65 research outputs found

    Pozytywne przywództwo w polskich organizacjach.pdf

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    Problematyka przywództwa znajduje się w centrum uwagi zarówno nauki, jak i praktyki zarządzania. W literaturze przedmiotu pojawia się wiele opracowań omawiających różne jego aspekty. Jednym z relatywnie nowych zagadnień przyciągających uwagę badaczy w ostatnich latach jest kwestia pozytywnego przywództwa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji pozytywnego przywództwa oraz diagnoza przejawów tego przywództwa w organizacjach w Polsce wraz z ich empiryczną egzemplifikacją

    Magnetic therapy in acute and subacute non-specific back pain: Results of an open multicenter study

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    Magnetic therapy (MT) is a non-drug method that improves the effectiveness of treatment of musculoskeletal pain, including:acute non-specific back pain (NBP). Objective of our study was to evaluate the results of complex treatment of patients with acute/subacute NBP at home using MT. The study group consisted of 339 patients with severe acute/subacute NBP. All patients received nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 166 patients (Group 1) received a course of MT (ALMAG+ device), 173 patients or a control group (Group 2) who did not receive MT. The dynamics of pain was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2. So, the intensity of pain during movement (NRS) decreased from 7 [5;8] and 7 [5;8] to 0 [0;13] and 2 [1;3] after 1 month. (p<0.001). Significant differences between Groups 1 and 2 were observed in the dynamics of pain at rest and at night, overall health assessment (OHA), and sleep function and disorders. The average duration of NSAIDs use in Group 1 was 8.8±3.9, Group 2 – 11.8±5.7 days (p<0.001). The use of MT increases the effectiveness of treatment of acute/subacute NBP and reduces the need for NSAIDs use

    In search for geroprotectors: in silico screening and in vitro validation of signalome-level mimetics of young healthy state

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    ABSTRACT Populations in developed nations throughout the world are rapidly aging, and the search for geroprotectors, or anti-aging interventions, has never been more important. Yet while hundreds of geroprotectors have extended lifespan in animal models, none have yet been approved for widespread use in humans. GeroScope is a computational tool that can aid prediction of novel geroprotectors from existing human gene expression data. GeroScope maps expression differences between samples from young and old subjects to aging-related signaling pathways, then profiles pathway activation strength (PAS) for each condition. Known substances are then screened and ranked for those most likely to target differential pathways and mimic the young signalome. Here we used GeroScope and shortlisted ten substances, all of which have lifespan-extending effects in animal models, and tested 6 of them for geroprotective effects in senescent human fibroblast cultures. PD-98059, a highly selective MEK1 inhibitor, showed both life-prolonging and rejuvenating effects. Natural compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine, Myricetin and Epigallocatechin gallate also improved several senescence-associated properties and were further investigated with pathway analysis. This work not only highlights several potential geroprotectors for further study, but also serves as a proof-of-concept for GeroScope, Oncofinder and other PAS-based methods in streamlining drug prediction, repurposing and personalized medicine

    Multiple Roles of Integrin-Linked Kinase in Epidermal Development, Maturation and Pigmentation Revealed by Molecular Profiling

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    Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is an important scaffold protein that mediates a variety of cellular responses to integrin stimulation by extracellular matrix proteins. Mice with epidermis-restricted inactivation of the Ilk gene exhibit pleiotropic phenotypic defects, including impaired hair follicle morphogenesis, reduced epidermal adhesion to the basement membrane, compromised epidermal integrity, as well as wasting and failure to thrive leading to perinatal death. To better understand the underlying molecular mechanisms that cause such a broad range of alterations, we investigated the impact of Ilk gene inactivation on the epidermis transcriptome. Microarray analysis showed over 700 differentially regulated mRNAs encoding proteins involved in multiple aspects of epidermal function, including keratinocyte differentiation and barrier formation, inflammation, regeneration after injury, and fundamental epidermal developmental pathways. These studies also revealed potential effects on genes not previously implicated in ILK functions, including those important for melanocyte and melanoblast development and function, regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics, and homeobox genes. This study shows that ILK is a critical regulator of multiple aspects of epidermal function and homeostasis, and reveals the previously unreported involvement of ILK not only in epidermal differentiation and barrier formation, but also in melanocyte genesis and function

    BioDATA - Biodiversity Data for Internationalisation in Higher Education

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    BioDATA is an international project on developing skills in biodiversity data management and data publishing. Between 2018 and 2021, undergraduate and postgraduate students from Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan, and Ukraine, have an opportunity to take part in the intensive courses to become certified professionals in biodiversity data management. They will gain practical skills and obtain appropriate knowledge on: international data standards (Darwin Core); data cleaning software, data publishing software such as the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT), and preparation of data papers. Working with databases, creating datasets, managing data for statistical analyses and publishing research papers are essential for the everyday tasks of a modern biologist. At the same time, these skills are rarely taught in higher education. Most of the contemporary professionals in biodiversity have to gain these skills independently, through colleagues, or through supervision. In addition, all the participants familiarize themselves with one of the important international research data infrastructures such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The project is coordinated by the University of Oslo (Norway) and supported by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The project is funded by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU)