15 research outputs found

    Estimating uniaxial compressive strength of tropically weathered sedimentary rock using indirect tests

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    Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of intact rock is particularly important in rock mechanic studies, especially for those involving civil and mining projects. However, the determination of UCS using direct test is generally expensive, time consuming and almost impossible in preparation of samples for highly weathered sedimentary rocks. In view of this, indirect tests are comparatively cheap, simpler, faster and more convenient to perform either in laboratory or at site. This paper aims to develop an estimation procedure in determining the UCS values of such weak weathered rocks. Among the indirect tests present herein are point load index, Schmidt Rebound hammer, Brazilian tensile test and slake durability test. Unfortunately, it was found that the accuracy of each single test varies with weathering states. Hence, a recommended procedure using combined indirect tests in determining UCS of weak sedimentary rocks is presented herei

    Physical characteristics of boulders formed in the tropically weathered granite

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    Deep weathering profile is a common phenomenon for humid tropic especially in Malaysia. The reactions of deep weathering under soil surface are decomposition of the massive rock and formation of thick stratum of soil and boulders. However, the occurrence of embedded boulders or loose blocks in the highly to completely weathered in the hilly area is not fully understood and investigated. This paper investigates the occurrence and physical characteristics of boulders in the granitic area. The parameters investigated are boulder’s discoloration, size, shape, rindlet properties and their distribution. Colour and shape were determined based on rock colour chart by Krumbein and Croft’s chart respectively. Size, rindlet and its distribution were determined based on field observation. Field results revealed that boulders in the hilly area can be found as shallow as 2 m from ground surface. In addition, it is found that boulder that embedded in deeper zone became larger in size and surrounded by thicker rindlet of up to 50 cm thick. Boulders embedded in soil stratum at weathering zone 4 and 5 are mostly independent and scattered around the weathering profile. The boulders can also be presented in various shapes; the smaller boulder is located at the upper zone more to flat to very spherical shape and rounded to well rounded edges, while the larger boulder that is located at lower zone more to sub-spherical shape and well rounded edges

    Convergence Study for Rock Unconfined Compression Test Using Discrete Element Method

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    Mesh convergence is a vital issue that needs to be addressed in a numerical model. This study investigated the effects of mesh element number on the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to granite rock response under compression loading. This study used the 3D finite-element code LS-DYNA to model the Unconfined Compression Test (UCT) numerical simulation. Models with five different mesh types were conducted for convergence mesh, namely normal mesh, fine mesh, super fine mesh, coarse mesh, and super coarse mesh. The mesh convergence of rock media has been conducted using DEM and steel plates simulated using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The DEM-FEM numerical analysis is compared with the results obtained from the experimental test. The best mesh was obtained as the simulation could reproduce the stress-strain curve trends, the failure behaviour and compression strength observed in the experimental test. The normal mesh was selected as the best mesh type in this study based on the comparisons that have been made. This study shows that the DEM-FEM numerical simulation can represent granite rock and can be used for further study based on mesh convergence

    Perkembangan silibus teknologi maklumat didalam sistem akademik fakulti kejuruteraan awam, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam (FKA) bermula sebagai Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam pada 1972. Pada waktu itu silibus akademik FKA lebih banyak tertumpu kepada mata pelajaran kejuruteraan awam. Seiring dengan pembangunan Teknologi Maklumat (IT) yang pesat, bidang kejuruteraan awam juga tidak dapat lari daripadanya dan di FKA mata pelajaran IT telah menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran teras yang memainkan peranan penting disamping mata pelajaran yang lain. Oleh itu, satu unit khas telah ditubuhkan untuk menyokong dan membantu jabatan serta fakulti bagi menyelaras mata pelajaran IT. ITUCE telah dipertanggungjawabkan bagi memastikan kurikulum dan silibus IT adalah selari dengan keperluan dan aspirasi negara dalam bidang kejuruteraan awam. ITUCE juga memastikan kurikulum dan silibus IT sentiasa terkini dengan mengambilkira keperluan industri. Dalam usaha melahirkan graduan berkualiti melalui perlaksanaan kurikulum yang mengambilkira keperluan pasaran, kini ITUCE mempunyai empat mata pelajaran wajib IT dan enam mata pelajaran elektif bagi ijazah sarjana muda, manakala tujuh mata pelajaran lagi bagi graduan pasca-ijazah. Kesemua mata pelajaran IT yang ditawarkan ini adalah bagi memenuhi keperluan sistem akademik untuk graduan yang mengikuti pengajian di Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    Rapid visual screening method for seismic vulnerability assessment of existing buildings in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Bukit Tinggi may experience low earthquake hazard but are still at high risk of substantial damage and loss. Dense concentration of buildings and infrastructure in some areas mainly due to the hospitality industry can generate this high risk level. This study is focused on identify, inventory and rank buildings in Bukit Tinggi to assess seismic vulnerability buildings. The methodology is based on the rapid visual screening (RVS) procedure. Major parameters that have effects on the building score are primary structural lateral-load-resisting system, construction material, and other seismic related characteristic such as soil type and building irregularity. Building with higher S scores corresponding to better seismic performance. Most of the buildings in Bukit Tinggi are less seismic risk 74% while another 26% considered in need of further evaluation Rapid Visual Screening Method for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

    Correlation between seismic refraction and borehole data for subsurface evaluation

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    In conventional way, investigation of the subsurface parameter is determined from boreholes data. However, the information retrieved from a bore log only provides information at a discrete location. Geophysical method such as seismic refraction has been routinely used to compliment the ‘missing’ boreholes information as it offers continuous information along the survey line. This paper presents the relationship between seismic refraction method and borehole logging in a granitic area at Ulu Tiram, Johor. Three lines of seismic survey were carried out to assess the subsurface for quarry development. Two boreholes were drilled along the seismic line in the effort to find relationship between information gathered from those methods. The seismic survey results are evaluated along with SPT and RQD information. Results for the correlation of seismic refraction survey and borehole data can be used for better subsurface characteristics exploration between boreholes besides providing data rapidly at a relatively low cost and give benefits in terms of work time

    Applicability of electrical resistivity tomography in subsurface utilities engineering

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    This paper presents the applicability of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) in Subsurface Utilities Engineering (SUE). The objective is to use pseudosection generated by ERT to located known subsurface utilities. For construction industry, the investigation of subsurface utility is essential to avoid unforeseen condition that may cause project delay. According to the result, performing ERT using fundamental tester in this study is not suitable to locate subsurface utilities, however it can locate the loose part of the ground which likely to indicate the location of subsurface utilities. Therefore, ERT exhibits potential to be used before the actual subsurface utilities mapping to simplify the work of gathering information to locate the subsurface utilities accurately