79 research outputs found

    Adaptive significance of amylase polymorphism in drosophila, XV: Examination of genotype-by-environment interactions on the viability, developmental time and stability of drosophila subobscura homozygous for Amy during exposure to nutritional changes

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    Due to the direct interaction between enzyme and substrate, the amylase system can provide valuable information on the relationship between homozygosity and developmental homeostasis under a changing environment in several Drosophila species, The adaptive significance of the relationship between genetic variability and environmental change manifests through the well-known polymorphism of the amylase locus (Amy). We examined the effect of gradual and abrupt changes in starch concentration in the nutritional substrate, on the developmental time, egg-to-adult viability and phenotypic plasticity in the progeny of Drosophila subobscura that was homozygous for 'fast' (AmyF/AmyF) and 'slow' (AmyS/AmyS) Amy alleles. Our findings show that gradual and abrupt nutritional changes exert a significant effect on developmental time and viability. A high heterogeneity among genotypes in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and no direct association between FA and fitness components under the two experimental regimes of environmental change were observed.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene

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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati komparativnih istraživanja optičke snage mekih kontaktnih sočiva (MKS) sa različitim tehnikama mjerenja koje se koriste pri finalnoj obradi kontaktnih sočiva. Tri vrste nanofotoničnih mekih kontaktnih sočiva su napravljene od standardnog polimacon materijala (Soleko SP38TM) sa inkorporiranim fulerenom C60, fulerolom C60(OH)24 i fuleren-metformin-hidroksilatom C60(OH)12(OC4N5H10)12. Za potrebe karakterizacije materijala za potencijalnu primjenu kod mekih kontaktnih sočiva, mjerena su optička svojstva mekih kontaktnih sočiva Rotleks i Nidek uređajem. Sa Rotleks uređajem dobijeni su sledeći optički rezultati: optička snaga i mapa defekata, a sa Nidek uređajem: optička snaga, snaga cilindra i ugao cilindra. Dobijene vrijednosti optičke snage i mape defekata pokazali su da optička snaga sintetisanih nanofotoničnih mekih kontaktnih sočiva je identična nominalnoj vrijednosti, dok to nije bio slučaj za standardna meka kontaktna sočiva. Takođe, kvalitet nanofotoničnih mekih kontaktnih sočiva je bolji nego kod standardnih mekih kontaktnih sočiva. Iz prikazanog se može zaključiti da je moguće sintetisati nova nanofotonična meka kontaktna sočiva željenih optičkih karakteristika, Å”to otvara mogućnosti za njihovu primjenu u ovoj oblasti.In this paper results of comparative study of the optical power of soft contact lenses (SCL) made of standard material for SCL and nanophotonic materials with different measurement techniques used for the final contact lens controllers are presented. Three types of nanophotonic soft contact lenses were made of standard polymacon material (Soleko SP38 TM) incorporated with fullerene C 60 , fullerol C 60 (OH) 24 and fullerene metformin hydroxylate C 60 (OH) 12 (OC 4 N 5 H 10) 12. For the purposes of material characterization for potential application as soft contact lenses, the optical properties of the soft contact lenses were measured by Rotlex and Nidek device. With Rotlex device the following optical results were obtained: optical power and map of defects, while with the Nidek device: optical power, cylinder power and cylinder axis. The obtained values of optical power and map of defects showed that the optical power of synthesized nanophotonic soft contact lens is same to the nominal value, while this was not the case for the standard soft contact lens. Also, the quality of the nanophotonic soft contact lens is better than the standard one. Hence, it is possible to synthesize new nanophotonic soft contact lenses of desired optical characteristics, implying possibilities for their application in this field

    Osnovna obeležja proizvodnje soje u ratarskim rejonima Vojvodine

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    The average harvested soybean areas vary from 693 ha in Northern Srem to 37,402 ha in South Backa. About 70% of harvested soybean areas are concentrated in three regions (South and Western Backa and South Srem). The share of soybean in total industrial cropsā€™ areas is the highest in Western Backa region (54.48%), and the lowest in Northern Banat (8.38%). In the period analyzed (2003-2005) the highest yields were achieved in South Banat region (2.529 kg/ha) and the lowest in Northern Banat region (1.636 kg/ha). The most important regions for the soybean production are South Backa and Western Backa, where about 60% of total soybean production produces. One can say that further increasing of soybean production is justified in the regions where high yields are achieved, but share of soybean in production structure is still small.U radu se analiziraju povrÅ”ine, prinosi i proizvodnja soje po pojedinim ratarskim rejonima Vojvodine u periodu 2003-2005 godine. Požete povrÅ”ine soje variraju od 693 ha (Severni Srem) do 37.402 ha (Južna Bačka). Najveći prinosi soje su ostvareni u Južnom Banatu (2529 kg/ha) a najniži u Severnom Banatu(1636 kg/ha). Međutim ukoliko se rangiranje izvrÅ”i u pogledu požetih povrÅ”ina i visine ostvarenog prinosa izdvajaju se rejoni Južna i Zapadna Bačka u kojima se proizvede 60% ukupne proizvodnje soje. U narednom periodu od posebnog značaja je Å”irenje soje na seljačkim gazdinstvima i to u rejonima gde se postižu visoki prinosi a zastupljenost useva je mala (Južni Banat)

    Uticaj ponavljanog livenja na biokompatibilnost dentalnih legura zlata

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    Although highly noble Au alloys have been considered as biocompatible dental materials, little is known about whether recasting affects their biocompatibility. The aim of this work was to study the effect of repeated casting procedures on the microstructure and biocompatibilty of a noble Au dental alloy. The prepared samples of one- four- and eight times melted/cast Dentor S were used to study primary cutaneous irritation and sensibilization on experimental animals. The extract of the alloy prepared by conditioning the Dentor S samples in a cell culture medium was used to study the cytotoxicity on L929 cells. The elemental composition and surface changes of the alloy were examined by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis and optical microscopy, respectively. Our results showed that repeated casting decreased the biocompatibility of Dentor S, manifested as decreased metabolic and proliferative activities of L929 cells and that the effect correlated with the number of melting/casting procedures. However, neither sample of Dentor S caused irritation and sensibilization on experimental animals. EDX showed that recasting slightly increased the content of Au and Cu and slightly decreased the content of Pt, Pd and Zn. These changes correlated with the observations by optical microscopy. In conclusion, our results show that repeated casting of noble Au alloy changes its microstructure and decreases the biocompatibilty, suggesting that this procedure should be avoided in dental practice.Visoko plemenite legure su biokompatibilni materijali, ali je malo poznato da li ponovljena livenja legura utiču na njihovu biokompatibilnost. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi efekat ponovljenog topljenja i livenja na mikrostrukturu i biokompatibilnost visoko plemenitih dentalnih legura zlata. Pripremjena je serija uzoraka od jednom, četiri i osam puta topljene i livene Dentor S legure za ispitivanje primarne iritacije kože i senzibilizacije na eksperimentalnim životinjama, kao i in vitro ispitivanje citotoksičnosti na L929 ćelijama. Hemijski sastav i promena povrÅ”ine legure ispitivana je EDX analizom i optičkim mikroskopom. NaÅ”i rezultati su ukazali da ponavljana livenja smanjuju biokompatibilnost Dentor S legure, koja se manifestuje smanjenjem metabolitičke i proliferativne aktivnosti L929 ćelija i da je efekat u korelaciji s brojem topljenja i livenja. Ni jedan uzorak Dentor S legure ne uzrokuje iritaciju i senzibilizaciju eksperimentalnih životinja. EDX analiza dokazuje da ponovna livenja blago povećavaju procenat Au i Cu i blago smanjuju procenat Pt, Pd i Zn. Ove promene su u korelaciji sa zapažanjima na optičkom mikroskopu. Autori zaključuju da ponovljena livenja visoko plemenitih legura zlata menjaju mikrostrukturu i smanjuju biokompatibilnost i preporučuju da se ova procedura izbegava u svakodnevnoj praksi

    Use of magnifying devices in the rehabilitation of elderly people with low vision

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    Vodeći uzrok oÅ”tećenja vida kod populacije starije od 60 godina predstavlja senilna degeneracija makule. Osnovna karakteristika ovog oboljenja je progresivni gubitak centralnog vida koji otežava obavljanje svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti, uključujući i čitanje. U održavanju nezavisnosti i sposobnosti čitanja uređaji za uvećanje mogu imati važnu ulogu. Od optičkih uređaja najčeŔće se prepisuju hiperkorektivne prizmatične naočare, ručne i stone lupe. Å to se tiče složenijih, optoelektronskih uređaja, najčeŔće koriŔćena je TV lupa, ili tzv. zatvoreni televizijski sistem. Međutim, kod starijih slabovidih osoba su prisutni brojni problemi koji mogu dovesti do prekida u koriŔćenju prepisanih pomagala, pa je jedan od najvažnijih zadataka u rehabilitaciji vida određivanje odgovarajućeg uređaja za uvećanje teksta.The most common cause of severe visual impairment among elderly persons is age- related macular degeneration (AMD). The main characteristic of AMD is a progressive loss of central vision, that causes many difficulties in variety activities essential to indepedent living, including loss of reading ability. Some of the magnification devices can play an important role in maintaining independence and reading ability. The most often prescribed optical magnification devices are hypercorrective prismatic spectacles, hand-held and stand magnifiers. As for more complex optoelectronic devices, the most commonly is closed-circuit television (CCTV). However, elderly people with low vision encounter numerous problems that can lead to interruptions in the use of prescribed aids, so one of the most important tasks in vision rehabilitation is determining the appropriate device for magnifying the text

