311 research outputs found

    Brachistosternus cepedai (Scorpiones: Bothriuridae), the fi rst scorpion to be designated as an endangered species in the Atacama Desert: Reasons and impacts

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    Se analizan los fundamentos por los cuales Brachistosternus cepedai (Scorpiones: Bothriuridae) ha sido considerado el primer escorpión en categoría de conservación en el Desierto de Atacama. Se discute sobre la sistemática y distribución particular de B. cepedai, así como las amenazas y posibles medidas para la conservación de esta especie endémica de un reducido sector del desierto costero chileno.We analyze the reasons for considering Brachistosternus cepedai (Scorpiones: Bothriuridae), the first scorpion to be included in a conservation category in the Atacama Desert. We also discuss the systematic position and restricted distribution of B. cepedai, as well as potential threats and conservation measures for this species, which is endemic to a reduced area of the Chilean coastal desert.Fil: Pizarro Araya, Jaime. Universidad de La Serena; ChileFil: Ojanguren Affilastro, Andres Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Departamento de Invertebrados. Area de Entomologia; Argentin

    Mejoramiento de Barrios en el Asentamiento 1 De Mayo, Desamparados, San José

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    ResumenEl presente trabajo consiste en una propuesta de mejoramiento de barrios informales, por medio de la aplicación de metodologías participativas en la comunidad de 1 de Mayo, ubicada en el cantón de Desamparados, de la provincia de San José. Aborda la problemática del hábitat degradado y el déficit de vivienda de este asentamiento. Sin embargo, se debe tomar en cuenta que es una de las principales problemáticas que afectan a la sociedad de hoy en día. Solo en América Latina, la producción social del hábitat es el principal gestor de ciudades. Esto se debe a que la oferta de vivienda existente en el mercado formal no da solución habitacional a las diferentes condiciones sociales y económicas de la población, generando concentraciones de pobreza y de riqueza que produce ciudades cada vez más desiguales. AbstractThis work is a proposal for the improvement of informal settlements, through the application of participatory methodologies in the community of 1 de Mayo, located in the canton of Desamparados, in the province of San José. The proposal addresses the problem of degraded habitat and housing deficit of the settlement. However, it should be noticed that these issues stand among the main problems affecting society today. Only in Latin America, the social production of the habitat is one of the central city management mechanisms. This condition takes place because the existing supply of housing in the formal housing market does not provide a solution for the different social and economic conditions of the population, generating concentrations of poverty and wealth which outcome is increasingly unequal city schemes.

    Diseño, Implementación y Ejecución de un Sistema de Información para la toma de decisiones en el Centro de Práctica Docente y Experimentación Agropecuaria de la Escuela de Ingeniería Agropecuaria Administrativa

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería Agropecuaria Administrativa) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Agropecuaria Administrativa, 2009.El Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica fue creado el 10 de junio de 1971, encontrándose su sede principal en la ciudad de Cartago. En el año de 1976 las autoridades administrativas de la Institución, inauguran la carrera de Administración Agropecuaria, fijándose como objetivo general la preparación de profesionales en este campo. Para lo cual, cuenta con un centro de prácticas en donde los estudiantes reciben una educación de calidad, al ampliar los conocimientos de los cursos recibidos por medio de la experimentación en diversas parcelas que ellos cultivan con diferentes especies hortícolas, mediante los cuales generan información de los procesos de producción para luego analizarlos.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR

    Nuevos datos de distribución del género Phoniocercus Pocock, 1893 (Scorpiones; Bothriurdae) con el primer registro para Argentina

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    Scorpion genus Phoniocercus Pocock, 1893 (Bothriuridae) is endemic to the cold humid forests of the southwestern part of South America. Up to now the known distribution of the genus was restricted to the Valdivian forests of southern Chile. In this contribution we present the first record from Argentina and the first records from central Chile. New data about their ecology and systematics are also presented.El género de escorpiones Phoniocercus Pocock, 1893 (Bothriuridae) es endémico de los bosques húmedos y fríos del sudoeste de América del Sur. Hasta ahora la dis- tribución conocida del mismo se encontraba restringida a los bosques Valdivianos del sur de Chile. En esta con- tribución presentamos el primer registro de la Argentina y los primeros registros del centro de Chile. También se presentan nuevos datos sobre su ecología y sistemática.Fil: Ojanguren Affilastro, Andres Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Pizarro Araya, Jaime . Universidad de la Serena; ChileFil: Sage, Richard . Sociedad Naturalista Andino Patagónica; Argentin

    Gene expression studies in isolated mitochondria: Solanum tuberosum rps10 is recognized by cognate potato but not by the transcription, splicing and editing machinery of wheat mitochondria

