40 research outputs found

    Evolución de las políticas de ayuda a la vivienda en España.

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia la evolución del gasto público en la política de vivienda en España. La política de vivienda constituye una parte más de la Economía del Bienestar, aunque no ha recibido la misma atención que otros de sus componentes, como la salud, la educación o las pensiones. Comenzaremos situando a España en el contexto europeo y observaremos como los efectos de la crisis internacional han afectado de manera significativa a las partidas de gasto de este bien. Conoceremos cuáles son los principales objetivos e instrumentos de la política de vivienda en España y analizaremos la evolución de la misma. De este modo, se detallarán los Planes de Vivienda que se han ido elaborando desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta nuestros días. A continuación, evaluaremos la situación en la que nos encontramos en base a algunas características del mercado de vivienda. Para finalizar, se cierra el trabajo estableciendo una serie de conclusiones breves y unas posibles propuestas de mejora o posibles caminos a seguir.In this paper the evolution of public expenditure is studied by focusing on the housing policy in Spain. Housing policy is another part of Welfare Economics, but has not received the same attention as other components, such as health, education and pensions. This paper will begin by placing Spain in the European context and observing how the effects of the international crisis have affected the expenditure items. The main objectives and instruments of the housing policy in Spain will be explored and its evolution will be discussed. Through the analysis of the housing policies developed in Spain since the second half of the XXth century, this paper studies the political strategies that caused this situation, ending with programs that may give guidelines for solving the problem. Then, we will evaluate the situation in which we find based on some characteristics of the housing market. Finally, this paper will establish a series of brief conclusions and some possible suggestions for improvement or possible ways forward

    Characteristics of Compost Obtained from Winemaking Byproducts

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    A model procedure for the sustainable management of plant biomass related to wine production, namely vine branches from agricultural practices in the vineyard and marcs remaining after grapes crushing, was devised. An artificial humification process was set up that could respond to the needs of environmental sustainability and could be a safe way to be reintroduce in the vineyard part of the organic matter previously exported, thus contributing to recover or maintain vineyard soil fertility. Two different strategies for composting were tested, namely a static pile, made by branches and marcs, and a pile that was fed twice a year alternatively with vine branches and grape marcs. The experimentation lasted 710 days, during which environmental parameters, i.e. temperature and rainfalls were monitored. Growth dynamics of the principal functional groups of microorganism were followed. A characterization of the composted material was obtained by measuring several parameters among which, pH, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and heavy metals content. The characteristics of the produced compost fulfill the requirements prescribed by the Italian legislation regarding the use of compost as soil amendment. Germination tests demonstrated the absence of phytotoxicity and conversely evidenced a stimulating activity towards root development

    The role of prosumers in supporting renewable energies sources

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    The present study is a part of an on-going Horizon 2020 project, named "SCORE" (Supporting Consumer Co-Ownership in Renewable Energies), which focuses on sustainable cities and communities developments goal. Particularly, this project aims at (1) overcoming usage of energy from fossil sources in favour of renewable sources, (2) increasing the energy efficiency and (3) reducing the energy consumption. Since the first project's task was completed, i.e. identification and description of different case studies, the next one is to propose for each of them several retrofit alternatives, in order to address the above mentioned "SCORE" purposes. In this framework, the main goal of the present study is to select and rank the relevant evaluation criteria, with the aim at building an evaluative matrix, which later makes possible to analyse the feasibility of the different case studies and choice the best retrofit alternative through a Multi-Criteria analysis (MCA). The criteria were pre-selected through a literature reviews, while the final selection took place by organizing a specific working group composed by real stakeholders. The results show how the role of the working groups (one composed by energy experts and the other by evaluation experts) were fundamental since the application of the playing card method allowed to (i) select and rank the set of relevant evaluation criteria and (ii) associate a weight for each evaluation criteria. Finally, it was decided not to aggregate the results of the two expert groups in order to show and consider the difference in stakeholders' point of view

    Modeling acquired resistance to the second-generation androgen receptor antagonist enzalutamide in the TRAMP model of prostate cancer

