento en kg/h, se concluye que el método e instrumento de cosecha generarán mayor impacto en el desarrollo del proceso a través de un control y manejo durante los escenarios planteados (kg/ha). En la fase ANALIZAR mediante herramientas estadísticas con MINITAB, se buscó minimizar la variabilidad del proceso, puesto que, a mayor variabilidad, mayor es el margen de error sobre los límites de específicos de control. Determinando que trabajar con el Método 3 (72% nivel de confianza) y el pote de 1.6 kg cuando hay > 1000 kg/ha (83% nivel de confianza), alcanzan un 1.5 nivel sigma, pudiendo permitir encaminar a una mejora a largo plazo hasta alcanzar el nivel adecuado (6 sigma). A su vez el Método 2 (72% nivel de confianza) y el pote de 1.1 kg (83% nivel de confianza), cuando 200 ≥ x ≤1000, alcanzan un 0.96 nivel sigma. En la fase CONTROLAR y MEJORAR se buscó evidenciar el desempeño del proceso y constante manejo de herramientas, mediante formatos estandarizados que recopilarán la información para su posterior estudio. Así tenemos un Formato de control de cosecha, Hoja de verificación y Cartas de control. La EVALUACIÓN ECONÓMICA del proyecto nos dejó un beneficio de 79412.02 dólares en mano de obra por el manejo de las variables (método – capacidad de pote), donde el costo por desarrollar el proyecto Six Sigma es de 64348.6 dólares. Obteniendo como Beneficio/Costo 1.23 que indica que los beneficios superan los costes, por consiguiente, el proyecto debe ser considerado.Tesi
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