27 research outputs found

    Poisoning with methanol and other non-beverage alcohols - an analysis of the issue based on hospitalizations in department of toxicology

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    Introduction: Poisonings with non-beverage alcohols remain a significant problem in contemporary toxicology. Due to the large quantity and severe course of intoxications with methanol, the authors of this study focused primarily on poisonings with this substance. Methanol is widely used in industry. Its toxicity is attributed to its metabolites - formaldehyde and formic acid. Poisonings with methanol often lead to the patient's death due to a wide range of complications associated with progressive metabolic acidosis. Material and Methods: The study is of a retrospective nature. It involved the analysis of medical records of patients admitted to the department of toxicology in 2022 after the consumption of non-beverage alcohols, with a particular focus on methanol. Data on the number of individuals admitted due to non-beverage alcohol intoxication between 2018 and 2022 was also analyzed. Results: Over the last 5 years (2018-2022), 36 individuals were hospitalized in the Clinical Toxicological-Cardiological Department due to non-beverage alcohol poisoning, with 16 (44.4%) cases involving methanol. In the year 2022, the department admitted 10 individuals aged 18 to 68, and 5 (50%) of them consumed methanol. Among the hospitalized, 90% were male, and 60% came from rural areas. Deliberate intoxications accounted for 70% of the cases. Four hospitalizations (40%) resulted in patient death. All deaths were associated with methanol intoxication. Conclusions: Non-beverage alcohol is often used by people with alcohol dependence syndrome. Among non-beverage alcohols, patients most often reached for methanol. Its consumption is associated with a high mortality rate and should be taken very seriously and treated immediately.&nbsp

    Detergents - useful or dangerous. Discussion of the toxic effects of detergents based on studies

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    Introduction and purpose: Detergents are compounds that constitute the main component of cleaning products. Due to their varied chemical structure, they have different functions and a wide range of applications. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the problem of toxic effects of detergents on the basis of analysis of cases of detergent poisoning by patients of the Toxicology and Cardiology Ward of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Provincial Hospital in Lublin. Material and methods: The study was retrospective in nature. It used an analysis of the medical records of 11707 intoxications in patients between 01.01.2013 and 31.12.2022, from which a group of individuals with a diagnosis of T55 according to the ICD 10 classification "Toxic effects of soaps and detergents" consisting of 36 cases was selected. Results: The study population consisted of 18 (50%) women and 18 (50%) men. The majority- 19 patients (52.78%) were exposed to the toxic effects of detergents accidentally. 10 patients (27.78%) were suicide attempts. Accompanying medical conditions were mostly psychiatric disorders, with alcohol dependence syndrome predominating - 9 cases (25%). The majority - 33 patients (91.67%) intoxified themselves with detergents in the form of liquids and solids by the oral route . Conclusions: Despite their usefulness in households and industry, detergents contribute to adverse health effects in situations of accidental exposure or intentional intake. In order to reduce the number of complications, preventive measures should be implemented - such as storing detergents in less accessible areas, in original boxes with retained labels, and increasing funding for psychological-psychiatric care in a crisis situation

    Re-examining advice to complete antibiotic courses: a qualitative study with clinicians and patients

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    BACKGROUND: Antibiotic treatment duration may be longer than sometimes needed. Stopping antibiotics early, rather than completing pre-set antibiotic courses, may help reduce unnecessary exposure to antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AIM: To identify clinicians' and patients' views on stopping antibiotics when better (SAWB) for urinary tract infections (UTIs), and to explore comparisons with other acute infections. DESIGN & SETTING: An exploratory qualitative study with general practice clinicians and patients in England. METHOD: Primary care clinicians and patients who had recent UTI experience were recruited in England. Remote one-to-one interviews with clinicians and patients, and one focus group with patients, were conducted. Data were audiorecorded, transcribed, and analysed thematically. RESULTS: Eleven clinicians (seven GPs) and 19 patients (14 with experience of recurrent and/or chronic UTIs) were included. All participants considered SAWB unfamiliar and contradictory to well-known advice to complete antibiotic courses, but were interested in the evidence for risks and benefits of SAWB. Clinicians were amenable if evidence and guidelines supported it, whereas patients were more averse because of concerns about the risk of UTI recurrence and/or complications and AMR. Participants viewed SAWB as potentially more appropriate for longer antibiotic courses and other infections (with longer courses and lower risk of recurrence and/or complications). Participants stressed the need for unambiguous advice and SAWB as part of shared decision making and personalised advice. CONCLUSION: Patients were less accepting of SAWB, whereas clinicians were more amenable to it. Patients and clinicians require good evidence that this novel approach to self-determining antibiotic duration is safe and beneficial. If evidence based, SAWB should be offered with an explanation of why the advice differs from the ‘complete the course’ instruction, and a clear indication of when exactly to stop antibiotics should be given

