206 research outputs found

    Active Turbulence and Scalar Transport near the Forest–Atmosphere Interface

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    Turbulent velocity, temperature, water vapor concentration, and other scalars were measured at the canopyatmosphere interface of a 13-14-m-tall uniform pine forest and a 33-m-tall nounuiform hardwood forest. These measurement were used to investigate whether the mixing layer (ML) analogy of Raupach et al. predicts eddy sizes and now characteristics responsible for much of the turbulent stresses and vertical scalar fluxes. For this purpose, wavelet spectra and cospectra were derived and analyzed. It was found that the MI. analogy predicts well vertical velocity variances and integral timescales. However, at low wavenumbers, inactive eddy motion signatures were present in horizontol velocity wavelet spectra, suggesting that MI. may not be suitable for scaling horizontal velocity perturbations. Momentum and scalar wavelet cospectra of turbulent stresses and scalar fluxes demonstrated that active eddy motion, which was shown by Raupach et al. to be the main energy contributor to vertical velocity (w) spectral energy (Em). is also the main scalar flux-transporting eddy motion. Predictions using ML of the peak E, frequency are in excellent agreement with measured waveled cospectral peaks of vertical fluxes (Kh = 1.5, where K is wavenumber and h is canopy height). Using Lorentz wavelet thresholding of vertical velocity time series, wavelet coefficients associated with active turbulence were identified. It was demonstrated that detection frequency of organized structures, as predicted from Lorentz wavelet filtering, relate to the arrival frequency /h and integral timescale, where is the mean horizontal velocity at height z = h. The newly proposed wavelet thresholding approach, which relies on a"global" wavelet threshold formulation for the energy in w, provides simultaneous energy-covariance-preserving characterization of "active" turbulence at the canopy-atmosphere interface

    Isoprene photochemistry over the Amazon rainforest

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    Isoprene photooxidation is a major driver of atmospheric chemistry over forested regions. Isoprene reacts with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and molecular oxygen to produce isoprene peroxy radicals (ISOPOO). These radicals can react with hydroperoxyl radicals (HO_2) to dominantly produce hydroxyhydroperoxides (ISOPOOH). They can also react with nitric oxide (NO) to largely produce methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR). Unimolecular isomerization and bimolecular reactions with organic peroxy radicals are also possible. There is uncertainty about the relative importance of each of these pathways in the atmosphere and possible changes because of anthropogenic pollution. Herein, measurements of ISOPOOH and MVK + MACR concentrations are reported over the central region of the Amazon basin during the wet season. The research site, downwind of an urban region, intercepted both background and polluted air masses during the GoAmazon2014/5 Experiment. Under background conditions, the confidence interval for the ratio of the ISOPOOH concentration to that of MVK + MACR spanned 0.4–0.6. This result implies a ratio of the reaction rate of ISOPOO with HO_2 to that with NO of approximately unity. A value of unity is significantly smaller than simulated at present by global chemical transport models for this important, nominally low-NO, forested region of Earth. Under polluted conditions, when the concentrations of reactive nitrogen compounds were high (>1 ppb), ISOPOOH concentrations dropped below the instrumental detection limit (<60 ppt). This abrupt shift in isoprene photooxidation, sparked by human activities, speaks to ongoing and possible future changes in the photochemistry active over the Amazon rainforest
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