1,743 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional kinematics in gait evaluation of Bardigiano Horse breeding stock

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    Kinematics studies the change of position of the body segments in space during a speci- fied time: motion is described quantitatively by linear and angular variables. The data are displayed graphi- cally. In this preliminary study the kinematics parameters at trot of an Italian horse breed are considered, in order to develop an objective method for gait analysis in field condition. Six Bardigiano mares were considered. Fourteen markers were glued on the left side of the standing mares at previously defined skel- etal reference points. The recordings were made using a video digital camera and analyzed using the SIMI Motion System. The obtained joint angle-time diagrams are similar to those found by other authors in other breeds. A horse showed an elbow motion diagram quite different from the others. The data were compared with judges scores. This study is a first step to obtain a reliable method for gait evaluation in this breed

    Aroma profile of Fuji apples treated with gelatin edible coating during their storage

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    This study aimed to detect possible changes in the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of Fuji apples induced by gelatin-based edible coating (EC), during 21 days of storage at room temperature. VOCs were analyzed by solid-phase micro extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and principal component analysis. Control apples showed a greater presence of total aldehydes and acids at 7 and 14 days, respectively, while coated apples were characterized by higher proportions of alcohols (from 1.3- to 2-fold) at 7 day till the end of the storage. The higher ethanol proportions detected in coated apples (154-fold higher after 7 days) indicate a likely partial anaerobiosis, confirmed by the lower CO2 emission (reaching -68% after 21 days). Esters responsible of the varietal aroma of Fuji were identified also in coated fruits, suggesting that gelatin did not modify the typical aroma extensively. Acetate esters, normally increasing with maturity, were less concentrated in coated apples (-78% 2-methylbutyl acetate and -73% hexyl acetate, after 1 and 7 days respectively), suggesting a likely slowdown of the ripening due to the EC. Further investigation is needed to improve this storage technology considering that aroma is an important determinant of food quality

    From Food Waste to Functional Biopolymers: Characterization of Chitin and Chitosan Produced from Prepupae of Black Soldier Fly Reared with Different Food Waste-Based Diets

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    The use of food waste as a rearing substrate to grow insects is an ecofriendly and sustainable alternative to food waste disposal. In the present research, Hermetia illucens prepupae were reared with a standard diet, different food waste-based diets based on vegetables, fruits, and meat, and a mixed one, where the previous three components were present equally. The demineralization and deproteination of the prepupae allowed for the obtainment of chitin that was then deacetylated to produce chitosan. Also, the bleaching of chitosan was attempted for further purification. The yield of the different reactions was investigated, and the infrared spectra of the obtained materials were analyzed to obtain information on the quantity and acetylation degree trend of the chitin and chitosan as a function of the diet. The possibility to slightly modulate the yield and acetylation degree of both biopolymers thanks to the specific diet was enlightened. Interestingly, the standard diet resulted in the highest fraction of chitin having the highest acetylation degree, and in the highest fraction of chitosan having the lowest acetylation degree

    Musculoskeletal Pain in Gymnasts: A Retrospective Analysis on a Cohort of Professional Athletes

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    Gymnastics athletes are exposed to a high risk of injury, but also of developing muscu- loskeletal pain. These data are still little investigated in the available scientific literature. An online survey was distributed to 79 professional athletes who practiced artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. The survey collected demographic and anthropometric data, information about the sport practice, the training sessions, the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain gymnastics-related, and lifestyle habits. Musculoskeletal pain had a high prevalence, involving 65 of 79 athletes (82.3%). A significant correla- tion was found between musculoskeletal pain and the duration of sports practice, both for general pain (p = 0.041) and for specific districts: right wrist pain (p = 0.031), left wrist pain (p = 0.028), right shoulder (p = 0.039), left hip (p = 0.031), right thigh (p = 0.031), and left knee (p = 0.005). Another statistical association was found between right wrist pain and BMI (p = 0.001), and hip pain and BMI (p = 0.030). Hours spent in a sitting position were also correlated with the incidence of pain (p = 0.045). Wrist pain and right shoulder pain had a statistically significant association with the age of the athletes (right wrist pain: p = 0.038; left wrist pain: p = 0.004; right shoulder pain: p = 0.035). The more the gymnasts practice this sport, the more likely they are to develop musculoskeletal pain. Increased age and a higher BMI, as well as daily prolonged sitting position, seem to be potential risk factors for the onset of musculoskeletal pain. Future studies could plan training strategies aimed at preventing musculoskeletal pain associated with gymnastics, in order to promote its further spread

    Long-term effect of HCV eradication in patients with mixed cryoglobulinemia: A prospective, controlled, open-label, cohort study

