23 research outputs found

    Migraine management

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    Migraines are common illnesses. Studies conducted in 12 Latin American cities, including two in Mexico, have found that its prevalence in our country is 15%. The rate in gender is 3:1 (Women/Men) worldwide. The diagnostic criteria for migraines were published for the first time in 1988, in the first edition of the International Headache Classification, promoted by the International Headache Society, with its second edition in 2003, and a third beta version that will probably be published in 2015. Diagnostic criteria for the different forms of migraines were first described in this document, which has simplified communication among doctors and made possible comparisons between studies. The current migraine criteria (with and without aura) are shown in Table 1. As in all primary headaches, paraclinic and imaging studies are normal and rarely necessary, exception made for the cases where there is clinical doubt or whenever the patient is too anxious and wishes to be ‘‘as certain as you can be’’. This may be a valid reason; however it may increase the cost of medical attention and can be problematic in institutions with a high volume of patients

    Financial illiteracy in Spain: a structural problem

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    Financial education in Spain has been traditionally a forgotten subject. Nevertheless, recent economic problems, as the economic crisis, have put into focus the lack of financial literacy that Spanish population presents. In this context, the current research intends to analyse this issue and, using the rich financial education data provided by PISA 2015 for secondary education students, study whether or not the financial education that students are receiving in Spain would be useful for their development of this competence. Our results show that financial education in Spain is in its seminal stage and that this education is not homogenously accessible by all the Spanish population. In this sense, due to its optative nature, students with low socioeconomic status and low academic achievement would auto-select into taking this education. In addition, in Spain, some modalities of financial education implementation have a negative effect, while others are not significant.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. MINECO (ECO2017-88883-P

    Detección de la línea de costa gaditana mediante datos de imágenes satélite SAR y LiDAR

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    Este proyecto parte de la necesidad de buscar un método de delineación automática de la línea de costa que pudiera contribuir en el control de la actual vulnerabilidad de la costa de la provincia de Cádiz. Para ello, se recurrirá a imágenes en banda radar obtenidas desde satélite Sentinel 1 (SAR) o datos LIDAR, en este caso aportados por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN). En tratamiento de las imágenes de satélite se ha realizado en diferentes fechas, buscando la sensibilidad del método, en concreto datadas en invierno y en verano de 2015 y 2019, para así tener una referencia de la variación de marea provocada por el cambio estacional en la línea. Para la extracción de la línea de costa a partir de imágenes de satélite, se utiliza la metodología aportada en el artículo publicado en la revista “Marine Geodesy” y denominado “Coastline Extraction from SAR Images Using Robust Ridge Tracing” de Dailiang Wang & Xiaoyan Liu. En dicho artículo, empleando Matlab, se crea un nuevo filtro que se aplica a estas imágenes. El filtro depende de la media y de la varianza de los datos de cada píxel, implicando a sus vecinos colindantes. Por otro lado, a partir de datos LIDAR, en este caso empleando un vuelo ya existente, se extrae la línea de costa emplendo también filtrados que suevicen los datos y puedan determinar una cota 0 por vectorización automática. Los resultados de la primera metodología no fueron satisfactorios, probando diversas alternativas, incluso dudando de la metodología testeándola con los datos del artículo. Los resultados de las imágenes empleadas por los autores si son válidos, llegando a la conclusión de que el problema está en la topografía de los lugares de estudio, pues el radar es también muy sensible a la rugosidad del terreno. Esta metodología no pudo por tanto mostrar la sensibilidad entre la línea de verano e invierno. En la metodología LIDAR, la digitalización automática obtuvo unos resultados aceptables pero que requieren de tratamiento manual posterior, por lo que se deben de buscar más herramientas que ayuden a que esta linea pueda ser automatizada sin tratamiento posterior. Estos resultados han sido comparados con la línea de costa aportada por organismos oficiales estales tales como el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) y el Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM) para evaluar las lineas resultantes.This project starts from the need to find a method of automatic delineation of the coastline that could contribute to the control of the current vulnerability of the coast of the province of Cádiz. To do this, it will use radar band images obtained from the Sentinel 1 (SAR) satellite or LIDAR data, in this case provided by the National Geographic Institute (IGN). The satellite images have been processed on different dates, seeking the sensitivity of the method, specifically dated in winter and summer of 2015 and 2019, in order to have a reference of the tidal variation caused by the seasonal change in the line. For the extraction of the coastline from satellite images, the methodology provided in the article published in the magazine “Marine Geodesy” and called “Coastline Extraction from SAR Images Using Robust Ridge Tracing” by Dailiang Wang & Xiaoyan Liu. In this article, using Matlab, a new filter is created that is applied to these images. The filter depends on the mean and variance of the data for each pixel, involving its neighboring neighbors. On the other hand, from LIDAR data, in this case using an existing flight, the coastline is extracted, also using filters that make the data smoother and can determine a level 0 by automatic vectorization. The results of the first methodology were not satisfactory, testing various alternatives, including doubting the methodology, testing it with the data from the article. The results of the images used by the authors are valid, concluding that the problem lies in the topography of the study sites, since the radar is also very sensitive to the roughness of the terrain. This methodology could therefore not show the sensitivity between the summer and winter line. In the LIDAR methodology, the automatic digitization obtained acceptable results that require subsequent manual treatment, so more tools should be sought to help this line be automated without further treatment. These results have been compared with the coastline provided by official state organisms such as the National Geographic Institute (IGN) and the Marine Hydrographic Institute (IHM) to evaluate the resulting lines.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Civi

    Efecto de la distribución espacial de las discontinuidades sobre los movimientos de túneles en macizo rocoso

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    En este proyecto se estudia la influencia que tiene algunos de los tipos de discontinuidades presentes en los macizos rocosos sobre los movimientos en el entorno de las excavaciones profundas como son los túneles. Estas discontinuidades son planos de debilidad que generan frente a las cargas aplicadas unos desplazamientos en unas u otras direcciones. La resistencia al deslizamiento de estos planos de debilidad depende, entre otros factores, de las características geomecánicas, geometría del túnel, estado de las superficies de discontinuidad, orientación de las grietas, etc. El objetivo principal es el análisis de los movimientos en el entorno del túnel como consecuencia de la red de familias de diaclasas presentes en un macizo rocoso, la geometría del túnel y los estados de carga. Este análisis se realizará en condiciones de túnel profundo bajo condiciones isotrópicas, es decir, las cargas que se apliquen se mantienen constantes en todas las direcciones, además de estados de carga anisótropos, donde la relación entre la tensión horizontal y vertical sea mayor de 1. Entre los distintos tipos de familias de diaclasas a estudiar se encuentran el de red de juntas o diaclasas paralelas, juntas conjugadas o perpendiculares entre sí y la red de juntas que dibujan un mosaico o polígonos convexos no superpuestos tipo Voronoi. Para modelizar el comportamiento del entorno del túnel bajo las distintas tipologías de discontinuidades antes señaladas, se empleará el programa de Elementos Finitos Rocscience, en concreto la herramienta “RS2”. Teniendo en cuenta, los parámetros de resistencia de las distintas familias de discontinuidades y criterios de rotura como la de Mohr Coulomb, se podrá medir con el software Rocscience los movimientos generados por la excavación del túnel profundo a lo largo de los planos de debilidad. Con la aplicación de estos modelos de juntas o diaclasas y para distintas geometrías de túnel se determinará la deformada del contorno del túnel, los puntos críticos o de máximo desplazamiento, así como las posibles zonas de rotura en el entorno del túnel. Mediante dispositivos como el escáner de laser 2D o 3D se podrá conocer la deformada del contorno del túnel, así como la orientación de las distintas familias de discontinuidades. En un estudio posterior o a futuro se podrá comparar los resultados obtenidos del escáner de laser con los cálculos realizados por los modelos de juntas y geometría de túnel bajo las condiciones impuestas en este estudio.This project studies the influence of the different types of discontinuities present in rock masses on movements in the environment of deep excavations such as tunnels. These discontinuities are planes of weakness that generate displacements in one direction or the other when faced with applied loads. The slip resistance of these planes of weakness depends, among other factors, on the geomechanical characteristics, geometry of the tunnel, state of the discontinuity surfaces, etc. The main objective is the analysis of the movements in the tunnel environment as a consequence of the network of joint families present in a rock mass, the geometry of the tunnel and the load states. This analysis will be carried out in deep tunnel conditions under isotropic conditions, that is, the applied loads remain constant in all directions, in addition to anisotropic load states, where the ratio between horizontal and vertical stress is greater than 1. Among the different types of joint families to be studied are the network of joints or parallel joints, joints conjugate or perpendicular to each other, and the network of joints that draw a mosaic or Voronoi-type nonoverlapping convex polygons. To model the behavior of the tunnel environment under the different types of discontinuities mentioned above, the Rocscience Finite Element program will be used, specifically the "RS2" tool. Considering the resistance parameters of the different families of discontinuities, it will be possible to measure with the Rocscience software the movements generated by the excavation of the deep tunnel along the planes of weakness. With the application of these models of joints or joints and for different tunnel geometries, the deformed contour of the tunnel, the critical or maximum displacement points, as well as the possible break zones in the tunnel environment will be determined. By means of devices such as the 2D or 3D laser scanner, it will be possible to know the deformed contour of the tunnel, as well as the orientation of the different families of discontinuities. In a subsequent or future study, it will be possible to compare the results obtained from the scanner with the calculations made by the models of joints and tunnel geometry under the conditions imposed in this master's thesis.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puerto

    Comparación del efecto de la administración intradérmica de la toxina botulínica tipo A versus placebo para la prevención de las crisis de migraña sin aura

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    Antecedentes: el mecanismo analgésico de la toxina botulínica tipo A (TBA) en la migraña no se conoce. Todos los protocolos publicados han utilizado TBA intramuscular con variables resultados. No se ha puesto a prueba la hipótesis de que el efecto sea a través de neuronas sensitivas. Objetivo: Comparar el efecto en la migraña sin aura de la TBA administrada intradérmica contra placebo por la misma vía. Métodos: Se hizo un estudio aleatorizado, prospectivo, longitudinal, comparativo, experimental, doble ciego, cruzado de TBA o placebo aplicados intradérmicos a pacientes con migraña sin aura. Se utilizaron siete puntos fijos de aplicación en el territorio de la primera rama del trigémino, uni o bilateral dependiendo del patrón clínico de la migraña. Se dividió la muestra en dos grupos (TBA y placebo) que fueron cruzados a las 16 semanas. Se midieron frecuencia e intensidad de las crisis e impacto en la calidad de vida con la escala MIDAS, antes y después de cada aplicación en ambos grupos. Resultados: Se reclutaron 22 pacientes y 21 completaron el estudio. Fueron 15 mujeres y seis hombres, con promedio de edad grupal de 33 años. El número de crisis y el MIDAS previos fueron similares en ambos grupos; el tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad fue mayor en las mujeres (141.9 vs 88.4 meses). Hubo reducción de la frecuencia y del MIDAS en ambos grupos sin diferencias significativas. Discusión y conclusiones: Nuestros resultados muestran que no hay diferencia entre el placebo y la aplicación de la TBA para prevenir la migraña sin aura. Existe un efecto placebo considerable y duradero. La muestra es pequeña para definir si hay subgrupos de pacientes que pudiesen responder a la TBA

    Diferencias salariales de género a lo largo de la distribución salarial: evidencia en el turismo a nivel sectorial.

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    Statement of the research question: Tourism activities, such as accommodation, catering, transportation, and cultural services, present a heterogeneous occupational structure from a gender perspective. The gender wage gap in tourism sector may be influenced in a particular way by the unequal participation and working conditions of men and women at the sectoral level. However, this literature does not address how sectoral heterogeneity in the tourism industry may affect the gender wage gap and its discriminatory component. In addition, previous literature has determined that there are factors, such as vertical segregation or the "glass ceiling", that differentially affect specific occupational groups in each sector. Thus, it is of interest to address the main determinants of the wage gap and, in particular, its discriminatory component across the wage distribution. Objective: We conducted a comparative study of the main determinants of the gender wage gap across the wage distribution in the tourism sector from a sectoral perspective. Data: This study used the most recent data from the SES-2018 complied by the National Statistical Institute of Spain, which contains matched employee-employer microdata. Methodology: We propose different wage decompositions across the wage distribution based on unconditional quantile regressions. Results: In feminised sectors, such as hospitality and travel agencies, the gender wage gap follows an increasing trend across the wage distribution, whereas in masculinised sectors, such as transportation, the gap follows a decreasing trend, becoming nonsignificant at the highest wage levels. Except in the case of transportation, gender wage discrimination increases as wages increase and is the component that explains the major part of this gap. The results show that there are differential barriers to the promotion of women at a sectoral level that perpetuate gender roles, particularly in positions of high responsibility.Ayuda B3 Contrato Predoctoral del Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap in Europe: Evidence from the Tourism Sector

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    Unfavourable labour conditions in the tourism sector and the gender wage gap have been found to be significant in studies carried out for different countries, demonstrating that this is an international phenomenon. However, its study has only been addressed in a singular way in specific countries, such as Spain, Norway, UK, Portugal, Italy or USA (Burgess, 2003; Santos and Varejão, 2007; Skalpe, 2007; Thrane, 2008; Campos Ortega and Ropero, 2009). To our knowledge, no international comparisons with supranational database have been carried out to explain the heterogeneity of the gender wage gap between countries and its main determinants. This paper uses a micro and macro perspectives simultaneously, through a multilevel approach, which may be helpful for understanding how the characteristics of the employees of each country (compositional effect) and how the country characteristics (contextual effect) can affect the differences at European level in the gender wage gap and its discriminatory component in the tourism sector.II Plan Propio de Investigación, Divulgación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Gender wage gap along the wage distribution: Evidence at sectorial level.

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    This paper contributes to the study of the gender wage gap in the Spanish services sector, through the specific analysis of its four main sub-sectors: hospitality industry, transport industry, travel agencies services and other complementary services. Its objective is to analyse the different determinants of the gender wage gap across the wage distribution. This analysis makes it possible to examine the extent to which these determinants affect the wage decomposition in each sector in a heterogeneous way, showing whether there are significant differences in the discriminatory and non-discriminatory components between the different wage levels. Among the factors analysed, vertical gender segregation and the human capital of workers stand out. In relation to the latter determinant, special attention is paid to education and educational mismatch.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Male sterility and somatic hybridization in plant breeding

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    Plant male sterility refers to the failure in the production of fertile pollen. It occurs spon-taneously in natural populations and may be caused by genes encoded in the nuclear (genicmale sterility; GMS) or mitochondrial (cytoplasmic male sterility; CMS) genomes. Thisfeature has great agronomic value for the production of hybrid seeds, since it prevents self-pollination without the need of emasculation which is time-consuming and cost-intensive.CMS has been widely used in crops, such as corn, rice, wheat, citrus, and several speciesof the family Solanaceae. Mitochondrial genes determining CMS have been uncovered ina wide range of plant species. The modes of action of CMS have been classified in terms ofthe effect they produce in the cell, which ultimately leads to a failure in the production offertile pollen. Male fertility can be restored by nuclear-encoded genes, termed restorer-of-fertility (Rf) factors. CMS from wild plants has been transferred to species of agronomicinterest through somatic hybridization. Somatic hybrids have also been produced togenerate CMS de novo upon recombination of the mitochondrial genomes of two parentalplants or by separating the CMS cytoplasm from the nuclear Rf alleles. As a result, somatichybridization can be used as a highly efficient and useful strategy to incorporate CMS inbreeding programs.Fil: Garcia, Laura Evangelina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Edera, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Marfil, Carlos Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Puerta, María Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; Argentin

    A Case Report of Acute Severe Myelitis and Meningitis Secondary to Varicella Zoster Virus Reactivation in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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    Background: Myelitis post Herpes-Zoster is a rare condition that is typically associated with immunocompromised states. It usually starts as an acute loss of sensory and motor functions below the affected spinal cord level. The condition can range in severity from a mild to a fatal presentation. Other neurological complications include meningitis, atypical presentations should encourage the search for undiagnosed immunosuppression states. The Case: We describe the case of a 42-year-old man, with previously undiagnosed HIV, who developed acute myelitis and meningitis after the appearance of the classic zoster lesions. On lumbar puncture and subsequent CSF analysis, the patient was found to have Froin's Syndrome. The patient was initiated with ceftriaxone, vancomycin, and acyclovir regimen and prophylactic antiphymic treatment was also added. After 14 days in the hospital, the fever, headache, and neck stiffness subsided while the sphincter function and lower limb paraplegia did not improve. Conclusion: Varicella zoster virus reactivation suggests underlying immunosuppression. This case demonstrates the importance of being cognizant to the wide range of clinical manifestations that may suggest spinal cord involvement after clinical reactivation. Furthermore, physicians also need to be mindful that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and other immunodeficiency states could present with atypical clinical manifestations