    Use of magnifying devices in the rehabilitation of elderly people with low vision

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    Vodeći uzrok oÅ”tećenja vida kod populacije starije od 60 godina predstavlja senilna degeneracija makule. Osnovna karakteristika ovog oboljenja je progresivni gubitak centralnog vida koji otežava obavljanje svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti, uključujući i čitanje. U održavanju nezavisnosti i sposobnosti čitanja uređaji za uvećanje mogu imati važnu ulogu. Od optičkih uređaja najčeŔće se prepisuju hiperkorektivne prizmatične naočare, ručne i stone lupe. Å to se tiče složenijih, optoelektronskih uređaja, najčeŔće koriŔćena je TV lupa, ili tzv. zatvoreni televizijski sistem. Međutim, kod starijih slabovidih osoba su prisutni brojni problemi koji mogu dovesti do prekida u koriŔćenju prepisanih pomagala, pa je jedan od najvažnijih zadataka u rehabilitaciji vida određivanje odgovarajućeg uređaja za uvećanje teksta.The most common cause of severe visual impairment among elderly persons is age- related macular degeneration (AMD). The main characteristic of AMD is a progressive loss of central vision, that causes many difficulties in variety activities essential to indepedent living, including loss of reading ability. Some of the magnification devices can play an important role in maintaining independence and reading ability. The most often prescribed optical magnification devices are hypercorrective prismatic spectacles, hand-held and stand magnifiers. As for more complex optoelectronic devices, the most commonly is closed-circuit television (CCTV). However, elderly people with low vision encounter numerous problems that can lead to interruptions in the use of prescribed aids, so one of the most important tasks in vision rehabilitation is determining the appropriate device for magnifying the text


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    Musculoskeletal manifestations (MSM) frequently occur in systemic sclerosis (SSc) and imply a variety of rheumatic symptoms and clinical features, from arthralgia to arthritis, contractures, tendon friction rubs, tenosynovitis, myalgia, muscle tenderness,Ā  and myositis. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of joint manifestations in clinical findings, as well as frequency and type of radiographic changes in 56 patients with the limited and diffuse form of SSc; to define the correlation between musculoskeletal hand changes in SSc and specific antibodies (antinuclear antibodies- ANA), as well as with antibodies specific for particular forms of SSc (anti-topoisomerase-1 antibodies- ATA, anticentromere antibodies- ACA); and to test the correlation between specific cardiopulmonary manifestations in SSc, and frequency and type of musculoskeletal changes. The obtained results indicated a high frequency of joint manifestations in SSc, which were estimated by clinical and radiographic examinations. Joint involvement in SSc was underestimated in clinical trials, as it occurred more frequently than expected. Radiographic hand findings in tested SSc patients indicated the presence of arthritis, erosions, joint space narrowing, radiological demineralization, acro-osteolysis, flexion contractures, and calcinosis. Hand involvement was an important cause of morbidity, which seriously affected the quality of life in patients with SSc. Various forms of joint and bone involvements could represent the base for introducing an innovative approach to treating musculoskeletal hand damage in SSc

    Adaptive significance of amylase polymorphism in drosophila, XV: Examination of genotype-by-environment interactions on the viability, developmental time and stability of drosophila subobscura homozygous for Amy during exposure to nutritional changes

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    Due to the direct interaction between enzyme and substrate, the amylase system can provide valuable information on the relationship between homozygosity and developmental homeostasis under a changing environment in several Drosophila species, The adaptive significance of the relationship between genetic variability and environmental change manifests through the well-known polymorphism of the amylase locus (Amy). We examined the effect of gradual and abrupt changes in starch concentration in the nutritional substrate, on the developmental time, egg-to-adult viability and phenotypic plasticity in the progeny of Drosophila subobscura that was homozygous for 'fast' (AmyF/AmyF) and 'slow' (AmyS/AmyS) Amy alleles. Our findings show that gradual and abrupt nutritional changes exert a significant effect on developmental time and viability. A high heterogeneity among genotypes in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and no direct association between FA and fitness components under the two experimental regimes of environmental change were observed.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Optimization of HPLC method for theā€¦

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    St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) is one of the most studied plant species in the family Hypericaceae. The aim of this study was the identification of the constituents of methanol extract of H. perforatum and optimization of conditions for their isolation. The main components of the methanol extract were isolated on preparative ZORBAX Eclipse XDB C18 column with solvent system consisting of methanol and 1x10 -2 M ammonium acetate in water. Constituents of the extract were identified by comparing their retention times with the retention times of the standards, with the literature data and the UV spectra. By varying the conditions of chromatography, the optimal conditions for isolation of the methanol extract constituents were determined: mobile phase consisting of methanol and 1x10 -2 M ammonium acetate in water in ratio 1 : 1, sample concentration 100 mg/mL, sample volume 30 ĀµL, flow 2 mL/min. Under these conditions 7 components of the methanol extract were isolated
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