    Hirschsprung's Disease - Review of Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Introduction and purpose: Hirschsprung's disease, also known as congenital aganglionic megacolon, is a rare congenital disorder that affects the large intestine. Due to the absence of ganglion cells, the affected segment of the colon becomes narrow and unable to relax. The disease is present from birth but may not always be immediately apparent. In this paper, we will attempt to present the current state of knowledge regarding the diagnosis and treatment of Hirschsprung's disease, based on the analysis of literature available on the PubMed platform. Description of the state of knowledge: Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR), also known as congenital aganglionosis of the colon, involves abnormal migration, proliferation, and differentiation of neural crest cells, leading to the absence of autonomic nerve ganglia within the colon. HSCR is associated with mutations in several genes, with RET, GDNF, EDNRB and SOX10 being identified as the main causes of the disease. Mutations in the RET gene are associated with the hereditary form of Hirschsprung's disease. Symptoms of HSCR appear in newborns and may include bilious vomiting, diarrhea associated with enterocolitis, failure to pass meconium within the first 24 hours of life, impaired peristalsis, jaundice, feeding difficulties, and progressive abdominal distension. Summary: Diagnosis is typically made based on clinical presentation, imaging studies, and biopsy. Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the affected segment of the colon and reconnect the healthy portions. Although postoperative complications are relatively common, long-term studies suggest that the majority of children with Hirschsprung's disease function well in society

    Baclofen - a great chance or danger - discussion of poisoning based on research

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    Introduction and purpose: Baclofen is a derivative of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is a spasmolytic drug that reduces skeletal muscle tension and is used in spasticity. Despite its many positive functions, its use is associated with a risk of side effects. The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of baclofen and to highlight the toxicity and dangers of its misuse. Material and methods: The study was retrospective in nature. It used an analysis of the records of 11648 intoxications in patients hospitalised from 01.04.2013 to 01.04.2023 in the Clinical Toxicology and Cardiology Department of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Provincial Hospital in Lublin, from which a group of baclofen intoxicated patients (T55), consisting of 19 cases, was distinguished. Results: The study population consisted of 10 women (52.63%) and 9 men (47.37%), aged between 16 and 83 years. The largest group consisted of patients aged up to 30 years - 9 patients (47.37%). The majority of patients - 11 patients (59.89%) were in a severe condition. An overwhelming number reported intentional poisoning - 16 cases (84.21%), including five suicide attempts (31.25%). Patients took other drugs and medicines in addition to baclofen. The most common was ethanol - 8 people (42.11%), followed by NSAIDs - 5 people (26.32%). Conclusions: In order to prevent complications following the use of baclofen, it is very important to educate patients, their family members and the general public about the mechanism of action of the drug itself, its function on the body and the risks of taking it. Prophylactic measures and education on how to deal with poisoning situations are necessary, as they are entirely preventable with immediate diagnosis and treatment

    LC-QTOF-MS Analysis and Activity Profiles of Popular Antioxidant Dietary Supplements in Terms of Quality Control

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    The dietary supplements with claimed antioxidant activity constitute a substantial part of the dietary supplement market. In this study, we performed the LC-QTOF-MS analysis and investigated the activity profiles of popular antioxidant dietary supplements from different chemical groups in terms of quality control. The commonly used antioxidant tests and statistical analysis revealed that substantial part of the results was comparable if 1 g sample was considered, but while comparing single and daily doses, significant differences in antioxidant values were noticed in all assays. The best antioxidant activity was obtained in ORAC assay (from 142 to 13814 μM of Trolox equivalents per 1 g of sample), and the strongest correlation occurred between TPC and ORAC. The LC-QTOF-MS analysis revealed that catechins were present in samples having the best antioxidant activity and that dietary supplements showing the weakest activity contained very small amount of any chemical constituents

