32 research outputs found

    Internationalization and interaction in the time of covid 19.

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    Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has made interdependence globally relevant. Communication channels provide us with technological advances; they can make our lives easier, but they can also bring us viruses. In this session, we aim to explore the impact of Covid-19 on relationships between states and other global actors. To what extent will the pandemic affect international relations? What role will emerging actors such as large corporations, pressure groups or multilateral organizations take on? What impact will the possible reconfiguration of global relations have on Europe, but also on the world? This article aims to analyze the consequences of Covid-19 in our societies

    Introduction to diplomatic Sciences (handbook and glossary).

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    Abstract This is a work between a very short introduction and handbook to understand what diplomacy is and to study it. The author introduces diplomacy to start form historical perspective and to provide significant examples to illustrate the art of diplomacy in action. Diplomacy has evolved greatly, coming to mean diverse things, to different persons, at several time, reaching from the sophisticated to inelegant and ordinary. this paper presents the first attempts to measure student learning quantitatively by administering a pre-test, post-test survey supplemented by a glossary of diplomatic terms

    Coronavirus COVID - 19, a complex issue between health, economy, politics, and communication

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    Abstract The author wants to talk about a new reality surrounds us, a new atmosphere, a new condition of life in the post-globalization era at the pandemic time of the coronavirus COVID-19. The pandemic, it is said, started from communist China with a centralized and at the same time globalized economy, but today the centre of all the global problems. This it is intended to be a first analysis where economics, politics and communication intertwine and interact with the health problem which has highlighted the weaknesses of a society which has been too busy for a long time to regulate GDP

    The competence leadership from philosophical and political direction and the challenges in education

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    The difference between the work of philosophical and political cadres in terms of the multiplicity of aspects that we want to consider in this article makes it essential to analyse an interdisciplinary vision to lead to the analysis of a system of professional and personalised resources within the education system and which give content to their professionalism. These skills contribute to successful performance in favour of social development and continuous "Education-Labour Market" contact. The quality of orientation, teaching and supervision will also be analysed; it is a reality that can be used in the educational system, which brings out motivations, feelings, convictions and loyalties which distinguish cadres in today's society in an increasingly globalised system and which they ensure optimism and unity of thought and action which can be an example to strengthen leadership

    Brexit: Historical and Socio-Political Developments

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    BREXIT is a long and difficult process, authors with this contribution try to analyze it. The Brexit referendum is a long way off, but does the debate focus on the practical decisions to be made, how and when will the United Kingdom really come out of the EU? Will England and especially its capital be able to retain the label of a global business goal? How will British politicians limit the profound and long-term consequences of an inevitable recession? The question is not just economic

    Ukraine a country in crisis between Europe, Russia, and a complex electoral process

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    Abstract To this day, Ukraine is still experiencing difficult times both economically and politically. The economic and political crisis at the end of 2014, which led to the dismissal of President Yanukovich, meant that the territory of Crimea and, therefore, the port of Sevastopol as well, remained under Russian control. The new elections of 2019 carried a breath of fresh air and hope also for new relationships with Russia. The paper wants to photograph this situation and analyse the recent 2019 presidential elections

    Predictors of musculoskeletal flares and Jaccoud׳s arthropathy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A 5-year prospective study