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    The complex gene expression mechanisms that occur in plant mitochondria, such as RNA editing and splicing, are not yet well understood. RNA editing in higher plant mitochondria is a highly specific process which modifies mRNA sequences by C-to-U conversions. It has been suggested that in some cases this process is required for splicing. Here, we use an experimental model based on the introduction of DNA into isolated mitochondria by electroporation to study organellar gene expression events. Our aim was to compare processing and editing of potato small ribosomal protein 10 gene (rps10) transcripts in heterologous (wheat mitochondria) and homologous (potato mitochondria) contexts. rps10 is a suitable model because it contains a group II intron, is absent in wheat mitochondria but is actively expressed in potato mitochondria, where transcripts are spliced and undergo five C-to-U editing events. For this purpose, conditions for electroporating isolated potato mitochondria were established. rps10 was placed under the control of either potato or wheat cox2 promoters. We found that rps10 was only transcribed under the control of a cognate promoter. In wheat mitochondria, rps10 transcripts were neither spliced nor edited while they are correctly processed in potato mitochondria. Interestingly, a wheat editing site grafted into rps10 was not recognized by wheat mitochondria but was correctly edited in potato mitochondria. Taken together, these results suggest that editing might occur only when the transcripts are engaged in processing and that they would not be available to editing factors outside of a putative RNA maturation machinery complex

    New data on Chilean Urophonius Pocock, 1893 (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae), with description of a new species

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    New data are provided on Chilean species of the bothriurid genus Urophonius Pocock, 1893. Urophonius mondacai, n. sp., from central Chile is described. Urophonius tumbensis Cekalovic, 1981, is redescribed according to modern standards, and information about its distribution and ecology provided. Urophonius transandinus Acosta, 1998, is redescribed, its known distribution enlarged, and data on the morphological variation among its populations provided. A modification to Maury's (1973) group division of the genus is presented. Urophonius is divided into two groups instead of three as proposed by Acosta (1988). A distribution map for the three species covered in this contribution is provided, together with a key to the Chilean species of the genus.Fil: Ojanguren Affilastro, Andres Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; ArgentinaFil: Pizarro Araya, Jaime. Universidad de La Serena; ChileFil: Prendini, Lorenzo. American Museum of Natural History; Estados Unido

    Crecimiento de fruto, caracteristicas organolepticas y vida poscosecha en Vaccinium corymbosum sv. Brigitta bajo mallas sombreadoras

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    51 p.El arándano de arbusto alto (Vaccinium corymbosum L) en su ambiente natural (Norteamérica) crece condiciones de sotobosque. En los últimos 15 años nuestro país ha incrementado fuertemente la superficie plantada (998%). En este ámbito, es necesario aumentar la eficiencia del cultivo en términos productivos, así como también respecto a la logística y sistema de cosecha. En este contexto, el uso de mallas sombreadoras podría reducir el estrés de las plantas, como ha sido demostrado en frutales de hoja caduca y plantas ornamentales. Últimamente se han realizado ensayos con mallas de sombreamiento en arándano, pero se desconoce el efecto que las mallas (color y porcentaje de sombra), puedan tener sobre la curva de crecimiento del fruto y las características organolépticas asociadas en cada etapa (desde cambio de color hasta el máximo crecimiento de fruto). Por ello se realizó un ensayo comparativo de un control (sin malla), cuatro tipos de sombreamiento con mallas blancas de 25, 50 y 70 % y malla negra de 50%, en la temporada 2008/09, en un huerto comercial adulto del cv. de arbusto alto Brigitta en Linares. Con frutos que presenten etapa fisiológica de desarrollo similar, los tratamientos presentaron una curva de crecimiento doble sigmoidea. Una vez que alcanzaron el cambio de color (maduración), los frutos siguieron aumentando su diámetro entre 9,5 (blanca 50%) y 15,8% (blanca 70%). Blanca 25% presentó maduración más concentrada (38 días) que los demás tratamientos (60 días). Al final de la temporada, no hubo diferencias entre tratamientos en el rendimiento acumulado. Las mallas negra 50% y blanca 70% presentaron mayores pesos y tamaños de fruto respecto al control y un retraso del peak de cosecha de casi 2 semanas. Las mallas no alteraron las presiones de cosecha. Blanca (25 y 50%) y control tuvieron similar contenido de sólidos solubles a lo largo de la temporada, el cual fue mayor que Blanca 70% y negra 50%. Los tratamientos en base al porcentaje de pleno sol presentaron una correlación significativa donde a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol menor es el porcentaje de acidez, situación contraria presentó la correlación sólidos soluble/acidez, ya que a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol, mayor fue dicha relación. Los tratamientos en base al porcentaje de pleno sol presentaron una correlación significativa para acidez y relación sólidos solubles/acidez, donde a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol menor es el porcentaje de acidez, sin embargo, a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol mayor es la relación sólidos solubles/acidez. Las mallas blanca (70 y 50%) y negra (50%) presentaron mayor contenido de agua de la fruta a cosecha (86, 85,9 y 85,8% promedio respectivamente) en comparación al control (84,8%). Palabras claves: Vaccinium corymbosuma, malla sombreadora, calidad, postcosecha./ ABSTRACT: The highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L) is an understory plant in its natural condition (North America). In the past 15 years Chile has greatly increased its area planted (998%). It is necessary to improve the crop in terms of productivity, as well as harvest logistics and system. In this context, the use of shading nets could reduce stress in plants, as has been demonstrated in deciduous fruit trees and ornamental plants. Recent trials have been conducted with shading nets in blueberry, but it is unknown the effect that nets (color and shade percentage) can have on the fruit growth curve and organoleptic characteristics in each growth stage (from color change to maximum fruit growth). In this context, a trial was conducted to compare a control (no net), and four types of shading with white nets 25, 50 and 70% and 50% black net in the 2008/09 season, in an adult commercial orchard cv. Brigitta in Linares. With fruit of similar physiological stage of development, the treatments showed a double sigmoid growth curve. Once the color change was reached (maturation), fruits continued to increase their diameter from 9.5 (white 50%) to 15.8% (white 70%). White 25% had more concentrated ripening (38 days) than the other treatments (60 days). At the end of the season, the cumulative yield per treatment did not differ statistically. Black 50% and white 70% had higher fruit weights and sizes than control and a delayed harvest peak of about 2 weeks. The nets did not alter fruit firmness at harvest. White (25 and 50%) and control had similar soluble solids throughout the season which was greater than white 70% and black 50%. Treatments based on the percentage of full sunlight showed a significant correlation relationship for acidity and soluble solids / acidity, where a higher percentage of full sun lower the percentage of acidity, however, a higher percentage of full sun is the most solid relationship soluble acidity. White (70 and 50%) and black nets (50%) had the highest fruit water content at harvest (averages of 86.0, 85.9 and 85.8%, respectively) compared to control (84.8%)

    Performative architecture

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. Page 233 blank.Includes bibliographical references (p. 228-232).The following thesis explores two central hypotheses. On the one hand it introduces the idea of performative architecture (performance in design), and has done so with the desire to contribute directly to the expansion of design education and practice. It proposes stretch the boundaries of the discipline by challenging current paradigms on architectural theory and practice by conveying an axiom of active engagement between artifacts and their environments with human users/inhabitants forming part of such an environment. Performance is here proposed as the action that mediates the two forces of artifice and environment. The second hypothesis of this thesis has been to offer a distinct point of view regarding analogue relations-as asserted by this work-between the design process-as it relates to pedagogy and practice-and the performance of design (considered through that which is built, materialized and produced) as it engages with its surroundings. Designing requires fundamental ambiguity, imposing both theoretically and empirically, a methodological systematization of two recurrent and consequent processes: mergence and emergence. I will describe how both, explained by Shape Grammars design theory, are complimentary and interdependent processes, mergence in order to produce the essential ambiguity required and emergence in order to embed and operate, and that this processes are present both during the design process (designing) and during the experience of design (inhabiting/using). These two hypotheses temporarily blur the distinction between environment and design artifact, or between natural and artificial, and propose a displacement of these distinctions towards the performance of the interfaces between such conditions, independent of their "natural" or "artificial" transient connotations. I will describe how this manifold notion of performance can be used to understand this displacement in architectural discourse, and its practical implications towards a performative architecture.by Sergio Araya.Ph.D

    Electrically-Conductive Polyketone Nanocomposites Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide

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    In this work, we investigated the functionalization of polyketone 30 (PK30) with glycyl-glycine (Gly-Gly) via the Paal-Knorr reaction with the aim of homogenously dispersing two types of reduced graphene oxide (rGO, i.e., lrGO and hrGO, the former characterized by a lower degree of reduction in comparison to the latter) by non-covalent interactions. The functional PK30-Gly-Gly polymer was effective in preparing composites with homogeneously distributed rGO characterized by an effective percolation threshold at 5 wt. %. All the composites showed a typical semiconductive behavior and stable electrical response after several heating/cooling cycles from 30 to 115 °C. Composites made by hrGO displayed the same resistive behaviour even if flanked by a considerable improvement on conductivity, in agreement with the more reduced rGO content. Interestingly, no permanent percolative network was shown by the composite with 4 wt. % of lrGO at temperatures higher than 45 °C. This material can be used as an ON-OFF temperature sensor and could find interesting applications as sensing material in soft robotics applications