1,198 research outputs found

    Computer vision tools for the automatic evaluation of collagen VI deficiencies

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    Deficiencies in the structure of collagen VI are a common cause of neuromuscular diseases. Such diseases typically require assisted ventilation and result in a severely reduced life expectancy. Collagen VI structural defects are related to mutations of three main genes. Currently the CRISPR technology offers a possibility to correct the wrong genes. However, the regulatory agencies would not approve any treatment without an objective methodology to evaluate its effectiveness. This project aims at providing a computer vision solution to evaluate the state of patients with collagen VI deficiencies. The idea is to provide objective metrics of the patient state from images of muscular tissue obtained with a confocal microscope. Currently some tools are available to this end, but only for low resolution 2D images. This project proposes to extend this previous work to the analysis of high-resolution 3D stacks of images. The project involves the development of classical computer vision tools to derive relevant features from the stacks of images and the use of classification tools to generate an overall evaluation of each patient. This analysis will be complemented with the development of a solution based on the use of a convolutional neural network. To this end, data augmentation techniques will be of primary importance since collagen VI-related problems are rare diseases and, thus, there is a severe lack of training data

    Massive pre-main sequence stars in M17

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    The formation process of massive stars is still poorly understood. Massive young stellar objects (mYSOs) are deeply embedded in their parental clouds, they are rare and thus typically distant, and their reddened spectra usually preclude the determination of their photospheric parameters. M17 is one of the best studied HII regions in the sky, is relatively nearby, and hosts a young stellar population. With X-shooter on the ESO Very Large Telescope we have obtained optical to near-infrared spectra of candidate mYSOs, identified by Hanson et al. (1997), and a few OB stars in this region. The large wavelength coverage enables a detailed spectroscopic analysis of their photospheres and circumstellar disks. We confirm the pre-main sequence (PMS) nature of six of the stars and characterise the O stars. The PMS stars have radii consistent with being contracting towards the main sequence and are surrounded by a remnant accretion disk. The observed infrared excess and the (double-peaked) emission lines provide the opportunity to measure structured velocity profiles in the disks. We compare the observed properties of this unique sample of young massive stars with evolutionary tracks of massive protostars by Hosokawa & Omukai (2009), and propose that these mYSOs near the western edge of the HII region are on their way to become main-sequence stars (∼6−20\sim 6 - 20 M⊙M_{\odot}) after having undergone high mass-accretion rates (M˙acc∼10−4−10−3{\dot{M}_{\rm acc}} \sim 10^{-4} - 10^{-3} M⊙M_{\odot} yr−1\rm yr^{-1}). Their spin distribution upon arrival at the zero age main sequence (ZAMS) is consistent with that observed for young B stars, assuming conservation of angular momentum and homologous contraction.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Appendixes A and B have been truncated due to size limitations, the full version will be available on A&

    Resistencia antibiótica de Ciprofloxacino comparado a Ceftriaxona asociados al Metronidazol en el manejo perioperatorio de Apendicitis aguda en el servicio de cirugía general del Hospital Víctor Lazarte Echegaray

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    La resistencia a los antibióticos es tan antigua como el descubrimiento de los primeros antibióticos utilizados por el hombre. En nuestro país existen contados estudios sobre la resistencia a los antibióticos de uso más común, sobre todo en los usados para cavidad abdominal. En el Hospital Víctor Lazarte Echegaray contamos con 2 esquemas de tratamiento perioperatorio para el manejo de la Apendicitis aguda, uno de ellos es la combinación de Ceftriaxona + Metronidazol y el otro es Ciprofloxacino + Metronidazol, pero no contamos con un estudio que nos muestre la tasa de sensibilidad y por supuesto de resistencia a cada uno de los antibióticos en mención. Es por eso que considero importante poder conocer la realidad sobre la resistencia a dichos antibióticos en nuestro medio. El diseño del proyecto de investigación será de Ensayo clínico controlado y aleatorizado, y con una muestra de 500 pacientes, los cuales serán repartidos en 2 grupos de 250 pacientes para los dos antibióticos principales en el estudio.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Assessment of soil erosion vulnerability in the heavily populated and ecologically fragile communities in Motozintla de Mendoza, Chiapas, Mexico

