174 research outputs found

    Floristic diversity in different urban ecological niches of a southern European city

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    The present paper aimed at studying the vertical and horizontal spatial distribution, species richness and diversity of vascular plants in different urban ecological niches (urban habitats) by means of the case study of Bologna (Italy), a typical densely populated southern European city. A total of 477 species were found in the study area of the historical city centre, 30% of which were alien species. Alien plant species were mainly present among phanerophytes, while native plants were mainly therophytes and hemicryptophytes. The habitats that mostly contributed to the species total richness were seminatural soils, followed by paved areas, walls, rooftops and manholes. The number of exclusive species decreased according to the selectiveness of the habitat, with manholes and rooftops being the most selective. The presence of hemicryptophytes constant decreased going from 27% of more humid habitats to 5% of more arid habitats, so that they can be considered a water availability biomarker. Urban habitat quality, measured by the number of native species, was directly proportional to the strength of selective factors and inversely proportional to the rate of disturbance, with roofs and seminatural soils having, respectively, the highest and lowest quality. Finally, a relation between species richness and street characteristics, like width, orientation and type of flooring, was demonstrated

    Botanical memory: five centuries of floristic changes revealed by a Renaissance herbarium (Ulisse Aldrovandi, 1551-1586)

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    We analysed the spatially explicit floristic information available in the herbarium of Ulisse Aldrovandi (1551-1586) to track floristic changes in the surroundings of Bologna across five centuries. Aldrovandi's data were compared with the Flora della Provincia di Bologna by Girolamo Cocconi (1883) and the Floristic Database of Emilia-Romagna (1965-2021). We explored potential variations in native range and life forms composition, and habitat affinity of the species in the three floras, also contrasting between native and alien species. Native species, mainly in terms of variations of hydro-hygrophytes, chamaephytes and therophytes, provide clear signals of human disturbance and habitat loss. Signals of climate change are provided by the high-mountain species, that were comparably rare between Aldrovandi and current flora and more represented in Cocconi, probably reflecting the effect of the Little Ice Age. Our findings also indicate the increasing importance of alien species from the Renaissance onwards. In this perspective, Aldrovandi's herbarium preserves the memory of the first signs of a radical transformation of the European flora and habitats. Finally, the study warns about the risk of dismissing herbaria and herbarium specimens collection, which would cause irreparable lacunas in our botanical memory, hindering our ability to predict biodiversity trajectories

    Spontaneous vascular flora of the historical monumental cemetery of Modena (N-Italy)

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    The first floristic study of the historical monumental cemetery of San Cataldo in Modena (N-Italy) is presented. The research was performed in the period 2019–2022, considering only spontaneous individuals growing within the historical area (4.8 ha). A total of 266 taxa (species and subspecies) was found, of which 1 new for the flora of Italy (Malus × robusta ‘John Downie’), 2 new for the administrative region of Emilia-Romagna (Calocedrus decurrens and Salvia haematodes) and 1 new for the province of Modena (Epilobium ciliatum). Therophytes prevail (37.6%), followed by hemicryptophytes (31.6%), phanerophytes (16.2%) and geophytes (11.7%). The chorological spectrum is dominated by Eurasian species (32.0%), followed by Mediterranean (26.3%), Cosmopolitan (24.8%), Boreal (6%) and N-American (4.5%) ones. Allochthonous species are 16.5% of the list, with neophytes always prevailing over archaeophytes (28 vs. 9 species). Invasive species are 67.8% of the neophytes; on a regional scale they are 1.5% of the list. Protected species are 2.6% of the total; 3 of them are internationally protected and 2 are included in the red list of Italian flora. This study confirms the great biological richness of urban environments and the potential of historical cemeteries as a refugium for the conservation of species that have become rare, endangered or infrequent at a regional or national level, because of the heavy human impact on the territory

    Mechanical phenotyping of K562 cells by the Micropipette Aspiration Technique allows identifying mechanical changes induced by drugs

