509 research outputs found

    Determination of eligibility to antiretroviral therapy in resource limited settings using total lymphocyte counts, hemoglobin and body mass index among HIV positive patients

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    Background: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a serious public health problem in Ethiopia. CD4+ T cell count testing is the standard method for determining eligibility for antiretroviral therapy. However, automation for CD4+ T cell count is not widely available in sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia.Objective: This study was to determine eligibility for antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings using total lymphocyte counts, hemoglobin and body mass index among HIV positive patients.Materials and methods: CD4+ T cell count was determined using Becton Dickinson FACS count analyzer. Total lymphocyte count and hemoglobin concentration were measured by a Cell Dyne 1800 hematology analyzer and body mass index was determined. Correlation of total lymphocyte count, hemoglobin and body mass index with CD4+ T cell count was determined by Pearson’s correlation coefficient and p-value.Results: The correlation between CD4+ T cell count and Total Lymphocyte Count (TLC) was not strong, but the association between CD4+ T cell count and TLC was highly significant and correlation between CD4+ T cell counts with hemoglobin were very weak. The sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of TLC using threshold value of 1000 cells/mm3 for CD4+ T cell counts <350 cells/mm3 were 3% , 94%, 17% and 71%, respectively. Total lymphocyte count threshold of 1750 cells/mm3 were the better predictor of CD4+ T cell counts of <350 cells/mm3 when compared to < 200 cells/mm3.Conclusion: TLC showed weak correlation with CD4+ T cell counts but the association between CD4+ T cell count with TLC was significant (p<0.0001). The TLC threshold of 1750 cells/mm3 were the most accurate predictors of CD4+ T cell counts of <350 cells/mm3. Therefore, the significant association of TLC with CD4+ T cell count may suggest that TLC could be used as marker for CD4+ T cell count in determining anti-retroviral treatment initiation when CD4+ T cell count is not available particularly in rural settings where laboratory facilities are lacking

    ART-naive HIV patients at Feleg-Hiwot Referral Hospital Northwest, Ethiopia

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    Objectives: To determine socio-demographic and immunological status of anti-retroviral treatment (ART)-naïve HIVpositive patients.Methods: This was a longitudinal survey of HIV-positive patients treated with ART at Felege-Hiwot Hospital. CD4 cell counts were enumerated at baseline and after 6 months of treatment using FACS count (Becton Dickinson). Socioeconomic data were collected using pre tested questionnaires.Results: Three hundred sixty eight (62% female), with median age 30 years were enrolled. Of these, 207 (56.5%) were uneducated and 233 (66.8%) had monthly income ≤ 250 birr. Three hundred fifteen (85.6%) started ART within 6 months of HIV diagnosis. The mean (95% CI) CD4 cell count at baseline was 153 (139-167); 156 (137-175) for females and 122 cells/μl (105-139) for males (

    Tanggapan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Hasanuddin Terhadap Tayangan “Ini Talkshow” Di Net (News and Entertainment)

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    The aims of this study are to determine the responses of students of Hasanuddin University Communication Sciences toward the broadcast “IniTalkshow” in NET; and to know the factors that influence the responses of the students of Hasanuddin University Communication Sciences toward the broadcast “IniTalkshow” in NET.The research was conducted in Makassarfor approximately two months, namely from March to April 2016. The research populationswere taken from the students of Hasanuddin UniversityCommunication Sciences. The respondents were determined by proportionate stratified random sampling based on certain criteria. The technique of determining samples using Isaac and Michaeltables. The type of this researchuses quantitative methods with descriptive approach.The primary data was collected by using a questionnaire. The method of collecting data using a structured questionnaire and submitted to the respondent. The secondary data was done by observation, library research both taken from books and internet sites which are relevant to the focus of the problem. The data collected was then analyzed quantitatively by describing the data in the form of a frequency table. The research results showed that the response of students of HasanuddinUniversity Communication Sciences toward the broadcast “IniTalkshow” in NET were good. It was proved based on the number of responses obtained as many as 161 respondents. It was also founded that the purpose of the students of Hasanuddin University Communication Sciences to watch “IniTalkshow” was getting entertainment and leisure. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Hasanuddin terhadap tayangan Ini Talkshow di NET. untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tanggapan mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Hasanuddin terhadap tayangan Ini Talkshow di NET. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama kurang lebih dua bulan, yaitu Maret-April 2016 yang dilaksanakan di Kota Makassar. Adapun populasi penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Hasanuddin. Responden penelitian ini ditentukan secara proportionate stratified random sampling berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria tertentu. Adapun teknik penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan tabel Isaac dan Michael. Tipe penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif Data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kusioner, cara pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang berstruktur dan diajukan kepada responden. Data sekunder dilakukan dengan observasi, studi pustaka baik itu dari buku-buku, dan situs internet yang relevan dengan fokus permasalahan. Data yang berhasil dikumpulkan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kuantitaf dengan mendeskripsikan data dalam bentuk tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanggapan mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Hasanuddin terhadap tayangan Ini Talkshow di NET dinilai bagus. Ini didasarkan dari jumlah tangapan yang diperoleh sebanyak 161 responden. Diketahui pula bahwa tujuan mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Hasanuddin dari menonton Ini Talkshow adalah untuk mencari hiburan dan mengisi waktu luang

