2,227 research outputs found

    Photonic SUSY Two-Loop Corrections to the Muon Magnetic Moment

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    Photonic SUSY two-loop corrections to the muon magnetic moment are contributions from diagrams where an additional photon loop is attached to a SUSY one-loop diagram. These photonic corrections are evaluated exactly, extending a leading-log calculation by Degrassi and Giudice. Compact analytical expressions are provided and the numerical behaviour is discussed. The photonic corrections reduce the SUSY one-loop result by 7...9%. The new terms are typically around ten times smaller than the leading logarithms, but they can be larger and have either sign in cases with large SUSY mass splittings. We also provide details on renormalization and regularization and on how to incorporate the photonic corrections into a full SUSY two-loop calculation.Comment: 25 page

    Collective dynamics of liquid aluminum probed by Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    An inelastic X-ray scattering experiment has been performed in liquid aluminum with the purpose of studying the collective excitations at wavevectors below the first sharp diffraction peak. The high instrumental resolution (up to 1.5 meV) allows an accurate investigation of the dynamical processes in this liquid metal on the basis of a generalized hydrodynamics framework. The outcoming results confirm the presence of a viscosity relaxation scenario ruled by a two timescale mechanism, as recently found in liquid lithium.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    The influence of the Cavitation and Flashing phenomena in the formation of “scallops” within karstic caves. The Chorros Cave case (Albacete, Spain): The theory of the inverse siphon in the “Reventón” phenomenon

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    [EN] The influence of the negative pressures of Cavitation and Flashing phenomena in the formation of “scallops”, within karstic caves, is hereby studied. In this sense, the particular case of the Chorros Cave (Albacete, Spain) is analyzed, and the theory of the inverse siphon is proposed in order to explain the “Reventón” phenomenon.[ES] En este trabajo, se estudia la influencia de las presiones negativas del Flashing y la Cavitación en la formación de “scallops” en cuevas kársticas. En este sentido, se analiza el caso particular de la Cueva de los Chorros (Albacete, España) y se propone la teoría del sifón inverso para explicar el fenómeno del “Reventón”.Pavía Alemany, F.; Rodríguez-Estrella, T. (2018). La influencia del Flashing y la Cavitación en la formación de “scallops” en cuevas kársticas. El caso de la Cueva de los Chorros (Albacete, España): Teoría del sifón inverso en el fenómeno del “Reventón”. Ingeniería del Agua. 22(2):79-91. doi:10.4995/ia.2018.8600SWORD7991222Blumberg, P. N. 1970. PhD Thesis. Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Michigan.Blumberg, P. N.y Curl, R. L. 1974. Experimental and theoretical studies of dissolution roughness. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 65(4), 735-751. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022112074001625Checkley, D. y Faulkner, T. 2014. Scallop measurement in a 10 m-high vadose cayon and a hypothetical post-deglacial canyon entrenchment timescale. Cave and karst Science, 41(2), 76-83.Curl, R. L. 1966. "Scallops" and flutes. Tranactions. Cave Reserch Group Great Britain. 7, 121 p.Curl, R. L. 1974. Deducing flow velocity in cave conduits from "scallops". National Speleological Society Bulletin, 36(2), 1-5.De Haro Yeboles, A. 1994. Estudio geológico del Calar del Río Mundo. Origen y evolución de la Cueva de los Chorros. Espeleuka, 94. Nota Interior.Eraso Romero, A. 1994. La Cueva de Los Chorros, Nacimiento del Río Mundo, Riópar (Albacete). Mundo Subterráneo.Eraso, A. 1998. Estimación de las paleovelocidades y sentidos de circulación del agua en el karst donde se emplaza el yacimiento arqueológico de la sierra de Atapuerca. Geogaceta, 23, 39-41.Eraso, A. 2001. Estimación de las paleovelocidades y sentidos de circulación del agua en el karst donde se emplaza el yacimiento arqueológico de la sierra de Atapuerca. Boletín nº 2 Sedeck. 61-68Faulkner, T.2013. Speleogenesis and scallop formation under hydraulic control and other recharge regimes. Cave and Karst Science, 40(3), 114-132.Ferrer Rico V. y Extopocien. 2015. La Cueva de los Chorros Riópar. Cevagraf. 1, 64 p.Ford, D. y Williams, P. 2007. Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology. Edit. Wiley. 562. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118684986Gabriel i Rodrigo, R. 1983. Contribucio a l'estudi de les emprentes de corrent. Interacció d'una paret soluble i un flux turbulent adjacent. Departament de Química Tènica de la Universitat de Barcelona.Gabriel i Rodrigo, R. 1984. Les emprentes de corrent: de l'espeleologia a la hidrodinàmica. Revista Catalana de Ciencia i Tecnologia. "Ciència Nº 38", 4, 60-64.Gabriel i Rodrigo, R. 1986. Contribució a l'estudi de les empremtes de corrent.Espeleo Club de Gracia.Hammer, Ø., Lauritzen, S. E., Jamtveit, B. 2011. Stability of Dissolution Flutes Under Turbulent Flow. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. 73(3), 181-186. https://doi.org/10.4311/2011JCKS0200Lauritzen, S.E. 1981. Statical Symmetry Analysis of "scallops". NSS Bulletin, 43, 52-55.Murphy, P. J. 2012. "Scallops". Encyclopedia of Caves, 679-683. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-383832-2.00100-6Pavía Alemany, F. 1999. El Reventón de la Cueva de los Chorros Flashing/Cavitación en el Karst. Lapiaz, 26, 32-48.Plá Salvador, R. 1966. Nuevas prospecciones en el Calar del Mundo. Geo y Bio karst. Año III, 9, 21-22.Plá Salvador, R. 1981. Trabajos espeleológicos desarrollados en el karst del Calar del Mundo y Cueva de los Chorros. Lapiaz, 7, 4-39.Rodríguez-Estrella, T. 1999. Nuevas aportaciones sobre el funcionamiento hidrogeológico del acuífero kárstico multicapa del Calar del Mundo (prov. Albacete y Jaén). Contribuciones del estudio científico de las cavidades kársticas al conocimiento geológico. Patronato de la Cueva de Nerja, 507-522.Rodríguez-Estrella, T. y Ballesta Sánchez, F. 1999. Estudio geohidroespeleológico del Calar del Mundo (provincias de Albacete y Jaén). Instituto de Estudios Albacete Excma. Dip. Prov. Albacete. 175 p.Rodríguez-Estrella, T., Ballesta, F., Melero, J. y Martínez, J.A. 2002. Contribución de las medidas de conductividad y pH, en las aguas de la Cueva de los Chorros del Río Mundo (Albacete), a la génesis del enigmático "Reventón". 2nd Nerja Cave Geological Symposium. Karst and environmental. Nerja. Spain. 199-209.Rudnicki, J. 1960. Experimental work on flute development. Speleologia (Warsaw), 2, 17.Ullastre, J., Masriera, A. 1978. Introducción al estudio geoespeleológico del borde NW del Calar del Mundo. (Riópar-Albacete). Geo y Bio karst. Año V, 16-17, 4-19. Barcelona.Woodward, E., Sasowsky, I. D. 2009. A spreadsheet program (Scallopex) to calculate paleovelocities from cave wall "scallops". Acta karstológica. 38(2-3), 303-305, Postojna

