629 research outputs found

    Differences in soundscape appreciation of walking sounds from different footpath materials in urban parks

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    The perception of the acoustic environment, namely the soundscape, in urban parks has attracted increasing attention. There is a growing belief that the management of the acoustic environment of urban parks should be addressed within a broader soundscape methodology rather than a merely noise control one. One of the most frequent sound sources in urban parks is walking sound; however walking sound perception so far has mainly been investigated for indoor environments. This paper aims to investigate the overall effect of walking sounds from different walked-on materials on people's soundscape, combined with other non-acoustical factors. Moreover, this research investigates how perception varies when the walking sound is self-produced or simply listened. To this purpose, two laboratory experiments in Italy and UK were carried out with four walked-on materials that were considered to be possible design solutions for the footpaths of urban parks: grass, wood, stone and gravel. Results showed a significant effect of materials on perceived noise annoyance and soundscape quality, as well as a partial influence of other nonacoustical factor. Considering the individual responses for the four selected materials, gravel was associated to the worst soundscape quality (M = 38.42) while grass to the best one (M = 65.05). While a group effect (Italian and UK samples) was observed for perceived noise annoyance corresponding to the materials, no significant group effect was found for soundscape evaluation. Eventually, people simply listening to the walking sounds resulted to be less tolerant towards them, with respect to people who self-produced the sounds by walking

    Measurements of acoustical parameters in the ancient open-air theatre of Tyndaris (Sicily, Italy)

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    The emerging field of archaeoacoustics is attracting increasing research attention from scholars of different disciplines: the investigation of the acoustic features of ancient open-air theatres is possibly one of its main themes. In this paper, the outcomes of a measurement campaign of acoustical parameters in accordance with ISO 3382-1 in the ancient theatre of Tyndaris (Sicily) are presented and compared with datasets from other sites. Two sound sources were used (firecrackers and dodecahedron) and their differences were analysed. A very good reproducibility has been shown between the two measurement chains, with differences on average of 0.01 s for reverberation time T20, and less than 0.3 dB for Clarity C50 and C80 and for sound strength. In general, results show that the reverberation time and strength of sound values are relatively low when compared with other theatres because of the lack of the original architectural element of the scaenae frons. When combining this effect with the obvious condition of an unroofed space, issues emerge in terms of applicability of the protocols recommended in the ISO standard. This raises the question of whether different room acoustics parameters should be used to characterise open-air ancient theatres

    Introducing a Method for Intervals Correction on Multiple Likert Scales: A Case Study on an Urban Soundscape Data Collection Instrument

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    Likert scales are useful for collecting data on attitudes and perceptions from large samples of people. In particular, they have become a well-established tool in soundscape studies for conducting in situ surveys to determine how people experience urban public spaces. However, it is still unclear whether the metrics of the scales are consistently interpreted during a typical assessment task. The current work aims at identifying some general trends in the interpretation of Likert scale metrics and introducing a procedure for the derivation of metric corrections by analyzing a case study dataset of 984 soundscape assessments across 11 urban locations in London. According to ISO/TS 12913-2:2018, soundscapes can be assessed through the scaling of 8 dimensions: pleasant, annoying, vibrant, monotonous, eventful, uneventful, calm, and chaotic. The hypothesis underlying this study is that a link exists between correlations across the percentage of assessments falling in each Likert scale category and a dilation/compression factor affecting the interpretation of the scales metric. The outcome of this metric correction value derivation is introduced for soundscape, and a new projection of the London soundscapes according to the corrected circumplex space is compared with the initial ISO circumplex space. The overall results show a general non-equidistant interpretation of the scales, particularly on the vibrant-monotonous direction. The implications of this correction have been demonstrated through a Linear Ridge Classifier task for predicting the London soundscape responses using objective acoustic parameters, which shows significant improvement when applied to the corrected data. The results suggest that the corrected values account for the non-equidistant interpretation of the Likert metrics, thereby allowing mathematical operations to be viable when applied to the data