    Populational analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from different appellations of origin and grape varieties by microsatellite analysis.

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate populational relationships among Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from some of the Portuguese most important grapevine varieties in different appellations of origin, using polymorphic microsatellites. 
One hundred ninety two grape samples were collected during the 2006 and 2007 harvest season in the Vinho Verde (grape varieties: Arinto, Alvarinho, Avesso, Loureiro, Touriga Nacional) Bairrada (grape varieties: Arinto, Baga, Castelão Francês, Maria Gomes, Touriga Nacional) Alentejo (grape varieties, Aragonês, Trincadeira, Touriga Nacional), Terras do Sado (grape variety Castelão) Bucelas (grape variety Arinto) and Estremadura (grape varieties: Arinto, Aragonês, Castelão, Trincadeira, Touriga Nacional) appellations of origin. From the final stage of spontaneous fermentations, 2820 yeast isolates were obtained, mainly belonging to the species S. cerevisiae. An initial genetic screen, based on mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) and/or interdelta sequence analysis was followed by microsatellite analysis of strains with unique genetic profiles, using 10 highly polymorphic microsatellites. Our results showed that microsatellite analysis revealed a high resolution populational screen, showing that genetic differences and populational structures among S. cerevisiae populations derived from both “diagnostic” vineyard-, specific alleles and the accumulation of small allele-frequency differences across ten microsatellite loci. Heterozygosity was three to four times lower than the expected value, confirming the strong populational substructuring. The presented large-scale approach shows that each vineyard contains differentiated S. cerevisiae populations, showing the occurrence of specific native strains that can be associated with a terroir. 

Financially supported by the programs POCI 2010 (FEDER/FCT, POCTI/AGR/56102/2004) and AGRO (ENOSAFE, Nº 762).

    Avaliação da Conservação de Couve Minimamente Processada pela Medida do Tempo de Relaxação Transversal da RMN.

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    Energieverbruik melkveebedrijven

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    In opdracht van de Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Energie en Milieu (NOVEM) wordt in een studie het energieverbruik op melkveebedrijven berekend

    Brief communication: Low prevalence of HIV infection, and knowledge, attitude and practice on HIV/AIDS among high school students in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia

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    HIV/AIDS is a major public health problem in Ethiopia. Therefore, a school based cross-sectional study was conducted in Gondar; Northwest Ethiopia to determine the seroprevalence of HIV infection and to assess Knowledge, attitude and practice related to HIV/AIDS. A total of 565 students were included in the study. The seroprevalence of HIV infection was 1.1%. Sexual contact with commercial sex worker or non-regular partner was reported by 16.7% of the students. Only 58.5% of those who practice sex used condoms. History of sexually transmitted diseases was reported by 10.7% of the sexually active students. The majority (96.6%) reported unprotected sex, unsafe blood transfusion, contaminated needles and mother to child transmissions as common ways of HIV transmission. Abstinence, faithfulness to one\'s partner and use of condom as means to prevent transmission of HIV was responded by 84.1%, 60.4% and 41.8% of the students, respectively. Over 82% demanded screening for HIV as a precondition for marriage and 97.2% agreed to have a VCT service. The findings of the study indicate that the prevalence of HIV infection is low among high school students in Gondar. The students had adequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS and VCT despite the risky practices. Continued health education is needed to bring behavioral changes.The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Vol. 21 (2) 2007: pp. 179-18