1,069 research outputs found

    Extracorporeal CO2 removal in hypercapnic patients who fail noni nvasive ventialtion and refuse endotracheal intubation. a case series

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    Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) represents the standard of care for patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, NIV fails in almost 40% of the most severe forms of acute hypercapnic respiratory failure and patients must undergo endotracheal intubation and invasive ventilation. Such transition from NIV to invasive ventilation is associated to increased mortality. Under these circumstances, patients may express a clear intention not to be intubated

    148 Oxidative stress and inflammation in cystic fibrosis (CF)

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    Efficient three-dimensional survey techniques and their comparison in open software in the archaeological test site of "Ninfeo Maggiore" and "Ninfeo Minore" of Formia (Latina, Italy)

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    In Europe and beyond, the cultural and archaeological heritage may have considerable extensions of hundreds of square metres if not kilometres. It is then necessary to study highly efficient techniques able , at the same time, to maintain centimetric accuracy. In these contexts, the SLAM technique can be an efficient solution. We tested the latter in a survey of a portion of the so-called Roman Villa of Caposele, also known as Villa Rubino in Formia, (Italy): the "Ninfeo Maggiore"and "Ninfeo Minore"(Major and Minor nymphaeum). The two structures had to be surveyed for both conservation and study purposes and to allow a virtual visit, which is particularly important since they are located inside a private property. The structure is complex, with a succession of rooms and environments in an archaeological complex extending approximately 480 metres in an east-west direction and approximately 50 metres in a south-north direction. We decided to survey both nymphaea with the "GEOSLAM Zeb Horizon", also surveying all the internal connecting rooms and corridors between them. Both nymphaea were also surveyed with a "Faro"terrestrial laser scanning, to allow comparison. To verify the validity of the SLAM on the outside, a survey was carried out using a DJI Matrix drone with laser scanning. The comparison showed very limited deviations whose statistical validation is in progress, demonstrating that the SLAM technique can advantageously be used in such vast archaeological complexes where the efficiency and completeness of the survey is more important than the millimetric accuracy.</p

    Developing innovative crutch using IDeS (industrial design structure) methodology

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    The present study wants to bring to light a new type of crutch designed for a chronic patient with perennial limited mobility, who must use this support every time a move is needed. The main purpose of the project consists in recommending a correct use of the crutch through technology, limiting the damage normally caused by a bad use of crutches and giving a support both for the patient and for the doctor. All of the features of the crutches were defined through relationship matrices and a benchmarking, which helped us for defining the requirements; other important features were defined, taking a look to the technological progresses applied to new, patented crutches. The result is a sensorized crutch, functional and oriented to meet the user's needs in order to prevent an incorrect use of the support avoiding the growth of other pains

    Influence of biological matrix and artificial electrospun scaffolds on proliferation, differentiation and trophic factor synthesis of rat embryonic stem cells.

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    Abstract Two-dimensional vs three-dimensional culture conditions, such as the presence of extracellular matrix components, could deeply influence the cell fate and properties. In this paper we investigated proliferation, differentiation, survival, apoptosis, growth and neurotrophic factor synthesis of rat embryonic stem cells (RESCs) cultured in 2D and 3D conditions generated using CultrexÂź Basement Membrane Extract (BME) and in poly-( l -lactic acid) (PLLA) electrospun sub-micrometric fibres. It is demonstrated that, in the absence of other instructive stimuli, growth, differentiation and paracrine activity of RESCs are directly affected by the different microenvironment provided by the scaffold. In particular, RESCs grown on an electrospun PLLA scaffolds coated or not with BME have a higher proliferation rate, higher production of bioactive nerve growth factor (NGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) compared to standard 2D conditions, lasting for at least 2 weeks. Due to the high mechanical flexibility of PLLA electrospun scaffolds, the PLLA/stem cell culture system offers an interesting potential for implantable neural repair devices

    Protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy):principles and processes of an industry based on the leaching of saline lagoonal sediments

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    A protohistoric (c.10th-5th c. BC) briquetage site at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy) was studied to unravel the salt production processes and materials involved. Geophysical surveys were used to identify kilns, pits, and dumps. One of these pits and a dump were excavated, followed by detailed chemical and physical analyses of the materials encountered. The pit had been used for holding brine, obtained by leaching of lagoonal sediment over a sieve, that afterwards was discarded to form large dumps. Phases distinguished indicate that the pit filled with fine sediment and was regularly "cleaned." The presence of ferroan-magnesian calcite in the pit fill testifies to the prolonged presence of anoxic brine. The production processes could be reconstructed in detail by confronting the analytical results with known changes in composition of a brine upon evaporation. These pertain in particular to the accumulation of "bitterns" and increased B (boron) concentrations in a residual brine. Both could be traced in the materials studied, and were found to be far more indicative than the ubiquitously studied concentrations of Cl and Na.</p

    Decoding the genomic variability among members of the bifidobacterium dentium species

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    Members of the Bifidobacterium dentium species are usually identified in the oral cavity of humans and associated with the development of plaque and dental caries. Nevertheless, they have also been detected from fecal samples, highlighting a widespread distribution among mammals. To explore the genetic variability of this species, we isolated and sequenced the genomes of 18 different B. dentium strains collected from fecal samples of several primate species and an Ursus arctos. Thus, we investigated the genomic variability and metabolic abilities of the new B. dentium isolates together with 20 public genome sequences. Comparative genomic analyses provided insights into the vast metabolic repertoire of the species, highlighting 19 glycosyl hydrolases families shared between each analyzed strain. Phylogenetic analysis of the B. dentium taxon, involving 1140 conserved genes, revealed a very close phylogenetic relatedness among members of this species. Furthermore, low genomic variability between strains was also confirmed by an average nucleotide identity analysis showing values higher than 98.2%. Investigating the genetic features of each strain, few putative functional mobile elements were identified. Besides, a consistent occurrence of defense mechanisms such as CRISPR–Cas and restriction–modification systems may be responsible for the high genome synteny identified among members of this taxon


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    The area south-east of Rome is characterised by the presence of several roman aqueducts which brought water to the eternal city from the Apennine and Alban Hills springs. In the last 40 years, several pieces of evidence about these aqueducts were acquired during the realisation of archaeological test trenches before building activities. In 2019, a small branch of a subterranean aqueduct unknown to the Latin sources was unearthed in Via dei Sette Metri. Here we show that this aqueduct is a lateral branch of the Anio Novus, a major imperial aqueduct built between 38 and 52 CE. To achieve this result, we employed detailed photogrammetric restitution of the new aqueduct and an integrated geophysical survey focused in the area where the Anio Novus was supposed to pass. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) methods were used to reconstruct aqueduct paths and their relative heights. Different light conditions were tested during the picture acquisition step to determine the best practice in the photogrammetric restitution. The results obtained in this study confirmed the great effectiveness of the integration between geophysical investigation methods and the modern archaeology approach in detecting buried ancient structures

    Protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy) : principles and processes of an industry based on the leaching of saline lagoonal sediments

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    A protohistoric (c.10th–5th c. BC) briquetage site at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy) was studied to unravel the salt production processes and materials involved. Geophysical surveys were used to identify kilns, pits, and dumps. One of these pits and a dump were excavated, followed by detailed chemical and physical analyses of the materials encountered. The pit had been used for holding brine, obtained by leaching of lagoonal sediment over a sieve, that afterwards was discarded to form large dumps. Phases distinguished indicate that the pit filled with fine sediment and was regularly “cleaned.” The presence of ferroan‐magnesian calcite in the pit fill testifies to the prolonged presence of anoxic brine. The production processes could be reconstructed in detail by confronting the analytical results with known changes in composition of a brine upon evaporation. These pertain in particular to the accumulation of “bitterns” and increased B (boron) concentrations in a residual brine. Both could be traced in the materials studied, and were found to be far more indicative than the ubiquitously studied concentrations of Cl and Na

    Probiogenomics analysis of 97 lactobacillus crispatus strains as a tool for the identification of promising next-generation probiotics

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    Members of the genus Lactobacillus represent the most common colonizers of the human vagina and are well-known for preserving vaginal health and contrasting the colonization of oppor-tunistic pathogens. Remarkably, high abundance of Lactobacillus crispatus in the vaginal environment has been linked to vaginal health, leading to the widespread use of many L. crispatus strains as probi-otics. Nevertheless, despite the scientific and industrial relevance of this species, a comprehensive investigation of the genomics of L. crispatus taxon is still missing. For this reason, we have performed a comparative genomics analysis of 97 L. crispatus strains, encompassing 16 strains sequenced in the framework of this study alongside 81 additional publicly available genome sequences. Thus, allowing the dissection of the L. crispatus pan-genome and core-genome followed by a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis based on the predicted core genes that revealed clustering based on ecological origin. Subsequently, a genomics-targeted approach, i.e., probiogenomics analysis, was applied for in-depth analysis of the eight L. crispatus strains of human origin sequenced in this study. In detail their genetic repertoire was screened for strain-specific genes responsible for phenotypic features that may guide the identification of optimal candidates for next-generation probiotics. The latter includes bacteriocin production, carbohydrates transport and metabolism, as well as a range of features that may be responsible for improved ecological fitness. In silico results regarding the genetic repertoire involved in carbohydrate metabolism were also validated by growth assays on a range of sugars, leading to the selection of putative novel probiotic strains