    Rates of convergence of nonextensive statistical distributions to Levy distributions in full and half spaces

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    The Levy-type distributions are derived using the principle of maximum Tsallis nonextensive entropy both in the full and half spaces. The rates of convergence to the exact Levy stable distributions are determined by taking the N-fold convolutions of these distributions. The marked difference between the problems in the full and half spaces is elucidated analytically. It is found that the rates of convergence depend on the ranges of the Levy indices. An important result emerging from the present analysis is deduced if interpreted in terms of random walks, implying the dependence of the asymptotic long-time behaviors of the walks on the ranges of the Levy indices if N is identified with the total time of the walks.Comment: 20 page

    New results on the hadronic vacuum polarization to the muon g-2

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    Results on the lowest-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon magnetic anomaly are presented. They are based on the latest published experimental data used as input to the dispersion integral. Thus recent results on tau to nutau pi pi0 decays from Belle and on e+ e- annihilation to pi+ pi- from BABAR and KLOE are included. The new data, together with improved isospin-breaking corrections for tau decays, result into a much better consistency among the different results. A discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction and the direct g-2 measurement is found at the level of 3 sigma.Comment: proceedings of the PhiPsi09 conference, Oct. 13-16, 2009, Beijing, Chin

    R-values in Low Energy e^+e^- Annihilation

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    This presentation briefly summarizes the recent measurements of R-values in low energy e^+e^- annihilation. The new experiments aimed at reducing the uncertainties in R-values and performed with the upgraded Beijing Spectrometer (BESII) at Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) in Beijing and with CMD-2 and SND at VEEP-2M in Novosibirsk are reviewed and discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, invited presentation at the XIX International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energy, Stanford University, August 199

    Persistent spins in the linear diffusion approximation of phase ordering and zeros of stationary gaussian processes

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    The fraction r(t) of spins which have never flipped up to time t is studied within a linear diffusion approximation to phase ordering. Numerical simulations show that, even in this simple context, r(t) decays with time like a power-law with a non-trival exponent θ\theta which depends on the space dimension. The local dynamics at a given point is a special case of a stationary gaussian process of known correlation function and the exponent θ\theta is shown to be determined by the asymptotic behavior of the probability distribution of intervals between consecutive zero-crossings of this process. An approximate way of computing this distribution is proposed, by taking the lengths of the intervals between successive zero-crossings as independent random variables. The approximation gives values of the exponent θ\theta in close agreement with the results of simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 postscript files. Submitted to PRL. Reference screwup correcte