    Sámegielat rádio ja sápmelaccat:Yle Sámi guldalandutkamus 2018

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    Abstract . Dutken Pro gradu -barggustan Yle Sámi rádio guldaleami dábiid, sivaid ja mearkkašumiid sápmelaččaide jagi 2018. Barggus lei deaddu kvantitatiiva dutkamušas, muhto bukten ovdan maiddái guldaleami kvalitatiiva iešvuođaid. Jearahallen dutkamuššii čakčat 2018 160 badjel 15-jahkásaš sápmelačča. Ollašuhtten jearahallamiid rabas digitála- ja bábergažadanskoviiguin. Vástideaddjit ovddastedje viidát iešguđet sohkabealle-, ahke- ja giellajoavkkuid ja ruoktoguovlluid. Dutkamušan teorehtalaš duogážin geavahin Yle Sámi rádioguldaleamis árat dahkkojuvvon dutkamušaid, vehádatgielat rádio mearkkašumis čállojuvvon girjjálašvuođa, rádio sajádagas váldoservodagas dahkkojuvvon čielggademiid ja rádioguldalanteoriijaid. Gieđahallen ja analyserejin Yle Sámi rádio guldaleami sihke olles vástideaddjijoavkku dásis, muhto ohcen maiddái erohusaid iešguđetlágan olmmošjoavkkuid gaskkas. Dutkamušan váldogávnnus lei, ahte sápmelaččain leat áibbas iežaslágan dábit guldalit sámerádio iige daid sáhte buohtastahttit váldoálbmoga rádioguldalandábiide. Nubbi váldogávnnus lei, ahte sámegielat rádios leat sápmelaččaide aiddo dakkár mearkkašumit go vehádatmedian leat gávnnahan leat vehádagaide birra máilmmi. Dutkamuša vástideaddjiin lagabui bealli muitalii guldalit Yle Sámi rádioprográmmaid duollet dálle, badjelaš njealjádas álo dahje dávjá, ja badjelaš njealjádas hárve dahje ii goassige. Vástideaddjit guldaledje Yle Sámi rádio jagi 2018 buot eanemus biillas ja ruovttus. Bivnnuhamos guldalanrusttegat ledje biilarádio, dihtor ja beavderádio. Vástideaddjit guldaledje sámerádio buot millosamosit duorastagaid, de bearjadagaid ja goalmmádin vuossárggaid. Millosamosit sii guldaledje Yle Sámi rádioprográmmaid iđđes diibmu 7–9, de eahkes diibmu 17–21 ja goalmmádin eahketbeaivve diibmu 14–17. Buot eanemus vástideaddjiid geasuhedje rádioođđasat ja nuorra ollesolbmuide oaivvilduvvon Sohkaršohkka, ja buot unnimus rohkosprográmmat ja mánáidprográmma Binna Bánna. Eanemus sámerádio guldaluvvui sámi ságaid, nubbin sámegiela ja goalmmádin sámemusihka — muhto maiddái sápmelaš identitehta ja oktiigullevašvuođa dovdduid dihte. Dat vástideaddjit, geat eai guldalan Yle Sámi rádio ollenge, máinnašedje dasa sivvan jogo Yle Sámi FM-dávjodaga rájálaš gulloma dahje eará hoahpuid eallimis. Sullii 40 proseantta vástideaddjiin lei čielgasit duđavaš sámerádio fálaldahkii, 20 proseantta duhtameahttun ja 40 proseantta eahpesihkkar oainnustis. Oktage ášši ii čielgasit badjánan sivvan duđavaš- dahje duhtameahttunvuhtii, muhto vástideaddjit ledje baicce duđavaččat ja duhtameahttumat sullii seamma áššiide. Eanemus vástideaddjit goit sávve Yle Sámi rádios čiekŋalis áššeprográmmaid, eahketprográmmaid, nuoraidprográmmaid, ovttagielat sáddagiid ja sisdoalu dássebealádabbot miehtá Sámi. Dutkamušan čájehii, ahte Yle Sámi rádio guldaleaddjit ovddastit máŋggalágan sohkabeliid, ahkeluohkáid, giellajoavkkuid ja ruoktoguovlluid. Iešguđetlágan olmmošjoavkkuid rádioguldalandábit sulastahtte vuorddekeahtes olu nuppiideaset, muhto veardádallen dutkamušastan maiddái dárkilabbot earálágan guldaleaddjiid gaskasaš erohusaid. Oppalaččat sáhttá goit dadjat, ahte sámerádio mearkkašumit sápmelaččaid eallimis leat ain dán beaivve hui girjái. Yle Sápmi lei sápmelaččaide jagi 2018 earret eará dehálaš iežas dieđihangaskaoapmi, vuostemedia, giellabargi ja sámi identitehta ja oktiigullevašvuođa huksejeaddji.Tiivistelmä. Tutkin pro gradu -opinnäytetyössäni Yle Sápmin saamenkielisen radion kuuntelun tapoja, syitä ja