899 research outputs found

    Las habilidades sociales de los niños y las niñas con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con o sin Hiperactividad (TDA-H)

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    El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con o sin Hiperactividad (TDA-H) es actualmente la patología más común entre la población infantil y juvenil. Los/as niños/as que presentan este trastorno, entre otras muchas necesidades, muestras notables dificultades en sus relaciones interpersonales. Por ello, este documento recoge información sobre qué es el TDA-H, sus características principales y especialmente, su influencia en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales del alumnado. Una vez contemplados estos datos, se propone una propuesta de intervención y materiales que pueden emplear los/as docentes para trabajar el área social con los/as estudiantes con TDA-H

    Essential elements of work as subject to copyright protection. Some remarks 20 years after the adoption of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights in Poland

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    W artykule przedstawiono nowe spojrzenie na centralny i najpoważniejszy problem, przed którym stoi dziś prawo autorskie, a jest nim stwierdzanie istnienia koniecznych cech utworu. Na tle krótkiej charakterystyki przedmiotu ochrony prawa autorskiego oraz koncepcji doktrynalnych i orzeczeń sądowych dotykających kwestii istnienia cechy „twórczości o indywidualnym charakterze”, zwrócono uwagę na bezsilność nauki i praktyki w zakresie definiowania przedmiotu ochrony prawa autorskiego. W artykule zaakcentowano potrzebę poszerzania perspektywy badawczej o dorobek innych nauk, w tym nie tylko takich, jak filozofia i psychologia, ale także o zdobycze rozwijającej się ostatnio dynamicznie nowej dyscypliny, jaką jest neuroestetyka. Artykuł w założeniu ma stanowić głos w dyskusji i punkt wyjścia do dalszych studiów nad tematem w kontekście poszukiwania rozwiązań problemu ustalania tzw. granicznego poziomu twórczości.This article focuses on the process of establishing and determining the essential elements of work as subject to copyright protection. This issue is considered as the most crucial challenge faced by the present day copyright law. When it comes to determining the creativity and individual character of a copyrightable work, an examination of judicial decisions and the theoretical analysis of the term ‘work’ only highlights the powerlessness of science and practice. The existing multitude of definitions of the object of copyright protection, especially relating to so called borderline cases, may be eliminated only after profound scientific research.The article emphasizes the potential benefits of expanding the research perspective by taking into account various fields of scientific study, including neuroaesthetics, and seeks to contribute to the discussion on the issue described above as well as to further research on the subject

    Foreign bodies inside us - Trends and knowledge regarding long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) use, factors influencing of contraceptives choice-making process, and the dual-method use among Polish college-aged women

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    Introduction: The choice-making process of the contraceptive method seems complex and influenced by many factors. Long-acting reversible contraceptives require mechanical interference with the woman's body. For some, it will be an insurmountable barrier whilst for others a chance to enjoy a successful sex life without fear of pregnancy. Recognizing the factors influencing their use will allow us to identify target groups, increase awareness, and spread knowledge about them. Purpose: This study aimed to assess contraceptive use trends and knowledge, focusing on long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) and vaginal rings, also to identify predictors associated with their use and analyze the decision-making process for dual-method use (hormonal plus barrier method) among female college students in Poland. Materials and methods: A self-administered questionnaire including 44 questions in the form of a web-based survey distributed among peers in social media platforms and forums. Results: In the survey a total of 700 female students aged 19±25 took part. All the questions about LARC and vaginal rings were answered correctly by only 19 participants (2.71%). The most knowledgeable were medical students (p<0.0001). Out of 55 LARC and vaginal ring users (7.86%), 47 female students (76.4%,) stated the improvement of their life. Of the methods interfering with the body, the study group most frequently chose the vaginal ring (38.1%) and least frequently the hormone injection (0.1%).  Conclusions: Participants’ knowledge of LARC methods and vaginal rings is insufficient and its main influencing factors are faculty type and frequency of intercourse. LARC and vaginal disc are not the first contraception choice. Fear of pregnancy is the most common factor for dual method use


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    Locally solid topologies on spaces of vector-valued continuous functions

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    summary:Let XX be a completely regular Hausdorff space and EE a real normed space. We examine the general properties of locally solid topologies on the space Cb(X,E)C_b(X,E) of all EE-valued continuous and bounded functions from XX into EE. The mutual relationship between locally solid topologies on Cb(X,E)C_b(X,E) and Cb(X)C_b(X) (=Cb(X,R))(=C_b(X,\Bbb R)) is considered. In particular, the mutual relationship between strict topologies on Cb(X)C_b(X) and Cb(X,E)C_b(X,E) is established. It is shown that the strict topology βσ(X,E)\beta _\sigma(X,E) (respectively βτ(X,E)\beta _\tau(X,E)) is the finest σ\sigma -Dini topology (respectively Dini topology) on Cb(X,E)C_b(X,E). A characterization of σ\sigma -Dini and Dini topologies on Cb(X,E)C_b(X,E) in terms of their topological duals is given

    The academic profile and the bibliography of the works of Professor Zdzisław Pietrzyk

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    This article presents the academic, didactic and organisational achievements of Professor Zdzisław Pietrzyk, including the functions he has so far performed, his participation in conferences and projects, his membership in organisations and scholarly societies, and the awards with which he has been honoured. It also contains a list of his academic and popular science publications

    Set Aggregation Network as a Trainable Pooling Layer

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    Global pooling, such as max- or sum-pooling, is one of the key ingredients in deep neural networks used for processing images, texts, graphs and other types of structured data. Based on the recent DeepSets architecture proposed by Zaheer et al. (NIPS 2017), we introduce a Set Aggregation Network (SAN) as an alternative global pooling layer. In contrast to typical pooling operators, SAN allows to embed a given set of features to a vector representation of arbitrary size. We show that by adjusting the size of embedding, SAN is capable of preserving the whole information from the input. In experiments, we demonstrate that replacing global pooling layer by SAN leads to the improvement of classification accuracy. Moreover, it is less prone to overfitting and can be used as a regularizer.Comment: ICONIP 201

    ChlorTox Base : a useful source of information on popular reagents in terms of chemical hazards and greenness assessment

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    ChlorTox Base is a database on the chemical hazards of popular reagents used in the chemical laboratory, derived from available safety data sheets published by various manufacturers. 1,388 sheets and 674 different chemicals were reviewed. Weighted hazards number (WHN) was used as the main parameter reflecting the “greenness” of particular substances, understood as a spectrum and severity of various forms of adverse health, safety, and environmental impacts. The presented WHN values ​​can be directly used in the greenness assessment and evaluation, for instance in the ChlorTox Scale – a simple tool for estimating chemical risk of laboratory method in accordance with the postulates of the Unified Greenness Theory