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    Variability in physical rates and local knowledge of soil erosion was assessed across six rural communities in the Sierra Madre del Sur, Chiapas, Mexico. The average erosion rate estimated using the RUSLE model is 274 t ha-1 yr-1, with the estimated erosion rates ranging from 28 to 717 t ha-1 yr-1. These very high erosion rates are associated with high rainfall erosivity (17 000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1) and steep slopes (mean slope Combining double low line 67 %). Many of the highest soil erosion rates are found in communities that are dominated by forestland, but where most of the tree cover has been removed. Conversely, lower erosion rates are often found where corn is cultivated for most of the year. According to the results of the soil erosion KAP (knowledge, attitude and practices) survey, awareness of the concept of soil erosion was reasonably high in all of the communities, but awareness of the causes of erosion was considerably lower. More than half of respondents believed that reforestation is a viable option for reducing soil erosion, but only a third of respondents were currently implementing reforestation practices. Another third of the respondents indicated that they were not following any soil conservation practices. Respondents indicated that adoption of government reforestation efforts have been hindered by the need to clear their land to sell forest products or cultivate corn. Respondents also mentioned the difficulties involved with obtaining favorable tree stocks for reforestation. The KAP results were used to assess the overall level of motivation to solve soil erosion problems by compiling negative responses. The relationship between the magnitude of the soil erosion problem and the capacity to reduce soil erosion is inconsistent across the communities. One community, Barrio Vicente Guerrero, had the highest average negative response rate and the second highest soil erosion rate, indicating that this community is particularly vulnerable

    Origin and Genetic Diversity of Pig Breeds

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    10 páginas, 5 figuras, 1 tabla.Genetic and archaeological findings suggest that pig domestication began about 9000–10 000 YBP at multiple sites across Eurasia, followed by their subsequent spread at a worldwide scale. Development of local types throughout the centuries led to the foundation, mostly during the nineteenth century, of current modern breeds with defined phenotypes and production abilities. Extensive intercrossing markedly increased the gene pool of these founder populations. For instance, it is well known that many European pig breeds carry Far Eastern haplotypes at high frequencies because of an ancient introgression with Chinese swine. Since then, artificial selection, genetic bottlenecks and inbreeding have significantly modified the allelic diversity of pig breeds. In the next future, state-of-the-art scientific advances as well as conservation programmes will be fundamental to preserve the genetic reservoir of pig breeds as well as to exploit it in the context of artificial selection schemes.Peer reviewe

    Il Problema della non normalità nel controllo statístico della qualità

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    Questa tesi di diploma ha come obiettivo lo studio della non norrnalita dei dati nell'ambito del controllo statistico dei processi, ed in particolare i riflessi che questa circostanza comporta nell'interpretazione delle carte di controllo. Di tutte le cause di non normalita possibili, affronteremo sol tanto quelle che conducono a distribuzioni tronca te, cioe osservabili sol tanto su una porzione del campo di definizione della normale. Il punto di partenza di questo lavoro e la Tesi di Diploma di Sabrina Fusi, con titolo: IL CONTROLLO STATISTICO DI QUALITA'. IL CASO DI UN'AZIENDA UMBRA PRODUTTRICE DI RECIPIENTI IN VETR0. Nel caso trattato da Sabrina Fusi uno dei problemi di controllo della qualita riguardava la resistenza alla pressione interna di bottiglie di bírra di vario formato . Oia che il modo dí prendere i dati , de forma troncata, fa necessario uno studio previo prima di analizzare i dati via carta di controllo di solito; gia che, come verremo, I 'utilizzazione dei metodi consueti, puo provocare grandi errori d'interpretazíone

    Propuesta de estructura corporativa para la Empresa Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis S.A.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Dirección de Empresas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2017.Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis S.A was born almost 30 years ago in San Ramón, Alajuela, due to the vision and entrepreneurship of a young bicycle lover who started its business in a garage at early age. During his first steps in the business world, he showed a lot of dedication, honest work and effort which has led his company to be one of the strongest in the western area of Costa Rica and one of the three biggest players in the bicycle Market in which it competes; However due to market evolution and strong competition, the organization begins with a process of professionalization and structuring which had allowed the company to not only survive but also thrive. Part of the story also includes reforming the company´s trident of values (corporate, family and property) into a single path that guarantees the success and healthy coexistence among the parts. That is why we are trying to carry out a project with a main question. Does the company Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis have the necessary corporate governance to supervise, direct, manage and measure the strategic and functional performance of the company, and also the tools to guide the good family business practices, which guarantee their operation and evolution with the passing of generations? The objective of this research is to give an affirmative answer to that question and to be a support for the company and the family business interested in its success.Empresa Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis S.A

    Efectos de la informalidad en la formalidad de las Mipyme en el sector calzado del distrito el Porvenir de Enero a Julio 2013