merkityksiä saamelaisille vuonna 2018. Työn painopiste oli määrällisessä, kvantitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa, mutta nostin esille myös radionkuuntelun laadullisia, kvalitatiivisia ulottuvuuksia. Haastattelin tutkimukseeni syksyllä 2018 sekä digitaalisilla että paperisilla kyselylomakkeilla 160 yli 15-vuotiasta saamelaista. Kysely oli avoin kaikille. Vastaajat edustivat kattavasti eri sukupuoli-, ikä- ja kieliryhmiä sekä kotiseutuja. Tutkimukseni teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytin Yle Sápmin radionkuuntelusta aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia, vähemmistökielisen radion merkityksestä tuotettua kirjallisuutta, radion asemasta valtaväestössä tehtyjä selvityksiä sekä radionkuuntelun teorioita. Käsittelin ja analysoin Yle Sápmin radionkuuntelua sekä koko vastaajajoukon näkökulmasta että myös etsien eroavaisuuksia erilaisten kuuntelijakuntien välillä. Tutkimukseni päähavainto oli, että saamelaisilla on täysin omanlaiset tavat kuunnella Yle Sápmin radiosisältöjä, ja ne poikkeavat valtaväestön radionkuuntelutavoista. Toinen päähavaintoni oli, että saamenkielisellä radiolla on saamelaisille juuri sellaisia merkityksiä kuin vähemmistömedioilla on todettu olevan vähemmistöille ympäri maailman. Tutkimukseni vastaajista lähes puolet kertoi kuuntelevansa Yle Sápmin radio-ohjelmia silloin tällöin, reilu neljännes aina tai usein, ja reilu neljännes harvoin tai ei koskaan. Vastaajat kertoivat kuuntelevansa Yle Sápmiä vuonna 2018 eniten autossa ja kotona. Suosituimmat kuunteluvälineet olivat autoradio, tietokone ja pöytäradio. Vastaajat kuuntelivat saamen radiota mieluiten torstaisin, toiseksi mieluiten perjantaisin ja kolmanneksi mieluiten maanantaisin. Mieluisin vuorokaudenaika kuunnella Yle Sápmiä oli vastaajille aamu kello 7–9, toiseksi mieluisin ilta kello 17–21 ja kolmanneksi mieluisin iltapäivä kello 14–17. Suosituimmaksi radiosisällöksi paljastuivat uutiset sekä nuorille aikuisille suunnattu Sohkaršohkka, kun taas pienin kuuntelijakunta oli hartausohjelmilla ja lastenohjelma Binna Bánnalla. Yle Sápmiä kuunneltiin eniten saamelaisten aiheiden, toiseksi saamen kielen ja kolmanneksi saamelaisen musiikin — mutta myös saamelaisen identiteetin ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteiden vuoksi. Vastaajat, jotka eivät tutkimushetkellä kuunnelleet Yle Sápmiä ollenkaan, mainitsivat sen syyksi joko saamen radion FM-taajuuden rajallisen kuuluvuuden tai muut kiireet elämässä. Noin 40 prosenttia vastaajista oli selvästi tyytyväisiä saamen radion tarjontaan, 20 prosenttia tyytymättömiä ja 40 prosenttia epävarmoja kannastaan. Yksikään tekijä ei noussut selvästi syyksi tyytyväisyyteen tai tyytymättömyyteen, vaan vastaajat olivat sekä tyytyväisiä että tyytymättömiä pitkälti samoihin asioihin. Eniten vastaajat kuitenkin toivoivat Yle Sápmiltä lisää syväluotaavia asiaohjelmia, iltaohjelmia, nuortenohjelmia, yksikielisiä lähetyksiä sekä sisältöä tasapuolisemmin läpi Saamenmaan. Tutkimukseni osoitti, että Yle Sápmin radionkuuntelijat edustavat hyvin monenlaisia sukupuoli-, ikä- ja kieliryhmiä sekä kotiseutuja. Erilaisten ihmisryhmien radionkuuntelutavat muistuttivat yllättävän paljon toisiaan, mutta vertailin tutkimuksessani myös eri taustoista tulevien kuuntelijoiden eroavaisuuksia. Kaiken kaikkiaan voi kuitenkin sanoa, että saamen radion merkitykset saamelaisten elämässä ovat yhä tänä päivänä hyvin moniulotteisia. Yle Sápmi oli saamelaisille kuuntelijoille vuonna 2018 muun muassa tärkeä oma tiedotusväline, vastamedia, kielityöntekijä sekä saamelaisen identiteetin ja yhteenkuuluvuuden rakentaja