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    Objective To investigate the prognostic value of US in predicting musculoskeletal flares and Jaccoud׳s arthropathy (JA) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods A total of 80 out of 94 patients (76 female; age 45.5 ± 13.2 years) with non-deforming non-erosive (NDNE) arthritis and 48/60 healthy controls (42 female; age 49.6 ± 11.6 years) completed the 5-year follow-up study. Each patient was prospectively assessed for the occurrence of musculoskeletal flares using BILAG2004 and hand deformities according to Jaccoud׳s articular index. Baseline clinical, serological, semi-quantitative (0–3 scale) ultrasound (US) findings, PD-synovitis and PD-tenosynovitis scores were used as covariates to identify predictors of study outcomes. Short Form 36 v2 (SF36v2) health survey questionnaire was administered. Results Overall, 12 MS flares in 10 (12.5%) patients were recorded and the incidence rate was 3.0 per 100 patient-year. Baseline PD-synovitis score independently predicted MS flare (p < 0.001; RR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.4–3.0) within 2 years since US examination. In all, 5 (6.2%) patients developed JA whose incidence rate was 1.25 per 100 patient-year. Independent risk factors for development of JA were higher longitudinal BILAG score in the musculoskeletal domain (p = 0.005; RR = 2.4; 95% CI: 1.3–4.6) and longer disease duration (p = 0.013; RR 1.2; 95% CI: 1.1–1.3). JA and active musculoskeletal inflammation (BILAG ≥ C), but not US erosions, were associated with lower results in SF36v2 physical and mental summary components. Conclusions Performing musculoskeletal US can be useful in order to predict MS flares. Jaccoud׳s deformities may arise in patients with long-standing SLE and prolonged, even subclinical, joint and tendon inflammation

    Measuring Regional Inequalities by Amenity Productivity Approach for Sustainable Economic and Environmental Policies in EU

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    This paper classifies the European Union (EU) member countries on an amenity-productivity map based on environmental quality and income differentials. This classification is useful because it provide information about the relative attractiveness to consumer and producers of the total bundle of such attributes indigenous to each region environmental and other. It also assists European policy makers to formulate the best suited regional and environmental policies in the EU. Our findings suggest that notion of sustainable development is best suited for low productivity countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and Italy. Keywords: Environmental quality and income inequalities, environmental policy, isocost, isoutility, regional policy, amenities, productivity JEL Classifications: Q5; Q50; R11; R58; Q5

    The problem of Harmonizing the Environmental Priorities of Electricity Generating Companies and Regional Socio-Economic Systems: DEA-based Approach

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    This paper suggests a two-step method of non-parametric optimization, in which the problem of increasing efficiency of energy companies on a set of ecologic and economic parameters is viewed as a sub-problem of increasing the overall ecologic and economic efficiency of the regional economic system. This task is based on the input-oriented Ecological Data Envelopment Analysis model with variant returns to scale. The method was tested by coordinating the ecologic priorities of one of the biggest Russian electric and heat generators “OGK-2” and the Krasnoyarsk Region. Keywords: ecologic and economic efficiency, energy companies, interest coordination, ISO 14001:2015 standard, non-parametric optimization, Data Envelopment Analysis JEL Classifications: O33, Q42, Q47, Q4

    Blindness and glaucoma: A multicenter data review from 7 academic eye clinics

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    Purpose To evaluate frequency, conversion rate, and risk factors for blindness in glaucoma patients treated in European Universities. Methods This multicenter retrospective study included 2402 consecutive patients with glaucoma in at least one eye. Medical charts were inspected and patients were divided into those blind and the remainder (''controls''). Blindness was defined as visual acuity-0.05 and/or visual field loss to less than 10°. Results Unilateral and bilateral blindness were respectively 11.0% and 1.6%at the beginning, and 15.5%and 3.6% at the end of the observation period (7.5±5.5 years, range:1-25 years)//conversion to blindness (at least unilateral) was 1.1%/year. 134 eyes (97 patients) developed blindness by POAG during the study. At the first access to study centre, they had mean deviation (MD) of -17.1±8.3 dB and treated intraocular pressure (IOP) of 17.1±6.6 mmHg. During follow-up the IOP decreased by 14%in these eyes but MD deteriorated by 1.1±3.5 dB/year, which was 5-fold higher than controls (0.2±1.6 dB/year). In a multivariate model, the best predictors for blindness by glaucoma were initial MD (p<0.001), initial IOP (p<0.001), older age at the beginning of follow-up (p<0.001), whereas final IOP was found to be protective (p<0.05). Conclusions In this series of patients, blindness occurred in about 20%. Blindness by glaucoma had 2 characteristics: late diagnosis and/or late referral, and progression of the disease despite in most cases IOP was within the range of normality and target IOP was achieved//it could be predicted by high initial MD, high initial IOP, and old age