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    Enzalutamide (MDV3100) is a potent second-generation androgen receptor antagonist approved for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) in chemotherapy-naïve as well as in patients previously exposed to chemotherapy. However, resistance to enzalutamide and enzalutamide withdrawal syndrome have been reported. Thus, reliable and integrated preclinical models are required to elucidate the mechanisms of resistance and to assess therapeutic settings that may delay or prevent the onset of resistance. In this study, the prostate cancer multistage murine model TRAMP and TRAMP-derived cells have been used to extensively characterize in vitro and in vivo the response and resistance to enzalutamide. The therapeutic profile as well as the resistance onset were characterized and a multiscale stochastic mathematical model was proposed to link the in vitro and in vivo evolution of prostate cancer. The model showed that all therapeutic strategies that use enzalutamide result in the onset of resistance. The model also showed that combination therapies can delay the onset of resistance to enzalutamide, and in the best scenario, can eliminate the disease. These results set the basis for the exploitation of this "TRAMP-based platform" to test novel therapeutic approaches and build further mathematical models of combination therapies to treat prostate cancer and CRPC.Significance: Merging mathematical modeling with experimental data, this study presents the "TRAMP-based platform" as a novel experimental tool to study the in vitro and in vivo evolution of prostate cancer resistance to enzalutamide

    Macchine del Tempo/Time Machines Concept per la realizzazione di una grande mostra INAF nella città di Roma

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    La Mostra “Macchine del Tempo/Time Machines” sarà inaugurata a fine 2023, si chiuderà a Primavera del 2024 e verrà ospitata nel secondo piano del Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma, in Via Nazionale, gestito dall’Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, una partecipata del Comune di Roma, con cui sarà siglata una specifica convenzione. Il progetto ha un duplice obiettivo, da un lato realizzare una mostra pop che parli a tutti e che metta al centro l’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, le sue persone e le sue ricerche, dall’altro dar vita a qualcosa di unico, che faccia parlare di sé e che incentivi il pubblico a informarsi sulle tematiche affrontate per ampliare il proprio sapere e conoscere INAF e i suoi osservatori distribuiti sul territorio italiano. Un percorso che vuole giocare tra il vecchio e il nuovo, con uno stile anni ’80, ma con contenuti che parlano dell’oggi e del domani e che usa il gioco come meccanismo per suscitare interesse ed emozione positiva. Le “Macchine del Tempo” sono strumenti dell’ingegno italiano, frutto della ricerca condotta negli osservatori dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica dalle donne e dagli uomini che ogni giorno mettono impegno e passione per portare le conoscenze umane sempre più distanti. Questa mostra vuole diffondere la conoscenza attuale facendo però vedere chi c’è “dietro l’oculare”. Un’esperienza immersiva che comincia da noi stessi e subito passa a Galileo, l’italiano che - inventando il cannocchiale - posò l’occhio sulla nostra prima “macchina del tempo”. Sarà importante realizzare un catalogo della mostra e sono stati avviati contatti per rendere l’esposizione fruibile al pubblico in modo quanto più possibile inclusivo. Nel corso del periodo in cui sarà visitabile la mostra saranno organizzati incontri scientifici di alto livello, con nomi di primo piano della Ricerca astrofisica e spaziale mondiale, ma anche aperitivi scientifici più informali, durante i quali i cittadini potranno conversare direttamente con i ricercatori. Verranno proposti dei progetti di public engagement che utilizzano format nuovi come il Poetry Slam abbinato a uno stage scientifico o rassegne cinematografiche che propongono film nei quali sono presenti strutturei INAF. Si intende inoltre realizzare uno show per planetario, in collaborazione con il Planetario di Roma, sul tema “Macchine del Tempo”, da programmare in un periodo vicino a quello della della mostra e da diffondere in seguito, anche sotto forma di film per planetario, sia in italiano che in altre lingue, per la fruizione da parte di un pubblico internazionale. La mostra “Macchine del Tempo” ha per INAF molteplici aspetti di ritorno in campo sociale, comunicativo e relazionale. La mostra vuole stimolare le giovani generazioni allo studio di materie STEM, ma con “contaminazioni” anche di altre discipline non solo scientifiche. Questo determinerà in futuro per INAF anche la possibilità di avere giovani risorse da inserire nell’organico di ricerca. L’astrofisica italiana è un'eccellenza internazionalmente riconosciuta e deve essere maggiormente valorizzata anche in Italia, per potenziare l’immagine che INAF trasmette ai cittadini, alle istituzioni e agli stakeholders, attraverso i finanziamenti pubblici rivolti alla ricerca, incentivando ad esempio le collaborazioni, o anche le donazioni, con altre realtà pubbliche o private. Questa mostra vuole essere un mezzo per offrire alle scuole del territorio, e non solo, la possibilità di accedere a un patrimonio culturale che unisce scienza, tecnologia e storia. Un patrimonio davvero unico nel suo genere. L’ambizione è di riuscire a realizzare un contenitore di eventi e di dibattiti che ruotino attorno ai temi più attuali dell’astrofisica, ma che non temono e che anzi cercano forti legami con l’arte tutta, dal teatro alla pittura, dalla musica alla letteratura

    Evolución de las políticas de ayuda a la vivienda en España.