    Improved acoustics for semi-enclosed spaces in the proximity of residential buildings

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    Continuous urban densification exacerbates acoustic challenges for residents of housing complexes. They are confronted with higher noise immission from railway, road traffic, construction, as well as louder neighborhood acoustic environments. Thereby, not only noise immission indoors is associated with stress, annoyance, and sleep disturbance, but also the immediate outdoor living environment (e.g., courtyards, private gardens and playgrounds, etc.) can be acoustically unpleasant and annoying. This non-exhaustive narrative review paper elaborates on the role of a number of design parameters on improving the quality of the outdoor soundscape of housing complexes: architectural and morphological design, facade material characteristics, balconies, greenery, ground, background sounds, and several factors concerning quality of sounds (e.g., multisensory perception, holistic design, the relevance of space, context, social factors, co-creation, etc.). It mainly covers literature including both acoustical (e.g., sound pressure level and room acoustical parameters) and human/perceptual (e.g., comfort and annoyance) factors. A series of recommendations are presented here as to how the semi-enclosed outdoor spaces in the proximity of residential complexes can be acoustically improved

    An Experimental Study on the Influence of Soundscapes on People’s Behaviour in an Open Public Space

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    Several studies have investigated how environmental sounds and music can modulate people’s behaviours, particularly in marketing research. However, there are relatively few examples of research about such relationships with a focus on the management of urban public spaces. The current study investigated an open public space used mainly as a pedestrian crossing to analyse the relationship between the audio stimuli and peoples’ behaviours. An experiment relying on covert behavioural observation was performed. During the experiment, three different music stimuli and a control condition (i.e., no music) were reproduced in order to find out firstly whether music compared to no music could elicit an increase in the number of people stopping in the investigated area, and secondly whether music is associated with a longer duration of stay for those who stop. Results showed that the presence of music had no effect on the number of people stopping in the area, but it had a statistically significant effect on the duration of stay for those who stopped. The above findings support the idea that people felt more invited to stay in the area with music rather than with no music, and suggest that the acoustical manipulation of the existing sound environment could provide soundscape strategies capable of promoting social cohesion in public spaces

    Increases in noise complaints during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spring 2020: A case study in Greater London, UK

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    Many cities around the world have claimed that the enforcement of lockdown measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and the corresponding limitations of human activities led to reduced environmental noise levels. However, noise complaints reported by many local authorities were on the rise soon after the local lockdowns came into force. This research took Greater London in the UK as a case study. The overall aim was examining how noise complaints changed during the first stages of the lockdown implementation, during Spring 2020, both locally and at city scale, and how urban factors may have been influencing them. Noise complaint and urban factor datasets from the Government's publicly available data warehouse were used. The results show that during the COVID-19 lockdown the number of noise complaints increased by 48%, compared with the same period during Spring 2019. In terms of noise sources, complaints about construction (36%) and neighbourhood (50%) noise showed significant increases. Urban factors, including housing and demographic factors, played a more significant role than the actual noise exposure to road and rail traffic noise, as derived from the London noise maps. In detail, the change rate of noise complaints was higher in areas with higher unemployment rates, more residents with no qualifications, and lower house price. It is expected that this study could help government with allocating resources more effectively and achieve a better urban environment

    Soundscapes of buildings and built environments

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    Recent Advances in Smellscape Research for the Built Environment

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    The interrelationships between humans, smells and the built environment have been the focus of increasing numbers of research studies in the past ten years. This paper reviews these trends and identifies the challenges in smellscape research from three aspects: methodological approaches, artistic design interventions and museum practices, and odour policy making. In response to the gaps and challenges identified, three areas of future research have also been identified for this field: smell archives and databases, social justice within odour control and management, and research into advanced building materials

    Multilevel annoyance modelling of short environmental sound recordings

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    The recent development and deployment of Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks (WASN) present new ways to address urban acoustic challenges in a smart city context. A focus on improving quality of life forms the core of smart-city design paradigms and cannot be limited to simply measuring objective environmental factors, but should also consider the perceptual, psychological and health impacts on citizens. This study therefore makes use of short (1–2.7 s) recordings sourced from a WASN in Milan which were grouped into various environmental sound source types and given an annoyance rating via an online survey with N = 100 participants. A multilevel psychoacoustic model was found to achieve an overall R = 0.64 which incorporates Sharpness as a fixed effect regardless of the sound source type and Roughness, Impulsiveness and Tonality as random effects whose coefficients vary depending on the sound source. These results present a promising step toward implementing an on-sensor annoyance model which incorporates psychoacoustic features and sound source type, and is ultimately not dependent on sound level.