104 research outputs found

    Füleky György 70 éves

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    A computer implementation of a multi-neuron expandable network

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    The primary goal of this thesis is to develop a small, expandable neural network that oscillates when presented with an appropriate stimulus. This model will be used in the future as a base to create larger networks. Future studies of these larger networks may be used in the simulation of neuronal activity such biological oscillators. This thesis encompasses a study of neuron activity, neural networks, neuron models and biological oscillators. The focus of the thesis is the modification and expansion of a single neuron simulation into a simulation of an interconnected multi-neuron oscillatory network. A single neuron model based on the work of Hodgkin-Huxley is used to develop a simulation of a generalized, expandable, 3X3 (9 neuron) interconnected network. The model is general enough to be expanded, include multiple neurons (inhibitory and excitatory) with multiple inputs and outputs, and be able to handle any set of random interconnections

    Füleky György (1945-2018)

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    Determination of compost maturity using the Hot Water Percolation (HWP) method

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    Maturity is one of the parameters that needs to be examined when producing composts. The present paper aims to evaluate whether the Hot Water Percolation (HWP) method elaborated for soil analysis can be used to determine the maturity of composts. The methods involves percolating boiling water through dry, ground compost samples, followed by the measurement of the dissolved carbon and mineral nitrogen contents and the spectral properties of the solution. Two groups of compost samples were examined. In one group the above parameters were recorded throughout the 42-day maturing process, while in the other group these parameters were measured on 7 samples judged to be mature and 5 judged to be fresh. The HWP-soluble NH4-N/NO3-N ratio was less than 0.16 in mature composts; for both compost groups the HWP-C value was less than 100 mg L-1, absorbance at 254 nm was 1.0-2.0 cm-1, the E4/E6 ratio was generally less than 2.0 and the SUVA (specific UV absorption) value at least 1.4 but generally higher, depending on the initial materials. The extracts obtained using the HWP method provide a good demonstration of the maturity stages in the composting process in spite of the speed of extraction

    T helper és T citotoxikus lymphocyták szerepének vizsgálata allergológiai és autoimmun bőrgyógyászati kórképekben = The role of T helper and T cytotoxic lymphocytes in allergic and autoimmune skin diseases

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    Mind a T helper, mind a T citotoxikus limfociták csoportja szubpopulációkra osztható citokin termelésük alapján (Th1/Th2, Tc1/Tc2). Számos kutatói munka és klinikai vizsgálat felveti annak lehetőségét, hogy a szubpopulációk egymáshoz viszonyított kóros aránya és citokin termelése bizonyos kórképek kialakulásában patogenetikai szerepet játszhat. Ugyanakkor ma már tudjuk, hogy nem mindig lehet éles különbségeket megállapítani a szubpopulációk eloszlásában, valamint a betegség lefolyása során is változhat ez az arány. A most befejezett OTKA pályázat során sikerült számos új adatot nyernünk, melyek segítik az atopiás dermatitis, autoimmun krónikus urticaria (ACU), psoriasis vulgaris, polymyositis, dermatomyositis és kevert kötőszövet betegség patogenezisének jobb megismerését, elsősorban a perifériás vér T limfocita szubpopulációinak, az aktivált T sejtek, a Th1/Th2 és Tc1/Tc2 sejtek arányának, valamint a szérum szolubilis citokin szintjeinek vizsgálata révén. Ugyancsak tanulmányoztuk az UV-A1 fototerápia szisztémás lupus erytematosusban szenvedő betegekre kifejtett kedvező hatásának feltételezhető immunológiai hátterét, valamint új diagnosztikai módszert dolgoztunk ki az ACU laboratóriumi diagnosztikájára. Kimutattuk, hogy autoimmun hólyagos betegségekben a P-cadherin expressziója kompenzatórikusan fokozódhat, és hogy HaCat sejtekben az adhéziós molekulák megjelenése összefüggésben állhat a protein kináz C izoformák kifejeződésével. | Both T helper and T cytotoxic lymphocytes can be divided into subgroups according to their cytokine production (Th1/Th2; Tc1/Tc2). Clinical investigations and basic research studies raised the possibility, that abnormality in the ratio and cytokine production of these lymphocyte subpopulations can play a role in the pathogenesis of different diseases. On the other hand, it is also known, that strict differences cannot always be observed and the proportion of these subpopulations can change during the course of the disease. In the present work the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, autoimmune chronic urticaria (ACU), psoriasis vulgaris, polymyositis, dermatomyositis and mixed connective tissue disease were studied and we were able to get new data on the percentage of different T lymphocyte subgroups and activated T cells in the peripheral blood, on the ratio of Th1/Th2 and Tc1/Tc2 cells and also on the serum cytokine levels. The effects of UVA1 phototherapy on the immunological laboratory parameters of patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus were also investigated and a new method was developed for the diagnosis of ACU. In autoimmune blistering diseases we detected compensatorical upregulation of P-cadherin, and in HaCaT cells we found correlation between the expression of different adhesion molecules and protein kinase C isoforms
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