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia la evolución del gasto público en la política de vivienda en España. La política de vivienda constituye una parte más de la Economía del Bienestar, aunque no ha recibido la misma atención que otros de sus componentes, como la salud, la educación o las pensiones. Comenzaremos situando a España en el contexto europeo y observaremos como los efectos de la crisis internacional han afectado de manera significativa a las partidas de gasto de este bien. Conoceremos cuáles son los principales objetivos e instrumentos de la política de vivienda en España y analizaremos la evolución de la misma. De este modo, se detallarán los Planes de Vivienda que se han ido elaborando desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta nuestros días. A continuación, evaluaremos la situación en la que nos encontramos en base a algunas características del mercado de vivienda. Para finalizar, se cierra el trabajo estableciendo una serie de conclusiones breves y unas posibles propuestas de mejora o posibles caminos a seguir.In this paper the evolution of public expenditure is studied by focusing on the housing policy in Spain. Housing policy is another part of Welfare Economics, but has not received the same attention as other components, such as health, education and pensions. This paper will begin by placing Spain in the European context and observing how the effects of the international crisis have affected the expenditure items. The main objectives and instruments of the housing policy in Spain will be explored and its evolution will be discussed. Through the analysis of the housing policies developed in Spain since the second half of the XXth century, this paper studies the political strategies that caused this situation, ending with programs that may give guidelines for solving the problem. Then, we will evaluate the situation in which we find based on some characteristics of the housing market. Finally, this paper will establish a series of brief conclusions and some possible suggestions for improvement or possible ways forward

    Analysis of the Computational Cost of PolyFront: an Algorithm for Planar Triangulation

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    The triangulation of planar domains is a relevant and largely studied problem in many applied sciences. This paper analyzes the computational time of a triangulation algorithm for plane domains with holes, introduced in a previous paper. This algorithm is based on the normal offsetting technique starting from a polygonal approximation of the domain boundary. It is shown that the computational time is linear with respect to the number of vertices of the triangulation. Experimental results confirm the theoretical upper bound obtained for the computational time

    Increasing vineyard biodiversity by indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains spreading: yeast persistence and effect on spontaneous grape must fermentations

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    Background: Recent studies indicate that S. cerevisiae strain biodiversity in vineyard is highly variable and seems to be influenced not only by grapevine varieties but also by pesticide treatments. High biodiversity level is necessary to guarantee spontaneous fermentation that recently have been re-evaluated both for positively influencing sensorial characteristics of wine and for supporting a more \u201cnatural\u201d management of wine-making process. Objectives: The aim of this work was to increase yeast biodiversity by spraying five indigenous S. cerevisiae strains on grape vineyards and to evaluate their persistence and colonizing ability. Methods: From a collection of vineyard yeasts isolated in the area of \u201cProsecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene\u201d DOCG five strains were chosen and sprayed on two vineyard of the same wine-making region: one was cultivated using conventional practices and the other grown under organic farming methods. Bark and leaf samples were collected and added to synthetic must. After fermentation yeasts were isolated and mtDNA analysis was performed to identify the inoculated strains. Conclusions: The presence of the introduced strains was monitored 10 days and 2 months after yeast culture spray. Results on strain ability to colonize grapevine bark are also reported

    Computer Percolation Models for Espresso Coffee: State of the Art, Results and Future Perspectives

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    Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. This has two main consequences: a high level of competitiveness among the players operating in the sector and an increasing pressure from the supply chain on the environment. These two aspects have to be supported by scientific research to foster innovation and reduce the negative impact of the coffee market on the environment. In this paper, we describe a mathematical model for espresso coffee extraction that is able to predict the chemical characterisation of the coffee in the cup. Such a model has been tested through a wide campaign of chemical laboratory analyses on espresso coffee samples extracted under different conditions. The results of such laboratory analyses are compared with the simulation results obtained using the aforementioned model. The comparison shows a close agreement between the real and in silico extractions, revealing that the model is a very promising scientific tool to take on the challenges of the coffee market