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    Limited data are available about the efficacy of antiviral treatment in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC), especially concerning the long-term effects of HCV eradication. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of MC on the virological response and the long-term effects of viral eradication on MC. We prospectively enrolled 424 HCV+ patients belonging to the following groups: MCS-HCV (121 patients with symptomatic MC); MC-HCV (132 patients with asymptomatic MC); HCV group (158 patients without MC). Peg-IFN+RBV treatment was administered according to standard protocols. Post-treatment follow-up ranged from 35 to 124 months (mean: 92.5 months). A significant difference was observed in the rate of sustained virological response (SVR) between HCV and both MC-HCV (p=0.009) and MC-HCV+MCS-HCV (p=0.014) groups. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified cryoglobulinemia as an independent prognostic factor of non-response. The clinical-immunological response in MCS-HCV correlated with the virological one. All patients with SVR also experienced a sustained clinical response, either complete or partial. In the majority of SVR patients all MCS symptoms persistently disappeared (36 patients, 57%); in only 2 (3%) did definite MCS persist. All virological non-responders were also clinical non-responders, in spite of a transient improvement in some cases. No evolution to lymphoma was observed. For the first time we have evaluated both the effects of IFN-based therapy on HCV patients with or without MC, and with or without symptoms, and the long-term effects of viral eradication on MC. MC was shown to be a negative prognostic factor of virological response. HCV clearance led to persistent resolution or improvement of MC syndrome, strongly suggesting the need for a next generation of highly effective antiviral drugs

    The 2003 Tracker Inner Barrel Beam Test

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    Before starting the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (SST) mass production, where the quality control tests can only be done on single components, an extensive collection of activities aiming at validating the tracker system functionality has been performed. In this framework, a final component prototype of the Inner Barrel part (TIB) of the SST has been assembled and tested in the INFN laboratories and then moved to CERN to check its behaviour in a 25~ns LHC-like particle beam. A set of preproduction single-sided silicon microstrip modules was mounted on a mechanical structure very similar to a sector of the third layer of the TIB and read out using a system functionally identical to the final one. In this note the system setup configuration is fully described and the results of the test, concerning both detector performance and system characteristics, are presented and discussed

    Preliminary Assessment of Radiolysis for the Cooling Water System in the Rotating Target of {SORGENTINA}-{RF}

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    The SORGENTINA-RF project aims at developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source featuring an emission rate in the order of 5-7 x 10(13) s(-1). The plant relies on a metallic water-cooled rotating target and a deuterium (50%) and tritium (50%) ion beam. Beyond the main focus of medical radioisotope production, the source may represent a multi-purpose neutron facility by implementing a series of neutron-based techniques. Among the different engineering and technological issues to be addressed, the production of incondensable gases and corrosion product into the rotating target deserves a dedicated investigation. In this study, a preliminary analysis is carried out, considering the general layout of the target and the present choice of the target material

    Role of MicroRNA Profile Modifications in Hepatitis C Virus-Related Mixed Cryoglobulinemia

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    Hepatitis C virus infection is closely related to lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs), including mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) and some lymphomas. Modification of the expression of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) has been associated with different autoimmune diseases and/or LPDs. No data exist about the modifications in miRNA expression in HCV-associated LPDs. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression levels of a panel of miRNAs previously associated with autoimmune/LPDs in a large population of HCV patients with and without MC or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), to identify potential markers of evolution of HCV infection. PBMC expression of miR-Let-7d, miR-16, miR-21, miR-26b, miR-146a and miR-155 was evaluated by real-time PCR in 167 HCV patients (75 with MC [MC-HCV], 11 with HCV-associated NHL [NHL-HCV], 81 without LPD [HCV]) and in 35 healthy subjects (HS). A significant increase in miR-21 (p<0.001), miR-16 (p<0.01) and miR-155 (p<0.01) expression was detected in PBMCs from only NHL patients whereas a significant decrease in miR-26b was detected in both MC and NHL subjects (p<0.01) when compared to HS and HCV groups. A restoration of miR-26b levels was observed in the post-treatment PBMCs of 35 HCV-MC patients experiencing complete virological and clinical response following antiviral therapy. This study, for the first time, shows that specific microRNAs in PBMC from HCV patients who developed MC and/or NHL are modulated differently. The specific, reversible downregulation of miR-26b strongly suggests the key role it plays in the pathogenesis of HCV-related LPDs and its usefulness as a biomarker of the evolution of HCV infection to these disorders

    Tracker Operation and Performance at the Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge

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    During summer 2006 a fraction of the CMS silicon strip tracker was operated in a comprehensive slice test called the Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC). At the MTCC, cosmic rays detected in the muon chambers were used to trigger the readout of all CMS sub-detectors in the general data acquisition system and in the presence of the 4 T magnetic field produced by the CMS superconducting solenoid. This document describes the operation of the Tracker hardware and software prior, during and after data taking. The performance of the detector as resulting from the MTCC data analysis is also presented

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an

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    Risk portfolio on modern finance has become increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Since companies cannot insure themselves completely against risk, as human incompetence in predicting the future precisely that written in Al-Quran surah Luqman verse 34, they have to manage it to yield an optimal portfolio. The objective here is to minimize the variance among all portfolios, or alternatively, to maximize expected return among all portfolios that has at least a certain expected return. Furthermore, this study focuses on optimizing risk portfolio so called Markowitz MVO (Mean-Variance Optimization). Some theoretical frameworks for analysis are arithmetic mean, geometric mean, variance, covariance, linear programming, and quadratic programming. Moreover, finding a minimum variance portfolio produces a convex quadratic programming, that is minimizing the objective function ðð¥with constraintsð ð 𥠥 ðandð´ð¥ = ð. The outcome of this research is the solution of optimal risk portofolio in some investments that could be finished smoothly using MATLAB R2007b software together with its graphic analysis