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    Mechanical properties of living cells can be used as reliable markers of their state, such as the presence of a pathological state or their differentiation phase. The mechanical behavior of cells depends on the organization of their cytoskeletal network and the main contribution typically comes from the actomyosin contractile system, in both suspended and adherent cells. In the present study, we investigated the effect of a pharmaceutical formulation (OTC - Ossitetraciclina liquida 20%) used as antibiotic, on the mechanical properties of K562 cells by using the Micropipette Aspiration Technique (MAT). This formulation has been shown to increase in a time dependent way the inflammation and toxicity in terms of apoptosis in in vitro experiments on K562 and other types of cells. Here we show that by measuring the mechanical properties of cells exposed to OTC for different incubation times, it is possible to infer modifications induced by the formulation to the actomyosin contractile system. We emphasize that this system is involved in the first stages of the apoptotic process where an increase of the cortical tension leads to the formation of blebs. We discuss the possible relation between the observed mechanical behavior of cells aspirated inside a micropipette and apoptosis

    Antibacterial Effect of Aluminum Surfaces Untreated and Treated with a Special Anodizing Based on Titanium Oxide Approved for Food Contact

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    One of the main concerns of the food industry is microbial adhesion to food contact surfaces and consequent contamination. We evaluated the potential bacteriostatic/bactericidal efficacy of aluminum surfaces with different large-scale roughness (0.25, 0.5 and 1 um) before and after the surface treatment with a special anodizing based on titanium oxide nanotechnology (DURALTI®) and after 3 different sanitizing treatments, e.g., UV, alcohol and a natural product named Gold lotion. Four Gram-negative (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 1402, Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 9610 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27588) and four Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 and Listeria monocytogenes NCTT 10888) bacteria were screened. As far as concerns aluminum surfaces without nanotechnology surface treatment, an overall bacteriostatic effect was observed for all strains with respect to the initial inoculum that was 106 CFU/mL. Conversely, an overall bactericidal effect was observed both for Gram-negative and -positive bacteria on DURALTI®-treated aluminum disks, regardless of roughness and sanitizing treatment. These results are innovative in terms of the great potential of the antibacterial activity of nanotechnologically treated food contact surfaces and their combination with some sanitizing agents that might be exploited in the food industry

    Flora vascolare spontanea della citt\ue0 di Modena: analisi del centro storico

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    Si presentano i risultati del primo studio sistematico sulla flora urbica di Modena. Il censimento qui illustrato \ue8 stato svolto fra il 2014 e il 2018, considerando ogni via e piazza del centro storico cittadino, quest\u2019ultimo inteso come area delimitata dai grandi viali che ricalcano il percorso dei bastioni cinquecenteschi. Sono state rinvenute 344 specie, delle quali 1 nuova per la flora d\u2019Italia, 10 per l\u2019Emilia-Romagna e altre 19 per la provincia di Modena; il 63% di queste nuove segnalazioni \ue8 esotico. Le specie non pi\uf9 ritrovate, segnalate almeno 20 anni fa o testimoniate solo da campioni d\u2019erbario del tardo Ottocento, sono 17. Lo spettro biologico \ue8 dominato dalle terofite (45%), seguite da emicriptofite (28%) e fanerofite (15%). Lo spettro corologico \ue8 dominato da eurasiatiche (28%), mediterranee (24%) e cosmopolite (24%). Le neofite sono il 18% del totale, valore piuttosto basso se rapportato a quanto riferito per altre citt\ue0 della Pianura Padana e dell\u2019Europa centrale: ci\uf2 \ue8 probabilmente dovuto alle ridotte dimensioni del centro storico cittadino, la cui compatta struttura urbanistica d\u2019impronta medievale pare opporre una certa resistenza all\u2019ingresso delle specie alloctone. Le specie invasive sono l\u201911% del totale. Interessante la presenza di 15 specie igrofile, talora indicatrici d\u2019irrigazione o iper-irrigazione di aiuole e tappeti erbosi. Le specie protette (solo a livello regionale) sono soltanto 4, di cui 2 presenti in quanto sfuggite a coltivazione. Considerando l\u2019affinit\ue0 delle specie censite all\u2019ecologia urbana, la lista \ue8 dominata dalle urbano-neutrali (45%) e dalle urbanofile (42%), il che pu\uf2 indicare sia una discreta variet\ue0 di ambienti di crescita, parecchi dei quali in una fase di evoluzione ecologica abbastanza avanzata per la citt\ue0, sia una discreta qualit\ue0 ambientale verosimilmente dovuta, almeno in parte, all\u2019abbondanza e ampiezza delle aree verdi. La ricchezza specifica in ogni via o piazza \ue8 fortemente correlata all\u2019eterogeneit\ue0 ambientale (\u3c1 = 0,794) e moderatamente correlata alla presenza limitrofa di aree verdi (\u3c1 = 0,544) e alla lunghezza della via o ampiezza della piazza (\u3c1 = 0,665 e 0,673, rispettivamente); esiste inoltre una debole correlazione fra presenza di specie orticole o alimentari e presenza, nella stessa via o piazza, di locali di ristorazione (\u3c1 = 0,212). La citt\ue0 si conferma dunque come un ecosistema assai dinamico e di grande ricchezza biologica, utile per capire le strategie ecologiche messe in atto dalle piante per adattarsi a condizioni anche proibitive. Le aree urbane, inoltre, spesso fungono da \uabsnodo\ubb per la diffusione delle specie lungo le infrastrutture viarie, durante il processo di colonizzazione del territorio. La comprensione e il rispetto dei ruoli ecologici delle specie spontanee sono concetti fondamentali per una moderna pianificazione urbanistica volta a migliorare la qualit\ue0 della vita nel suo complesso