    Baclofen - a great chance or danger - discussion of poisoning based on research

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    Introduction and purpose: Baclofen is a derivative of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is a spasmolytic drug that reduces skeletal muscle tension and is used in spasticity. Despite its many positive functions, its use is associated with a risk of side effects. The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of baclofen and to highlight the toxicity and dangers of its misuse. Material and methods: The study was retrospective in nature. It used an analysis of the records of 11648 intoxications in patients hospitalised from 01.04.2013 to 01.04.2023 in the Clinical Toxicology and Cardiology Department of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Provincial Hospital in Lublin, from which a group of baclofen intoxicated patients (T55), consisting of 19 cases, was distinguished. Results: The study population consisted of 10 women (52.63%) and 9 men (47.37%), aged between 16 and 83 years. The largest group consisted of patients aged up to 30 years - 9 patients (47.37%). The majority of patients - 11 patients (59.89%) were in a severe condition. An overwhelming number reported intentional poisoning - 16 cases (84.21%), including five suicide attempts (31.25%). Patients took other drugs and medicines in addition to baclofen. The most common was ethanol - 8 people (42.11%), followed by NSAIDs - 5 people (26.32%). Conclusions: In order to prevent complications following the use of baclofen, it is very important to educate patients, their family members and the general public about the mechanism of action of the drug itself, its function on the body and the risks of taking it. Prophylactic measures and education on how to deal with poisoning situations are necessary, as they are entirely preventable with immediate diagnosis and treatment

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Aesthetics preferences of the Inmates

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    Preferencje estetyczne osób osadzonych to nowy temat badawczy, który nie został dotąd poddany szczegółowej analizie. Deprywacja sensoryczna i estetyczna, której poddani są więźniowie wynika z ubogiego w bodźce środowiska. W powszechnej świadomości instytucja więzienia kojarzy się z ponurym widokiem murów i szarych ścian. Zakłada się, że otoczenie w jakim przebywa jednostka znacząco wpływa na jej zachowanie i funkcjonowanie psychiczne. Zatem, aspekt ten stanowi kluczowy przedmiot tychże badań. Celem pracy i badań własnych jest wyodrębnienie określonych preferencji grupy badawczej oraz kontrolnej. Ponadto, zasadniczą zmienną występującą w procedurze badawczej jest czas reakcji i ocena poszczególnych bodźców. Część empiryczna niniejszej pracy odpowiada na postawione pytania i hipotezy badawcze, dotyczące związków zachodzących pomiędzy zmiennymi. Wykazano, że znaczna część tychże zależności jest istotna statystycznie. Istnieje jednakże potrzeba dalszej weryfikacji empirycznej zagadnienia, będącego przedmiotem badań przedstawionych w tej pracy. Analiza wniosków dostarcza licznych implikacji mających zastosowanie w oddziaływaniach penitencjarnych.Aesthetic preferences of the inmates is the current research topic which has not been analysed in detail yet. The prisoners’ deprivation of sensory and aesthetics results from the environment impoverished in stimuli. It is commonly believed that prisons are associated with the gloomy view of the walls and their dullness. It is assumed that the environment which the individual stays in, significantly influences their behaviour and psychological well-being. Thus, this aspect is the key subject of this research. The purpose of this thesis and the research is to distinct specific preferences of the investigated groups. Furthermore, the main variable shown in the research procedure is the time of reaction and the estimation of particular stimuli. The empirical chapter of this thesis concentrates on answering the questions and analysing the empirical assumptions which are connected with the relations among variables. It has been proved that the great number of those variables are statistically essential. There is, however, a great need for further empirical investigation of the issue presented in this thesis as the main subject. Finally, numerous implications, which are used in the process of penitentiary correction, are provided by the analysis of the findings