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito describir la situación de desinformación que existe en las MIPYME formales de los empresarios del Sector calzado del Distrito el Provenir de Enero a Julio 2013. Lo cual conlleva a la mala administración de la empresa y al no desarrollo de la misma. Sus primeras causas de la informalidad de la formalidad el elevado costo del pago de Essa1ud al no registrar sus trabajadores en la planilla de la empresa, las cuales como resultado de las denuncias por parte de los trabajadores en el Ministerio de Trabajo a dicha empresa se obstruye un diseño de estrategias y soluciones para mejorar el nivel de competitividad de las MIPYME Productoras de Calzado del Distrito del Porvenir de la Provincia de Trujillo, Hacer frente a problemas que aquejan este sector empresarial; aplicando la capacitación y asesoramiento necesario al Rubro de calzado las cuales en primer lugar perjudica al estado y al no desarrollo de la MIPYME en el ámbito local regional e internacional la cual forma parte de una cadena de desarrollo. Al ser informal las MIPYME pierden beneficios no solamente Tributarios, económicos si no también financieros, las cuales los bancos les abren oportunidades de crédito con promociones para este tipo de sector.This paper aims to describe the situation of misinformation exists in formal MIPYME entrepreneurs Footwear Sector District's Coming from January to July 2013 Which leads to the mismanagement of the company and the non-development of the same.. His first causes of informality of formality the high cost of paying Essa1ud to register their workers not on the payroll of the company, which as a result of complaints by workers at the Ministry of Labour on the undertaking obstructs design strategies and solutions to improve the competitiveness of MIPYME Production Footwear Porvenir District of the Province of Trujillo,. Dealing with problems affecting this business sector, applying training and advice needed to Heading shoe which first impairs the state and the non-development of MIPYME in the local regional and international which is part of a chain of development. To be informal MIPYME not only lose Tax benefits, but also economic financial, which banks are opening promotions credit opportunities for this type of secto

    Uso de barreras dinámicas en áreas con amenaza de caída de rocas para mitigación de riesgo en zona vial urbana en la Alameda Shilcayo en la ciudad de Tarapoto, provincia de San Martín, departamento de San Martín

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    La presente investigación nace debido a los antecedentes de acontecimientos ocurridos en el área de estudio, tales como desprendimiento de rocas que pusieron en riesgo diversos aspectos de la zona como: la infraestructura vial, infraestructura vehicular y lo más importante, está en peligro la vida humana. En este sentido, se propone el uso de barreras dinámicas para el control de caída rocas y con ello mitigar la amenaza de riesgo presente. De esta manera como objetivo principal del proyecto, se pone en evaluación las características, componentes y dimensionamiento de la estructura. Para cumplir con este proceso, nos regimos a la Guía Europea de Aprobación Técnica (ETAG 027), así como a los resultados del estudio de mecánica de suelos, del trabajo de campo y gabinete, y a los datos obtenidos de la simulación en el software Rocfall v.4.0, los cuales por medio de gráficos nos muestra el comportamiento de la energía cinética total, velocidades traslacionales y rotacionales, que fueron analizados por medio de iteraciones, para así determinar el Máximo Nivel de Energía de diseño (MEL) requerido para el dimensionamiento de la estructura, obteniendo como resultado la barrera RXE-500-LA de Geobrugg, con 500 KJ de absorción de energía, para contención de bloques de 1.75 m3, con 5 ton de peso, impactando a una velocidad de 11.25 m/s. La estructura tendrá una instalación a lo largo de 100 metros lineales, cubriendo así el 71.43% del tramo total en el área estudiada.This research was originated by the background of events in the area of study, such as the rockfalls that endangered various aspects of the area such as: road infrastructure, vehicle infrastructure and the most worrying, it could endanger human life. In this regard, the use of dynamic barriers is proposed in order to control the rockfalls and mitigate the hazards and risks. In this way, the main objective of the project, the characteristics, components and dimensioning of the structure is tested. To comply with the process, we followed procedures from the European Technical Approval Guide (ETAG 027), as well as the results of the study of soil mechanics, the field and the office work and the data obtained from the Rockfall software simulation v.4.0, according to the graphs we can observe the total kinetic energy behavior, translational and rotational speed , which were analyzed through iterations, to determine the Maximum Design Energy Level (MEL) required for the dimensioning of the structure, obtaining as a result the barrier Geobrugg RXE-500-LA, with 500 kilojoules of energy absorption, to contain blocks of 1.75 m3, with 5 tons weight, impacting at a speed of 11.25 meters per second. The structure will have an installation 100 linear meters along, thus covering 71.43% of the total section in the study area.TesisAp
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