    Antibacterial Effect of Stainless Steel Surfaces Treated with a Nanotechnological Coating Approved for Food Contact

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    Stainless steel, widely present in the food industry, is frequently exposed to bacterial colonization with possible consequences on consumers’ health. 288 stainless steel disks with different roughness (0.25, 0.5 and 1 μm) were challenged with four Gram-negative (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 1402, Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 9610 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27588) and four Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 and Listeria monocytogenes NCTT 10888) and underwent three different sanitizing treatments (UVC, alcohol 70% v/v and Gold lotion). Moreover, the same procedure was carried out onto the same surfaces after a nanotechnological surface coating (nanoXHAM® D). A significant bactericidal effect was exerted by all of the sanitizing treatments against all bacterial strains regardless of roughness and surface coating. The nanoXHAM® D coating itself induced an overall bactericidal effect as well as in synergy with all sanitizing treatments regardless of roughness. Stainless steel surface roughness is poorly correlated with bacterial adhesion and only sanitizing treatments can exert significant bactericidal effects. Most of sanitizing treatments are toxic and corrosive causing the onset of crevices that are able to facilitate bacterial nesting and growth. This nanotechnological coating can reduce surface adhesion with consequent reduction of bacterial adhesion, nesting, and growth

    The Histopathologic Evaluation of Diagnostic Procedures in Nail Melanoma

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    Introduction: The diagnostic delay in nail melanoma (NM) has been repeatedly emphasized. It may be related to both clinical misinterpretations and to errors in the bioptic procedure. Objectives: To assess the efficacy of histopathologic examination in different diagnostic biopsies in NM. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the diagnostic procedures and histopathologic specimens referred to the Laboratory of Dermatopathology for the clinical suspicion of NM from 2006 to January 2016. Results: Eighty-six nail histopathologic specimens were analysed consisting in 60 longitudinal, 23 punch and 3 tangential biopsies. A diagnosis of NM was performed in 20 cases, benign melanocytic activation in 51 cases and melanocytic nevi in 15 patients. Longitudinal and tangential biopsy were diagnostic in all cases, regardless of the clinical suspicion. Nail matrix punch biopsy instead was not diagnostic in most of the cases (13/23 specimens). Conclusions:  In the presence of an NM clinical suspicion, longitudinal biopsy is recommended (lateral or median) because it provides exhaustive information on the characteristics of melanocytes’ morphology and distribution in all the components of the nail unit. Tangential biopsy, recently encouraged by expert authors due to the optimal surgical outcome, in our experience gives incomplete information on tumor extension. Punch matrix biopsy gives limited evidence in the diagnosis of NM
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