1,224 research outputs found

    Borderline personality disorder traits, social rejection, and risky behavior

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    The current study examined the moderating effect of social rejection on the association between borderline personality disorder (BPD) traits, assessed dimensionally, and risk-taking behavior. Undergraduate participants (n = 195) were randomly assigned to a social rejection or academic failure task in which they were asked to write about a time when they felt intensely socially rejected, or a time they experienced an academic failure, respectively. Participants then reported whether they engaged in risk-taking behavior (e.g., alcohol use, drug use, risky sexual behavior) immediately after or within a few days after the event they wrote about. In addition, behavioral risk-taking was indexed by performance on computerized analogue risk-taking tasks—the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). A main effect of BPD traits was found for alcohol use, risky sexual behavior, drug use, other risk-taking behavior (e.g., reckless driving, self-injury), total risk-taking behavior (a composite sum of all self-reported risk-taking behavior scales), BART performance, and emotional reactions to the relived event. An interaction between rejection condition and level of BPD traits was found to predict alcohol use, risky sexual behavior, total self-reported risk-taking behavior, and the importance of the relived event. All IGT results were nonsignificant. Lastly, and contrary to expectation, a significant interaction between BPD traits and rejection in predicting Profile of Mood States Total Mood Disturbance was not found

    Topological AE(0)-Groups

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    We investigate topological AE(0)-groups class of which contains the class of Polish groups as well as the class of all locally compact groups. We establish the existence of an universal AE(0)-group of a given weight as well as the existence of an universal action of AE(0)-group of a given weight on a AE(0)-space of the same weight. A complete characterization of closed subgroups of powers of the symmetric group S1 is obtained. It is also shown that every AE(0)-group is Baire isomorphic to the product of Polish groups. These results are obtained by using the spectral descriptions of AE(0)-groups which are presented in Section 3

    Valdivia Compact Groups are Products

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    It is shown that every Valdivia compact group is homeomorphic to a product of metrizable compacta

    Extraordinary Dimension of Maps

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    We establish a characterization of the extraordinary dimension of perfect maps between metrizable spaces

    Characterizing the Topology of Pseudo-Boundaries of Euclidean Spaces

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    We give a topological characterization of the n-dimensional pseudoboundary of the (2n + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space

    Bounded Rank of C* -Algebras

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    We introduce a concept of the bounded rank (with respect to a positive constant) for unital C * -algebras as a modification of the usual real rank and present a series of conditions insuring that bounded and real ranks coincide. These observations are then used to prove that for a given n and K > 0 there exists a separable unital C*-algebra ZKn such that every other separable unital C *-algebra of bounded rank with respect to K at most n is a quotient of ZKn

    Real Rank and Squaring Mapping for Unital C *-Algebras

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    It is proved that if X is a compact Hausdorff space of Lebesgue dimension dim(X), then the squaring mapping m: (C(X)sa)m ? C(X)+, defined by m(f1, . . . , fm) = Pm i=1 f2 i , is open if and only if m-1 = dim(X). Hence the Lebesgue dimension of X can be detected from openness of the squaring maps m. In the case m = 1 it is proved that the map x 7? x2, from the self-adjoint elements of a unital C-algebra A into its positive elements, is open if and only if A is isomorphic to C(X) for some compact Hausdorff space X with dim(X) = 0

    Complemented Subspaces of Locally Convex Direct Sum of Banach Spaces

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    We show that a complemented subspace of a locally convex direct sum of an uncountable collection of Banach spaces is a locally convex direct sum of complemented subspaces of countable subsums. As a corollary we prove that a complemented subspace of a locally convex direct sum of arbitrary collection of l1(Gamma)-spaces is isomorphic to a locally convex direct sum of l1(Gamma)-spaces

    Sections of Serre Fibrations with Low-Dimensional Fibers

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    It was proved by H. Whitney in 1933 that it is possible to mark a point in all curves in a continuous way. The main result of this paper extends the Whitney theorem to dimensions 2 and 3. Namely, we prove that it is possible to choose a point continuously in all two-dimensional surfaces sufficiently close to a given surface, and in all 3-manifolds sufficiently close to a given 3-manifold

    Topological Semigroups and Universal Spaces Related to Extension Dimenion

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    It is proved that there is no structure of left (right) cancelative semigroup on [L]-dimensional universal space for the class of separable compact spaces of extensional dimension [L]. Besides, we note that the homeomorphism group of [L]-dimensional space whose nonempty open sets are universal for the class of separable compact spaces of extensional dimension [L] is totally disconnected
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